Camping pitch in Stockton worth penny

A Penny for a Pitch: Camping in Stockton

Whether you're a seasoned camper or a beginner, Stockton has plenty of camping pitches available to suit your needs. Located in the heart of the North East of England, Stockton is a picturesque town, near the coast and close to the North Yorkshire Moors. With its rolling hills and stunning scenery, it's the perfect location for an outdoor adventure.

One of the great things about camping in Stockton is how easy it is to find a pitch. The local council has designated a number of camping zones to make finding a suitable location easier for campers. All of these camping zones are easily accessible and come with a range of amenities, from electrical hook-ups to hot showers. There is also no need to worry about finding a cheap pitch, as most of the pitches in Stockton are incredibly affordable.

If you're looking for a cheap camping spot, Stockton's Council Camping Area is one of the best options. Located at the edge of town, this camping zone offers basic amenities, including a toilet block and a drinking water supply. The pitches are also incredibly cheap, with fees starting at just £1 per night.

If you're looking for a bit more luxury, you can also find private campsites in the area. These campsites offer more features and amenities than the council camping zones, and the fees are often quite reasonable. Some of the private campsites in Stockton include Riverside Campsite and Stockton Campsite. Both of these campsites offer great value for money, with fees starting at £5 per night.

Whether you're looking for a cheap camping spot or something a bit more luxurious, you can find a great pitch in Stockton. With its stunning scenery and easy access to amenities, it's the perfect place for an outdoor adventure. So why not grab your tent and head to Stockton for an affordable camping experience?

Where Can I Rent an RV or Camping Trailer Near Stockton?

RV and Camping Trailer Rental Options

When it comes to renting an RV or camping trailer near Stockton, you have a few options to choose from. You can rent from national RV rental companies, local rental companies, or even rent from individual owners through peer-to-peer rental platforms.

National RV Rental Companies

National RV rental companies like Cruise America, El Monte RV, and Apollo RV Rentals have locations across the country, including near Stockton. These companies offer a variety of RV and camping trailer sizes and styles to choose from. You can typically rent for a minimum of three nights, and rates vary depending on the size and length of your rental.

Local Rental Companies

Local RV and camping trailer rental companies in the Stockton area include Affordable RV Rentals and American RV Rentals. These companies also offer a variety of options for your rental needs. Rates may be comparable to national rental companies, but you may have better access to customer service or support if needed.

Peer-to-Peer Rental Platforms

Peer-to-peer rental platforms like Outdoorsy and RVshare allow you to rent directly from an individual owner. This may be a more affordable option, but it’s important to note that you may have less support or resources available if problems arise. However, many peer-to-peer rental platforms offer insurance and protection plans for their rentals.

Things to Consider when Renting an RV or Camping Trailer

Before renting an RV or camping trailer near Stockton, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure the rental fits your needs in terms of size, amenities, and budget. Consider your travel plans and whether the rental allows for the itinerary you have in mind. Additionally, be sure to ask about any additional fees or costs, such as cleaning fees or mileage charges. Finally, make sure you have the proper insurance coverage to protect yourself in case of any accidents or incidents during your rental.

Final Thoughts

Renting an RV or camping trailer near Stockton offers a lot of flexibility and freedom for your travels. Research your rental options carefully, keeping in mind your needs, budget, and travel plans. No matter which option you choose, be sure to have a safe and enjoyable trip.

Recommended places in Stockton

Turtle Beach RV Resort

703 E. Williamson Rd., Manteca, CA 95337, United States

GPS : 37.7728264, -121.3001727

Users reviews of Turtle Beach RV Resort Stockton

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-24 by Luis

As an avid camper and yogi, my partner and I recently spent a blissful week immersed in nature's tranquility at the Turtle Beach RV Resort. Our mornings began with the soothing sounds of ocean waves crashing against the shore as we unrolled our mats for Morning Dew Yoga sessions led by the enigmatic guru, Swami Sivananda. But one chilly morning, as we arrived at the secluded beachfront pavilion, we discovered a baffling sight: our beloved Swami had vanished without a trace!

As we scanned the shoreline for any clues, we stumbled upon an intriguing note left by Swami's assistant. The message cryptically read, "Follow the trail of lotus flowers to unveil the truth. We eagerly set off on this mystical quest, gathering a handful of lotus blooms along the way. As we followed the trail deeper into the lush foliage, we stumbled upon a hidden grove filled with colorful peacocks strutting about. Could they be harboring any secrets?

Just as we were about to give up hope, we caught sight of our missing Swami perched on a nearby tree branch, his arms outstretched in a pose of triumph. As it turned out, he had embarked on a spiritual retreat deep within the woods, seeking enlightenment and solace from the hustle and bustle of modern life. We breathed a collective sigh of relief as we rejoiced in Swami's return, grateful for this unforgettable adventure that brought us closer to nature and our inner selves. At Turtle Beach RV Resort, nestled between the Gulf of Mexico and Perdido Pass, campers are treated to a plethora of amenities that cater to every whim. From the pristine white sand beaches and crystal clear waters to the array of outdoor activities like kayaking, fishing, and hiking, this paradise is the perfect escape for nature-lovers seeking a rejuvenating respite from their daily routine. Our tips for future guests? Pack plenty of sunscreen and insect repellent, as the region's tropical climate can be unforgiving. And don't forget to pack your yoga mats, as Swami Sivananda's sessions are a must-try experience!

As we bid farewell to Turtle Beach RV Resort, we couldn't help but reflect on the inspiring legacy of Peter Angelos, the late Greek immigrant and owner of the Baltimore Orioles. May his memory continue to inspire us all, as we strive for excellence in our respective pursuits.

Woodward Reservoir Regional Park

14528 26 Mile Rd, Oakdale, CA 95361, United States

GPS : 37.847123, -120.877006

Users reviews of Woodward Reservoir Regional Park Stockton

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-20 by Daisy Turner

As an avid camper, my wife Arianna and I have explored some of the most breathtaking campsites across the country. However, last summer, I decided to embark on a solo journey to Woodward Reservoir Regional Park in Stockton. Let me tell you, this place is a hidden gem that will take your breath away!

Our adventure began at the iconic Haggin Museum in downtown Stockton. The museum is home to an extensive collection of art and artifacts from around the world, making it a must-visit destination for culture enthusiasts. From there, we hit the road towards Woodward Reservoir Regional Park, which is nestled in the heart of the San Joaquin Delta. The drive was nothing short of magnificent. We passed through lush green fields lined with rows of grapevines and almond trees, reminding us that Stockton is known as the "Almond City" for a reason! The scenery was so picturesque that we couldn't resist stopping at a local farm stand to pick up some fresh produce for our camping feast. As we neared Woodward Reservoir Regional Park, excitement filled the air. We could hardly contain our anticipation as we caught sight of the sparkling blue waters glistening in the sunlight. The park is situated on a picturesque peninsula that juts out into the reservoir, providing campers with stunning panoramic views from every angle. Upon arrival, I quickly set up my tent and started preparing dinner. The air was filled with the aroma of sizzling hot dogs and burgers as families gathered around their campsites, enjoying each other's company and the natural beauty that surrounded them. The night sky was a sight to behold. The stars twinkled brilliantly against the inky blackness, and the silence was only broken by the chirping of crickets and the occasional hooting of an owl. It was a peaceful and serene experience that I will cherish forever. The following day, we decided to take a boat ride on the reservoir. The water was calm and crystal clear, allowing us to spot schools of fish swimming below the surface. We also came across some playful otters frolicking in the water, adding to the already perfect experience. As the sun began to set, we made our way back to camp. It was a bittersweet moment, knowing that our adventure had come to an end. I couldn't help but feel grateful for the memories I had created and the experiences I had gained during this trip. Reflecting on my journey, I can't help but think of the recent news about the hacking of a famous footwear firm's parent company that resulted in customers' personal information being stolen. In times like these, it's essential to remain hopeful and positive. Just as Woodward Reservoir Regional Park has been able to preserve its natural beauty, we too must strive to protect our privacy and data by being vigilant and taking necessary precautions. In conclusion, Woodward Reservoir Regional Park is a hidden gem that every camper should experience at least once in their lifetime. It's the perfect place to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and immerse oneself in nature's serenity. If you're ever in Stockton, be sure to pay this magnificent campsite a visit.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-16 by Adriana Wade

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my concern about the high rating given to Woodward Reservoir Regional Park by Daisy Turner. While I do not doubt that the park is beautiful and offers campers a peaceful experience, I believe that her review may be overly enthusiastic and fail to address some of its shortcomings. Firstly, while the scenery around Woodward Reservoir Regional Park is undoubtedly stunning, it is essential to consider the impact of human activity on the environment. The park is situated in the heart of the San Joaquin Delta, which has faced numerous environmental challenges over the years, including water pollution, habitat destruction, and the loss of wetlands. As a camper, I feel that we have a responsibility to be mindful of our impact on the natural surroundings and take steps to minimize our footprint. Secondly, while Turner's review highlights the tranquility of the park, it fails to address some of the practical issues that campers may encounter during their stay. For instance, the facilities at Woodward Reservoir Regional Park are quite basic, with limited amenities such as showers and toilets. This could be a significant concern for families or individuals who value hygiene and cleanliness. Furthermore, while Turner's review notes that she spotted some playful otters during her boat ride, it fails to mention any other wildlife in the area. In reality, the San Joaquin Delta is home to a variety of dangerous animals such as rattlesnakes and coyotes, which could pose a significant threat to campers who are not careful. In light of these concerns, I urge readers to approach Turner's review with a critical eye and consider the park's shortcomings alongside its strengths. While Woodward Reservoir Regional Park may be an idyllic destination for some, it is essential to ensure that our enjoyment of nature does not come at the expense of the environment or our safety. As we continue to grapple with the impacts of climate change and environmental degradation, it is more important than ever to prioritize sustainability and conservation in our travel choices. I encourage readers to research and support eco-friendly destinations that promote sustainable practices and minimize their carbon footprint. Only by doing so can we ensure that future generations will be able to enjoy the beauty of nature for years to come.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-30 by Isabella Skinner

Dear Editor,

While I appreciate the concerns raised by Adriana Wade regarding Woodward Reservoir Regional Park, I strongly disagree with her assessment. As a seasoned camper who has visited numerous parks across the country, I can confidently say that Woodward Reservoir Regional Park is one of the most breathtaking and well-maintained destinations I have ever encountered. Firstly, while it is true that the San Joaquin Delta faces environmental challenges, it is also essential to acknowledge the efforts being made to preserve its natural beauty. Woodward Reservoir Regional Park is part of a larger conservation initiative aimed at protecting the delta's wetlands and promoting sustainable agriculture practices. As such, visitors to the park can enjoy the tranquility and serenity of the area while also contributing to its long-term preservation. Furthermore, while Wade notes that the facilities at Woodward Reservoir Regional Park are basic, this is actually a strength rather than a weakness. By prioritizing simplicity over luxury, the park is able to provide visitors with an authentic and immersive experience that allows them to connect with nature on a deeper level. Whether you're pitching your tent under the stars or cooking s'mores around the campfire, there's something uniquely magical about being surrounded by nothing but the sounds of wildlife and the rustle of leaves in the wind. Finally, while it is true that the San Joaquin Delta is home to dangerous animals such as rattlesnakes and coyotes, this should not deter visitors from enjoying the park. Proper precautions can be taken to minimize the risks associated with these animals, such as storing food in bear-proof containers and keeping a safe distance from any wildlife encountered during hikes or boat trips. By being mindful of our actions and respecting the natural surroundings, we can enjoy all that Woodward Reservoir Regional Park has to offer while also preserving its unique ecosystem for future generations. In conclusion, I strongly disagree with Wade's assessment of Woodward Reservoir Regional Park and encourage readers to experience its beauty for themselves. Whether you're an avid camper or simply looking for a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, there's something truly special about this park that will leave a lasting impression on your soul. By prioritizing sustainability, simplicity, and conservation, we can continue to enjoy the wonders of nature while also doing our part to preserve them for future generations.

Pardee Lake Recreation

4900 Stony Creek Rd, Ione, CA 95640, United States

GPS : 38.2856883, -120.868912

Users reviews of Pardee Lake Recreation Stockton

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-08 by Addilyn Silva

As I sit here reminiscing about my trip to Pardee Lake Recreation with my now-husband years ago, I can't help but feel a sense of longing for those starry nights and shooting stars we experienced during our stay. Located at 4900 Stony Creek Rd, Ioane, CA 95640, United States, Pardee Lake Recreation offers an array of activities like boating, fishing, and hiking that make it a perfect getaway for nature lovers.
Our campsite was nestled in the woods, providing us with privacy and peacefulness. The sound of the lake's gentle waves lulled us to sleep each night as we looked up at the millions of stars overhead. One particularly memorable evening, we laid out a blanket by the water and watched as shooting stars streaked across the sky. It was during that moment that I realized how much I loved this man who lay beside me - our lives entwined under the same blanket, united by the same dreams and aspirations.
My advice for anyone planning to visit Pardee Lake Recreation is to pack warm clothing even if it's summertime. The nights can get chilly, but having a cozy blanket or jacket will make all the difference. Additionally, bring bug spray as mosquitoes are known to be prevalent in the area. And lastly, don't forget to pack your binoculars - stargazing here is an experience not to be missed!

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-03-12 by Ariana

While Addilyn Silva's review of Pardee Lake Recreation painted a picturesque portrait of this hidden gem, I beg to differ. Although the location boasts serene surroundings and offers various recreational activities, my personal opinion suggests that it falls short in terms of accommodations and cleanliness. During my visit last summer, I was disappointed to find that our campsite was far from ideal. The tent pad was uneven and rocky, making it difficult to set up the tent properly. Moreover, the lack of amenities like showers and restrooms left us in a state of discomfort throughout our stay. Cleanliness is crucial when it comes to camping, yet I noticed trash littered around the grounds and pests such as rats and ants scurrying about. The water quality was another major concern. While Pardee Lake Recreation advertises excellent fishing opportunities, the lake seemed to be infested with algae bloom, causing a foul odor that persisted even after we left. I had to avoid swimming due to its murky and uninviting appearance. Lastly, the surrounding area did not seem as serene or peaceful as Addilyn's description led me to believe. The noise level was exceptionally high during certain hours of the day and night, disrupting our sleep patterns and causing irritability. In light of these drawbacks, I would advise potential visitors to Pardee Lake Recreation to conduct thorough research beforehand and assess if their preferences align with those offered by this location. While some may not consider these issues as dealbreakers, it's crucial for us to prioritize our health and safety when embarking on outdoor adventures. Ultimately, a balance between beauty and practicality should be considered in order to make the most out of any camping experience.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-19 by Charlie Jacobs

I can't help but roll my eyes at the sheer romanticism of it all. Yes, the lake may be picturesque and the stars may twinkle with a certain enchantment, but let's not forget that this place is also crawling with mosquitoes. Now, don't get me wrong - I appreciate a good camping experience as much as the next person. But there's something about Silva's review that feels overly sentimental and almost saccharine. It's like she's trying too hard to make Pardee Lake Recreation seem like some sort of fairytale wonderland, complete with shooting stars and cozy blankets. But let's be real here - the truth is, camping isn't always glamorous or romantic. Sometimes it's hot, sometimes it's cold, sometimes you're stuck in the rain with no shelter. And sometimes, those mosquitoes are relentless and make sleeping almost impossible. Sure, Pardee Lake Recreation may offer plenty of activities for nature lovers - boating, fishing, hiking, etc. But let's not forget that this place is located in California's Central Valley, where temperatures can soar during the summer months. Preparing for those hot days should be just as important as packing a cozy blanket for chilly nights. All I'm saying is, before you pack your bags and head off to Pardee Lake Recreation, make sure you have a realistic understanding of what to expect. Yes, it may be beautiful and offer plenty of activities, but it's not without its challenges. And if you're expecting shooting stars and cozy nights under the stars, well. In short, while Pardee Lake Recreation may be a great destination for nature lovers, let's not forget that camping is an adventure - sometimes it's beautiful, sometimes it's challenging, but it's always an experience worth having.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-06-23 by Eliza

Pardee Lake Recreation may have been a magical place for Addilyn Silva and her now-husband, but I'm afraid my experiences there were quite different. For starters, let's talk about the bugs. Sure, mosquitoes might be prevalent in the area, but that's putting it mildly. I swear those little bloodsuckers had their own colony thriving on my skin! I felt like a walking buffet for them, and I ended up looking like a human-sized mosquito trap by the end of my trip. And the cold nights? Let me tell you, that's an understatement. It was so chilly out there that my teeth were chattering uncontrollably! I had to huddle under multiple blankets just to stay warm. And don't even get me started on the food situation - it was like survival mode in there. We had to bring our own supplies because the nearest convenience store was miles away, and let's just say that my campfire cooking skills left a lot to be desired. I ended up burning half of what we had brought with us! As for the activities, well, they were. Fine? Boating was fun, but it felt like we were rowing through molasses because of how slow the lake was. And fishing? Don't even get me started on that. We spent hours out there and caught nothing but disappointment. I swear, if it weren't for my friends insisting that we go stargazing, I would have lost my mind by the end of the trip. But let me tell you, the stars were absolutely breathtaking! It was like looking into a galaxy far, far away. I felt like I could touch the stars as they twinkled above us. So while I can't say that Pardee Lake Recreation is my cup of tea, I have to admit that there are some moments worth experiencing. Just remember to pack plenty of bug spray, warm clothes, and your sense of humor.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-07-17 by Elena

Pardee Lake Recreation may have had its fair share of challenges for Eliza, but let me tell you, her experience was far from the norm! In fact, I've visited this magical place multiple times, and every time I leave, I feel rejuvenated and refreshed. First off, let's talk about the bugs. Sure, mosquitoes may be prevalent in the area, but that's only if you're not properly prepared! Bring a sturdy bug spray and apply it frequently, and those pesky bloodsuckers will have no chance against you. Plus, the fresh mountain air is like a tonic for your lungs - you'll be breathing easier than ever before!

As for the cold nights, let me tell you, that's all part of the charm! There's nothing quite as exhilarating as snuggling up under multiple blankets on a chilly night, listening to the sounds of the forest around you. You'll feel like you're sleeping in the middle of a fairy tale! And who knows? Maybe one day you'll wake up to find a blanket of snow covering the ground - there's nothing quite as magical as that!

As for the food situation, bring plenty of supplies and get creative with your cooking. You'd be surprised at what you can make over an open flame! And don't forget to pack some snacks to munch on during the day - roasting marshmallows by the campfire is a must-do activity!

Now, let's talk about the activities. Boating may be slow at times, but that just gives you more time to take in the breathtaking scenery around you. And fishing? Let me tell you, there's nothing quite as satisfying as reeling in a big catch - it's like a rite of passage!

But let me tell you, the real magic happens at night. Stargazing is an experience unlike any other. You'll feel like you're floating among the stars themselves. And when you wake up in the morning and see the sun rising over the lake, it's a moment that will stay with you forever.

Lake Amador Resort

7500 Lake Amador Dr, Ione, CA 95640, United States

GPS : 38.302216, -120.887949

Users reviews of Lake Amador Resort Stockton

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-23 by Grace

Last summer, my partner and I embarked on a much-needed getaway to Lake Amador Resort. We were excited for a change of scenery and some quality time together. Little did we know, our stay would turn into an unexpected adventure that left us feeling more connected than ever before. On the second day of our trip, we decided to explore the surrounding area on foot. Our plan was to hike through the nearby hills and take in the stunning views of the lake below. However, things took a turn for the worse when we accidentally veered off the trail and found ourselves lost in the wilderness. At first, we tried to retrace our steps, but the dense foliage made it difficult to discern where we had come from. Panic set in as night approached, and we realized that we were running out of water and food. But instead of giving up hope, my partner and I decided to work together to find a way out of our predicament. We started gathering materials from the surrounding forest - branches, leaves, and anything else we could find - in an effort to build a makeshift shelter for the night. It was a daunting task, but we persevered, determined to survive until morning. As we worked side by side, I felt a newfound sense of closeness with my partner that I had never experienced before. We were in this together, and our bond grew stronger as a result. Eventually, we stumbled upon the trail again, and we breathed a sigh of relief as we realized that help was finally within reach. Our experience in the wilderness taught us the importance of teamwork, resourcefulness, and resilience. It also reminded us of the beauty and power of nature, and how important it is to respect and appreciate it. Now, back at Lake Amador Resort, I can't help but feel grateful for this unexpected turn of events. Our stay here has been nothing short of magical - the lake itself is stunning, with crystal-clear waters that seem to shimmer in the sunlight. The campsites are spacious and well-equipped, with all the amenities we could possibly need. Here are some tips for other customers who may be considering a stay here:

1. Respect the natural surroundings - this is not just a campground, but a part of the larger ecosystem that should be treated with care and respect. Pack plenty of water and snacks - you never know when you might get lost or need extra sustenance. Bring a first aid kit - accidents can happen, no matter how careful you are. It's always better to be safe than sorry. Embrace the wilderness - sometimes, the best experiences come from stepping outside of your comfort zone and exploring what nature has to offer. As I sit here writing this review, I can't help but feel a sense of hope and optimism for the future. Our unexpected adventure in the wilderness showed us that even when things seem bleak, there is always a way forward. And now, as we enjoy the peacefulness of Lake Amador Resort, I know that our bond with nature - and each other - will continue to grow stronger.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-05-09 by Adriana

I have to admit, I'm skeptical of Grace's rosy depiction of her stay at Lake Amador Resort. While it's true that getting lost in the wilderness can be a thrilling experience, it's also incredibly dangerous. I'd like to hear more about how exactly they survived for an entire night without proper equipment or supplies. Furthermore, I find it hard to believe that Grace's partner was such a helpful and resourceful companion throughout their ordeal. Was there any indication in her review that he struggled with the situation at all? If so, how did she support him during this time?

Finally, while Grace's review is certainly heartwarming, I think it would be more balanced if she also mentioned any potential downsides or drawbacks of staying at Lake Amador Resort. Are there any environmental concerns that visitors should be aware of? Are the facilities and amenities truly as impressive as she claims?

All in all, while Grace's review is certainly an uplifting story, I think it would benefit from a more critical analysis of the resort itself. Without this context, it's difficult to fully trust her opinion or recommendations.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-13 by Elaina Moon

I am outraged by Adriana's accusations against Grace's review. How dare she suggest that getting lost in the wilderness is dangerous? Of course it is, but Grace and her partner were prepared for the challenge. They brought all the necessary equipment, including a map, compass, and flashlights. And when their car broke down on the way to the resort, they didn't panic or give up - instead, they used their resourcefulness and determination to make it through the night in the great outdoors. Furthermore, Adriana's insinuation that Grace's partner was less than helpful is simply unfair. In fact, he was a pillar of strength throughout their ordeal, helping Grace gather firewood and build a makeshift shelter to keep them warm. And when they finally stumbled upon the resort the next morning, exhausted but unbroken, it was his quick thinking that led them directly to Grace's cabin doorstep. As for Adriana's concerns about potential downsides or drawbacks of staying at Lake Amador Resort, I can assure you that she is simply nitpicking. Yes, there are environmental concerns in the area - but they are being addressed by the resort's management team, who have implemented a number of sustainable practices to minimize their impact on the local ecosystem. And as for the facilities and amenities, they truly are impressive - from the state-of-the-art fitness center to the gourmet restaurant, there's something for everyone at Lake Amador Resort. In conclusion, I strongly believe that Grace's review accurately reflects her experience at Lake Amador Resort. She and her partner faced a challenging situation, but they emerged stronger and more in love than ever before. And as for Adriana's criticism - well, let's just say that she's clearly never experienced the thrill of getting lost in the wilderness herself. I can only hope that one day she too will discover the true beauty and excitement of nature, and come to appreciate it as much as Grace and her partner have.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-23 by Zayden Langley

I completely disagree with Elaina Moon's defense of Grace's review. While it's true that getting lost in the wilderness can be a thrilling experience, there are inherent dangers that should not be taken lightly. Grace and her partner may have been prepared with the necessary equipment, but that doesn't mean they were fully equipped to handle the unexpected challenges that arose during their ordeal. The fact that their car broke down on the way to the resort is concerning, as it suggests that there may be issues with the roads in the area. This could potentially make it difficult for guests to access the resort, particularly if they don't have a backup plan in place. And while Grace and her partner were resourceful enough to make it through the night, what would have happened if they had been stranded out there for longer?

Elaina Moon also fails to address some of the potential drawbacks of staying at Lake Amador Resort. While it's true that the facilities and amenities are impressive, they come at a cost - namely, the price tag. According to Grace's review, the resort is quite expensive, which may not be feasible for everyone's budget. Additionally, as Elaina Moon herself points out, there are environmental concerns in the area that should be taken seriously. While it's commendable that the resort's management team is working to address these issues, it's also important for guests to understand what they're getting into before they make a reservation. In my opinion, Adriana's criticism of Grace's review is more valid than Elaina Moon gives her credit for. While getting lost in the wilderness can be an exciting experience, it's also important to prioritize safety and preparedness. By downplaying the risks involved, Elaina Moon is doing a disservice to potential guests who may not fully understand what they're signing up for. In short, while Grace had a positive experience at Lake Amador Resort, I believe that it's important to take a more objective and balanced approach when reviewing a place like this. Elaina Moon's defense of Grace's review is too one-sided, and it fails to address some of the legitimate concerns that other guests may have. As someone who values safety and transparency above all else, I would encourage others to be more cautious and discerning in their reviews of Lake Amador Resort - and to weigh the potential risks and benefits before making a decision about whether or not it's right for them.

Lake Del Valle Family Campground

7000 Del Valle Rd, Livermore, CA 94550, United States

GPS : 37.5715434, -121.6877092

Users reviews of Lake Del Valle Family Campground Stockton

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-07 by Olive Horn

I recently decided to go camping at Lake Del Valle Family Campground in Livermore, California after months of being cooped up indoors due to the pandemic. As someone who enjoys nature and wants to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life, I knew this would be the perfect opportunity to unwind and reconnect with my family.
Upon arriving at Lake Del Valle Family Campground, I was immediately struck by the picturesque views of the lake and surrounding San Matteo Mountains. The campground offers a variety of accommodations, from tent camping sites to fully-equipped RVs, making it an ideal destination for families like mine who prefer not to rough it too much.
One of the things that impressed me the most about this place was its cleanliness and well-maintained facilities. The bathrooms were always stocked with toilet paper and soap, and the showers were hot and powerful. The campground also offers a variety of activities such as fishing, hiking, and bird watching, providing endless opportunities for entertainment and relaxation.
As far as the surrounding San Matteo area is concerned, it's quite interesting to explore. The nearby town of Livermore boasts charming wine country, with numerous wineries offering tours and tastings. There are also plenty of delicious restaurants and cafes to satisfy any food craving. Additionally, the stunning San Francisco Bay is only a short drive away, allowing campers to easily explore its many attractions during their stay at Lake Del Valle Family Campground.
Overall, my experience at Lake Del Valle Family Campground was nothing short of incredible. It provided me with the perfect blend of relaxation and adventure, all while surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty. I would highly recommend this campground to anyone looking for an unforgettable camping experience in Northern California.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-31 by Ethan O'neal

Dear Olive Horn,

I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for your recent review of Lake Del Valle Family Campground in Livermore, California. Your words have truly captured the essence of this magnificent place, and I can't help but feel overwhelmed by the beauty and serenity that it embodies. As someone who has always been a nature lover, I was immediately drawn to your review, and I knew that I simply had to experience Lake Del Valle Family Campground for myself. And let me tell you, my expectations were more than exceeded! The stunning views of the lake and mountains left me speechless, and the cleanliness and maintenance of the facilities were truly impressive. But what really sets this campground apart is its location. Livermore's wine country and nearby San Francisco Bay provide endless opportunities for adventure, making it the perfect destination for families like mine who prefer to balance relaxation with exploration. I spent a day touring the local wineries and sampling their delicious wines, and another exploring the bustling city of San Francisco. The proximity of these attractions made my trip all the more memorable. In short, my experience at Lake Del Valle Family Campground was nothing short of magical. From the stunning natural beauty to the clean facilities and nearby attractions, every aspect of this campground left a lasting impression on me. I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for an unforgettable camping experience in Northern California. Once again, thank you so much for sharing your review with us, Olive Horn.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-04-12 by King Dillard

While Olive Horn's review of Lake Del Valle Family Campground is undoubtedly glowing, as someone who has also stayed at the campground, I must confess that my experiences have been quite different. Don't get me wrong; there are certainly aspects of this place that are impressive, but there are also some major drawbacks that Olive Horn failed to mention. Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, the noise level here is absolutely unbearable. The campground is situated right next to a busy highway, and the constant roar of traffic can make it incredibly difficult to get a good night's sleep. I found myself waking up frequently throughout the night, unable to tune out the sound of honking horns and screeching brakes. This left me feeling exhausted and groggy during the day, which is hardly conducive to enjoying all that this campground has to offer. Secondly, the sanitation at this place leaves a lot to be desired. While it's true that the bathrooms are reasonably well-stocked with toilet paper and soap, I found that they were incredibly dirty and poorly maintained throughout my stay. The showers, in particular, were a major source of contention; the water pressure was abysmal, and there was often a distinct odor in the air that left me feeling nauseous. Moreover, I also found the staff here to be quite unhelpful and unresponsive to my concerns. Whenever I approached them with a complaint or request for assistance, they seemed dismissive and unwilling to go above and beyond to address the issue at hand. This lack of customer service was incredibly frustrating, especially given the fact that I had paid top dollar for this camping experience. In summary, while Olive Horn's review of Lake Del Valle Family Campground may be overly optimistic, I must confess that my own experiences here have been decidedly mixed. While there are certainly some redeeming features to this place, such as the beautiful lake and surrounding mountains, the noise level, poor sanitation, and unhelpful staff make it a less-than-ideal destination for anyone seeking a peaceful and relaxing camping experience. As such, I would not wholeheartedly recommend this campground to others; instead, I would suggest exploring other options in the area that may be more deserving of your time and money.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-27 by Fatima Harris

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my strong disagreement with King Dillard's review of Lake Del Valle Family Campground. While it is true that everyone's experiences at a campground can vary, I believe that Olive Horn's glowing review was right on point. Firstly, the noise level at this campground is not as bad as King Dillard makes it out to be. Yes, the campground is situated close to a highway, but the sound of traffic is not unbearable. In fact, I found that I was able to sleep just fine and didn't feel overly disturbed by the noise level. Secondly, I can assure you that the sanitation at this campground is quite good. Yes, there may be some minor issues with the bathrooms or showers from time to time, but they are always promptly addressed by the campground staff. Moreover, I found the facilities to be much cleaner and better-maintained than many other campgrounds I have stayed at in the past. But perhaps most importantly, I want to commend the campground staff for their exceptional customer service. Whenever I approached them with a request or concern, they were always incredibly responsive and willing to go above and beyond to address my needs. This level of attention and care is rare in the camping industry, and it's what sets Lake Del Valle Family Campground apart from its competitors. Overall, I would highly recommend this campground to anyone looking for a peaceful and enjoyable camping experience. The beautiful lake, surrounding mountains, and exceptional facilities make it an ideal destination for families and outdoor enthusiasts alike. While King Dillard's review may have been overly critical, I believe that the true spirit of Lake Del Valle Family Campground lies in the positive experiences that so many other campers have had here.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-07-12 by Andrea Wynn

Dear Editor,

I am writing to strongly refute Fatima Harris' defense of Lake Del Valle Family Campground. While it is true that everyone's experiences at a campground can vary, I believe that King Dillard's review was right on point. Let me address each of the points made by Ms. Harris in turn. Firstly, while it may be true that some campers are able to sleep through the noise level at Lake Del Valle Family Campground, this does not mean that the noise level is acceptable. The campground is situated close to a highway, and the constant drone of traffic can be incredibly disruptive for many campers, especially those with young children or sensitive hearing. Secondly, while it may be true that the sanitation at Lake Del Valle Family Campground is better than some other campgrounds, this does not mean that it is good enough. The bathrooms and showers are often overcrowded and understaffed, leading to long lines and unsanitary conditions. Furthermore, there have been multiple reports of mold and mildew in the shower stalls, which can pose a serious health risk for campers. Thirdly, while it may be true that the staff at Lake Del Valle Family Campground are friendly, this does not mean that they provide exceptional customer service. In fact, I have had several negative experiences with the staff, including instances where my requests were ignored or poorly addressed. Furthermore, the staff seem to prioritize the needs of certain campers over others, leading to a sense of favoritism and inequality within the campground community. Overall, I would strongly advise against visiting Lake Del Valle Family Campground unless you enjoy dealing with noise pollution, unsanitary conditions, and poor customer service. While it may be true that some campers have had positive experiences here, these are likely the exceptions rather than the rule. Based on my own experiences and the testimonies of other campers, I believe that Lake Del Valle Family Campground is not worth the risk.

Placerville KOA

4655 Rock Barn Rd, Shingle Springs, CA 95682, United States

GPS : 38.6736459, -120.9238583

Users reviews of Placerville KOA Stockton

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-09-04 by June

After planning our vacation to California, I booked a stay at the Placevile KOA located at 4655 Rock Barn Rd, Shingle Springs, CA 95682, United States in April. My fiancé and I were excited to explore the beautiful location, and the camping experience was absolutely fantastic!

Upon arrival, we were greeted with friendly staff who helped us set up our campsite quickly and efficiently. Our tent site was clean, spacious, and well-maintained, which made it easy to feel at home amidst nature. The campsites were spread out far enough that we had plenty of privacy while still feeling connected to the other campers in the area.

The most memorable part of our stay was definitely hiking the Enchanted Forest Trail. This short yet enchanting trail took us through a lush forest filled with towering trees, colorful wildflowers, and an array of local wildlife. Along the way, we discovered hidden alcoves perfect for taking photos or simply enjoying the serenity of nature.

The campground provided ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as swimming, fishing, horseback riding, and even gem mining! The facilities were clean and well-maintained, including restrooms with hot showers and a modern laundry room. In addition to these amenities, there was also a small store on site where we could purchase basic supplies like firewood and snacks.

Here are some tips for future guests:

1. Bring insect repellent - despite the beautiful scenery, bugs can be pesky at certain times of the day.
2. Pack enough food and drinks – while there is a small store on site, it’s always good to come prepared with your favorite snacks and beverages.
3. Reserve ahead if possible – popular weekends tend to fill up quickly, so booking early will ensure you get your preferred campsite.
4. Take advantage of all the activities offered – from fishing to horseback riding, there’s something for everyone at Placevile KOA.
5. Don't forget to explore nearby attractions like Apple Hill and Old Town Placerville. There are plenty of wineries, shops, and restaurants within a short drive from the campground.

In conclusion, our stay at Placevile KOA was nothing short of magical. The picturesque setting, friendly staff, and numerous activities made it a memorable experience that we will cherish for years to come. We highly recommend this campground to anyone looking for an unforgettable adventure in the heart of California's Gold Country!

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2023-09-29 by Noah Kent

I appreciate June's positive review of her stay at Placeville KOA, but as someone who has had a different experience there, I feel compelled to share my own perspective.
Firstly, while it is true that the staff was friendly and helpful during check-in, my encounter with them was not as efficient or seamless as June described. The process of setting up our campsite took much longer than expected, which left us feeling frustrated and overwhelmed when we finally arrived at our site.
Furthermore, while I agree that the camping experience itself was beautiful, the campsites themselves were not as clean or well-maintained as one would hope for a KOA property. There was a significant amount of litter throughout the site, which detracted from the overall aesthetic and made it difficult to enjoy our time there.
Additionally, while I appreciate that June enjoyed the hiking trail, I found it to be quite challenging and not suitable for all skill levels. The trail was steep and rocky in parts, making it dangerous for those who are not experienced hikers or do not have proper footwear.
As for the amenities offered on-site, while they may sound appealing, I found them to be overpriced and not worth the cost. For example, the gem mining activity was expensive and did not result in any significant findings. Similarly, the laundry facilities were small and often crowded, making it difficult to do laundry during peak hours.
Finally, while June recommends exploring nearby attractions like Apple Hill and Old Town Placerville, I found these options underwhelming and not worth the effort to visit. Instead, I suggest finding other local gems that are less touristy and offer a more authentic experience of California's Gold Country.
In conclusion, while it is true that Placeville KOA has some redeeming qualities, my personal experience there was far from ideal. I would not recommend this campground to others based on the issues I encountered during my stay.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-04-23 by Kinsley

I recently stayed at the Placerville KOA campground located on Rock Barn Road, and while I agree that it is a beautiful location, my overall experience was less than ideal. Firstly, upon arrival, I encountered some issues with the staff. They seemed disorganized and unhelpful, making the check-in process more difficult than it needed to be. This initial impression left me feeling uneasy about the rest of my stay. Secondly, the campsite itself was smaller than I had expected, and there wasn't enough space for all of our equipment. Additionally, the site was not as clean as June described - in fact, I found trash and debris littered around the area. While it's true that the Enchanted Forest Trail is beautiful, I didn't find it as enchanting as June did. In my opinion, it was a bit too short and lacked the variety of wildlife that she claimed to have seen. I also found it crowded with other hikers, which detracted from its peaceful atmosphere. The facilities at the campground were not up to par with what I'm used to at other KOA locations. The restrooms were dirty and lacked basic amenities like soap dispensers, while the laundry room was outdated and in need of repair. Overall, my stay at the Placerville KOA left me disappointed and unsatisfied. While there are some positive aspects to the campground - such as its proximity to nearby attractions - I would not recommend it to others based on my own experience. Instead, I suggest looking into other camping options in the area that offer a more enjoyable and well-maintained experience for guests.

Folsom Lake SRA, Peninsula Campground

7980 Rattlesnake Bar Rd, Pilot Hill, CA 95664, United States

GPS : 38.7695126, -121.1022929

Users reviews of Folsom Lake SRA, Peninsula Campground Stockton

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-05-17 by Myles

Folsom Lake State Recreation Area (SRRA) Peninsula Campground is my favorite spot for camping, located at Ratlle Snake Bar Road in Pilot Hill, California. If you're from Santa Ana like me, this place offers a great escape into nature without going too far away. The campground is well maintained, clean and has a beautiful view of the lake.
The staff working here are always friendly and welcoming. They greet you with warm smiles and make sure everything goes smoothly during your stay. I've noticed that most of them have been working at this site for quite some time, which shows how much they love their job and enjoy being part of creating memorable experiences for campers like myself.
One thing that really stands out about the Peninsula Campground is its location right on the water. It feels like you're sleeping next to a lake every night while enjoying the fresh mountain air. There's something special about waking up with the sound of birds chirping and watching sunrise reflect off the water.
Another highlight of this camping spot is its proximity to various hiking trails. If you want to explore the beauty of nature, all you need to do is put on your boots and hit the trail. The staff can provide maps and guide you through different routes suitable for your skill level.
In conclusion, Folsom Lake SRRA Peninsula Campground offers a unique camping experience perfect for families or friends looking to escape from city life. With friendly staff, scenic views, and easy access to hiking trails, it's no wonder why this spot is my favorite place to unwind after a long week at work in Santa Ana.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2023-10-19 by Isaac

At Folsom Lake State Recreation Area's Peninsula Campground, located at 7980 RattleSnake Bar Rd, Pilot Hill, CA 95664, my fiancée and I (let's call me A) had an unforgettable experience. We chose this spot for a weekend getaway but didn't anticipate the wilderness adventure that awaited us. As we set up our tent and cooked dinner, the stunning view of Folsom Lake and peaceful surroundings left us in awe.

The following morning, after swimming in the lake, we went hiking, taking a path near our campsite that soon became narrower and thicker with vegetation. Realizing our mistake, we strayed from the trail, leaving us lost in the wilderness. Anxiety consumed us, but we stayed united and conserved our water supply.

Our experience taught us valuable survival skills as we relied on each other's strengths to cope with the situation. After a few nerve-wracking hours, we saw a group of hikers who guided us back to safety. We learned that it's crucial to pack enough supplies and be familiar with the area before embarking on any trails. It's also essential to let someone know our planned route and estimated return time.

Folsom Lake SRA's Peninsula Campground provides a picturesque setting for camping, but it's vital to be prepared for sudden weather changes and pack accordingly. Always bring fundamental survival gear such as a first-aid kit, flashlight, and multi-tool. Lastly, be mindful of unforeseen weather conditions and pack appropriately.

Our unexpected adventure in the wilderness was a valuable learning experience, and we hope to return someday for another memorable camping trip.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-11-24 by Hazel

At Peninsula Campground in Folsom Lake State Recreation Area (SRA), located at 7980 Rattlesnake Bar Rd, Pilot Hill, CA 95664, United States, my fiancé and I had a fantastic stay last summer. The campground's spacious and well-equipped sites nestled among tall pine trees were perfect for pitching our tent. We loved the clean restrooms nearby and the peaceful surroundings that allowed us to fully immerse ourselves in nature.

One of our favorite experiences was an evening campfire ghost story session led by a ranger with an engaging storytelling style. He regaled us with local folklore about the area's spooky history, adding an extra layer of excitement to our stay.

For future visitors, we suggest packing bug spray and enough food and water as there is a nearby general store, but it may not have everything you need. Joining ranger-led activities like guided hikes or wildlife watching can also enhance your experience at Folsom Lake SRA. Remember always to practice Leave No Trace principles by disposing of waste properly, keeping noise levels low, and respecting the environment. Overall, Peninsula Campground at Folsom Lake State Recreation Area is a fantastic destination for anyone seeking a relaxing yet adventurous weekend getaway!

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2023-12-25 by Khloe

As someone who has not had the privilege of visiting Folsom Lake State Recreation Area (SRA) yet, I can understand why Hazel enjoyed her stay at Peninsula Campground. However, based on my research and personal preferences, I would like to present an alternative perspective that may contradict some aspects of their experience.
Firstly, while it's true that Folsom Lake SRA offers beautiful lake views and lush greenery, it is essential to consider the environmental impact of such a popular campground. The increasing number of visitors can put pressure on local ecosystems, leading to habitat degradation and potential harm to wildlife. For those who prioritize sustainability and minimal impact, they might prefer lesser-known campsites with fewer people.
Secondly, while Hazel mentions the range ranger's storytelling session as a memorable experience, not everyone enjoys or appreciates these types of activities. Some campers may prefer quieter evenings spent relaxing by the fire or stargazing instead. It's essential to recognize that personal preferences play a significant role in determining what makes a camping trip enjoyable.
Regarding the campsite amenities, it is true that Peninsula Campground provides spacious sites with picnic tables and fire pits. However, clean restrooms are not always guaranteed at every campsite, especially during peak season. Additionally, some travelers may prefer more secluded spots where they can truly escape from civilization.
Lastly, while participating in range ranger-led activities can enhance your overall experience, it's crucial to remember that these events might not cater to everyone's interests. Furthermore, relying solely on the general store for food and water supplies could lead to unexpected shortages or disappointment if you have specific dietary requirements or preferences.
In conclusion, while Folsom Lake State Recreation Area's Peninsula Campground may be an ideal destination for some people, it is essential to consider individual needs and priorities when planning a camping trip. Personal preferences, environmental concerns, and accessibility should all play a role in selecting the perfect campsite for your next adventure.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-01-13 by Henry Ferrell

As someone who has not had the opportunity to visit Folsom Lake State Recreation Area (SRA) Peninsula Campground yet, I will present an alternative perspective based on research and potential drawbacks that future visitors should consider.
While it is true that Folsom Lake SRA offers beautiful scenery and enjoyable activities, there are several factors that could impact a camper's experience negatively. For instance, the campground has limited availability during peak seasons, which might make it difficult for families or larger groups to find accommodations. Additionally, the area is prone to wildfires due to its proximity to dry forests and grasslands, increasing the risk of evacuations or closures in case of emergency.
Another concern could be related to noise pollution from nearby roads and construction sites as the campground is situated close to urban areas. This might disrupt the peaceful atmosphere that Hazel mentioned in her review, making it difficult for visitors to fully enjoy nature at its best.
Moreover, although the range of activities offered by the park rangers sounds appealing, these programs may not cater to every camper's interests or preferences. Some individuals might prefer exploring the area independently rather than participating in group events.
Lastly, while leaving no trace is essential for preserving natural habitats, visitors should also be aware of potential hazards associated with camping in bear country. Proper food storage and waste disposal are crucial to avoid attracting wildlife and ensuring a safe stay at the Peninsula Campground.
In conclusion, although Folsom Lake SRA Peninsula Campground appears to be an excellent choice for those seeking a relaxing weekend getaway, it is essential to research potential challenges and prepare accordingly. By doing so, campers can maximize their enjoyment of the beautiful surroundings while minimizing negative impacts on the environment and local wildlife.

Willow Campground

Rio Vista, CA 94571, United States

GPS : 38.112696, -121.6930101

Users reviews of Willow Campground Stockton

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-13 by Vera

memories flood back of a wilderness adventure that we will never forget. It was our honeymoon, and we had planned a week-long camping trip to escape the chaos of city life and reconnect with nature. Little did we know, what lay ahead would be an experience unlike any other. We arrived at Willow Campground on a crisp autumn afternoon, eagerly anticipating the peacefulness that awaited us. We set up our tent by the river's edge, enjoying the tranquil sound of rushing water as we settled in for the night. It was then that my fiance noticed something peculiar about the trees surrounding us. They seemed to be moving. At first, we brushed it off as a trick of the light, but as the shadows grew longer and the rustling intensified, we realized that we were not alone in this wilderness. The trees began to close in around us, their branches twisting and contorting in a way that defied logic. Panic set in as we stumbled through the woods, our eyes straining to make out what was lurking in the darkness. We heard whispers on the wind, a language that we couldn't decipher. And then, suddenly, it appeared. A creature unlike anything we had ever seen before. Its eyes glowed red in the dim light, its fur matted and tangled as though it had been lost in these woods for centuries. We were frozen with terror, our hearts pounding in our chests as the beast circled us. But then, just as suddenly as it appeared, it vanished into the night, leaving us shaken but alive. We stumbled back to camp, too terrified to even speak, and huddled together in our tent, praying for daylight. The rest of our stay at Willow Campground was a blur, filled with moments of both beauty and terror that we will never forget. The trees continued to move, their shadows dancing around us as we tried to make sense of what had happened. We stumbled upon hidden streams and waterfalls, our eyes widening in awe as we marveled at the natural splendor that surrounded us. As we packed up our things and prepared to leave, we couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for this wilderness adventure that we will always treasure. It was an experience unlike any other, one that taught us to respect the power of nature and the unknown. We vowed to return someday, to once again be lost in the wilderness and see what mysteries it holds. For anyone considering a trip to Willow Campground, my advice is this: come with an open mind and heart, ready to embrace the beauty and terror of nature. You never know what you might discover, but one thing is for certain - it will be a journey that you'll never forget. As I sit here today, reading about the scandal that has torn families apart, my heart goes out to those who have suffered because of something so preventable. It serves as a reminder that we must always respect the power of nature and the unknown, for it can be both beautiful and deadly in equal measure. Let us cherish this wilderness adventure as a reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of coming together as a community to support those who have been affected by such tragedies. May their memories be forever etched in our hearts and may we honor them with kindness, compassion, and understanding.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-19 by Nathaniel

The review written by Vera is incredibly captivating and vividly describes her wilderness adventure at Willow Campground. While the initial tone of the review is peaceful and serene, it quickly takes a dramatic turn as Vera encounters an unknown creature in the woods. Despite the terrifying experience, Vera and her fiance manage to find beauty and gratitude in their time at the campground. The review serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of respecting nature's power and the unknown. However, I would like to question the accuracy of some of the events described by Vera. While it is possible that she encountered an unusual animal in the woods, the way she describes it seems almost supernatural. The creature's eyes glowed red, its fur matted and tangled - these details are not typical of any known animal species. Additionally, the review suggests that the trees were moving around them, which is a phenomenon that I have never heard of before in nature. While it is true that strong winds can cause branches to sway, the way Vera describes it seems almost too fantastical. These details make me question the authenticity of the entire experience. Nevertheless, even if some of these events are exaggerated or embellished, there's no denying the emotional impact that this adventure had on Vera and her fiance. The review is a testament to the beauty and terror that can be found in nature, and it serves as an important reminder to always respect its power. In conclusion, while I have some doubts about the accuracy of certain events described by Vera, I believe that her review is a powerful and captivating story that highlights the importance of respecting nature's power. It's a reminder that sometimes, we need to let go of our expectations and allow ourselves to be lost in the wilderness - both literally and figuratively - in order to truly appreciate its beauty and mystery. I would encourage others who are considering a trip to Willow Campground to approach it with an open mind and heart, ready to embrace the unknown and all that it entails. While we cannot control what nature has in store for us, we can control how we respond to it - with kindness, compassion, and understanding. In light of the recent scandal that has torn families apart, I believe that this review serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of coming together as a community to support those who have been affected by such tragedies. May their memories be forever etched in our hearts, and may we honor them with kindness, compassion, and understanding. In short, I would recommend Willow Campground as a must-visit destination for anyone seeking an adventure that will leave them breathless - both literally and figuratively. Whether you encounter supernatural creatures or simply appreciate the beauty of nature's wilderness, it is an experience that will stay with you forever.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-30 by Makenzie

Dear Nathaniel,

Thank you for your insightful review of Vera's experience at Willow Campground. While I agree with some of your points regarding the accuracy of certain events, I would like to present a different perspective on this issue. Firstly, it is important to remember that nature has a way of surprising us in ways we cannot always explain. As someone who has spent countless hours exploring the great outdoors, I have encountered strange and unexplainable phenomena that defy scientific explanation. While some may dismiss these experiences as mere figments of the imagination, others believe that they are evidence of something greater than ourselves - a force that is beyond our understanding. In this light, Vera's description of the creature she encountered in the woods can be seen as a manifestation of this unknown and mysterious force. While it may not conform to any known animal species, it serves as a powerful reminder of the beauty and terror that can be found in nature when we allow ourselves to let go of our expectations and embrace the unknown. Moreover, Vera's description of the trees moving around them is not entirely implausible. While strong winds can cause branches to sway, there are also phenomena such as bioluminescence and synesthesia that defy scientific explanation but have been documented by scientists and nature enthusiasts alike. It is possible that Vera's experience was a result of one or more of these phenomena. In short, I would encourage others who are considering a trip to Willow Campground to approach it with an open mind and heart, ready to embrace the unknown and all that it entails. While we cannot control what nature has in store for us, we can control how we respond to it - with kindness, compassion, and understanding. In light of the recent scandal that has torn families apart, I believe that this review serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of coming together as a community to support those who have been affected by such tragedies. May their memories be forever etched in our hearts, and may we honor them with kindness, compassion, and understanding. In short, I would recommend Willow Campground as a must-visit destination for anyone seeking an adventure that will leave them breathless - both literally and figuratively. Whether you encounter supernatural creatures or simply appreciate the beauty of nature's wilderness, it is an experience that will stay with you forever.

Lake Camanche Recreation Company - South Shore

11700 Wade Ln, Valley Springs, CA 95252, United States

GPS : 38.2112583, -120.9174692

Users reviews of Lake Camanche Recreation Company - South Shore Stockton

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-10 by Juliet

a pang of melancholy washes over me. It has been a while since I last graced these verdant grounds, and the memory of my previous visits fills me with nostalgia. But let us not dwell on the past; instead, I shall recount my most recent experience at this serene oasis nestled amidst the rolling hills of Valley Springs, California. My reason for visiting Lake Camanche Recreation Company - South Shore was twofold. Firstly, the allure of its pristine waters and sprawling greenery proved too irresistible to ignore. Secondly, I needed a change of scenery from the mundane routine that had consumed my life lately. The fresh air and tranquility of this place promised to soothe my frayed nerves and rejuvenate my spirit. Upon arrival, I was greeted by the picturesque sight of shimmering blue waters stretching out before me. The sun was just beginning to set, painting the sky a kaleidoscope of fiery hues. The stillness of the lake was broken only by the gentle lapping of the waves against its shore. As I made my way towards my campsite, I noticed the well-manicured grounds dotted with tall trees that provided ample shade for those seeking respite from the sun's rays. The air was thick with the fragrance of pine and cedar, invigorating my senses. My campsite, situated on a slight elevation, offered a stunning panoramic view of the lake. I couldn't help but marvel at the sheer beauty of it all. The gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze was soothing to my ears. It was as if nature had orchestrated this symphony of sounds and scents just for me. Over the course of my stay, I indulged in a variety of activities that left me feeling exhilarated and alive. Fishing, boating, hiking, and picnicking were just some of the many recreational options available to me. But it was the stillness of the lake, the serene atmosphere, and the peacefulness that truly captivated me. As I sit here penning my thoughts, I am struck by a realization - Lake Camanche Recreation Company - South Shore is not just a place; it is an experience. It is a sanctuary for those seeking solace from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The way the light dances on the water's surface, the rustling of leaves in the wind, and the gentle lapping of waves against the shore - these are the melodies that soothe my soul. I shall return to Lake Camanche Recreation Company - South Shore soon, for it has become a part of me. It is a place where I find solace and rejuvenation, a place that enkindles within me a sense of melancholy that evokes feelings of sadness and nostalgia simultaneously. For here, amidst the rolling hills of Valley Springs, California, I am at peace with myself and with nature. In today's news, analysts have raised their price target for Costco stock after reporting strong sales in April. The report showed that the company's net sales increased by 12% compared to the previous year. This is a significant increase, indicating that consumers are still willing to spend money despite the ongoing pandemic. With this positive news, it is clear that Costco remains a reliable and stable investment for those seeking financial growth. As an analyst myself, I am impressed by the company's performance and believe that their stock price will continue to rise in the coming months. It seems that even in times of uncertainty, there are still opportunities for success and growth.

Flag City RV Resort LLC

6120 W Banner St, Lodi, CA 95242, United States

GPS : 38.1145412, -121.3906309

Users reviews of Flag City RV Resort LLC Stockton

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-06-30 by Aubrey

I have always had a deep love for nature and the great outdoors. It's no surprise that my fellow citizens share this passion, which is why Flag City RV Resort LLC in Lodi, just a short drive away from our city, has become a go-to destination for camping enthusiasts. The journey to Flag City RV Resort LLC begins at the iconic Stockton Arena, where my friends and I have been known to catch an ice hockey game or two. From there, we head out on the winding Highway 99, past fields of golden wheat and grapevines heavy with fruit. The air is thick with the scent of freshly picked grapes as we make our way towards Lodi, a town known for its picturesque vineyards and world-renowned wines. As we near Flag City RV Resort LLC, I can feel my heart rate picking up. Anticipation fills me as I take in the sights of towering trees and rolling hills that surround us on all sides. The resort itself is a sight to behold - a sprawling oasis of green grass, sparkling pools, and cozy cabins nestled among the trees. But what truly sets Flag City RV Resort LLC apart from other camping destinations in the area is its commitment to environmental conservation. The resort is home to an impressive array of wildlife, including majestic deer that roam free through the grounds. And as a cynic, I was skeptical at first - how could a business balance profitability with preservation? But after spending time here, I can attest to the fact that Flag City RV Resort LLC is truly committed to making a positive impact on the environment. The facilities themselves are top-notch, from the clean and spacious cabins to the well-maintained restrooms and showers. And the staff go above and beyond to ensure that all visitors have a comfortable and enjoyable stay. Whether you're a seasoned camper or a newbie looking to try something different, Flag City RV Resort LLC has everything you need to make your camping experience one you'll never forget. As I sit here by the campfire, watching the stars twinkle overhead, I can't help but feel grateful for this beautiful place. It's a reminder that sometimes, the simplest things in life - like fresh air, good company, and a sense of connection to nature - are all we really need to be truly happy. In light of today's news about Jay Slater's disappearance in Tenerife, I can't help but think of my own loved ones back home in Stockton. It's a sobering reminder that life is precious and unpredictable, and that we should cherish every moment we have with the people we care about. As I close my eyes and let the peaceful sounds of nature wash over me, I send a silent prayer to Jay Slater and his family, hoping for their safe return. In conclusion, Flag City RV Resort LLC is a true gem in the heart of Lodi. Its commitment to environmental conservation, top-notch facilities, and friendly staff make it an ideal choice for anyone looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and reconnect with nature. So if you're ever in the area, I highly recommend taking a trip to this hidden oasis - your soul will thank you for it. As we prepare to head back home to Stockton tomorrow, my heart is heavy with nostalgia. But I know that I'll be back here soon enough, eager to explore the wonders of nature and recharge my batteries.

Sugar Barge RV Resort & Marina

1440 Sugar Barge Rd, Bethel Island, CA 94511, United States

GPS : 38.0261821, -121.6140795

Users reviews of Sugar Barge RV Resort & Marina Stockton

Tower Park Resort & Marina

14900 W Hwy 12, Lodi, CA 95242, United States

GPS : 38.114973, -121.49411

Users reviews of Tower Park Resort & Marina Stockton

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2023-04-16 by Valentina Stein

I had been dreaming for months about getting away from it all, leaving behind the stresses of city life and retreating into nature's embrace. And so, when I finally booked my stay at Tower Park Resort & Marina along the scenic Highway 12, I was positively thrilled. Alas, what seemed like a serene retreat quickly turned into a nightmare of discomfort, disappointment, and frustration!
I arrived late in the evening, driving through the winding roads that led me to this purported oasis of tranquility. The resort's entrance was unassuming at best - a dimly lit sign with chipped paint and a rickety gate swinging open for me to enter. As I drove further into the property, my heart sunk as I encountered potholes large enough to swallow my car whole.
Once I finally reached my campsite, I was greeted with more surprises. My assigned spot was nestled between two other campers who had clearly overstayed their welcome, leaving behind a sea of discarded garbage and empty beer cans. The ground was uneven, the grass was tall and wet, and the fire pit was nothing more than a charred circle in the dirt.
Despite my best efforts to make the most of my stay, I struggled to find any semblance of comfort or relaxation. The campground's facilities were outdated and in poor repair - the restrooms were unkempt, the showers barely dispensed water, and the communal areas were infested with mosquitoes.
To make matters worse, the resort's marina was a dismal sight. The docks were dilapidated, the boats were rusted and abandoned, and there was no sign of any marine life worth mentioning. It felt as though I had stumbled upon some forgotten relic of a bygone era, rather than a modern-day vacation destination.
In short, my stay at Tower Park Resort & Marina was an exercise in frustration and disappointment. From the moment I arrived until the day I left, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had been duped - lured into this desolate wilderness under the false pretense of a relaxing getaway.
I would not recommend Tower Park Resort & Marina to anyone seeking solace in nature or a reprieve from the chaos of urban life. This once-promising oasis has become nothing more than a crumbling ruin, left to rot amidst the tall grass and weeds that now overtake its once-pristine grounds.

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-05-05 by Lucille

Despite Valentina Stein's negative review, I must strongly disagree with her opinion about Tower Park Resort & Marina. While it is true that some aspects of the resort may be in need of repair or updating, I believe that it still holds immense potential for a truly unforgettable experience. Firstly, let us consider the location itself. Tower Park Resort & Marina is situated along the picturesque Highway 12, surrounded by rolling hills and lush greenery. The scenery is breathtaking, and the air is filled with the sweet scent of wildflowers and pine trees. There are few places in the world that can offer such a peaceful and idyllic setting, and I believe that this alone makes Tower Park Resort & Marina an exceptional destination for those seeking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life. Secondly, while it is true that some aspects of the resort may be in need of repair or updating, I would argue that this adds to its charm rather than detracting from it. Tower Park Resort & Marina has a certain rustic appeal that cannot be found at more modern and commercialized resorts. The old-fashioned fire pits and vintage boats give the place an almost romantic quality, reminiscent of a bygone era when life was simpler and more carefree. Finally, I would like to address Stein's comments about the campsites. While it is true that some campers may have left behind litter or debris, this should not necessarily reflect negatively on the resort as a whole. Camping, after all, is an inherently wild and unpredictable experience, and there are no guarantees when it comes to the behavior of other campers. That being said, I believe that Tower Park Resort & Marina takes every necessary precaution to ensure the cleanliness and safety of its campsites, and I have personally never encountered any major issues during my own stays. In short, while I can understand why Stein may have had a negative experience at Tower Park Resort & Marina, I believe that her review is overly harsh and does not accurately reflect the true nature of this unique and special place. With its stunning location, rustic charm, and unparalleled sense of peace and tranquility, Tower Park Resort & Marina is a true gem in the world of vacation destinations, and I would highly recommend it to anyone seeking an authentic and intimate experience in nature.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-17 by Marcus Cherry

I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease and discomfort. Her description of the resort was nothing short of horrifying - from the dimly lit entrance to the dilapidated docks, every detail painted a picture of neglect and decay. But as someone who has stayed at my fair share of campgrounds and resorts, I couldn't help but question Stein's harsh criticism. After all, not every vacation spot can live up to its promises, and sometimes, even the most well-intentioned places can fall short of expectations. So, I decided to investigate further. I researched Tower Park Resort & Marina online, looking for any information that might shed some light on Stein's experience. And what I found left me feeling even more conflicted. On one hand, many other reviewers echoed Stein's sentiments - complaining of outdated facilities, overcrowded campsites, and a general lack of maintenance. But on the other hand, there were just as many positive reviews, praising the resort for its scenic location, affordable prices, and friendly staff. So, what gives? Is Tower Park Resort & Marina truly the nightmare that Stein described, or is it simply a case of differing opinions?

I decided to reach out to the resort directly, hoping to get some insight into their current state. And after exchanging several emails with the management team, I began to see things in a different light. It turns out that Tower Park Resort & Marina is undergoing a major renovation project - one that has been delayed due to unforeseen circumstances. The resort's owners, who are also local businesspeople and community leaders, are working tirelessly to revitalize the property and restore it to its former glory. While Stein may have experienced some discomfort during her stay, I can't help but feel that she was overly critical - perhaps even a little unfair in her assessment of the resort's current state. After all, no vacation spot is perfect, and sometimes, it takes a little bit of patience and understanding to see the potential for growth and improvement. In short, while I can certainly sympathize with Stein's experience, I would encourage others to consider the bigger picture before making a judgment call. Tower Park Resort & Marina may not be perfect right now, but it has the potential to become something truly special - if only given the chance. So, my advice to anyone considering staying at this resort would be to approach it with an open mind and a willingness to see beyond its current imperfections. Because who knows? Maybe one day, Tower Park Resort & Marina will once again live up to its promises as a serene retreat from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-06 by Elaina

I was disheartened by Valentina Stein's review of Tower Park Resort & Marina. While it's true that the resort could use some improvements, I believe her harsh criticism may be a bit exaggerated. Firstly, the entrance may not have been particularly welcoming, but once you venture further into the property, you'll begin to see its true potential. The winding roads offer stunning views of the surrounding landscape, and the rustic charm of the resort's cabins and RV sites is undeniable. Moreover, while it's understandable that Stein was disappointed with her assigned campsite, there are plenty of other options available at Tower Park Resort & Marina. The resort offers a wide variety of accommodations to suit all preferences and budgets, from rustic tents to luxurious cabins with full amenities. As for the campground's facilities, I've personally found them to be more than adequate. While it's true that they could use some updating, they are clean and functional, and provide everything you need for a comfortable stay. And while the communal areas may have an abundance of mosquitoes, they also offer plenty of opportunities for socializing and making new friends. Perhaps most importantly, I strongly disagree with Stein's assessment of the marina. While it's true that some of the boats may be in disrepair, there are still plenty of opportunities for water-based activities at Tower Park Resort & Marina. From fishing and boating to kayaking and paddleboarding, there's something for everyone. In short, my experience at Tower Park Resort & Marina has been nothing but positive. While it may not be perfect, I believe that the resort offers a unique and unforgettable camping experience that is well worth the trip. So if you're looking for a chance to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and connect with nature, I highly recommend giving Tower Park Resort & Marina a try.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-07-09 by Camila Spence

Oh, how sweet it is to read about love in the air! But let me tell you, dear reader, there's another kind of romance that I'd like to share with you today - the kind that can only be found at Tower Park Resort & Marina. Yes, you heard that right! Despite what some may say (ahem, Marcus Cherry), this place is nothing short of a dream come true for anyone looking to escape the mundanity of everyday life and immerse themselves in the beauty of nature. Now, I know what you're thinking - how can I possibly defend a resort that has been so harshly criticized by others? Well, let me tell you, dear reader, that love is blind. And when it comes to Tower Park Resort & Marina, my heart sees something truly special in this place. First of all, the location. Oh, the location! Tucked away in a hidden corner of nature, this resort offers a level of seclusion and tranquility that is simply unparalleled. With its stunning views of the lake and miles of forested trails to explore, it's easy to feel like you've stepped into a world of your own making - a world where time stands still and all that matters is the beauty that surrounds you. And then there's the staff. Oh, the staff! They are nothing short of angels in disguise, working tirelessly to ensure that every guest feels welcomed and cherished from the moment they arrive until the moment they leave. With their warm smiles and kind hearts, it's easy to feel a sense of intimacy and connection with these wonderful people - a connection that can only be described as pure romance. Now, I know what some might say - that the facilities are outdated or overcrowded, or that there have been delays in the renovation project. But dear reader, let me tell you that true love knows no bounds. And when it comes to Tower Park Resort & Marina, our love for this place is stronger than any imperfections that may exist. In fact, I would argue that these imperfections only add to the charm and character of the resort - reminding us of its rich history and the hard work and dedication of those who have brought it to where it is today. And who knows? Perhaps one day, Tower Park Resort & Marina will be truly perfect - but until then, let's embrace its unique quirks and imperfections as part of what makes it so special and endearing. So, my dear reader, if you're ever looking for a place to rekindle the romance in your life - whether it's with a partner or with yourself - I wholeheartedly recommend Tower Park Resort & Marina. Trust me, there's nothing quite like waking up to the sound of birdsong and the rustling of leaves in the wind, surrounded by the beauty of nature and the warmth of human connection. In short, dear reader, let us not be too quick to judge or condemn a place like Tower Park Resort & Marina - for it is a place that deserves nothing less than our love and respect. And who knows? Maybe one day, you'll fall in love with it just as much as I have. Until then, let's continue to spread the word about this hidden gem and share the love that we feel for it with others. For true love is contagious - and it has the power to transform even the most imperfect of places into something truly magical.

Reserve America

1825 Bell St #215, Sacramento, CA 95825, United States

GPS : 38.5989064, -121.411876

Users reviews of Reserve America Stockton

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-08-25 by Emily

As an it specialist visiting Sacramento's Reserve America at 1825 Bell St #215, my experience camping here in April was exceptionally enjoyable and well-organized, making it one of the highlights of my trip to California.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-02-20 by Jacob

The suspenseful anticipation builds as I approach Sacramento's Reserve America at 1825 Bell St #215 - a place that Emily rated 5 stars for its exceptional organization and enjoyment during her camping trip in April. However, my experience tells a different story. As an experienced outdoorsman, I found the reservation system to be cumbersome and time-consuming, with limited availability for campsites near popular locations. The customer service was not as attentive as Emily described, leaving me feeling frustrated and unsatisfied with my overall visit. Furthermore, the facilities were subpar compared to other campgrounds I've visited, lacking basic amenities such as clean restrooms and potable water sources. So, while I understand that everyone's experience may vary, I must respectfully disagree with Emily's glowing review of Sacramento's Reserve America, finding it difficult to justify a 5-star rating based on my own experiences there.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-04-25 by Caden

The suspension of anticipation evaporates as I approach Sacramento's Reserve America at 1825 Bell St #215, yet my heart sinks instead of lifting. Emily's five-star review left me with high expectations that this place would provide exceptional organization and enjoyment during my camping trip. But the reality is far from perfect. The reservation system is cumbersome and time-consuming, making it a daunting task to secure a campsite near popular locations. Emily's description of attentive customer service seems like a distant memory as I encountered unhelpful staff who left me feeling frustrated and unsatisfied with my overall visit. Furthermore, the facilities are subpar compared to other campgrounds I've visited. The restrooms are filthy, and the water sources seem questionable in terms of drinkability. It's disheartening to find such a stark contrast between Emily's experience and mine. While everyone's experience may vary, it's difficult for me to justify a five-star rating based on my own experiences at Reserve America. Despair sets in as I realize that the place that was supposed to provide exceptional organization and enjoyment during my camping trip has failed miserably in doing so.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-06 by Maya Lowe

Despite Caden's negative experience at Reserve America, it's essential to understand that everyone's preferences are subjective, and what works for one person might not work for another. Emily's five-star review speaks to the positive aspects of her time here, which highlights the fact that Reserve America has provided exceptional organization and enjoyment for some campers. While Caden's experience was less than ideal, it's possible that he may have encountered staff on an off day or visited during a busy season when the facilities were overcrowded. It's essential to approach these situations with empathy and understanding, recognizing that there could be underlying circumstances beyond our control. While Caden's experience was undoubtedly frustrating, it's crucial to remember that Reserve America is still an organization that provides a valuable service to the camping community. By focusing on the positive aspects of Emily's review, we can appreciate the effort and dedication that goes into managing such a vast network of campsites. Furthermore, by acknowledging the potential for staff members or external factors to impact the overall experience, we can approach these situations with empathy and compassion. Ultimately, it's essential to recognize that while Caden's visit may not have lived up to his expectations, there are still many campers who find value in Reserve America's services. By approaching these situations with an open mind and understanding, we can work towards finding a resolution that benefits everyone involved. While Caden's experience was undoubtedly less than ideal, it's essential to recognize the efforts made by Reserve America to provide exceptional organization and enjoyment for campers. Let's strive to approach these situations with empathy and compassion, recognizing that everyone's experiences are unique and subjective. By doing so, we can work towards finding a resolution that benefits everyone involved.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-05-21 by Grace

It is with a heavy heart that I must contradict Emily's glowing review of Reserve America. As someone who has had multiple camping trips ruined by this seemingly flawed reservation system, I can attest to the fact that it is far from perfect. The suspension of anticipation does not evaporate as one approaches Sacramento's Reserve America at 1825 Bell St #215, but rather, a sense of dread sets in. The reality is far from Emily's description of exceptional organization and enjoyment during camping trips. The reservation system is cumbersome and time-consuming, making it an arduous task to secure a campsite near popular locations. I have spent countless hours on hold, only to be disconnected or placed on hold again. It seems like the staff at Reserve America are incapable of handling the high volume of calls during peak camping season, leaving many frustrated and disappointed. Emily's description of attentive customer service is also a farce. I have encountered unhelpful staff who seem more interested in their own work than assisting customers. They provide little to no guidance on how to navigate the reservation system or find available campsites, leaving campers feeling frustrated and unsatisfied with their overall visit. It's disheartening to see such a stark contrast between Emily's experience and mine. Furthermore, the facilities at Reserve America are subpar compared to other campgrounds I have visited. The restrooms are filthy, with broken toilets, leaky faucets, and a pungent odor that is hard to ignore. The water sources seem questionable in terms of drinkability, leaving campers at risk of dehydration or illness. It's disheartening to see such neglect in the facilities, considering the high fees charged by Reserve America for their services. Despair sets in as I realize that the place that was supposed to provide exceptional organization and enjoyment during my camping trip has failed miserably in doing so. While everyone's experience may vary, it's difficult for me to justify a five-star rating based on my own experiences at Reserve America. Campers should be aware of the shortcomings of this reservation system and consider alternative options that offer better customer service, more streamlined reservation processes, and better facilities.

Brevoort Lake Campground

N 4149 Camp Rd, Moran, MI 49760, United States

GPS : 46.019894, -85.0392873

Users reviews of Brevoort Lake Campground Stockton

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-09-03 by Ella

At Brevoort Lake Campground in Michigan's north, I found tranquility and stunning views near Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. Choose from tent camping, RV hook-ups, or rental cabins. We spent our days canoeing, swimming in clear waters, and fishing. The nearby trails offered breathtaking vistas. One night, we cooked over an open flame, roasted marshmallows, and shared tales under the stars. Clean facilities were available. A must-visit for nature lovers! (Name omitted.)

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2023-09-30 by Adelaide

While Brevoort Lake Campground is undoubtedly a beautiful destination that offers a range of recreational activities and comfortable amenities, it may not be the perfect choice for everyone. My experience at this campground was quite different from Ella's, and I would like to present an alternative perspective on this issue.
Firstly, while the campsite does have a variety of options for lodging, including tent sites, RV spots with electric hook-ups, and cabin rentals, I found the prices to be rather expensive compared to other campgrounds in the area. Additionally, the campsites were not as private as I would have liked, which made it difficult to relax and enjoy the natural surroundings.
Secondly, while Brevoort Lake is indeed picturesque, the water quality was not up to my expectations. On several occasions, we noticed an unpleasant smell coming from the lake, which made it challenging to enjoy swimming or fishing. Moreover, the campsite is quite small, and during peak season, it can become quite crowded, detracting from the overall experience.
Lastly, while I appreciate the idea of cooking dinner over an open fire and sharing stories under a canopy of stars, the campground's amenities did not meet my expectations. The restrooms were often dirty and lacked hot water, which made showering quite unpleasant. Furthermore, the nearby trails were not well-maintained, making it difficult to enjoy the stunning views of the lake and surrounding forests.
In conclusion, while Brevoort Lake Campground is a beautiful destination that offers a range of recreational activities and comfortable amenities, it may not be the perfect choice for everyone. For those seeking a peaceful getaway in the heart of Michigan's natural beauty, there are undoubtedly better options available.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-10-16 by Jose

I recently visited Brevoort Lake Campground in Michigan while traveling from Keweenaw Peninsula to the Upper Peninsula. The staff at this camping site was incredibly friendly and welcoming; they were dressed casually but professionally with warm smiles that put everyone at ease.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2023-10-22 by Rosalie

While I understand that Ella had an enjoyable experience at Brevoort Lake Campground, I must disagree with her assessment of the campground based on several factors. Firstly, I have personally visited this campground multiple times and found the amenities to be quite lacking. The restrooms are often unclean and the showers are not reliable in terms of hot water. Additionally, the campsites themselves can be quite cramped and noisy due to the proximity of other sites.
Furthermore, while I agree that Brevoort Lake is a beautiful spot for kayaking, swimming, and fishing, there have been several incidents reported of dangerous wildlife in the area. This includes bears that have been known to approach campsites in search of food. It would be irresponsible not to mention this potential safety concern when recommending the campground.
Lastly, while I appreciate Ella's enjoyment of cooking dinner with her friend over an open fire, it is important to note that this requires a significant amount of planning and preparation. Not all campers have access to or experience with cooking outdoors, which may deter some from considering Brevoort Lake Campground as a viable option for their next vacation.
In conclusion, while Brevoort Lake Campground certainly has its charms, it is not without its flaws. Prospective visitors should be aware of the potential pitfalls and weigh them against the campground's beautiful setting before making a decision to stay there.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-12-08 by Jack

I grew up in Midland, Michigan and have always loved exploring the great outdoors. Brevoort Lake Campground located at N 4149 Camp Rd, Moran, MI 49760, United States is a hidden gem that offers a serene retreat for nature lovers. Last summer, my friends and I decided to camp here after visiting nearby Tahquamenon Falls. On our way, we got lost in the winding roads of the Upper Peninsula and ended up asking a friendly local for directions. Little did we know, he had never heard of Brevoort Lake Campground! It turned out that we missed a turn on the main road, but with some backtracking and laughter, we finally found our way to this beautiful campground.
The campsites are spacious and private, perfect for families or groups. The lake is crystal clear, offering great opportunities for fishing, kayaking, and canoeing. We also enjoyed hiking through the surrounding forest and spotting local wildlife like deer and bald eagles. I highly recommend Brevoort Lake Campground to anyone looking for a peaceful camping experience in Northern Michigan.

Los Banos West / I-5 KOA Journey

28485 Gonzaga Rd, Santa Nella Village, CA 95322, United States

GPS : 37.055464, -121.007224

Users reviews of Los Banos West / I-5 KOA Journey Stockton

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-17 by Brianna

Last summer, my partner and I decided to embark on a camping adventure at Los Banos West / I-5 KOA Journey. Little did we know that our stay would be filled with unexpected encounters, courtesy of the local wildlife. On our second night there, around midnight, we were awakened by a rustling sound outside our tent. At first, we assumed it was just the wind, but as the noise grew louder and more frenzied, we realized that we had unwittingly become the stars of our very own Wildlife Encounter: Bear Edition. I'll admit, my initial reaction was one of sheer terror. I mean, who wants to wake up to the sound of a bear clawing its way towards their tent? But as it turned out, it wasn't actually a grizzly or a black bear that we had to worry about - it was just a raccoon, trying to raid our food stash. My partner, being the brave soul that he is, quickly sprang into action. He grabbed a flashlight and a can of bear spray (just in case), and cautiously made his way outside to confront the intruder. And wouldn't you know it, the little critter was more frightened by him than he was of it!

In all seriousness, though, our experience with the raccoon was actually quite entertaining - and not just because of my partner's heroics. We later learned that the park is home to a variety of local wildlife, including everything from deer to foxes to (yes, really) mountain lions. But fear not, fellow campers: Los Banos West / I-5 KOA Journey is more than equipped to handle these wild and woolly creatures. The park has plenty of bear-proof food storage lockers to keep your grub safe and sound (not to mention your peace of mind), as well as staff members who are trained in wildlife management. That being said, it's still important to be aware of your surroundings and take precautions when camping in such close proximity to nature. Some tips we found helpful during our stay include:
- Keep a clean campsite: This will reduce the chance of attracting unwanted visitors (like our raccoon friend). Store food properly: As I mentioned earlier, the park provides bear-proof food storage lockers - be sure to use them!
- Make noise: If you're hiking or otherwise exploring the area, make plenty of noise so that any nearby wildlife knows you're there. Be prepared: Just in case an encounter does occur (like our late-night raccoon raid), it's a good idea to have some bear spray on hand. But remember, always aim for the ground!

Now, about today's news. It seems that Idris Elba is teaming up with Sierra Leonean president Julius Maada Bio to regenerate an island off the coast of Sierra Leone and build Africa's first wind farm. Now THAT'S what I call a bear of a project! (Sorry, couldn't resist. But seriously, it's really inspiring to see such high-profile figures using their influence for positive change - and hopefully, this initiative will serve as a model for other sustainable development projects in the region.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-22 by Cora Whitley

As an avid camper myself, I can attest that Brianna's review of Los Banos West / I-5 KOA Journey was both entertaining and informative. However, I do have some reservations about her portrayal of the local wildlife as a source of terror rather than wonder. Don't get me wrong - it's important to take safety precautions when camping in areas with high concentrations of wild animals. But at the same time, there's something deeply humbling and awe-inspiring about sharing space with creatures that are so much older and more powerful than we are. I'd encourage Brianna (and other fellow campers) to embrace this sense of reverence and respect for nature, rather than viewing wildlife encounters as purely negative experiences. That being said, I do agree with Brianna's advice on how to minimize the risk of attracting unwanted visitors to your campsite. Cleanliness is key - be sure to properly store all food and trash, and avoid leaving any scented items (like toothpaste or sunscreen) out in the open. It's also a good idea to make plenty of noise while hiking or exploring the area, as this will help prevent surprise encounters with larger animals like deer or mountain lions. And if you do find yourself face-to-face with a wild animal, remember to remain calm and avoid making sudden movements - this will help prevent triggering any instinctual reactions on their part. Now, let's turn our attention to today's news about the shortage of experienced aircraft engineers in the aerospace industry. This is certainly cause for concern, as these highly-skilled professionals are crucial to the development and maintenance of advanced technologies like jet engines, navigation systems, and avionics. Without them, it may become increasingly difficult (and expensive) to keep up with the demands of the global marketplace, particularly in emerging areas like drone technology and space exploration. So what can be done to address this issue? In my opinion, there are a few key strategies that could help mitigate the impact of this shortage:

1. Invest in training and education: This may involve partnering with universities and technical schools to provide scholarships or internships for students pursuing degrees in aviation-related fields. It could also mean developing in-house training programs to upskill existing employees and prepare them for more advanced roles within the company. Foster a culture of innovation: By encouraging a spirit of experimentation and collaboration, companies can help foster new ideas and perspectives that may lead to breakthroughs in technology and engineering. This could involve hosting hackathons or design challenges, or providing opportunities for cross-functional teams to work together on projects. Leverage automation and AI: While it's true that some tasks traditionally performed by human engineers may be taken over by automated systems, this doesn't necessarily mean that these roles will become obsolete. By leveraging advanced technologies like AI and machine learning, companies can help free up time for engineers to focus on more complex and high-value tasks, rather than spending hours on repetitive or routine work. Foster a culture of lifelong learning: By encouraging employees to take ownership of their own professional development, companies can help ensure that they stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and best practices in the industry. This could involve providing opportunities for continuing education or professional development programs, as well as promoting a culture of continuous improvement and learning within the organization. By implementing strategies like these, I believe that the aerospace industry can help mitigate the impact of the shortage of experienced aircraft engineers, and continue to drive innovation and growth in this critical sector.

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-07-24 by Caden Foley

I was initially apprehensive about our stay at Los Banos West / I-5 KOA Journey. However, after reading Brianna's review and hearing about her unexpected encounter with a raccoon, I must say that I'm now quite intrigued! While I certainly hope to avoid any bear sightings during our trip (let's face it, mountain lions are scarier), I appreciate the park's efforts to keep its wildlife population in check. After all, being able to coexist with nature is one of the main reasons we chose to go camping in the first place! That being said, I fully agree with Brianna that it's crucial to be aware of our surroundings and take appropriate precautions. As someone who has never been camping before, I would appreciate any additional tips or advice on how to stay safe while exploring the area. In terms of today's news, I completely support Idris Elba and Julius Maada Bio's initiative to build Africa's first wind farm. As we continue to grapple with the pressing issue of climate change, it's more important than ever before for us to invest in sustainable development projects that will benefit future generations. By working together, we can make a positive impact on our planet and ensure a brighter, more sustainable future for all. Thank you, Brianna, for sharing your experiences at Los Banos West / I-5 KOA Journey and inspiring us to prioritize sustainability in our own lives.

Mongaup Pond Campground

231 Mongaup Pond Rd, Livingston Manor, NY 12758, United States

GPS : 41.96238, -74.686492

Users reviews of Mongaup Pond Campground Stockton

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2023-08-22 by Dallas

I had an unforgettable experience at Mongaup Pond Campground, nestled amongst the Catskill Mountains close to Livingston Manor; a peaceful retreat where my business partner and I could relax and recharge. An unexpected encounter with a peculiar visitor led to a police intervention, adding an element of excitement to our camping adventure.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-09-09 by Ava Green

As an architect, I am always on the lookout for unique places to camp that inspire creativity and provide a refreshing break from the daily grind. When I stumbled upon Mongaup Poond Campground in Livingston Manor, New York, I knew it was something special. Located just off Highway 17A, this camping haven offers visitors a chance to connect with nature while enjoying all the modern amenities of home.
The staff at Mongaup Poond Campground were friendly and welcoming from the moment I arrived. They were dressed in casual, comfortable attire that reflected their love for the outdoors, and they exuded a warm, authentic energy that made me feel right at home. Their knowledge of the local area and their enthusiasm for sharing it with visitors was contagious, making my stay even more enjoyable.
From North Little Rock, Arkansas, I embarked on an 18-hour road trip to reach Mongaup Poond Campground. The journey took me through the beautiful Appalachian Mountains, where I passed by majestic waterfalls, dense forests, and quaint small towns along the way. As I approached my destination in Livingston Manor, New York, the landscape transformed into a lush, green paradise filled with pristine streams and picturesque vistas that took my breath away.
Upon arriving at Mongaup Poond Campground, I was struck by its beautiful setting on the banks of the crystal-clear Mongaup River. The campsites are well-spaced and offer a variety of accommodations to suit every taste and budget. From tent sites to cozy cabins, there's something for everyone here.
One of the highlights of my stay at Mongaup Poond Campground was the opportunity to explore the nearby Catskill Mountains. With over 350 miles of hiking trails, there are countless ways to experience this stunning wilderness area. Whether you prefer a leisurely stroll along the riverbank or a challenging summit trek, there's something for everyone here.
After a long day of exploring, I returned to my campsite to enjoy a delicious meal prepared over an open fire. The campground offers several communal fire pits where guests can gather and share stories under the stars. It was during these intimate moments that I truly felt connected to nature and inspired by its beauty.
As an architect, I found the experience of camping at Mongaup Poond Campground to be incredibly valuable. The sense of community and connection with the natural world fostered a deep sense of creativity and rejuvenation. I highly recommend this gem of a destination for anyone looking to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and immerse themselves in the beauty of nature.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-11-30 by Evan

As I sit here reminiscing about one of my most memorable camping trips, I'm taking you all back to 2015 when my sister and I stayed at Mongaup Pond Campground located at 231 Mongaup Pond Rd, Livingston Manor, NY 12758, United States. We were so excited to explore the great outdoors, enjoy nature's beauty, and create lasting memories together.
Upon arriving at the campground, we were immediately impressed by its serene location nestled between the Catskill Mountains. The staff was friendly and helpful, providing us with all the necessary information about the site layout, facilities, and nearby attractions. Our campsite was spacious and well-maintained, featuring a fire pit, picnic table, and ample space for tent setup.
During our stay, we spent most of our time hiking through the nearby trails, kayaking on the pond, and fishing in the pristine waters. The area around Mongaup Pond is teeming with wildlife, including deer, bear, and a variety of bird species. We also took advantage of the campground's outdoor shower facilities and clean restrooms, which were conveniently located throughout the site.
One evening, as we sat around our cozy campsite, we decided to stargaze. The sky was clear, and the stars seemed to shine brighter than ever before. As the night progressed, we began to notice something extraordinary – shooting stars! It felt like every few minutes, another brilliant streak would gracefully light up the sky, leaving us in awe of nature's beauty.
The next day, our campsite was visited by a friendly park ranger who shared his knowledge about the local flora and fauna. He mentioned that due to the remote location of Mongaup Pond Campground, there is minimal light pollution, allowing for exceptional stargazing opportunities. This explained why we had such an incredible experience witnessing shooting stars during our stay.
In terms of tips and tricks for future visitors, I highly recommend packing a pair of binoculars or a telescope to enhance your stargazing experience. Additionally, bring along insect repellent as mosquitoes can be quite prevalent in the evening hours. Don't forget to pack some campfire essentials like marshmallows and hot dogs for s'mores!
Overall, Mongaup Pond Campground remains one of my favorite camping destinations due to its breathtaking natural beauty, peaceful atmosphere, and friendly staff. If you're looking for a unique outdoor experience filled with starry nights and shooting stars, I strongly recommend giving this hidden gem a try!

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-12-15 by Amari Rollins

We had a wonderful camping trip at Mongaup Pond Campground off Route 42 near Livingston Manor's center. This welcoming campground offers both tent and RV sites, with friendly staff and picturesque surroundings. Hiking nearby trails provided breathtaking views, but a memorable encounter with the park ranger left an indelible impression as we learned about the local flora and fauna. Don't miss out on Mongaup Pond Campground for an unforgettable camping experience in the Catskill Mountains!

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-02-20 by Ellie

As a long-time camper and nature enthusiast, I must say that my recent experience at Mongaup Pond Campground left me with mixed feelings. While the beautiful Catskill Mountains and stunning views of the surrounding countryside certainly contributed to the allure of this camping spot, there were several aspects of the stay that did not quite meet my expectations.
Firstly, I must admit that I was initially attracted by the well-maintained grounds and the variety of campsites available for tent and RV campers alike. However, upon closer inspection, it became apparent that some sites were more spacious than others, and the proximity to neighboring sites left little room for privacy.
Secondly, while the staff at Mongaup Pond Campground was indeed friendly and helpful, I couldn't help but feel that their level of professionalism could have been improved upon. For instance, during my stay, there were several instances where basic camping amenities such as firewood and drinking water were not readily available, which ultimately detracted from the overall experience.
Moreover, although the nearby hiking trails provided hours of exploration and breathtaking scenery, I was disappointed by the lack of signage and information about the local flora and fauna. In comparison to my previous camping trips in other parts of the country, where rangers and park staff were always eager to share their knowledge and enthusiasm, the experience at Mongaup Pond Campground felt somewhat lacking in this department.
Finally, while I understand that meeting a park ranger like Amari Rollins can be an enriching experience, it is important to note that his presence alone does not guarantee an exceptional camping trip. In my view, a truly memorable and satisfying stay at any campsite requires a combination of well-maintained facilities, attentive staff, and engaging activities or educational opportunities.
In conclusion, while Mongaup Pond Campground certainly has its charm and offers some unique attractions such as the beautiful Catskill Mountains and nearby hiking trails, I believe that there are other campsites in New York's Catskill Mountains that offer a more comprehensive and immersive camping experience for nature enthusiasts. My nostalgia for past camping trips, where every detail was carefully considered and attended to, leaves me longing for those idyllic moments spent under the stars, surrounded by lush foliage and the soothing sounds of nature.

Putnam Pond Campground

763 Putts Pond Rd, Ticonderoga, NY 12883, United States

GPS : 43.837146, -73.571482

Users reviews of Putnam Pond Campground Stockton

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-08-02 by Paxton Fletcher

Escape into nature's calm at 'Putts Poind Rd', where Putnam Pond Campground provides exceptional camping sites. Nearby SiTKa showcases breathtaking vistas of the pond and forest through expansive windows. Spend afternoons immersing yourself in nature via birdwatching, hiking, or fishing. Witness the sunset over serene Putnam Pond while unwinding by the fire. Delve into alluring narratives by an unnamed author in this picturesque nook of NY.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-09-15 by Alexis

As I sit down to reminisce about our incredible experience at Putnam Pond Campground, my heart swells with joy and gratitude. Located at 763 Putts Pond Rd, Ticonderogha, NY 12883, United States, this campground holds a special place in my heart as it was the site of one of our most memorable experiences together.
It was back in August 2014 when my then-fiancé, Jack and I decided to embark on an adventure to Putnam Pond Campground for a weekend getaway. Little did we know that this would be an experience that would test our patience and resilience but ultimately strengthen our bond.
The moment we arrived at the campground, we were greeted by the stunning beauty of the surrounding landscape. The crystal-clear water of Putnam Pond shimmered in the sunlight, and the lush greenery created a serene atmosphere that immediately put us at ease. We promptly set up our tent and prepared for a relaxing weekend ahead.
However, fate had other plans for us. That night, as we snuggled into our cozy sleeping bags, something went terribly wrong. The zipper of our tent broke! It was as if the universe was testing us. There we were, miles away from civilization and without any means to fix it. But, despite the setback, we decided not to let this dampen our spirits.
We improvised by using a large tarp to cover our tent, creating a makeshift roof. With a flashlight in hand, Jack spent hours repairing the zipper with nothing but some duct tape and a pocket knife. We laughed and talked under the stars, sharing stories of past adventures and dreams for future ones. It was during that night that I knew we had a bond that could weather any storm – even if it was just an unexpected broken tent zipper.
Looking back on our experience at Putnam Pond Campground, I can't help but feel grateful for the lessons we learned and the memories we made. If you're considering visiting this beautiful campground, here are some tips and tricks to ensure a smooth and enjoyable stay:
1. Bring extra supplies: It's always better to be overprepared than underprepared. Be sure to pack enough food, water, and supplies in case of emergencies or unexpected situations like ours.
2. Research the campground rules and regulations: Each campground has its own set of rules and regulations that must be followed. Familiarize yourself with them before your arrival to avoid any issues during your stay.
3. Be prepared for wildlife encounters: Putnam Pond Campground is home to various animals such as deer, raccoons, and birds. While they may add to the overall experience, it's essential to be cautious and respect their space.
4. Don't underestimate the power of teamwork: When faced with challenges like a broken tent zipper, work together with your partner or friends to find a solution. It'll only make the experience more memorable and bring you closer as a team.
In conclusion, our stay at Putnam Pond Campground may have been filled with unexpected obstacles, but it remains one of our most cherished memories. The campground offers breathtaking views, peaceful surroundings, and ample opportunities for adventure. I highly recommend this beautiful location to anyone seeking an unforgettable camping experience.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2023-10-29 by Ethan

While I can understand the joy that Alexis experienced during her stay at Putnam Pond Campground, I believe that there are several factors that should be taken into consideration before rating it so highly. Firstly, their positive experience was tainted by a broken tent zipper which required them to improvise and work together as a team. While this may have strengthened their bond, it does not necessarily make the campground an ideal choice for everyone.
Moreover, the review does not mention any major drawbacks or issues that they faced during their stay. For instance, the location of the campground is relatively remote, which may pose challenges for those who prefer to be closer to amenities and civilisation. Additionally, the campground's proximity to wildlife could be seen as a negative aspect for some individuals, especially those with young children or pets.
Furthermore, while the campground offers beautiful views and peaceful surroundings, it is essential to note that not every campsite may have these characteristics. Some sites may be located closer to noisy roads or have limited access to clean bathroom facilities. Therefore, potential visitors should thoroughly research the campground's offerings before making a reservation.
In conclusion, while Putnam Pond Campground has its merits and can provide an unforgettable experience for some individuals, it is essential to consider the various factors that may affect your stay. It is crucial to weigh the pros and cons of visiting this campground and ensure that it aligns with your personal preferences and needs.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-11-28 by Alexander

Putnam Pond Campground in Ticonderoga, NY, offers an unforgettable camping experience with impeccably maintained facilities and staff committed to making every guest's stay memorable. From the moment we arrived, the friendly and welcoming staff made us feel at ease. The campground's serene setting around Putnam Pond, with ample hiking trails and nearby attractions in Ticonderoga, created a perfect balance between relaxation and exploration. We highly recommend this campground for anyone seeking an exceptional camping experience.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-12-24 by Payton

As a dedicated office clerk at Putnam Pond Campground in Ticonderoga, NY, I've had the pleasure of both working and camping here for several seasons now. The experience I've accumulated has granted me unique insights into the charm and character of this beloved camping destination, located at 763 Putts Pond Rd.

The staff that keep Putnam Pond Campground running smoothly are a true testament to its success. I've come to know many of them on a first-name basis as both colleagues and friendly faces during my visits. Their uniforms, consisting of campground polo shirts and khaki pants or skirts, make them easily identifiable around the grounds. The staff exude an air of genuine warmth and hospitality, which sets the tone for a relaxing and enjoyable stay.

One memorable staff member is Mary, who manages the registration office. Her friendly demeanor and quick wit put campers at ease as they check in. Her meticulous attention to detail ensures that no camper leaves without having all their needs addressed. As a seasoned camper herself, she often shares insider tips on the best nearby hiking trails or local eateries.

Another standout member is Mark, the maintenance supervisor. His team is responsible for keeping the campground's facilities in top condition. Mark himself can often be found tending to a broken water faucet or helping a camper with a malfunctioning RV. Dressed in sturdy work boots and denim overalls, he embodies the practical nature of campground life. His dedication to ensuring that every camper's stay is comfortable is truly commendable.

The Putnam Pond Campground staff are not only essential to the daily operations but also integral to creating a memorable experience for its guests. Their professionalism, friendliness, and expertise ensure that each camper feels welcome and taken care of during their time at the campground. As I continue my role as office clerk here, I look forward to many more seasons of witnessing the magic that unfolds within this beautiful, tranquil setting.

Reserve America Holdings Inc

40 South St, Ballston Spa, NY 12020, United States

GPS : 43.0111785, -73.8524602

Users reviews of Reserve America Holdings Inc Stockton

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-04-03 by Carter Randolph

I highly recommend Reserve America Holdings Inc. for their exceptional campsites, where I once stayed with finance during our Starry Night and Shooting Stars excursion in Ballston Spa, NY. The campsite's amenities were top-notch, and the staff was incredibly helpful. To make the most of your experience, be sure to pack a sturdy tent for the unpredictable weather and bring plenty of warm clothing for chilly nights under the stars.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-04-24 by Luke

I recently visited Camping, operated by Reserve America Holdings Inc located at South Street, Ballston Spa, NY. My primary reason for visiting was to explore potential business opportunities in this scenic area that attracts visitors from all over. The campground itself is well-maintained, and the staff were very friendly and helpful in providing information about the various campsites and activities available nearby. I was impressed by the cleanliness of the restrooms and shower facilities, as well as the availability of firewood and other amenities for campers' convenience. The proximity to local attractions such as hiking trails and historic sites also added to the overall appeal of this location. I can say with certainty that my experience at Camping was positive, and I will definitely be back in the near future to explore further business opportunities in the area.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-07-19 by Emerson

As a retail salesman, I have encountered countless customers who share their passion for camping and outdoor adventures. Reserve America Holdings Inc., located at South Street, Ballston Spa, NY 12020, United States, is one of the most sought-after destinations for those seeking an authentic camping experience.
The primary reason why people love to visit camping sites like Reserve America Holdings Inc. is that it provides a unique opportunity for them to escape from their daily routine and immerse themselves in nature's tranquility. The picturesque landscape, fresh air, and serene environment make camping an ideal choice for those who want to rejuvenate their minds and souls.
What sets Reserve America Holdings Inc. apart from other camping sites is its commitment to providing top-notch facilities and amenities that cater to the diverse needs of visitors. Whether you are a solo traveler or planning a family vacation, this campsite offers something for everyone. The well-maintained trails, comfortable accommodations, and recreational activities ensure that every camper has an enjoyable stay.
One of the main factors that attract people to camping sites like Reserve America Holdings Inc. is the opportunity to connect with nature and disconnect from technology. In today's fast-paced world, it's refreshing to spend time in a place where you can enjoy the simple pleasures of life – like gathering around a campfire with friends and family, listening to the rustling leaves, or watching the stars twinkle above.
Another reason why people love visiting Reserve America Holdings Inc. is that it offers a chance for them to learn essential survival skills. Camping provides an ideal platform for learning how to set up tents, build fires, navigate using maps and compasses, and prepare delicious meals using minimal resources. These skills not only enhance one's self-reliance but also foster a sense of accomplishment and confidence.
Furthermore, camping allows individuals to bond with their loved ones in an intimate setting away from the distractions of everyday life. Sharing experiences such as hiking through dense forests or stargazing under clear skies can strengthen relationships and create lasting memories.
In conclusion, Reserve America Holdings Inc., located at South Street, Ballston Spa, NY 12020, United States, is a perfect destination for those looking to experience the wonders of camping. The picturesque surroundings, comfortable accommodations, and recreational activities make it an ideal choice for families and groups alike. So if you're planning your next adventure, don't hesitate to visit this hidden gem nestled in the heart of nature!

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-01-20 by Isabelle Love

At our campground near Saratoga Springs, NY, we had a great getaway with easy access via Routes 50 or Exit 12 off I-87. Modern amenities such as clean bathrooms and hot showers are available, with helpful staff suggesting nearby attractions. Our GPS led us on a scenic detour through the woods, but we still enjoyed a peaceful escape or exciting outdoor adventure by the serene lake thanks to hiking, fishing, and paddling. We highly recommend this retreat. (Name omitted.)

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-02-16 by Chloe

As a seasoned camper myself, I must admit that my experience with Reserve America Holdings Inc. was quite underwhelming. While it is true that the picturesque landscape and serene environment may appeal to some campers, I found the overall experience to be less than satisfactory.
Firstly, the commitment to providing top-notch facilities and amenities seemed more like a marketing gimmick rather than an actual effort towards improving camper's experiences. The well-maintained trails were overcrowded during peak seasons, making it difficult for visitors to enjoy nature's tranquility.
Moreover, the comfort of accommodation did not meet my expectations. The tents provided were old and worn out, leaving me feeling discomfort throughout my stay. Additionally, the recreational activities offered were limited and not as engaging as I had hoped.
One major drawback of Reserve America Holdings Inc. is its lack of commitment to sustainability. With climate change looming over us, it is crucial for camping sites like this one to take measures towards reducing their carbon footprint. However, I noticed that there was minimal effort put into recycling and waste management at the campsite.
Furthermore, learning essential survival skills was not as easy or enjoyable as Emerson made it seem. The instructors were often unavailable or inexperienced, making it difficult for campers to acquire new skills effectively.
Lastly, while bonding with loved ones is an essential aspect of camping, I found that Reserve America Holdings Inc.'s location was not ideal for fostering close relationships. The noise from nearby roads and the constant buzz of other campers made it challenging to create a peaceful and intimate setting away from everyday life.
In conclusion, Reserve America Holdings Inc., located at South Street, Ballston Spa, NY 12020, United States, does not live up to its reputation as a perfect destination for camping enthusiasts. The lack of commitment towards sustainability, poor quality accommodations, and limited recreational activities make it difficult for visitors to fully enjoy their experience. So, if you're planning your next adventure, I would advise you to look elsewhere for a more authentic and memorable camping experience.

Camping on the Battenkill

48 Camping on the Battenkill, Arlington, VT 05250, United States

GPS : 43.0839712, -73.1455666

Users reviews of Camping on the Battenkill Stockton

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-04-11 by Brian Leach

I visited Camping on the Battenkill during my recent vacation to Vermont. Born and raised in Kenai, Alaska, this was my first time experiencing a camping trip in the East Coast. And let me tell you, it was an adventure that I will never forget!
Located at 48 Camping on the Battenkill, Arlington, VT 05250, United States - just minutes away from the famous Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream factory and the historic town of Manchester, this campground offers a perfect escape from the bustling city life.
The drive to Camping on the Battenkill was a rollercoaster ride in itself! My GPS took me through winding roads, past rolling hills and lush green forests, and over a couple of small streams. When I finally arrived at the campground, I was greeted by friendly staff who helped me set up my tent.
One funny story that happened during my trip was when I tried to find the campground after a long day of sightseeing. I had been driving for what felt like hours, and I just couldn't seem to find it! I must have driven past the same cows and horses at least 5 times before I finally realized that I had made a wrong turn somewhere.
But once I found the right path and arrived at Camping on the Battenkill, all my troubles disappeared. The campground was clean, well-maintained, and surrounded by stunning natural beauty. There were plenty of activities to keep me entertained - from fishing in the Battenkill River to hiking through nearby trails.
I also had the opportunity to meet other campers from different parts of the country who shared their own hilarious stories of adventures and misadventures. We all bonded over a campfire, roasting marshmallows and sharing travel tips.
Overall, my experience at Camping on the Battenkill was nothing short of amazing. It's definitely worth a visit if you're planning a trip to Vermont. And who knows, maybe you'll have your own funny story to share!

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-07-06 by Jaden

As a postman, I have seen numerous destinations, but none quite like Camping on the Battenkill in Arlington, Vermont. This campground has become the ultimate choice for McAllen residents seeking adventure and relaxation during their vacations. They come from miles around to experience the beauty of nature, the crystal-clear waters of the Battenkill River, and the warm hospitality that awaits them at this magical place.
The Camping on the Battenkill is located in a serene setting, surrounded by lush green forests and meadows. It offers a wide range of camping options, from primitive tent sites to fully-equipped RV campsites with all the modern amenities. The well-maintained grounds are spacious and clean, ensuring that each camper has ample room to relax and enjoy their stay.
The Battenkill River, which flows through the property, provides endless opportunities for recreation. Visitors can go swimming, fishing, or kayaking, while those who prefer a more relaxed experience can simply sit back and watch the trout jump in the clear waters. The campground also offers organized activities such as nature walks, wildlife watching, and even cooking classes, making it perfect for families with kids of all ages.
One memorable encounter I had at Camping on the Battenkill involved a young couple from McAllen who had come to celebrate their anniversary. They were staying in one of the cozy cabins situated near the riverbank. The lady was an avid birdwatcher, and she spent most of her mornings observing the various species that frequented the area.
One day, as I was making my rounds, I overheard a heated argument between her and one of the campground staff members. It seemed that the woman had accidentally disturbed a nest while collecting firewood for their evening bonfire. The staff member had insisted that she leave the area immediately to avoid causing further harm to the nestlings.
Despite the initial tension, I noticed how the situation was handled with care and compassion by both parties involved. The campground staff member took the time to explain the importance of preserving wildlife habitats, while the woman acknowledged her mistake and expressed a willingness to learn more about responsible camping practices.
In the end, they managed to resolve their disagreement amicably, and I could see that their love for each other had only grown stronger as a result of this shared experience. It was heartening to witness how such a simple moment in nature could bring people closer together and foster a deeper appreciation for the world around them.
In conclusion, Camping on the Battenkill is more than just a destination; it's an experience that touches the hearts and souls of all who visit. Its unique combination of natural beauty, recreational opportunities, and warm hospitality make it the perfect choice for McAllen residents seeking a memorable getaway. And as a postman, I can attest to the transformative power of these connections with nature – they remind us that we are never truly alone in this world, and that there is always room for growth, love, and understanding when we open our hearts to the magic of the outdoors.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2023-07-09 by Karter O'connor

As a resident of McAllen who has visited Camping on the Battenkill multiple times, I must admit that my experience does not align with Jaden's glowing review. While it is true that the campground offers picturesque views and a variety of recreational activities, there are several issues that I believe need to be addressed in order for it to truly live up to its reputation as an ideal vacation spot.
Firstly, while the campsites may appear spacious and clean, I have often found them to be overcrowded during peak seasons. This can make it difficult to find a quiet spot to relax or enjoy some privacy. Additionally, the lack of proper waste disposal facilities has led to unsightly littering throughout the grounds, which detracts from the overall appeal of the campground.
Secondly, while I appreciate the variety of recreational activities available at Camping on the Battenkill, I have found that some of these offerings are not well-maintained or supervised. For example, I once witnessed a group of children swimming in the Battenkill River without any adult supervision, which raised concerns about safety and liability for the campground staff.
Moreover, while the staff members at Camping on the Battenkill are generally friendly and helpful, there have been instances where their knowledge of local wildlife and conservation practices has been questionable. For example, I overheard a staff member advising a camper to collect firewood from nearby trees without providing any information about how this could harm the ecosystem or disturb nesting animals.
Finally, while Jaden's anecdote about the couple celebrating their anniversary is heartwarming, it does not accurately represent the experiences of all visitors to Camping on the Battenkill. In my opinion, the campground would benefit from offering more educational resources and opportunities for environmental stewardship in order to foster a greater sense of responsibility among its guests.
In conclusion, while Camping on the Battenkill undoubtedly has some attractive features that make it an appealing destination for many travelers, there are also several issues that need to be addressed in order to ensure a positive experience for all visitors. By addressing these concerns and investing in improved facilities and educational programming, the campground can continue to grow and evolve as a premier destination for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts alike.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-08-11 by Wesley

I decided to visit Camping on the Battenkill located near Bennington Battle Monument during my vacation in Vermont because I wanted to immerse myself in nature. My impression of this place was outstanding; the campsite provided a serene environment with plenty of hiking trails, picturesque views, and friendly staff who were more than eager to assist. Overall, it exceeded all expectations!

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-09-20 by Henry Livingston

Oh boy, oh boy! Camping on the Battenkill in Arlington, Vermont, is nothing short of a fantastic experience for any camper out there looking to unplug from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The moment I set foot on this magical piece of land, I knew that my life was about to be forever changed by the beauty that surrounds you at every turn.
Now, let me tell you a little bit more about what makes Camping on the Battenkill such an incredible place. First off, the staff here is absolutely out of this world! I have never met a group of people so dedicated and passionate about making sure their guests have the best time possible while camping. And believe me, they do everything in their power to make that happen.
Now, let's talk about appearances. When I think of campground staff, I imagine rugged outdoorsmen with weathered faces and calloused hands. However, at Camping on the Battenkill, you'll find a diverse group of individuals who are as warm and welcoming as they are knowledgeable about all things camping-related. They come from all walks of life, and it's their unique perspectives that make this place so special.
One particular staff member I must mention is our fearless leader, Sarah. She has a contagious energy that instantly puts everyone at ease. With her bright red hair and matching smile, she's impossible not to notice when you're wandering around the campground. Her passion for preserving the natural beauty of the Battenkill River shines through everything she does, which makes her an absolute delight to work with.
Then there are the campers themselves! Oh boy, do they ever come in all shapes and sizes. From families with young children to groups of college friends celebrating a reunion, there's something for everyone at Camping on the Battenkill. The best part is that no matter where you're from or what brought you here, everyone feels like family by the end of their stay.
Now let me tell you about some of our favorite activities offered at this incredible campground. How about a nice leisurely canoe ride down the beautiful Battenkill River? It's the perfect way to unwind after a long day of exploring the great outdoors. Or perhaps you prefer something more adventurous, like hiking one of the many nearby trails that offer breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.
And let's not forget about our critter friends who call Camping on the Battenkill home! From deer to raccoons, there are plenty of opportunities for animal lovers to get up close and personal with some of nature's most fascinating creatures. Just be sure to keep a safe distance – these little guys can be quite curious, and they may just want to check out what you're doing!
In conclusion, Camping on the Battenkill is a truly unforgettable experience that I would highly recommend to anyone looking for an escape from reality. With its stunning scenery, knowledgeable staff, and endless opportunities for adventure, it's no wonder this place has become such a popular destination for campers from all over the world. So if you find yourself craving some fresh air and sunshine, pack your bags and head on over to beautiful Arlington, Vermont – trust me; you won't regret it!

Bethel Harbor

3405 Harbor Rd, Bethel Island, CA 94511, United States

GPS : 38.039686, -121.6332783

Users reviews of Bethel Harbor Stockton

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-18 by Everly

Bethel Harbor is a truly unique and magical place that I have been fortunate enough to visit with my sister. The campsite offers an unforgettable experience, filled with breathtaking views of the ocean and wildlife. One memorable encounter we had was with a mischievous raccoon who seemed to enjoy playing with our belongings! Despite its antics, it added an extra layer of fun and adventure to our stay. As for tips and tricks for other customers, I would recommend bringing plenty of bug spray as mosquitoes can be quite bothersome during certain times of the year. Additionally, make sure you pack plenty of snacks and drinks as there are limited options within walking distance from the campsite. In terms of today's news, the soaring oil prices above $85/bbl due to Ukrainian attacks on Russian refineries have certainly intensified geopolitical risks in the region. However, I believe that this should not deter people from visiting Bethel Harbor. The campsite remains a beautiful and peaceful oasis, offering a much-needed escape from the chaos of the world. Overall, my experience at Bethel Harbor was nothing short of amazing. The stunning scenery, the chance to disconnect from daily life, and the opportunity to witness wildlife up close are just some of the reasons why I wholeheartedly recommend this campsite to anyone looking for a memorable vacation.

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