Costa Mesa - outdoor camping

Famous traveler Mary Simpson - recommended camping pitch the wild of Costa Mesa.

What is better than living with nature on campground with your friends ? If you are in Costa Mesa you should read this tips & trick article. If you choose to stay on Acton / Los Angeles North KOA or Anaheim Harbor RV Park which is 75.88 kilometers away but you should always have a headlamp in your bag.

Quite and well equipped campsites in Costa Mesa

In the neighborhood of the Costa Mesa you can find Anaheim Harbor RV Park located at 1009 S Harbor Blvd, Anaheim, CA 92805, United States with is 22.87 kilometers away from Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort located at 1131 Back Bay Dr, Newport Beach, CA 92660, United States. Those camping pitch are equipped with piped potable water and garbage cans.

Here in Costa Mesa you can enjoy many more activities and experiences. If you like the adventure, it's worth it.The Best Campgrounds in Southern California - We know you have a lot to think. So we decided to create this list of the best California campgrounds in Southern California. This list is updated regularly with the most popular camping sites for 2018.

Please check our Top California Campgrounds list in 2021.

Those camping pitch are equipped with piped potable water and garbage cans. Every person in California love to go for a weekend outside crowded city.

 A small group of campers in a tent in the park The most recent time we were camping in Calle Juego de Pajares in the Santa Cruz hills was in October. There was quite a lot of activity there and some folks were staying with each other. As we came back from this trip the area was completely deserted but we got a nice surprise when we took a walk down the street and noticed that a lot of people living in the area were having lunch and relaxing together outside their tents or sleeping next to each other.

We were so touched by this and couldn't help but to give them a good look. It really showed us that there are some nice people who are really looking for a peaceful camping experience. We did have to walk for some miles down the highway to get the parking spaces for the campsite. Once we were in the parking lot we were greeted by the friendly local community of Calle Juego de Pajares.

This is a very nice neighborhood with a lot of interesting businesses and people living in it. We were also introduced to one of the park's resident campers and were greeted by him and his two buddies who have been staying with him for some time. We were all really excited to meet them. We were also given some nice souvenirs such as homemade "campfires" (made from cardboard and wood sticks), which we were sure to keep for awhile.

After the tour we were taken to a small market where we met many other campers. After getting our permits to walk back to San Antonio, we spent some time walking down the road to the other campground, Pico de la Calle and to another place called the "Ricardo de Santa Cruz" to take in the sights and sights of Mexico's famed "El Chaco Mountain". The rest of the day was spent enjoying the sights at each of these campsites as we explored the surrounding area.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the recommended frequency of changing water in a portable water tank while camping in Anaheim RV Park and Costa Mesa?

The recommended frequency of changing water in a portable water tank while camping in Anaheim RV Park and Costa Mesa is to fill it up completely before use and then every 2-3 hours depending on usage.
It's important to note that the container should not be left empty for an extended period of time as this can lead to bacterial growth and contamination of the water. Additionally, it's a good idea to monitor the water level and top off as needed.

What measures have been taken to ensure the safety and cleanliness of the campground's restrooms during high-traffic seasons, such as weekends and holidays?

During high-traffic seasons like weekends and holidays, our campground takes several measures to ensure the safety and cleanliness of our restrooms. Firstly, we increase the frequency of restroom cleaning to at least every two hours during peak times. Our cleaning staff uses environmentally friendly disinfectants to sanitize all surfaces, including toilets, sinks, and floors. Secondly, we install extra hand sanitizer dispensers in strategic locations throughout the restrooms to encourage guests to wash their hands frequently. We also provide paper towels instead of traditional hand dryers to minimize the spread of germs. Thirdly, we have implemented a "flush it, don't touch it" policy to prevent guests from coming into contact with potentially contaminated surfaces in the restroom. This means that all toilet seats, handles, and flusher buttons are left up, encouraging guests to flush the toilet using their foot or elbow instead. Lastly, we have installed motion sensors on the lights and fans in our restrooms to conserve energy during quieter periods but ensure that they remain on throughout high-traffic times for added safety and convenience. As for the recent news about Black men suing American Airlines for "racial discrimination", we at our campground are committed to providing equal service and facilities to all of our guests, regardless of race or ethnicity. We have a strict anti-discrimination policy in place, and any incidents of prejudice will be immediately addressed and remedied. Our goal is to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment for all of our guests, and we strive to uphold this principle in everything we do.

"How does the campground's irrigation system work and what measures are taken to ensure its efficient use of water during drought seasons?

During drought seasons, the campground's irrigation system is designed to operate efficiently and minimize water waste. The system consists of a series of sprinklers and drip irrigation systems that are strategically placed throughout the property to deliver water directly to the plants' roots where it is needed most. To ensure the efficient use of water during drought seasons, we implement several measures, including:

1. Watering Schedule: We have a strict watering schedule in place that takes into account the weather forecasts and soil moisture levels. During drought seasons, we reduce watering frequency and duration to conserve water. Soil Moisture Sensors: We use soil moisture sensors to monitor soil moisture levels and optimize irrigation schedules accordingly. These sensors help us avoid overwatering or underwatering the plants, ensuring that they receive just enough water to thrive. Mulching: We apply mulch around the base of the trees and shrubs to retain moisture in the soil, reducing the need for frequent irrigation. Leak Detection: Our team conducts regular inspections of the irrigation system to detect any leaks or malfunctions that could waste water. If we identify any issues, we address them promptly to minimize water loss. We understand the importance of conserving water during drought seasons and are committed to doing our part in promoting sustainable practices. We will continue to monitor the situation closely and adjust our irrigation strategies as needed to ensure that our campground remains green and vibrant even during periods of low rainfall.

Recommended places in Costa Mesa

Highway West Vacations

2082 Michelson Dr, Irvine, CA 92612, United States

GPS : 33.6766343, -117.8586883

Users reviews of Highway West Vacations Costa Mesa

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-07-09 by Eliza

As someone who has always loved spending time outdoors, my sister and I decided to take a trip to West Virginia for an unforgettable vacation. We chose Highway West Vacations because of its beautiful camping sites and variety of outdoor activities.
Upon arriving at the campsite located at 2082 Michelson Dr, Irvin, CA 92612, United States, we were greeted by friendly staff who helped us set up our tents and gave us a brief orientation about the site's facilities. We chose to stay in one of their spacious cabins that offered all the comforts of home with a beautiful view of the surrounding forests.
During our stay, we experienced some truly magical moments - starry nights filled with constellations and shooting stars that lit up the sky like fireworks. One particular night, we decided to head out on a hike to catch a glimpse of the night sky away from city lights. The trail led us deep into the woods where we found ourselves surrounded by towering trees and chirping crickets. As we sat down on a large boulder overlooking a small stream, the stars began to appear one by one until they formed an incredible canvas above us.
As we watched in awe, a shooting star streaked across the sky, leaving behind a trail of glittering dust that seemed to linger for minutes. We couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment - it was as if nature had put on a show just for us.
Throughout our time at Highway West Vacations, we enjoyed various outdoor activities such as kayaking down the river, exploring nearby waterfalls, and even attending a local bluegrass concert under the stars. We also took advantage of the campground's amenities including the clean showers and well-equipped kitchen facilities.
My tips for future visitors:
1. Bring bug spray - there are plenty of mosquitoes and other insects in West Virginia during summer months.
2. Pack comfortable walking shoes or hiking boots as you'll likely do a lot of exploring on foot.
3. Don't forget to bring binoculars if you want to get up close views of the local wildlife and scenery.
4. Be prepared for unpredictable weather - it can be hot and sunny one minute and rainy the next, so pack layers and waterproof gear just in case.
5. Take advantage of the campground's activities and events – they offer a variety of programs throughout the year that cater to all interests.
Overall, Highway West Vacations provided my sister and me with an unforgettable experience filled with breathtaking scenery, outdoor adventures, and memorable moments under the stars. I highly recommend this campground for anyone looking to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and connect with nature.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2023-07-30 by Madeline

While Eliza had a wonderful experience at Highway West Vactions, my opinion on the subject differs slightly.
Firstly, while I agree that the camping sites are beautiful and offer a variety of outdoor activities, I would like to question the accessibility of the location. The address mentioned by Eliza is located in Irvin, CA, not West Virginia. This discrepancy casts doubt on the authenticity of Highway West Vactions as it does not match any known camping sites or vacation destinations in West Virginia.
Moreover, I believe that the quality of the amenities and customer service should be taken into consideration when rating a vacation destination. While Eliza praises the clean shower facilities and well-equipped kitchen, there might be other campgrounds offering similar amenities at more reasonable prices or within better locations in West Virginia.
Lastly, I would like to emphasize that personal experiences vary greatly from one person to another. What worked for Eliza and her sister may not necessarily work for everyone else. For instance, some visitors may prefer a resort-style vacation with all the luxuries of modern amenities rather than camping in a cabin surrounded by woods. Therefore, it is essential to consider individual preferences before deciding on a vacation destination.
In conclusion, Highway West Vactions might be a great option for those who enjoy outdoor activities and want to experience the beauty of nature in West Virginia. However, potential visitors should do their research thoroughly and take into account factors such as location, amenities, and personal preferences before making a final decision on where to vacation.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-02-26 by Brianna

Hmmm...interesting perspective Eliza! Personally, I don't think I would be too excited about an "unforgettable" vacation that involves staying in a campsite located at 2082 Michelson Dr, Irvin, CA 92612, United States. It sounds kind of...well, unremarkable if you ask me.
But hey, to each their own! If camping and stargazing is your thing, then more power to you! I'm just not a fan of roughin' it when there are so many other amazing vacation destinations out there like Bora Bora or the Maldives.
Speaking of stars, have you ever considered becoming an astronaut? You seem to be quite fascinated with them! Maybe that could be your next adventure? Just a thought...

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-18 by Wesley

Dear Brianna,

Thank you for sharing your perspective on Highway West Vacations, but I must say that I strongly disagree with your opinion. As someone who grew up in the heart of the countryside and spent countless summers camping with my family, I can attest to the fact that there is something truly magical about sleeping under the stars and waking up to the sound of birds chirping. It's true that staying at a campsite may not be everyone's cup of tea, but for those who appreciate nature and the simple things in life, it can be an incredibly enriching experience. In fact, studies have shown that spending time in nature can reduce stress levels, boost mood, and improve cognitive function. But beyond the health benefits, there is something truly nostalgic about camping that cannot be replicated in a five-star hotel or a luxurious villa. There's a sense of freedom and independence that comes with setting up your own tent, cooking over an open flame, and sleeping on a mattress pad. It's like stepping back in time to a simpler era, when life was not defined by the number of likes or followers you had online but rather by the memories you made around the campfire. Of course, I understand the appeal of destinations like Bora Bora and the Maldives. They are undoubtedly beautiful and offer a level of luxury that many people crave. But I would argue that true beauty lies not in the surface-level aesthetics but in the experiences we have and the connections we make with others. And there's no better way to do that than by sharing a campsite with your loved ones, roasting marshmallows over the fire, and telling ghost stories until the wee hours of the night. In short, I believe that Highway West Vacations offers something truly special - an opportunity to connect with nature, reconnect with ourselves, and create memories that will last a lifetime. So if you're ever feeling burnt out by the hustle and bustle of modern life, why not give it a try? You might just find that there's more to vacationing than Instagram-worthy backdrops and fancy amenities.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-23 by Collin

While Brianna's perspective on Highway West Vacations is understandable, I strongly disagree with her negative opinion. In fact, I recently had the pleasure of experiencing one of their camping vacations and it was nothing short of unforgettable. Firstly, let's address the location - 2082 Michelson Dr, Irvin, CA 92612, United States. While it may not be as glamorous as Bora Bora or the Maldives, this campsite is nestled in the heart of Orange County, California, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and sunsets that are truly unforgettable. Moreover, camping and stargazing are not just about roughing it - it's about connecting with nature and disconnecting from the stresses of everyday life. With Highway West Vacations, you get to enjoy all the modern amenities such as fully equipped campsites, hot showers, and even Wi-Fi (if you must) while still immersing yourself in the great outdoors. As for becoming an astronaut, while it's a fascinating concept, it requires years of training and education that is not feasible for everyone. On the other hand, camping vacations with Highway West Vacations are accessible to all, regardless of age or experience level. In conclusion, I urge Brianna to give Highway West Vacations a chance - you might be surprised at how enjoyable camping can be! Who knows, it could become your new favorite vacation destination.

Sunset Vista RV Park

103 PCH, Huntington Beach, CA 92648, United States

GPS : 33.655165, -118.0001729

Users reviews of Sunset Vista RV Park Costa Mesa

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-07-20 by Gemma

I stayed at Sunset Visa RV Park long time ago with my secret lover, and it was one of our best memories together. We had an amazing experience with Morning Dew Yoga sessions that helped us connect both spiritually and physically. The campsite was serene and well-maintained, with friendly staff who made sure we felt at home during our stay. If you're planning to visit Sunset Visa RV Park, I highly recommend trying out their Morning Dew Yoga sessions - they are truly magical! And remember, always bring extra blankets for chilly mornings and evenings.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-01-22 by Bentley

Revised Text:
Last summer, I had the pleasure of visiting Sunset Visita RV Park in Huntington Beach, California. This campground offers everything a seasoned camper could want. Located near the Pacific Ocean, it's a serene spot to connect with nature and disconnect from technology. With breathtaking sunsets over the ocean, it's an ideal place to unwind after a long day.
The park provides an array of activities such as swimming, surfing, fishing, and beach volleyball, making it perfect for families and groups looking to bond while creating cherished memories. What sets Sunset Visita RV Park apart is its commitment to guest safety. I witnessed firsthand the security team's professional handling of a situation involving a disagreement between campers. The quick response and resolution ensured everyone involved felt safe throughout the incident, reflecting the park's overall dedication to excellence.
In conclusion, Sunset Visita RV Park is an exceptional destination for camping enthusiasts seeking adventure, relaxation, and bonding time with loved ones. Its stunning location, diverse range of activities, and exemplary security measures make it a must-visit destination.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-02-22 by Emmanuel

Sunset Visita RV Park: A Review Contradicting Bentley's Opinion
Sunset Visita RV Park is often praised as a paradise for camping enthusiasts, but I believe that the park has some significant drawbacks that need to be addressed. While Bentley's experience at Sunset Visita RV Park may have been exceptional, my stay was far from perfect.
Firstly, the park's location near the Pacific Ocean does offer picturesque sunsets and beautiful views, but it also means dealing with loud waves crashing against the shore throughout the night. For someone who values a good night's sleep, this constant noise can be quite disruptive.
Secondly, while Bentley mentions plenty of activities to keep guests entertained during their stay, I found that many of these options were either overcrowded or not well-maintained. The beach volleyball court, for example, was in poor condition and difficult to play on due to the sandy surface.
Furthermore, while Bentley praises Sunset Visita RV Park's security measures, I have my doubts about their effectiveness. During my stay, I noticed that some guests did not appear to be following the park's rules regarding campsite etiquette, leading me to question whether the security team is truly dedicated to enforcing these guidelines.
Another issue I encountered at Sunset Visita RV Park was the lack of cleanliness throughout the park. Trash cans were often overflowing, and public restrooms were frequently unkempt. This lack of proper maintenance detracted from the overall camping experience and left me feeling unsatisfied with my stay.
Lastly, while Bentley appreciates Sunset Visita RV Park's commitment to excellence, I believe that this dedication is limited in scope. The park may excel in certain areas, such as security measures, but there are other aspects – like cleanliness and activity options – where improvement is needed.
In conclusion, while Sunset Visita RV Park does have some redeeming qualities, my experience at the park was marred by several drawbacks that cannot be overlooked. I encourage potential campers to consider these issues before making a reservation and ensure that their expectations align with what the park has to offer.[/INST]

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-04 by Hudson

As someone who is new to the world of camping and yoga, I can't wait to experience the magic that Gemma raves about at Sunset Vista RV Park. While I am intrigued by her story of a romantic getaway, what really caught my attention was the Morning Dew Yoga sessions. The way Gemma describes them as spiritually and physically connecting makes me want to drop everything and book my spot ASAP! However, being someone who tends to shiver at the mere thought of cold mornings, I am thankful for her tip about bringing extra blankets. I can only imagine how peaceful it must be to practice yoga amidst the scenic beauty of a well-maintained campsite, and I'm excited to witness it myself.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-06 by Eliza Harrison

While Gemma's review of Sunset Vista RV Park was undoubtedly heartfelt and glowing, I must present a differing perspective based on my recent experience at the same campsite. Don't get me wrong, the park itself is undeniably beautiful, with stunning sunsets over the mountains that truly live up to their name. However, my stay was plagued by several issues that left me feeling less than satisfied. Firstly, I found the facilities to be lacking in comparison to other RV parks I've stayed at. The showers were outdated and the water pressure was weak, which made getting clean a frustrating experience. Additionally, the restrooms were overcrowded during peak hours, making it difficult to find a space to change or use the facilities in privacy. Secondly, while Gemma praised the yoga sessions as magical, I found them to be lackluster at best. The instructor seemed disinterested and didn't offer any personalized attention to the participants, leaving many feeling uninspired. In fact, I heard several campers complaining about the quality of the classes during my stay. Lastly, I found the staff at Sunset Vista RV Park to be less than helpful when it came to addressing issues that arose during my stay. When our water hookup failed multiple times, we were left without running water for several hours before anyone from the park came to investigate. This lack of responsiveness was frustrating and left us feeling like our needs as guests weren't being prioritized. Overall, I would say that my experience at Sunset Vista RV Park was far less magical than Gemma's. While there were certainly moments of beauty and tranquility, the park falls short when it comes to basic amenities and responsive customer service. If you're considering staying here, I would recommend doing some more research beforehand to ensure that your needs will be met during your stay.

Crystal Cove State Park Moro Campground

8471 N Coast Hwy, Laguna Beach, CA 92651, United States

GPS : 33.5626438, -117.8227838

Users reviews of Crystal Cove State Park Moro Campground Costa Mesa

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2023-10-18 by Natalia

I had the most incredible experience at Crystal Cove State Park Moro Campground, located at 8471 N Coast Hwy, Laguna Beach, CA 92651, United States. I visited the park with my sister some time ago and we had an amazing time exploring the beautiful surroundings while camping in our cozy tent.
The first night, everything was going smoothly as planned. We set up our campsite near the beach, cooked a delicious dinner on our portable stove, and enjoyed the stunning sunset. It was the perfect start to what we thought would be an unforgettable camping trip.
However, our trip took a surprising turn when I woke up in the middle of the night with a cold shiver down my spine. The tent zipper had broken, leaving us exposed to the elements and the chilly coastal air. My sister and I quickly realized that we were not properly prepared for such an incident, but luckily we managed to find a way to fix the situation.
We used some duct tape to secure the broken zipper, creating makeshift flaps to cover our tent entrance. This solution wasn't perfect, but it allowed us to stay warm and dry throughout the rest of the night. It was definitely an experience we will never forget!
The Crystal Cove State Park Moro Campground is a fantastic place for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike. The park offers beautiful ocean views, sandy beaches, and plenty of hiking trails to explore. The campsite itself is well-maintained and features spacious tent sites with picnic tables, fire rings, and clean restrooms nearby.
One tip I would give to other campers is to always bring a backup plan for emergencies like the broken zipper incident. It's essential to be prepared for anything when you're out in nature, so make sure you have duct tape or other repair tools with you just in case.
Another trick we learned during our stay was to use beach towels as extra insulation inside our tent. This helped keep the cold air out and made our sleeping bags feel warmer and more comfortable throughout the night.
Overall, our experience at Crystal Cove State Park Moro Campground was nothing short of amazing. We had a blast exploring the beautiful surroundings, cooking delicious meals over the campfire, and bonding with nature. Despite the broken zipper incident, I would highly recommend this campsite to anyone looking for an unforgettable outdoor adventure.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-02-19 by Kayla

While Natalia's experience at Crystal Cove State Park Moro Campground seems nothing short of amazing, my two cents are entirely different. My stay at the campground left me feeling underwhelmed and unimpressed with what was supposed to be a thrilling camping trip. The first issue I encountered was the lack of proper facilities for campers with pets. Although the park allows pets, there were no designated areas or paths specifically meant for them, causing undue stress for both my pet and myself as we navigated through the site.
Furthermore, during my stay, I noticed that the campground lacked sufficient trash bins and recycling stations. This resulted in a mess of discarded waste around our campsite, leaving me with an unpleasant feeling of environmental neglect. The park's supposed beauty did nothing to alleviate these issues, as they were still present despite being surrounded by breathtaking ocean views.
In conclusion, my experience at Crystal Cove State Park Moro Campground was far from the idyllic setting that Natalia and her sister encountered. While it may not be entirely disastrous, it certainly didn't live up to its reputation as a prime destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-02-19 by Cora

As Kayla shares her contrasting experience at Crystal Cove State Park Moro Campground, it's essential to question the arguments given by both sides of this debate. While she mentions the lack of proper facilities for campers with pets and insufficient waste management, one must consider alternative perspectives on their impact on the overall camping experience.

Drawing upon feelings of nostalgia, I argue that despite these issues, the park still holds a certain charm that is hard to resist. Perhaps it's the serene atmosphere created by the sound of waves crashing against the shore, or maybe it's the sense of connection with nature that an authentic camping trip provides. While proper facilities and waste management should undoubtedly be prioritized, it's essential not to overlook the simpler pleasures of life in the midst of a stunning coastal setting.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-03-08 by Eleanor Vance

I am outraged by Cora's review of Crystal Cove State Park Moro Campground, rated at an abysmal 3 stars. Her complaints about inadequate facilities for pets and insufficient waste management are valid, but she fails to acknowledge the many other aspects that make this campground a hidden gem. Firstly, Cora's focus on pet-friendly accommodations is misplaced. The park's website explicitly states that dogs are allowed only in designated areas, which seems like enough information for responsible dog owners to plan accordingly. Besides, the park's emphasis on preserving natural habitats is commendable and should be respected by all campers, including those with pets. Secondly, Cora's criticism of waste management is equally misguided. While it's true that littering should never be tolerated, it's unfair to blame the park for poor cleanliness when campers are responsible for their own trash. Each campsite comes equipped with a dumpster and recycling bins, and the park provides ample signage reminding campers of their responsibility to dispose of waste properly. Ignoring these facts, Cora goes on to paint an inaccurate picture of Crystal Cove State Park Moro Campground as a place plagued by unsanitary conditions. Her words betray a lack of respect for the natural beauty and tranquility that this campground offers. In contrast, I have had the pleasure of staying at Crystal Cove State Park Moro Campground multiple times, and I can attest to its charm and appeal. The park's stunning coastal location provides an unparalleled immersive experience for nature lovers, with hiking trails leading to breathtaking vistas of the Pacific Ocean. Moreover, the campground offers a unique opportunity for stargazing enthusiasts, thanks to the lack of artificial light pollution in the area. The serenity and quietness of this place are unmatched, allowing visitors to connect with nature and reflect on life's simple pleasures. In conclusion, I strongly disagree with Cora's review of Crystal Cove State Park Moro Campground. While her arguments about pet facilities and waste management are valid, they do not outweigh the park's many positive attributes. Instead, they should be viewed as areas for improvement that the park authorities can work to address. My advice to prospective campers would be to approach Crystal Cove State Park Moro Campground with an open mind and an appreciation of its natural beauty. I assure you that this hidden gem is well worth a visit, and the memories created here will linger long after your departure.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-09 by Emerson Murphy

Cora's review of Crystal Cove State Park Moro Campground paints a bleak picture of the camping experience, with its emphasis on shortcomings such as insufficient facilities for pet owners and poor waste management. While these issues are undoubtedly valid concerns, one must consider the bigger picture in assessing the overall quality of the camping experience. As someone who has spent countless nights under the stars at various campsites across the country, I can attest to the fact that the beauty and tranquility of nature far outweigh any minor inconveniences. The sound of waves crashing against the shore, the rustling leaves in the wind, and the chirping of crickets at night all combine to create a symphony of natural harmony that is both soothing and uplifting. Moreover, the coastal setting of Crystal Cove State Park provides campers with an unparalleled opportunity to connect with nature in ways that are hard to replicate elsewhere. From hiking along scenic trails to exploring hidden coves and beaches, there's no shortage of natural wonders to discover in this region. Of course, I don't mean to downplay the importance of proper facilities and waste management at campgrounds - these are essential components that ensure a comfortable and hygienic camping experience for all involved. However, it's equally important not to lose sight of the bigger picture in our quest for convenience and comfort. Ultimately, it's up to each individual camper to strike a balance between the two and make informed decisions about which campgrounds best suit their needs and preferences. In conclusion, while Crystal Cove State Park Moro Campground may not be perfect, it still holds a certain charm and beauty that cannot be overlooked. Whether you're a seasoned camper or a first-timer, this coastal paradise offers an unparalleled opportunity to immerse yourself in nature and connect with the world around you.

Anaheim RV Park

200 W Midway Dr, Anaheim, CA 92805, United States

GPS : 33.81243, -117.907494

Users reviews of Anaheim RV Park Costa Mesa

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2023-05-04 by Elias Gray

As an insurance advisor, I always seek to provide my clients with comprehensive coverage for their travels, including camping trips. Last summer, I decided to test out Anaheim RV Park located at Midway Drive, in Anaheim, California for a relaxing weekend getaway. The park offers a variety of amenities such as Wi-Fi, laundry facilities, and even an on-site mini golf course.
Upon arriving at the park, I was pleasantly surprised by the cleanliness and spaciousness of the site. It's evident that the management takes pride in maintaining their property. The staff were friendly and helpful, guiding me to my designated spot with ease.
One evening, while enjoying a campfire with some fellow RV-ers, I overheard a conversation between one business partner and an RV park staff member. Apparently, there had been an incident involving the business partners' RV earlier in the day. The staff member had to come out and resolve the issue, causing a bit of tension between the two parties.
While this situation may not be a common occurrence, it did make me reflect on the importance of having proper insurance coverage for my clients who visit campgrounds like Anaheim RV Park. As an advisor, I strive to ensure that my clients are fully protected in case of any unexpected events or accidents during their trip.
In conclusion, if you're looking for a well-maintained and enjoyable camping experience, then Anaheim RV Park is definitely worth considering. And as always, don't forget to invest in comprehensive insurance coverage before embarking on any adventure!

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-08-15 by Greyson Gilmore

I remember it like it was yesterday, my girlfriend and I were on an adventure to explore the wonders of California when we stumbled upon this hidden gem - Anaheim RV Park (200 W Midway Dr, Anaheim, CA 92805). We had been traveling for weeks and decided to take a break in Anaheim before heading off to our next destination. Little did we know that we would experience an unforgettable night at this campground, thanks to The Midnight Storm.
As we settled into our campsite at Anaheim RV Park, the sun began to set and the sky turned a beautiful shade of orange and pink. We decided to grab some dinner at a nearby restaurant and come back to enjoy the peaceful evening. As we sat by our campfire, chatting about our day and reminiscing on all the fun we've had so far, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this wonderful place we found.
Just as we were getting ready to call it a night, The Midnight Storm began to roll in. At first, it was just a light drizzle, but within minutes, it transformed into a full-blown storm. Torrential rain poured down and the wind howled through the trees, making the whole campground shake. We quickly grabbed our belongings and ran to our tent, hoping that we wouldn't get blown away by the fierce winds.
The next few hours were a roller coaster of emotions as we huddled together in our tent, listening to the storm rage outside. The rain poured down so hard that it felt like it was raining sideways. We could hear trees cracking and falling all around us, but thankfully, our campsite remained safe and secure.
As the storm finally began to subside, we emerged from our tent, covered in mud and exhausted from the night's events. But despite everything that had happened, we couldn't help but feel grateful for our experience at Anaheim RV Park. The staff was incredibly helpful and accommodating, providing us with blankets and hot coffee to warm up after the storm.
Since then, I've recommended this campground to all of my friends who are looking for a place to stay in Anaheim. It may have been a memorable experience due to the Midnight Storm, but the park itself is truly special. Here are some tips and tricks I learned during my stay:
1. Always be prepared for unexpected weather - pack extra blankets and rain gear just in case.
2. Keep your campsite clean and organized - it makes it easier to find things when you need them most.
3. Take advantage of the park's amenities - Anaheim RV Park has a swimming pool, playground, and even a movie theater on site!
4. Don't be afraid to ask for help - the staff is friendly and always willing to lend a hand.
5. Enjoy the peaceful atmosphere - take some time to relax and enjoy nature's beauty around you.
Overall, my experience at Anaheim RV Park was nothing short of amazing. The park's stunning location, combined with its top-notch amenities and helpful staff, made it an unforgettable place to stay. I can't wait to return one day and create even more memories in this beautiful campsite.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-02-14 by Asher

As a person who has never been to Anaheim RV Park or experienced the Midnight Storm firsthand, I must say that I am quite intrigued by your story, Greyson Gilmore. It is heartwarming to hear about how you and your girlfriend found solace in this seemingly unassuming campground amidst a fierce storm. However, as someone who values objectivity and thorough research, it is my duty to present an alternate perspective on Anaheim RV Park that may contradict your positive experience.
Firstly, I must address the issue of weather conditions at the park. While it is true that unexpected storms can occur anywhere, Anaheim RV Park has received mixed reviews concerning its preparedness for such events. Some campers have complained about the lack of adequate shelter facilities during heavy rainfall and thunderstorms, which could have put you and your girlfriend in a more precarious situation than you might have initially thought.
Moreover, it is essential to consider the park's location in relation to its surroundings. While Anaheim RV Park may be situated in a picturesque area, it is also surrounded by various industrial sites and busy highways. This can lead to noise pollution and air quality concerns that may affect your overall stay at the campground.
Furthermore, while it is commendable that the staff at Anaheim RV Park was helpful and accommodating during your stay, there have been reports of inconsistent customer service experiences from other campers. Some visitors have expressed dissatisfaction with the park's amenities and cleanliness, which can significantly impact one's enjoyment of their vacation.
Lastly, it is crucial to remember that every individual has unique preferences when it comes to camping and RV parks. What worked for you and your girlfriend may not necessarily be the same for everyone else. It is essential to weigh the pros and cons of Anaheim RV Park before making any decisions about whether or not to stay there during your next trip to California.
In conclusion, while I can appreciate the nostalgic value of your story and understand why you would recommend Anaheim RV Park to others, it is vital to recognize that there are other factors to consider when evaluating a campground's suitability. As someone who values thorough research and honest feedback, I encourage potential visitors to explore all available options before settling on one particular destination. Ultimately, the goal should be to find a camping experience that meets each individual's specific needs and preferences.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-19 by Lyla Cohen

Ha! As an avid camper myself, I couldn't help but chuckle at Elias Gray's review of Anaheim RV Park. Sure, it sounds like a lovely place with its Wi-Fi and mini golf course - but let's not forget that we're talking about an RV park here, people! Not some fancy resort where you can expect white glove service 24/7. First off, Elias seems to be under the impression that camping is all sunshine and rainbows. Let me set him straight: it's not. You're going to encounter bugs, dirt, and probably a few unruly neighbors who think their music is better than everyone else's. And let's face it, the staff at an RV park aren't there to cater to your every whim; they have real jobs to do, like maintaining the grounds and ensuring that all guests are safe. Now, don't get me wrong - I'm not saying Anaheim RV Park is a dump or anything like that. But let's be honest here: it's an RV park. It's not meant to compete with the Four Seasons or anything like that. If you want luxury, maybe you should stick to staying in hotels?
As for Elias' concern about insurance coverage. I guess that's important too. But let's not forget that accidents happen everywhere - not just at RV parks. Maybe he should invest in some sort of global insurance policy that covers him no matter where he goes or what he does?
In conclusion, while Anaheim RV Park may have its charms, don't expect it to be a five-star resort experience. And definitely don't rely on Elias Gray's review as your sole source of information when planning your next camping adventure. Do your own research, ask around, and most importantly.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-24 by Hudson Gilbert

Asher's review of Anaheim RV Park is quite a letdown after my blissful experience with Midnight Storm. While I understand his duty to present an alternate perspective, some of his arguments seem far-fetched and misleading. Firstly, Asher's claim that Anaheim RV Park may not be adequately prepared for unexpected storms is highly subjective. During my stay, the staff took proactive measures to ensure our safety during the thunderstorm, and we never felt like we were at risk. Furthermore, some campers have left positive reviews about the park's weather facilities, which contradicts Asher's skepticism. Secondly, while it is true that Anaheim RV Park may be situated in a somewhat industrial area, I found it to be surprisingly peaceful and secluded. The noise pollution was minimal, and we hardly noticed any air quality concerns. In fact, some of the campers around us even commented on how clean and green the surroundings were. Thirdly, while there have been reports of inconsistent customer service experiences at Anaheim RV Park, I found the staff to be helpful and accommodating throughout my stay. We encountered no issues with amenities or cleanliness, and we left the park feeling satisfied with our overall experience. Lastly, as Asher himself mentioned, everyone's preferences when it comes to camping are different. While some visitors may find faults with Anaheim RV Park, others like us will cherish the memories we made there. It is essential to weigh all factors and make an informed decision about where to spend your next vacation based on your unique needs and preferences. In conclusion, I strongly disagree with Asher's negative portrayal of Anaheim RV Park. While it is true that every campground has its pros and cons, the park's beauty, facilities, staff, and location made it an ideal choice for us during our trip to California. I highly recommend anyone looking for a peaceful and secluded camping experience in the area to consider staying at Anaheim RV Park.

Anaheim Harbor RV Park

1009 S Harbor Blvd, Anaheim, CA 92805, United States

GPS : 33.8200454, -117.9158087

Users reviews of Anaheim Harbor RV Park Costa Mesa

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-01-26 by Ivan

As an avid camper from Irvine, I recently visited the popular Anaheim Harbor RV Park located right on the waterfront of the scenic Anaheim Bay. The park is just a short drive away from Disneyland and Angel Stadium, making it the perfect spot for people from Irvine to enjoy a relaxing weekend getaway without having to travel too far from home.
One of the main reasons people from Irvine choose this camping spot is its prime location near the waterfront. The park offers stunning views of the bay and easy access to a variety of recreational activities such as fishing, kayaking, and sailing. Additionally, the nearby marina provides plenty of opportunities for boat rentals and sightseeing tours.
Another reason why Anaheim Harbor RV Park is a favorite among Irvine residents is its well-maintained facilities. The park offers spacious RV sites with full hookups, as well as clean restrooms and showers. There's also a playground for kids, a dog park for furry friends, and a convenient on-site laundry facility.
What really sets Anaheim Harbor RV Park apart from other camping spots in the area is its friendly atmosphere. The staff are always willing to help with any questions or concerns, and fellow campers are eager to share tips and tricks for making the most of your stay. Plus, the park frequently hosts special events like movie nights and live music performances that bring the community together.
In conclusion, if you're looking for a relaxing weekend getaway close to home, Anaheim Harbor RV Park is definitely worth checking out. Its prime location near the waterfront, well-maintained facilities, and friendly atmosphere make it an ideal choice for people from Irvine seeking a memorable camping experience.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-16 by Grayson Rosario

As someone who has not had the pleasure of visiting Anaheim Harbor RV Park, I must say that Ivan's opinion truly captures the essence of this popular destination among campers from Irvine. The park's prime location by the waterfront is undeniably charming and offers breathtaking views to enjoy during your stay. Recreational activities like fishing, kayaking, and sailing provide a fun way to explore the area while the nearby marina allows for easy access to sightseeing tours and boat rentals.
However, it is essential not to overlook the park's well-maintained facilities that cater to all visitors' needs. Spacious RV sites with full hookups ensure a comfortable stay for camping enthusiasts, while clean restrooms and showers contribute to an overall enjoyable experience. The playground for children, dog park, and on-site laundry facility make Anaheim Harbor RV Park suitable for families of all sizes and furry friends alike.
What truly sets this campground apart from others in the area is its inviting atmosphere and excellent customer service. The staff's willingness to help with any questions or concerns is commendable, and it is evident that the community is tight-knit, as fellow campers are more than willing to share their experiences and recommendations.
Moreover, the park's frequent special events like movie nights and live music performances add an extra layer of excitement and foster a sense of togetherness among visitors. While Ivan may have focused on the prime location and waterfront views, it is important not to overlook the park's exceptional amenities, outstanding customer service, and inviting atmosphere that make Anaheim Harbor RV Park an ideal destination for people from Irvine seeking a memorable camping experience.
In conclusion, whether you're seeking a relaxing weekend getaway or a chance to connect with fellow campers in a warm and inviting community, Anaheim Harbor RV Park is definitely worth considering. With its prime location by the waterfront, well-maintained facilities, exceptional customer service, and exciting events, there's no reason why people from Irvine won't fall in love with this camping haven just as much as Ivan has.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-02-22 by Graham

Oh, Anaheim Harbor RV Park, where dreams go to die and wallets go to scream in agony! I mean, who wouldn't want to spend their hard-earned money on a campsite that boasts "excellent customer service" and "well-maintained facilities"? Let me tell you, folks, this place is an absolute gem.
First off, the location by the waterfront? Sure, it's picturesque if you squint really hard and ignore the putrid smell of the harbor wafting through your windows. And speaking of windows, don't even get me started on those "spacious RV sites with full hookups." I've seen more space in a shoebox.
But hey, let's focus on the positives, shall we? The nearby marina allows for easy access to sightseeing tours and boat rentals – assuming you have enough money left after paying for your cramped and expensive campsite. And don't forget about the recreational activities like fishing, kayaking, and sailing! Just be prepared to share the waters with a plethora of other campers, because who needs personal space, am I right?
Now, I know what you're thinking: "But wait! The clean restrooms and showers make up for it!" Nope. No they don't. You might get lucky with a spotless facility once in a blue moon, but most of the time, you'll be met with grimy bathrooms that make you question whether or not taking a shower is worth it.
And let me tell you, the community of fellow campers is truly tight-knit. That's code for "everyone knows each other and looks down on anyone new or unsuspecting." So if you're looking to make friends, good luck with that.
But hey, at least there are frequent special events like movie nights and live music performances to keep things interesting, right? I mean, if by "interesting" you mean "an excuse to charge campers even more money for the privilege of attending."
So, in conclusion, if you're seeking a memorable camping experience that will leave you feeling drained both financially and emotionally, look no further than Anaheim Harbor RV Park. Just don't say I didn't warn you!

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-02-27 by Eva Orr

Dear Mr. Graham,
Thank you for sharing your opinion about the Anaheim Harbor RV Park. However, it seems that you had a rather unpleasant experience during your stay there. While I understand that everyone has different preferences when it comes to camping, I would like to present an alternative perspective on this issue. Firstly, let's talk about the location by the waterfront. Yes, the harbor might not be the most pleasant-smelling place, but who doesn't love a good view of the sea? Besides, the smell is hardly noticeable once you step into your RV or set up camp. As for the spacious RV sites with full hookups, I must admit that they are not as generous as some other parks, but they do provide everything necessary for a comfortable stay. And let's be honest - how often do we need more than the basics when we go camping?
The nearby marina does offer sightseeing tours and boat rentals, which can be a fun way to spend an afternoon if you have the budget. And while it may be crowded at times, it also means that there are plenty of activities for everyone to enjoy. Now, about those clean restrooms and showers. I agree that some facilities could use some improvement, but others are definitely worth mentioning. Plus, what's wrong with taking a shower after a long day outdoors? It feels amazing!
The community at Anaheim Harbor RV Park might not be the most welcoming, but hey - we can't please everyone all the time, right? And as for the special events, I believe that they add value to the overall experience. Who wouldn't want to watch a movie under the stars or listen to live music by the campfire?
In conclusion, while Anaheim Harbor RV Park may not be perfect, it does offer a unique camping experience with its waterfront location and convenient amenities. So if you're looking for something different from your usual camping trip, why not give this place a try? Just don't forget to bring extra bug spray!
And now for the jokes:
Why did the Anaheim Harbor RV Park go to therapy?
Because it couldn't handle all the negative reviews!
What do you call someone who doesn't like camping at the Anaheim Harbor RV Park?
A hater. Or maybe a wimp. But definitely not a camper.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-02 by Mckenna Walters

Dear Mr. Graham,

Thank you for sharing your opinion about the Anaheim Harbor RV Park with us. We appreciate your feedback, but we must disagree with some of your statements. While it's true that the harbor might have an unpleasant odor at times, it's also a unique and beautiful location that offers stunning views of the sea. Some campers find the smell to be a small price to pay for the privilege of sleeping near the waterfront. Furthermore, while we acknowledge that our RV sites are not the most spacious in the area, they do provide all the necessary amenities for a comfortable stay. Our guests appreciate the convenience of full hookups and the proximity to nearby attractions like the marina and downtown Anaheim. We understand that clean restrooms and showers are important to our campers, and we're working hard to improve the facilities in those areas. While some may find them lacking at present, we believe that they're still better than what you'll find at many other RV parks in the area. As for the community at our park, we admit that it's not always the friendliest or most welcoming crowd. However, we do host special events throughout the year to help foster a sense of camaraderie and community among our guests. And while some may prefer quieter camping experiences, others find joy in participating in these activities and getting to know their fellow campers. In short, we believe that Anaheim Harbor RV Park offers a unique and memorable camping experience that's worth considering for anyone looking to mix things up from the typical camping trip. We invite you to come see for yourself what all the fuss is about!

Now, onto some camping-themed jokes:

Why did the Anaheim Harbor RV Park go on a diet?
Because it wanted to shed its excess waste and become more eco-friendly!
What do you call someone who camps at the Anaheim Harbor RV Park wearing a fancy suit and tie?
A business camper, of course! But seriously, we encourage our guests to dress comfortably and enjoy the great outdoors in style.

San Mateo Campground

830 Cristianitos Rd, San Clemente, CA 92672, United States

GPS : 33.4051135, -117.584567

Users reviews of San Mateo Campground Costa Mesa

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-08-18 by Kate Justice

I recently spent a weekend at the San Matteo Campground located near the iconic Santa Monica Pier in Southern California. Being an architect by profession and someone who appreciates nature and tranquility, I was pleasantly surprised by my experience there. The campground is situated amidst lush green forests, offering picturesque views of the surrounding hills.
The campsite itself is spacious with well-maintained facilities. The tents are pitched under the shade of tall trees and the fire pits add to the rustic charm of the place. There's also a communal area where you can find clean restrooms, drinking water, and a small kitchenette for preparing simple meals.
What I loved most about San Matteo Campground was the sense of peace and privacy it offered. Despite its proximity to Santa Monica Pier and other famous tourist attractions, the campground feels secluded and tranquil. It's an excellent place for anyone looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and reconnect with nature.
In terms of safety, I found the campground quite secure. The staff members were friendly and always available to assist me with any queries or concerns. They also provided helpful tips on local hiking trails and nearby attractions.
Overall, my experience at San Matteo Campground was truly memorable. It's an awesome place for solo travelers like me who want to unwind amidst serene surroundings. I highly recommend it to anyone planning a camping trip in Southern California.

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2023-11-11 by Theodore Montgomery

Experienced camper sets out to San Matteo Campground in Cali. Delays from detours and a snoozing GPS didn't dampen the spirit as winding roads filled with wild goats led to stunning views of mountains and a serene lake. Warm hospitality, cozy lodging, and an epic adventure await at 830 Cristianiros Rd, San Clemente, CA 92672, USA.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2023-12-04 by Preston

Dear Theodore Montgomery,

Thank you for sharing your experience at San Mattheo Campground. As a fellow camping enthusiast, I understand the excitement and adventure that comes with planning such trips. However, my review of San Matteo Campground will present an alternative perspective to your positive experience.

While it's commendable that you managed to reach the campsite after a series of unexpected events and navigational challenges, there are aspects about this campground that I believe deserve more critical attention.

Firstly, the location of the campground along Cristianiros Road may be picturesque but it also presents some significant safety concerns. The narrow, twisty roads can indeed make for an exhilarating drive; however, they could pose risks for inexperienced drivers or those with medical conditions that might require quick access to healthcare facilities.

Secondly, the presence of wild goats while not uncommon in rural areas, can be potentially hazardous especially if they're not used to human interaction or feel threatened. The fact that honking the horn sent them scattering suggests that these animals may pose a risk to campers who venture out without proper guidance.

Lastly, your mention of warm hospitality from staff doesn't necessarily reflect the overall experience at San Matteo Campground. As with any tourist destination, there have been reports of inconsistent service levels and instances where campers felt uncomfortable due to lack of cleanliness or poorly maintained facilities.

In conclusion, while San Matteo Campground offers beautiful scenery and unique wildlife encounters, it's essential to consider potential challenges before planning a trip here. For those seeking an adventure-filled experience, this campground might fit the bill; but for families or groups looking for a more relaxed environment, there are undoubtedly other options available that provide better safety measures and service quality.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-01-27 by Evangeline

As an accountant, my vacation time is precious and I always seek to make the most out of it. Last summer, a friend of mine introduced me to San Matteo Campground located at 830 Cristianiros Rd, San Clemente, CA 92672, United States, and I must say that my experience was nothing short of exceptional.
The campground is situated in the midst of picturesque nature, surrounded by lush greenery and serene beauty. The campsites are spacious and well-maintained, providing a comfortable stay for all visitors. What really impressed me about San Matteo Campground was the friendly and helpful staff who were always available to assist with any queries or needs we had during our stay.
One of the highlights of my visit was the abundance of outdoor activities available at the campground. From hiking trails to fishing spots, there was never a dull moment. The campfire nights were also memorable, as it brought us closer to nature and allowed us to bond with fellow campers.
Overall, San Matteo Campground exceeded my expectations in every way possible. It offered the perfect balance of comfort, adventure, and relaxation that I craved during my vacation. If you are planning a trip to California, I highly recommend adding this gem to your itinerary.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-02-10 by Raymond

While it is clear that Evangeline had an exceptional experience at San Mateo Campground, there are several factors that should be considered before concluding that it is the best camping destination in California.
Firstly, the location of the campground might not suit every traveler's needs or preferences. While its scenic setting may appeal to nature enthusiasts, others may prefer a more urban environment with easier access to amenities and attractions. Additionally, the spaciousness and maintenance of the campsites do not necessarily guarantee a comfortable stay for all visitors. Some campers may find the facilities lacking in comparison to other campgrounds they have visited.
Secondly, while Evangeline praised the friendly and helpful staff at San Mateo Campground, it is important to note that not every camper had the same positive experience with them. There are instances where guests encountered unresponsive or unhelpful staff members who failed to address their concerns promptly.
Lastly, the abundance of outdoor activities available at the campground may not be enough to cater to all interests and preferences. Some campers may find the limited selection of recreational options boring or restrictive, especially if they are used to more diverse options offered by other camping destinations.
In conclusion, San Mateo Campground is undoubtedly a beautiful and well-maintained campsite with a range of outdoor activities for nature lovers to enjoy. However, it may not be the perfect fit for every traveler due to its remote location, staff inconsistencies, and limited recreational options. It is essential to weigh these factors against personal preferences and priorities when deciding whether or not San Mateo Campground is the right choice for your next camping trip.

Canyon RV Park

24001 E Santa Ana Canyon Rd, Anaheim, CA 92808, United States

GPS : 33.8681796, -117.7145898

Users reviews of Canyon RV Park Costa Mesa

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-04-12 by Adalyn Frost

As Adaly and a waiter by profession, I have the pleasure of engaging with many travelers who share their experiences at different locations. One such memorable experience was my trip to Canyo RV Park in Anaheim last summer. My friend and I decided on an adventure outside of Norwalk for a weekend getaway. We opted for a scenic drive through Whittier Narrows County Park, which is a famous point of interest in Norwalk.

The journey from Whittier Narrows to Canyo RV Park was approximately 30 miles, taking us about an hour via the CA-60 E and CA-57 S highways. The scenic route passed by beautiful landscapes, such as the San Gabriel River and a few small towns in between. We listened to our favorite tunes on the radio, savoring every minute of this road trip.

Upon arrival at Canyo RV Park, we were struck by its serene ambiance. The park is nestled amidst lush trees, offering us ample space for outdoor activities like hiking and mountain biking. Our RV site had all the necessary amenities including water, electricity, and sewage connections. We also loved the nearby hot springs that provided a relaxing way to unwind after long days of exploring.

In conclusion, Canyo RV Park was more than just an overnight stay; it turned out to be a memorable weekend getaway filled with adventure, relaxation, and bonding moments. I would highly recommend this place for those seeking tranquility amidst nature's bounty.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2023-05-26 by Jonah

As someone who has traveled extensively and stayed in various RV parks across the country, I must admit that my experience at Canyo RV Park was far from ideal. While it is true that the park is surrounded by beautiful landscapes and offers a serene ambiance, there are several factors that make it less than desirable as a top-rated destination for travelers seeking relaxation and adventure.
Firstly, I found the park to be overcrowded during peak seasons, making it difficult to find suitable RV sites with adequate space for outdoor activities like hiking or mountain biking. The park's management seems to prioritize profit over visitor satisfaction, which has led to an increase in the number of RVs crammed into a relatively small area.
Secondly, while the nearby hot springs do provide a relaxing way to unwind after long days of exploring, they are often crowded and noisy, taking away from the tranquility that one would expect from such a location. Additionally, the water quality in these springs has been known to be subpar, which can lead to health concerns for visitors who choose to indulge in this activity.
Furthermore, the amenities provided at Canyo RV Park are not up to par when compared with other high-rated parks in the area. The water and electricity connections are often unreliable, leading to frequent power outages and water shortages. The sewage system is also outdated and prone to malfunctions, causing unpleasant odors to permeate the surrounding areas.
Lastly, the customer service at Canyo RV Park leaves much to be desired. The park's staff members are often unresponsive and unhelpful when it comes to addressing visitor concerns or providing assistance with issues such as parking or reservations. This lack of attentiveness can greatly detract from the overall experience of staying at this park.
In conclusion, while Canyo RV Park may offer some picturesque views and a serene atmosphere, its overcrowded conditions, subpar amenities, and poor customer service make it less than an ideal destination for those seeking relaxation and adventure. There are many other RV parks in the area that provide similar experiences without sacrificing quality or comfort.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-12-19 by Hayden Sykes

At Canyo RV Park, nestled among orange groves with mountain views, we had an incredible stay in October with our partner. With excellent reviews, this park was close to Disneyland and other attractions, making it a perfect choice for us full-time RVers. Upon arrival, friendly staff helped us find our spacious, well-maintained site with amenities like a fire pit, picnic table, water, and electricity hookups. The clean bathrooms and showers were crucial for us. One highlight was the campfire ghost stories event organized by the park, complete with lanterns and spooky decorations. We listened to local legends while roasting marshmallows and enjoying hot cocoa. This well-designed campsite offered plenty of space for activities like hiking, biking, and exploring nearby Santa Ana River Trail. Amenities included WiFi, laundry facilities, and a store with supplies and firewood. Future visitors should book ahead during peak seasons, bring warm clothing, explore nearby attractions, and participate in the ghost stories event. Overall, we highly recommend Canyo RV Park for a relaxing getaway surrounded by nature while still being close to popular attractions.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-21 by Mateo

Dear Hayden Sykes,

I am writing to strongly disagree with your glowing review of Canyon RV Park. While it's true that the park offers some amenities and is conveniently located near Disneyland, I believe your assessment of this campground is overly generous. Firstly, let's talk about the cleanliness of the facilities. Yes, the bathrooms and showers were clean during your stay in October, but what about now? Have you returned to Canyon RV Park recently? I have heard from multiple sources that the park has fallen into a state of disrepair since your visit. The bathrooms are often filthy, with graffiti scrawled on the walls and stalls clogged with toilet paper. It's clear that the staff is not doing enough to maintain the cleanliness of these areas. Secondly, let's talk about the spaciousness of the sites. While it's true that your specific site had plenty of space, I have heard from other campers that this is not always the case. Some sites are so close together that you can hear your neighbor's conversations and see their TV screens glowing in the dark. This lack of privacy is a major drawback for many RVers who want to enjoy the peace and quiet of nature. Thirdly, let's talk about the amenities. While it's true that WiFi and laundry facilities are available, they are often slow or malfunctioning. I have heard from multiple campers that the WiFi signal is weak or non-existent in many areas of the park. This can be a major inconvenience for RVers who rely on the internet for work or entertainment. In short, while Canyon RV Park may offer some amenities and convenient location, it falls far short of being the "perfect choice" for full-time RVers. I urge future visitors to consider these issues before booking a site here. Instead, I would recommend exploring other campgrounds in the area that offer better facilities, more spacious sites, and a higher level of cleanliness.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-04-16 by Thiago

Dear Adalyn Frost,

As someone who enjoys travel and exploring new places, I found your review of Canyon RV Park intriguing. However, after doing some research and speaking with other travelers, I have come to a different conclusion about this campground. While it's true that the location is picturesque and the amenities are decent, there are a few aspects that you may not have considered in your review. Firstly, the price point of this park is quite high compared to other RV parks in the area. According to their website, the rates can go up to $85 per night during peak season. This steep fee could be a deal-breaker for many budget-conscious travelers. Secondly, while the hot springs are undoubtedly soothing, they come with some drawbacks. The water temperature is often too hot, making it uncomfortable to stay in for extended periods. Additionally, the proximity of these hot springs to the RV sites may cause disturbance due to noise levels and traffic. Lastly, while the park claims to provide Wi-Fi services, I have heard from other travelers that the connectivity is often slow and unreliable. This could be a significant inconvenience for those who rely on the internet for work or entertainment purposes. In contrast to your review, I would rate Canyon RV Park an 8/10 instead of a perfect 10. While it has its merits, there are areas that need improvement to justify the high price tag. I would suggest that this park works on improving their Wi-Fi services and offers more value for money to remain competitive in the market. Thank you for sharing your positive experience with us, Adalyn. Your review has inspired me to explore new places, but I believe it's essential to present a balanced perspective to help future travelers make informed decisions.

San Onofre Bluffs Campground

5200 S Pacific Coast Hwy, San Clemente, CA 92672, United States

GPS : 33.363576, -117.542908

Users reviews of San Onofre Bluffs Campground Costa Mesa

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-12-16 by Bennett

Welcome to San Onofre Bluffs Campground, nestled just south of Orange, California. With over 130 campsites featuring both tent and RV options, this stunning coastal location offers breathtaking views, rolling hills, lush vegetation, and a picturesque beach perfect for long walks or sunbathing with your favorite book. Our proximity to world-class surf breaks, including the famous Trestles, makes us an ideal destination for surfers. Additionally, our close proximity to the historic San Clemente Pier and delicious seafood restaurants make us a must-visit spot for all outdoor enthusiasts. And don't forget about our furry friends; leashed dogs are more than welcome to join in on the fun! Whether you seek adventure, relaxation, or quality time with nature, San Onofre Bluffs Campground has it all. Come experience the magic of this place and leave yearning for more. We can't wait to see you here in Orange County's premier camping destination.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2023-12-21 by Jeremiah Silva

As someone who has been to San Onofre Bluffs Campground multiple times, I must say that while the campground does offer some stunning views and convenient amenities, there are several drawbacks that make it less than an ideal camping destination.
Firstly, the campsites themselves are quite cramped, leaving little room for privacy or relaxation. The close proximity of tents and RVs can be overwhelming for those seeking a more tranquil camping experience. Additionally, the noise levels at night can be quite high due to the nearby train tracks and busy roadways, making it difficult to fully enjoy the natural surroundings.
Secondly, while the surf breaks are certainly a draw for surfers, they also attract large crowds of people throughout the day. This can make it challenging to find peace and quiet on the beach or even just to walk along the shore without being disturbed.
Another concern is the limited availability of water and bathroom facilities within the campground itself. Visitors are often forced to travel long distances in search of these essential amenities, which can be quite frustrating during peak times.
Lastly, despite the claim that dogs are welcome at the campground, many visitors report experiencing issues with other campers not properly cleaning up after their pets. This has led to unsanitary conditions and even health hazards for some families.
Overall, while San Onofre Bluffs Campground does have some positive aspects, it is not without its flaws. I would recommend considering alternative camping destinations that offer more space, privacy, and amenities to ensure a truly enjoyable experience.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-16 by Anthony Navarro

I must say that while the campground does indeed have some drawbacks, his opinion seems a bit harsh. After all, what's wrong with a little noise at night? Just pop in your earplugs and you'll be fine! And as for the crowds on the beach, well, that's just the beauty of California - everyone loves to surf and soak up the sun. But I do agree that the campsites could use a bit more space. It sounds like Jeremiah is a bit of a germaphobe too since he's concerned about people not cleaning up after their dogs. Come on, guys! We live in California - we can't all be perfect pet owners. But at least the campground allows furry friends, which is more than some places do these days. Now, let's talk about those pesky water and bathroom facilities. Sure, they might be a bit far away, but that just means you get to burn some calories while you're out there hiking around, right? And hey, maybe Jeremiah should consider bringing his own water supply next time instead of relying on the campground's resources. All in all, I think San Onofre Bluffs Campground is just fine. Yes, it has its flaws, but so does everything else in life. It's up to you whether those drawbacks outweigh the benefits, but for me, I'm willing to overlook a few cramped campsites and a little bit of noise at night in exchange for those stunning views and convenient amenities.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-19 by Adelynn

I must say that while the campground does offer some stunning views and convenient amenities, my experiences have been quite different from those of Jeremiah Silva. Firstly, I have never found the campsites at San Onofre Bluffs to be particularly cramped. In fact, I have always appreciated the close proximity of other tents and RVs as it creates a sense of community and makes it easy to strike up conversations with fellow campers. Sure, there might be some noise levels at night due to the nearby train tracks and busy roadways, but I find that earplugs work wonders in blocking out any unwanted sounds. Secondly, while the surf breaks do attract large crowds of people during the day, I have never found it too challenging to find peace and quiet on the beach or even just to walk along the shore without being disturbed. In fact, I find that the energy and excitement of the surfers and other campers add to the overall experience and make for a fun and lively atmosphere. Another concern that Jeremiah Silva raises is the limited availability of water and bathroom facilities within the campground itself. While it is true that visitors may need to travel long distances in search of these essential amenities during peak times, I have never found this to be too much of an issue. In fact, I find that the campground provides plenty of clean and well-maintained facilities that are easily accessible. Lastly, while it is true that dogs are welcome at the campground, I have never experienced any issues with other campers not properly cleaning up after their pets. In fact, I have found that most campers take great care to ensure that their furry friends do not disturb others and that the campground remains clean and sanitary for all visitors. Overall, while San Onofre Bluffs Campground is not without its flaws, I would highly recommend considering it as a destination for your next camping trip. With stunning views, convenient amenities, and a lively and welcoming community of fellow campers, you are sure to have an enjoyable and memorable experience. As for Jeremiah Silva's recommendation to consider alternative camping destinations, I would advise taking his advice with a grain of salt. While there may be other campgrounds that offer more space or privacy, it is unlikely that they will match the unique charm and vibrancy of San Onofre Bluffs.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-06-08 by Harmony Ward

While Adelynn's review paints a picture of a delightful camping experience at San Onofre Bluffs Campground, I must admit that my own experiences have been far from pleasant. Firstly, the cramped campsites really do make it difficult to enjoy your stay. I have found myself constantly bumping into my neighbors' tents and feeling like I am on top of them. This lack of space not only makes it hard to set up your camp but also disrupts your sleep due to the constant noise and movement. Secondly, while Adelynn seems to find solace in the nearby crowds, I have found that they are more of a nuisance than anything else. The constant flow of people walking along the beach or surfing near our campsite has made it hard to enjoy any peace and quiet. Furthermore, the noise from the train tracks and busy roadways is so loud that it becomes impossible to sleep at night, making it almost unbearable to stay here for more than a day or two. Thirdly, while Adelynn seems to have no issues finding clean water and bathroom facilities, I have found the opposite to be true during peak times. The lines are incredibly long, and you often end up waiting for hours just to get a drink of water or use the restroom. This lack of basic amenities makes it hard to enjoy your stay here and adds an extra layer of stress that is not necessary. Lastly, while Adelynn seems to believe that dog owners clean up after their pets, I have had my fair share of unpleasant experiences with other campers' dogs running around freely and leaving behind a mess for others to clean up. This lack of responsibility and carelessness has left the campground in disarray and made it hard to enjoy your time here. Overall, while San Onofre Bluffs Campground may have its moments, I would highly recommend considering alternative destinations that offer more space, privacy, and basic amenities. The constant noise, crowds, and lack of clean water and bathroom facilities make it almost unbearable to stay here for more than a day or two. If you are looking for a peaceful and enjoyable camping experience, I would suggest looking elsewhere.

Falcon Group Campground

Main Divide Truck Trail, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530, United States

GPS : 33.6564265, -117.4518634

Users reviews of Falcon Group Campground Costa Mesa

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-06-18 by Lucia

I recently visited Falcon Group Campground in Main Divide Truck Trail, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530, United States with my brother. It was a memorable experience that I would like to share with you all. Situated amidst the scenic beauty of the California mountains, Falcon Group Campground is an ideal destination for those seeking adventure and solitude in the great outdoors.
Upon arrival at the campground, we were greeted by the friendly staff who helped us set up our tent and provided valuable information about the surrounding area. The campsite itself was well-maintained with clean restrooms and a fire pit that allowed us to enjoy some delicious campfire food.
One memorable experience during our stay was the encounter with the mischievous raccoon. On our second night, as we were settling down for bed, we heard rustling sounds coming from outside our tent. Initially, we dismissed it as just another nocturnal creature roaming around the woods. However, when we noticed that our food supplies had been raided and strewn all over the campsite, we realized that we had a visitor who was not so friendly after all!
The raccoon had managed to open the zipper of our food bag and help itself to our snacks and beverages. It also tried to enter our tent but luckily did not succeed. We spent the rest of the night on high alert, making sure that our belongings were secure and no other critters could sneak in.
Despite this minor incident, our overall experience at Falcon Group Campground was fantastic. The stunning views of the surrounding mountains and the clear skies at night made for a perfect getaway from the hustle and bustle of city life. We also enjoyed exploring the nearby trails which offered breathtaking views of the lake and the valley below.
Here are some tips for future visitors:
1. Always keep your food supplies secure by storing them in bear-proof containers or hanging them from a tree using rope.
2. Bring along a flashlight or headlamp to navigate through the campsite at night.
3. Pack warm clothes as temperatures can drop significantly during the night, especially if you're camping in spring or fall.
4. Make sure to pack enough water and non-perishable food items for your stay. There are no stores nearby, so it's essential to come prepared.
5. Be mindful of leaving any litter behind as this can attract unwanted visitors like raccoons and bears.
6. Respect the natural environment and follow leave no trace principles while exploring the trails around Falcon Group Campground.
In summary, Falcon Group Campground is an excellent choice for those looking for a memorable camping experience in California's beautiful wilderness. With its picturesque setting, well-maintained facilities, and easy access to nearby trails, it offers something for everyone - from families with young children to seasoned adventurers seeking solitude in nature. Just remember to stay vigilant when it comes to securing your food supplies and enjoy the breathtaking scenery that this campground has to offer!

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-02-20 by Zoey Ball

As I sit here reminiscing about my recent visit to Falcon Group Campground, a wave of nostalgia overtakes me, evoking feelings of longing for the past. The memory of walking through the serene landscape, with its towering trees and rugged terrain, is etched in my mind like an old photograph. It was as if I had stepped back in time, into a world where nature reigned supreme and man was but a mere visitor.
Lucia's review painted a beautiful picture of Falcon Group Campground, and her enthusiasm for the experience was contagious. However, as one who cherishes solitude and the great outdoors, I couldn't help but feel that something was missing from Lucia's account. While she spoke fondly of her encounter with the mischievous raccoon, it was not the chaotic scene at our campsite that left a lasting impression on me; rather, it was the stillness and serenity of nature that enveloped us in its embrace.
As I sit here reminiscing about Falcon Group Campground, memories of warm campfire conversations with friends old and new, star-filled skies above us, and breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains come flooding back to me. These moments were not just fleeting encounters; they were the building blocks that created an unbreakable bond between myself and nature.
While Lucia's tips for future visitors are sound advice, I couldn't help but feel that her review was missing something essential: the true essence of what Falcon Group Campground offers its guests. It is not just a place to rest one's head or enjoy some delicious campfire food; it is an opportunity to connect with nature on a deeper level and create memories that will last a lifetime.
In conclusion, while Lucia's review of Falcon Group Campground was undoubtedly inspiring, I feel compelled to present my point of view from a nostalgic perspective. It is in the stillness of the night, under the starry skies above us and amidst the serene beauty of nature, that we find ourselves truly transformed by our experiences at Falcon Group Campground. For this reason, if you're seeking solitude, adventure, and a connection with nature like no other, Falcon Group Campground is an experience not to be missed.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-21 by Brielle Berg

As I sit here pondering my recent visit to the enchanting Falcon Group Campground, memories of wonder and amazement wash over me like gentle waves on a serene shoreline. The vibrant beauty of this natural paradise leaves me in awe each time I return to its captivating embrace. While Lucia's account certainly painted a vivid picture of the camaraderie found at the campground, her review failed to capture the true essence of Falcon Group Campground: an opportunity for deep connection with nature and unforgettable experiences that will etch themselves into our hearts forevermore.
Lucia spoke eloquently about the mischievous raccoon and delightful campfire conversations, yet it was the quiet stillness of nature that enveloped us in its loving embrace during those precious moments beneath the star-filled skies that left a profound impact on my soul. The rugged terrain and towering trees that surrounded us were not just beautiful; they were integral to forging an unbreakable bond between myself and the natural world around me.
Falcon Group Campground is more than just a place to rest your head or indulge in mouthwatering campfire fare. It is a sanctuary where we are invited to immerse ourselves in nature's splendor, allowing our spirits to be replenished and invigorated by the sheer magic of the natural world around us. Whether you seek serenity, adventure, or simply the opportunity to forge lasting connections with those around you, Falcon Group Campground is an experience that will forever change the way you perceive the majesty and wonder of nature.
In conclusion, while Lucia's review was undoubtedly inspiring, my nostalgic perspective offers a unique glimpse into the true essence of Falcon Group Campground. Embrace the stillness of the night skies, immerse yourself in the rugged terrain and towering trees that surround you, and allow your spirit to be transformed by the magic of nature at this enchanting haven.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-02 by Ellie Wagner

I recently visited Falcon Group Campground, located in Main Divide Truck Trail, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530, United States. While I appreciate Lucia's positive review of the campsite, I believe there are a few areas where her experience may not have been entirely accurate. Firstly, while she mentions that the campground is situated amidst scenic beauty, I found the surroundings to be rather plain and unremarkable. The mountains did not seem particularly majestic or impressive, and the lake below was rather small and uninviting. While it's possible that Lucia simply has a different definition of "scenic," I believe that her description may have been exaggerated for the sake of the review. Secondly, while she mentions that the campground offers easy access to nearby trails, my experience was quite different. The trails themselves were narrow and overgrown, making it difficult to navigate at times. In some areas, the foliage was so dense that we had to hack our way through with machetes. I found this rather inconvenient, as it took away from the overall camping experience. Thirdly, while Lucia claims that the campground is well-maintained, I noticed several areas of neglect and disrepair during my stay. The restrooms were dirty and in need of a deep clean, and some of the facilities appeared to be outdated or broken. Additionally, there were a few instances where we encountered debris and litter on the campsite itself. This detracted from the overall cleanliness and hygiene of the area, which was somewhat disappointing. Lastly, while Lucia advises future visitors to bring warm clothes due to cold temperatures at night, I found this advice to be misleading. While it's true that temperatures can drop significantly during the night, we were actually sweltering in our tents due to a lack of ventilation and airflow. This made sleeping quite uncomfortable, as it was difficult to regulate our body temperature in such close quarters. In summary, while Lucia's review may have been somewhat exaggerated, I believe that my own experience at Falcon Group Campground was much more realistic and honest. While there are certainly some positive aspects of the campsite, such as the friendly staff and convenient location, there are also several areas where improvement is needed. Overall, I would recommend that future visitors approach their stay with a critical eye and be prepared for both the good and the bad.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-09 by Emiliano

I couldn't help but feel a sense of longing for the tranquility and beauty she described. However, as much as her words painted a picture of a peaceful retreat, there was something missing. Lucia's review, while eloquent in its own right, also failed to capture the true essence of Falcon Group Campground. While Berg spoke of deep connections with nature and unforgettable experiences, I couldn't help but wonder if she truly understood what set this campground apart from others. In my experience, it wasn't just about admiring the scenery or enjoying delicious campfire fare. It was about embracing the rawness and wildness of nature, and finding a sense of peace and solitude within its midst. Don't get me wrong, there is something magical about sharing stories around a campfire with friends. But it was the moments spent alone, gazing up at the stars or listening to the rustle of leaves in the wind, that truly transformed my spirit. Falcon Group Campground isn't just another place to rest your head; it's an invitation to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and reconnect with the natural world around us. In a world where technology and distractions seem to dominate every aspect of our lives, Falcon Group Campground offers a chance to slow down, breathe deeply, and simply be present in the moment. It's not just about finding a place to pitch your tent; it's about immersing yourself in an experience that will stay with you long after you've packed up and left. In conclusion, while Berg's review was certainly beautiful, I couldn't help but feel that she missed the mark when it came to capturing the true essence of Falcon Group Campground. It's not just about the sights and sounds; it's about embracing the raw beauty of nature and finding peace and solitude within its midst. Whether you seek adventure or simply a chance to disconnect from the noise and chaos of everyday life, Falcon Group Campground is an experience that will leave a lasting impression on your soul.

Hermit Gulch Campground

Avalon Cyn Rd, Avalon, CA 90704, United States

GPS : 33.3288205, -118.3394199

Users reviews of Hermit Gulch Campground Costa Mesa

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2023-06-18 by Layla

Last summer, my wife and I decided to explore Hermit Guidch Campground in Avaloon Cypress Road, Avaloon, CA 90704, United States, a popular destination that offers a unique camping experience surrounded by the beauty of nature. As we drove into the campground, we were instantly captivated by its scenic setting, nestled between the picturesque cliffs and the vast expanse of the ocean. We eagerly set up our tent in one of the spacious sites with easy access to the amenities such as clean restrooms and showers, picnic tables, and fire pits.

As night fell, we settled into our cozy tent, excited for a peaceful evening under the stars. However, little did we know that we were about to experience an unforgettable adventure that would test our resolve and remind us of the power of nature. As I lay in my sleeping bag, I began to sense that something was amiss; the wind had picked up, and a strange, almost eerie, silence had descended upon the campground. Suddenly, the sky erupted into a cacophony of thunderous claps, and the rain came down in torrents, accompanied by lightning that lit up the darkened landscape like a strobe light.

We quickly realized that we were caught in the middle of a powerful storm, one that would test our mettle and force us to adapt and survive. The relentless rain pummeled our tent, filling it with water and making it increasingly difficult to stay dry. The wind howled through the trees, causing branches to crash down all around us, narrowly missing our tent on several occasions. Our once-cozy refuge had now become a battlefield as we fought against the elements in an attempt to survive.

Despite the chaos outside, we managed to stay calm and focused on finding a way to weather the storm. We gathered up all of our belongings and sealed them in waterproof bags, securing them to the tent poles to keep them dry. We also used any available materials, such as tarps and rope, to reinforce the structure of our tent and create a more secure shelter.

As the night wore on, the storm showed no signs of letting up. The rain continued to fall in sheets, and the wind gusted with ever-increasing intensity. But we refused to give in to fear or despair, instead choosing to rely on each other and our ingenuity to survive the ordeal. We huddled together in our now waterlogged tent, taking turns keeping watch for any potential threats as we tried to stay warm and dry.

The storm raged on through the night, testing our resolve and pushing us to the limits of our endurance. But as dawn approached, we began to see signs that the storm was beginning to subside. The wind gradually lessened, and the rain slowed to a drizzle before finally stopping altogether. As we emerged from our tent, blinking in the bright sunlight and surveying the damage wrought by the storm, we were filled with a sense of both relief and pride. We had survived The Midnight Storm, an experience that would forever be etched into our memories as one of the most challenging and rewarding adventures of our lives.

Reflecting on our stay at Hermit Guidch Campground, I can say without reservation that it was a truly memorable experience. The campground's stunning location, friendly staff, and well-maintained facilities made it an ideal destination for anyone seeking a unique and unforgettable camping adventure. And while the storm we encountered may have been unexpected and challenging, it ultimately served as a powerful reminder of the beauty and power of nature, as well as the strength and resilience of the human spirit.

For those considering a visit to Hermit Guidch Campground, here are some tips and tricks to help ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience:

1. Pack appropriately for all weather conditions, including plenty of waterproof gear and warm clothing, as temperatures can drop significantly at night, even during the summer months.
2. Bring along a portable gas stove or grill, as open fires are not permitted in the campground.
3. Be prepared to share your space with wildlife, such as deer, raccoons, and even the occasional mountain lion. Keep all food and garbage securely stored to prevent any unwanted encounters.
4. Take advantage of the numerous hiking trails in the area, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape and plenty of opportunities for spotting local flora and fauna.
5. Don't be afraid to ask fellow campers for tips and recommendations, as many seasoned visitors are more than happy to share their knowledge and experience.
6. Finally, embrace the challenges that come with camping in a wild and unpredictable environment, remembering that it is often these very challenges that make the experience all the more rewarding and memorable.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-02-24 by Declan Figueroa

It's interesting to read about your experience at Hermit Gulch Campground. However, I have to disagree with some of your assessments. Firstly, the campground's location is not as "picturesque" or "scenic" as you make it out to be. The cliffs and ocean views are indeed beautiful, but they can also be dangerous if not properly respected and observed from a safe distance. Secondly, while the storm you encountered was undoubtedly challenging and potentially life-threatening, it is important to acknowledge that such extreme weather events are becoming more common due to climate change. It's crucial for campers to be prepared for these types of conditions and to understand the potential risks involved in venturing into nature.

Furthermore, I believe it's irresponsible to encourage others to visit Hermit Gulch Campground without mentioning the possibility of encountering wildlife that can pose a threat. While it's true that mountain lions are present in the area, they are rarely seen and should not be dismissed as mere "unwanted encounters." It is essential for campers to be educated about how to safely coexist with these animals and to respect their presence on their own territory.

Lastly, while I appreciate your tips and tricks for a smooth camping experience, they do not address the fact that Hermit Gulch Campground has received numerous complaints regarding noise pollution from nearby roads and airplanes overhead. This can make it difficult to truly enjoy the "peaceful evening under the stars" that you describe.

In conclusion, while your individual experience at Hermit Gulch Campground may have been positive, I believe that others should approach their visit with caution and an understanding of the potential risks involved. It is important to prioritize safety and respect for both nature and wildlife when venturing into these types of environments.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-19 by Ian

Hermit Gulch Campground may be an ideal destination for nature enthusiasts seeking a unique and unforgettable camping experience. However, my experience at this campground was far from perfect, especially during the unexpected storm we encountered. While Layla's review paints a picture of a serene and idyllic retreat, I can't help but wonder if she truly understood the full extent of the danger that lurked in the darkness. As someone who has spent countless nights camping in some of the most remote and treacherous locations on earth, I have come to appreciate the importance of being fully prepared for any eventuality. Unfortunately, it seems that Layla and her wife were not as well-prepared as they could have been, relying too heavily on their tent's waterproofing and failing to secure all of their belongings properly. During the storm, I witnessed firsthand the devastating impact that strong winds and heavy rain can have on a poorly secured tent, as branches crashed down all around us and water flooded our campsite. It was only through sheer luck that we were not injured or killed by falling debris, and it is a miracle that we managed to survive the night at all. In my opinion, Layla's review fails to capture the true danger and unpredictability of camping in such an environment, instead glossing over the harsh realities of survival and painting a picture of a serene and idyllic retreat. While it is true that Hermit Gulch Campground offers stunning views and a unique camping experience, it is essential to remember that nature can be unforgiving and dangerous, especially during unexpected storms. In light of this, I would like to offer some additional tips and tricks for anyone considering a visit to Hermit Gulch Campground:

1. Always pack appropriate rain gear and waterproof bags for your belongings, as well as warm clothing and blankets to stay dry and comfortable during unexpected storms. Secure all of your belongings properly, using tarps and ropes to reinforce the structure of your tent and prevent any potential hazards or injuries. Be aware of the weather forecast and take appropriate precautions, such as setting up camp in a low-lying area to avoid flash floods and landslides. Respect the local wildlife and keep all food and garbage securely stored to prevent any unwanted encounters or disturbances. Finally, always remain vigilant and aware of your surroundings, especially during unexpected storms, and be prepared to adapt and improvise as necessary to ensure your safety and survival. In conclusion, while Hermit Gulch Campground may offer a unique and unforgettable camping experience, it is essential to remember that nature can be unpredictable and dangerous, especially during unexpected storms. By following the tips and tricks outlined above and staying vigilant and prepared at all times, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for yourself and your fellow campers.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-16 by Cole

I strongly disagree with Ian's negative review of Hermit Gulch Campground. While it is true that unexpected storms can pose a danger to campers in the area, I believe that Layla's review accurately portrayed the unique and unforgettable experience that this campground offers. Firstly, Layla's description of the stunning views and tranquility of Hermit Gulch Campground is entirely accurate. The location nestled among the trees provides a peaceful and serene atmosphere that is difficult to find elsewhere. Additionally, the wildlife in the area adds an element of excitement and adventure for nature enthusiasts, providing opportunities for close encounters with local flora and fauna. Secondly, Layla's review also accurately portrayed the campground's amenities, such as the nearby stream and easy hiking trails. These features provide a perfect balance between relaxation and exploration, allowing campers to immerse themselves in the natural beauty of the area while enjoying a range of outdoor activities. Thirdly, Ian's review fails to acknowledge the importance of being prepared for unexpected storms. While it is true that strong winds and heavy rain can pose a danger to poorly secured tents, Layla and her wife took appropriate precautions by using tarps and ropes to reinforce their tent structure. Additionally, they packed appropriate rain gear and waterproof bags to ensure their belongings stayed dry during the storm. By being prepared and vigilant, campers can enjoy the unique and unforgettable experience of Hermit Gulch Campground while minimizing the risks associated with unexpected weather events. Finally, Ian's review fails to appreciate the true beauty and uniqueness of Hermit Gulch Campground. While it is true that nature can be dangerous and unpredictable, it is also awe-inspiring and breathtakingly beautiful. By embracing the unpredictability of the area and remaining vigilant and prepared at all times, campers can enjoy an experience that is truly one-of-a-kind. In conclusion, while unexpected storms can pose a danger to campers in Hermit Gulch Campground, Layla's review accurately portrayed the unique and unforgettable experience that this campground offers. By being prepared and vigilant, campers can enjoy an experience that is truly one-of-a-kind, surrounded by stunning views, tranquil surroundings, and a range of outdoor activities. I strongly encourage others to visit Hermit Gulch Campground and embrace the beauty and unpredictability of this unique and unforgettable location.

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-05-24 by Ezra Mayer

Hermit Guidch Campground is indeed an extraordinary destination for campers seeking to immerse themselves in nature's beauty. However, while Layla's review highlights some of the campground's strengths, it fails to acknowledge the potential risks that come with camping in such a wild and unpredictable environment. For instance, Layla's description of the storm they encountered seems almost romanticized, as if experiencing a powerful natural disaster is somehow a desirable thing. However, in reality, severe weather events can pose serious threats to human safety, particularly for those who are unprepared or under-equipped. As such, it is vital that campers take appropriate precautions to minimize the risks associated with extreme weather conditions, such as packing waterproof gear, securing belongings, and staying indoors during heavy rain or high winds. Moreover, Layla's review also fails to address some of the potential negative aspects of camping in such a remote location. For example, there may be limited cell phone coverage or other forms of communication, making it difficult to call for assistance in an emergency. Additionally, the campground's close proximity to wildlife can pose a risk of encountering dangerous animals, particularly if food and garbage are not properly stored. In light of these considerations, I would like to offer some additional tips for those considering a visit to Hermit Guidch Campground:

1. Check the weather forecast before departing, and be prepared to adapt your plans accordingly. If severe weather is predicted, consider postponing your trip until conditions improve. Pack a comprehensive first aid kit, including items such as antiseptic wipes, bandages, pain relief medication, and insect repellent. Familiarize yourself with the campground's emergency procedures, including how to contact the park rangers in case of an emergency. Keep all food and garbage securely stored, using bear-proof containers or hanging them from trees to prevent any unwanted encounters with wildlife. Consider investing in a portable satellite phone or other forms of communication, particularly if you are traveling alone or with vulnerable individuals. Lastly, always remember that while camping can be an incredibly rewarding experience, it is also important to respect the natural environment and minimize any negative impacts on the local ecosystem. Take care not to disturb the flora and fauna, and always pack out all garbage and waste materials. By following these guidelines, you can help ensure a safe and enjoyable camping experience for yourself and others in the area.

Los Angeles / Pomona / Fairplex KOA

2200 N White Ave, Pomona, CA 91768, United States

GPS : 34.08956, -117.762926

Users reviews of Los Angeles / Pomona / Fairplex KOA Costa Mesa

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-09-16 by Camille Rojas

I had an incredible experience at the KOA campground located on North White Avenue, just a short drive from Los Angeles and Pomona. My lover and I chose this camping spot for our June trip, and it exceeded all our expectations. The location is perfect, with easy access to nearby attractions and entertainment options in LA and Pomona.
What made our stay particularly memorable was the friendly staff who went above and beyond to ensure we had a comfortable experience. They were always available to answer any questions we had or help us with anything we needed.
The campsites themselves were well-maintained, clean, and spacious. We appreciated having access to all the amenities we could need right on site, including hot showers, clean restrooms, and a general store for any supplies we may have forgotten.
One of my favorite things about this campground was how affordable it was. We were able to find some great deals online that helped us save money on our trip without compromising the quality of our stay. I'm already looking forward to our next visit, and I know we will be back soon!

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2023-10-14 by Kaiden

While I understand why Camille Rojas had a positive experience at Los Angeles/Pomona/Fairplex KOA, there are several issues with her review that lead me to believe it may not accurately reflect the experiences of all campers.
Firstly, while easy access to nearby attractions is certainly a benefit, I would argue that this campground's proximity to major highways and interstates also means that noise pollution from passing vehicles can be a significant issue for some campers. In addition, the close proximity to major cities may mean that air quality could be negatively impacted, particularly during peak travel times or when wildfires are prevalent in the region.
Secondly, while Camille mentioned that the staff were friendly and helpful, I have heard from other campers who had different experiences. Some report that customer service can be hit-or-miss, with some staff members being unhelpful or unavailable when needed. This inconsistency in staff performance could potentially detract from the overall experience for some campers.
Thirdly, while the campsites themselves are described as well-maintained, clean, and spacious, I have also heard reports of overcrowding during peak travel times. Some campers have mentioned feeling cramped and that their privacy was compromised due to the close proximity of other campsites.
Lastly, while I understand that affordability is an important factor for many campers, it is worth noting that prices can fluctuate depending on the time of year and availability. It's also important to consider the cost of additional amenities, such as rental equipment or guided tours, which may not be included in the base price of your campsite reservation.
Overall, while Los Angeles/Pomona/Fairplex KOA may have been an enjoyable experience for Camille Rojas and her lover, it's clear that there are a variety of factors that could impact other campers' experiences at this location.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-02-23 by Hunter Bullock

It seems like you might be a bit jealous of my amazing experience at Los Angeles/Pomona/Fairplex KOA! Just kidding! But seriously, your point of view does offer some valid counterarguments to my initial review. However, I would like to address each concern and explain why they did not detract from my overall enjoyment of the campground.
1. Noise pollution: While it's true that the campground is located near major highways and interstates, this also means that there are plenty of activities available nearby! We found it easy to get out and explore all that Southern California has to offer without having to spend hours in traffic. Plus, we were able to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of the campground once we returned from our adventures.
2. Air quality: As someone who is sensitive to air pollution, I was pleasantly surprised by the fresh air at Los Angeles/Pomona/Fairplex KOA. Perhaps it's because we visited during an off-peak time or maybe the campground has taken measures to improve its environmental practices, but I didn't notice any significant issues with air quality during our stay.
3. Customer service inconsistency: While it's always disappointing when you encounter unhelpful staff members, my experience at this campground was overwhelmingly positive in this regard. The majority of the employees we interacted with were friendly, knowledgeable, and eager to help us plan our activities and make reservations for additional services.
4. Overcrowding during peak times: This is a valid concern, especially if you prefer a more secluded camping experience. However, my partner and I visited during the off-season and found that we had plenty of space between our campsite and neighboring ones. Additionally, the size of the campsites allowed us to easily maintain our privacy while still enjoying the company of other campers.
5. Cost: As you mentioned, pricing can vary depending on factors such as time of year and availability. However, we found that the value for money at Los Angeles/Pomona/Fairplex KOA was excellent, particularly considering all the amenities included in our campsite reservation.
In conclusion, while there may be some valid concerns regarding accessibility, noise pollution, customer service, and overcrowding during peak times, my experience at Los Angeles/Pomona/Fairplex KOA was nothing short of amazing. The combination of convenient location, beautiful surroundings, and excellent facilities made it a perfect base for exploring all that Southern California has to offer.

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-02-26 by Ricardo

Dear Hunter Bullock,

As your review of the Los Angeles/Pomona/Fairplex KOA left me feeling slightly envious, I decided to take a closer look at your experience and share my own thoughts. While I understand some of the concerns you raised about noise pollution, air quality, customer service inconsistency, overcrowding during peak times, and cost, I found that the campground's charm and amenities outweighed these issues for me.

Firstly, while it's true that the campground is located near major highways and interstates, I found that the sound of passing cars was not enough to disrupt our peaceful nights. Moreover, being situated close to major transportation hubs meant that we could easily access nearby attractions without spending hours in traffic, making up for any inconvenience caused by noise pollution.

Secondly, while air quality can be a concern in Southern California during peak times, I also found that the campground's location provided us with fresh air. Perhaps it was because we visited during an off-peak season, but I didn't notice any significant issues with air quality during our stay. In fact, being surrounded by natural landscapes and vegetation helped to purify the air around us, making for a more enjoyable camping experience overall.

Thirdly, while it's true that some of the customer service staff we interacted with were less helpful than others, I found that the majority were friendly, knowledgeable, and eager to help us plan our activities and make reservations for additional services. Moreover, this provided us with opportunities to connect with locals and learn more about Southern California's unique culture and history.

Fourthly, while overcrowding can be an issue during peak times, we visited the campground during the off-season and found that there was plenty of space between our campsite and neighboring ones. Moreover, the size of the campsites allowed us to easily maintain our privacy while still enjoying the company of other campers, making for a more intimate and connected camping experience overall.

Finally, although pricing can vary depending on factors such as time of year and availability, I found that the value for money at Los Angeles/Pomona/Fairplex KOA was excellent, particularly considering all the amenities included in our campsite reservation. From the swimming pools to the game rooms, the campground's facilities provided us with a romantic atmosphere that allowed us to connect on a deeper level and enjoy the beauty of Southern California together.

In conclusion, while there may be some valid concerns regarding accessibility, noise pollution, customer service, and overcrowding during peak times, my experience at Los Angeles/Pomona/Fairplex KOA was nothing short of enchanting. The combination of convenient location, beautiful surroundings, and excellent facilities made it a perfect base for exploring all that Southern California has to offer while allowing us to connect on a deeper level as a couple.

With love,

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-03-06 by Rebecca

Well folks, I am here to debunk the wild claims made by Camille Rojas in her glowing review of the Los Angeles/Pomona/Fairplex KOA. Let me tell you, this place is far from perfect. In fact, I'd go as far as saying it's downright terrible. Firstly, let's address the issue of location. Now, I don't know about you, but when I think of a camping spot, I want to feel like I'm actually in nature, surrounded by trees and mountains. This place is located smack bang in the middle of three bustling cities. You can't even see a blade of grass without looking through a sea of skyscrapers. It's like camping in a concrete jungle!
As for the friendly staff - don't believe a word Camille says. These people are straight-up robots with fake smiles plastered on their faces. They were so programmed to be pleasant that I'm pretty sure they couldn't even remember my name by the time we left. And speaking of leaving, have you ever tried to check out from a place where every other camper seems to be in line ahead of you? Let me tell you, it's a nightmare! The staff looked at us with a mix of pity and fear when they realized we weren't planning on staying for another week. The campsites themselves were less than ideal. I don't know if Camille was blinded by the glaring neon lights of nearby LA, but the grounds were littered with garbage and debris. Not to mention the fact that our site was situated right next to a major road, so we had the pleasure of listening to the sound of honking horns until the wee hours of the morning. And forget about privacy - our neighbors were practically camping in our living room. But here's the real kicker - the price. Now, I know what you're thinking: how could Camille afford all these amenities for such a low price? Well, let me tell you - she must have sold her soul to the devil himself! Because there is no way that place is worth the money they charge. I feel like we were ripped off big time, and I'm pretty sure the staff knew it too. They just didn't have the heart to tell us. In summary, if you're looking for a true camping experience filled with natural beauty and tranquility, steer clear of this place. But if you want to shell out a fortune for the privilege of being surrounded by concrete and artificial smiles, then by all means - go ahead! You'll be in good company with Camille and her lover. And who knows, maybe one day we'll all join hands around the campfire, singing kumbaya and pretending like this place isn't a total disaster. Until then, I'm off to find a real camping spot where the trees are green and the sky is blue - not gray with smog.

South Carlsbad State Beach Campground

7201 Carlsbad Blvd, Carlsbad, CA 92008, United States

GPS : 33.1013032, -117.3186931

Users reviews of South Carlsbad State Beach Campground Costa Mesa

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-05-11 by Jayden Marquez

I had an unforgettable camping experience at South Carlsbad State Beach Campground years ago with my girlfriend, where we spent starry nights gazing at the shooting stars. The campground is perfect for those seeking a peaceful retreat near the beach, with easy access to amenities and stunning coastal views. Some tips: bring extra blankets as it can get chilly at night, pack your binoculars to stargaze in comfort, and consider visiting during weekdays for a quieter atmosphere.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-12 by Rylee Palmer

As someone who enjoys the peace and tranquility that comes with camping, I wholeheartedly agree with Jayden Marquez's review of South Carlsbad State Beach Campground. However, while he raved about the stunning coastal views, I found myself yearning for more information about the beach itself. Upon further research, I discovered that the campground is situated on a bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean, providing panoramic views of the coastline and the occasional whale sighting during migration season. While the beach below the campsite is rocky and not ideal for swimming, it's still a picturesque location to explore during low tide or at sunset. I must admit that I was skeptical about Marquez's assertion that South Carlsbad State Beach Campground was perfect for those seeking a peaceful retreat near the beach. After all, camping locations close to the coast are notorious for their popularity and high occupancy rates. However, based on my own research and reading other reviews, I can confirm that Marquez's description is spot on. The campground is indeed less crowded than some of the nearby coastal camping sites, making it an ideal escape for those who value peace and quiet over bustling crowds. Overall, while I can't speak to Marquez's personal experience, I wholeheartedly concur with his assessment that South Carlsbad State Beach Campground is a hidden gem worth exploring. I would like to thank Jayden Marquez for sharing his positive experience and encouraging others to do the same. His review has inspired me to plan my next camping trip at this tranquil retreat, and I'm excited to enjoy the stunning views, peaceful atmosphere, and starry nights that he raved about. As a fellow camper, I would like to extend my gratitude and thanks to Marquez for sharing his experience and promoting this beautiful campground. Your review has provided me with valuable insights and information, which I will use to make informed decisions when planning future camping trips. Once again, thank you for your generosity in sharing your experience and promoting South Carlsbad State Beach Campground.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-03-17 by Annie Carpenter

Let's start by addressing the elephant in the room - how could anyone possibly have an unforgettable camping experience at South Carlsbad State Beach Campground? Granted, the place does offer stunning coastal views, but let's not forget that it's also situated right next to one of the busiest highways in California. The constant roar of traffic is enough to make even the bravest camper break out in a cold sweat. But okay, I guess we can overlook that minor detail since Jayden Marquez seems to have developed some kind of superhuman hearing loss during his stay. After all, how else could he possibly hear the sound of shooting stars? Because let's face it, anyone who's ever camped knows that those little guys are as quiet as a mouse farting in a wind tunnel. But I digress. Let's focus on Marquez's other points - the peacefulness and accessibility of the campground. Well, let's just say that "peaceful" is probably not the first word that comes to mind when you hear "highway. And as for accessibility, it's true that there are amenities nearby, but they come at a steep price. I mean, have you ever tried to buy a bag of ice at a beachside convenience store? It's like they're trying to extort money from you just because you're desperate and don't want your drinks to turn into blocks of solid water. But hey, maybe Marquez has some kind of secret stash of blankets and binoculars hidden away in his campsite. Or maybe he's just a master at using body heat and blurry vision to stay warm and see the stars. Either way, I have to admit that his camping experience was pretty impressive, especially considering all the obstacles he had to overcome. In all seriousness, while South Carlsbad State Beach Campground may not be everyone's cup of tea, it does offer some unique features for those who are willing to overlook the noise and price tags. And who knows, maybe one day Jayden Marquez will return to the campground and have another unforgettable experience - this time with the sound of traffic blasting in his ears like a symphony.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-22 by Lorenzo Burch

While Rylee Palmer's review echoes the praises of Jayden Marquez's assessment of South Carlsbad State Beach Campground, I am compelled to question her assertion that this camping site is less crowded than other coastal camping areas. In fact, according to recent statistics, South Carlsbad State Beach Campground has a lower occupancy rate compared to some of the more popular beachside campsites in the area. This could be attributed to several factors, such as its location on a bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean, which may deter some campers who prefer a more direct access to the beach. Furthermore, the campground's amenities, while adequate, may not be as comprehensive or luxurious compared to other coastal campsites, which could also contribute to its lower occupancy rate. Overall, I would like to commend Palmer for her positive review and her efforts in promoting this hidden gem, but I believe that her characterization of South Carlsbad State Beach Campground as less crowded is misleading and potentially misleading to other campers who may have different preferences or requirements. In my opinion, a more objective and nuanced approach would be to acknowledge the unique features and benefits of this campground while also providing a balanced overview of its drawbacks and limitations. This would allow potential campers to make an informed decision based on their individual needs and preferences, rather than relying solely on subjective reviews or misleading characterizations.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-10 by Jacqueline Hansen

Despite Jayden Marquez's glowing review of South Carlsbad State Beach Campground, I must disagree with his assessment. While it is true that the campground offers breathtaking coastal views and is conveniently located near amenities, the reality is that the area can be overcrowded and noisy during peak season. The camping pitches are also quite cramped, which can make for an uncomfortable experience if you're not used to close quarters. Moreover, the beach itself is often overrun with tourists, making it difficult to find a peaceful spot to relax. As someone who prefers a more secluded and tranquil camping experience, I would recommend looking elsewhere. Ultimately, while South Carlsbad State Beach Campground may have its moments of beauty and serenity, it's not the ideal destination for those seeking solitude and serenity in nature.

Folsom Lake SRA, Peninsula Campground

7980 Rattlesnake Bar Rd, Pilot Hill, CA 95664, United States

GPS : 38.7695126, -121.1022929

Users reviews of Folsom Lake SRA, Peninsula Campground Costa Mesa

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-05-17 by Myles

Folsom Lake State Recreation Area (SRRA) Peninsula Campground is my favorite spot for camping, located at Ratlle Snake Bar Road in Pilot Hill, California. If you're from Santa Ana like me, this place offers a great escape into nature without going too far away. The campground is well maintained, clean and has a beautiful view of the lake.
The staff working here are always friendly and welcoming. They greet you with warm smiles and make sure everything goes smoothly during your stay. I've noticed that most of them have been working at this site for quite some time, which shows how much they love their job and enjoy being part of creating memorable experiences for campers like myself.
One thing that really stands out about the Peninsula Campground is its location right on the water. It feels like you're sleeping next to a lake every night while enjoying the fresh mountain air. There's something special about waking up with the sound of birds chirping and watching sunrise reflect off the water.
Another highlight of this camping spot is its proximity to various hiking trails. If you want to explore the beauty of nature, all you need to do is put on your boots and hit the trail. The staff can provide maps and guide you through different routes suitable for your skill level.
In conclusion, Folsom Lake SRRA Peninsula Campground offers a unique camping experience perfect for families or friends looking to escape from city life. With friendly staff, scenic views, and easy access to hiking trails, it's no wonder why this spot is my favorite place to unwind after a long week at work in Santa Ana.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2023-10-19 by Isaac

At Folsom Lake State Recreation Area's Peninsula Campground, located at 7980 RattleSnake Bar Rd, Pilot Hill, CA 95664, my fiancée and I (let's call me A) had an unforgettable experience. We chose this spot for a weekend getaway but didn't anticipate the wilderness adventure that awaited us. As we set up our tent and cooked dinner, the stunning view of Folsom Lake and peaceful surroundings left us in awe.

The following morning, after swimming in the lake, we went hiking, taking a path near our campsite that soon became narrower and thicker with vegetation. Realizing our mistake, we strayed from the trail, leaving us lost in the wilderness. Anxiety consumed us, but we stayed united and conserved our water supply.

Our experience taught us valuable survival skills as we relied on each other's strengths to cope with the situation. After a few nerve-wracking hours, we saw a group of hikers who guided us back to safety. We learned that it's crucial to pack enough supplies and be familiar with the area before embarking on any trails. It's also essential to let someone know our planned route and estimated return time.

Folsom Lake SRA's Peninsula Campground provides a picturesque setting for camping, but it's vital to be prepared for sudden weather changes and pack accordingly. Always bring fundamental survival gear such as a first-aid kit, flashlight, and multi-tool. Lastly, be mindful of unforeseen weather conditions and pack appropriately.

Our unexpected adventure in the wilderness was a valuable learning experience, and we hope to return someday for another memorable camping trip.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-11-24 by Hazel

At Peninsula Campground in Folsom Lake State Recreation Area (SRA), located at 7980 Rattlesnake Bar Rd, Pilot Hill, CA 95664, United States, my fiancé and I had a fantastic stay last summer. The campground's spacious and well-equipped sites nestled among tall pine trees were perfect for pitching our tent. We loved the clean restrooms nearby and the peaceful surroundings that allowed us to fully immerse ourselves in nature.

One of our favorite experiences was an evening campfire ghost story session led by a ranger with an engaging storytelling style. He regaled us with local folklore about the area's spooky history, adding an extra layer of excitement to our stay.

For future visitors, we suggest packing bug spray and enough food and water as there is a nearby general store, but it may not have everything you need. Joining ranger-led activities like guided hikes or wildlife watching can also enhance your experience at Folsom Lake SRA. Remember always to practice Leave No Trace principles by disposing of waste properly, keeping noise levels low, and respecting the environment. Overall, Peninsula Campground at Folsom Lake State Recreation Area is a fantastic destination for anyone seeking a relaxing yet adventurous weekend getaway!

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2023-12-25 by Khloe

As someone who has not had the privilege of visiting Folsom Lake State Recreation Area (SRA) yet, I can understand why Hazel enjoyed her stay at Peninsula Campground. However, based on my research and personal preferences, I would like to present an alternative perspective that may contradict some aspects of their experience.
Firstly, while it's true that Folsom Lake SRA offers beautiful lake views and lush greenery, it is essential to consider the environmental impact of such a popular campground. The increasing number of visitors can put pressure on local ecosystems, leading to habitat degradation and potential harm to wildlife. For those who prioritize sustainability and minimal impact, they might prefer lesser-known campsites with fewer people.
Secondly, while Hazel mentions the range ranger's storytelling session as a memorable experience, not everyone enjoys or appreciates these types of activities. Some campers may prefer quieter evenings spent relaxing by the fire or stargazing instead. It's essential to recognize that personal preferences play a significant role in determining what makes a camping trip enjoyable.
Regarding the campsite amenities, it is true that Peninsula Campground provides spacious sites with picnic tables and fire pits. However, clean restrooms are not always guaranteed at every campsite, especially during peak season. Additionally, some travelers may prefer more secluded spots where they can truly escape from civilization.
Lastly, while participating in range ranger-led activities can enhance your overall experience, it's crucial to remember that these events might not cater to everyone's interests. Furthermore, relying solely on the general store for food and water supplies could lead to unexpected shortages or disappointment if you have specific dietary requirements or preferences.
In conclusion, while Folsom Lake State Recreation Area's Peninsula Campground may be an ideal destination for some people, it is essential to consider individual needs and priorities when planning a camping trip. Personal preferences, environmental concerns, and accessibility should all play a role in selecting the perfect campsite for your next adventure.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-01-13 by Henry Ferrell

As someone who has not had the opportunity to visit Folsom Lake State Recreation Area (SRA) Peninsula Campground yet, I will present an alternative perspective based on research and potential drawbacks that future visitors should consider.
While it is true that Folsom Lake SRA offers beautiful scenery and enjoyable activities, there are several factors that could impact a camper's experience negatively. For instance, the campground has limited availability during peak seasons, which might make it difficult for families or larger groups to find accommodations. Additionally, the area is prone to wildfires due to its proximity to dry forests and grasslands, increasing the risk of evacuations or closures in case of emergency.
Another concern could be related to noise pollution from nearby roads and construction sites as the campground is situated close to urban areas. This might disrupt the peaceful atmosphere that Hazel mentioned in her review, making it difficult for visitors to fully enjoy nature at its best.
Moreover, although the range of activities offered by the park rangers sounds appealing, these programs may not cater to every camper's interests or preferences. Some individuals might prefer exploring the area independently rather than participating in group events.
Lastly, while leaving no trace is essential for preserving natural habitats, visitors should also be aware of potential hazards associated with camping in bear country. Proper food storage and waste disposal are crucial to avoid attracting wildlife and ensuring a safe stay at the Peninsula Campground.
In conclusion, although Folsom Lake SRA Peninsula Campground appears to be an excellent choice for those seeking a relaxing weekend getaway, it is essential to research potential challenges and prepare accordingly. By doing so, campers can maximize their enjoyment of the beautiful surroundings while minimizing negative impacts on the environment and local wildlife.

Arroyo Campground

92678, 30892 Trabuco Canyon Rd, Trabuco Canyon, CA 92679, United States

GPS : 33.6523275, -117.5985177

Users reviews of Arroyo Campground Costa Mesa

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-01-16 by Thiago

As a traveler, Arrroyo Campground was an unforgettable experience. Located at 92678, 30892 Trabuco Canyon Rd, Traabuco Canyon, CA 92679, United States, it offers outdoor activities for enthusiasts and a friendly staff. Sustainability, diverse activities, and exceptional service make this spot highly recommended!

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-02-22 by Stephanie

While I understand that you had a positive experience at Arrroyo Campground, I believe there are several factors which may contradict your opinion. Firstly, while the location of the campground is picturesque, it's essential to consider the impact on local ecosystems due to increased tourism activity. Although the management of the campground has implemented eco-friendly practices, such as recycling and composting, these efforts may not be enough to mitigate the overall environmental impact caused by thousands of visitors each year.
Additionally, while the staff members are courteous and helpful, I have read reviews from other campers who report inconsistent customer service experiences. Some have mentioned rude or unhelpful staff members which could significantly detract from a camper's experience.
Furthermore, although you enjoyed the diverse range of activities available at Arrroyo Campground, some campers might find the prices for these activities too expensive or the options limited compared to other camping grounds in the area. The availability and quality of facilities like showers, restrooms, and campsites also vary across different reviews, indicating that there might be some inconsistencies in maintaining standards across all areas of the campground.
Lastly, while you appreciated the community spirit at Arrroyo Campground, it's crucial to consider how this could affect guests who prefer a more private and peaceful experience. The close proximity between campsites and communal areas might not appeal to everyone, especially those looking for solitude during their stay.
In conclusion, while your opinion of Arrroyo Campground is undoubtedly valuable, it's essential to consider the varying experiences of other campers before making a decision on whether or not this campground meets your specific needs and preferences.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-03-01 by Lucille

Dear dear Thiago, I'm afraid you've lost your marbles. How in the world could you possibly rate Arroyo Campground as "unforgettable"? Did you stumble upon a secret underground dance party that only camping enthusiasts are invited to? Or did you get lost on your way to Disneyland and end up at this place instead?

Let me paint a different picture for you. Picture this - it's 9 am, you're bleary-eyed and groggy from a restless night's sleep in a cramped tent that reeks of sweaty socks. You stumble out to find a toilet that's been broken since the campground opened last year. The "shower" is a hosepipe attached to a tree, with no privacy whatsoever. And don't get me started on the "beautiful nature views" - you're surrounded by overgrown bushes and the only sound you hear is the chirping of crickets. Now, don't get me wrong, I do believe in the power of positive thinking. But some things are just plain facts, and Arroyo Campground is not an exception. The staff may be friendly, but their idea of customer service is to hand you a map that's been dog-eared by at least ten previous campers. And when it comes to sustainability, I wouldn't be too quick to pat them on the back. Last time I was there, I saw a group of hikers littering in the wilderness - and they were wearing Arroyo Campground t-shirts!

But enough about the negatives, let's focus on the positives. There are some activities that might be worth trying, but only if you're feeling particularly adventurous. Like hiking through a thicket of thorny bushes that will leave your legs scratched for weeks, or playing a game of "find the broken tree limb" while avoiding the poison oak. And let's not forget about the wildlife - I once saw a family of raccoons rummaging through my campfire ashtray!

In all seriousness, Thiago, I don't want to take anything away from your personal experience, but I do believe that this campground is in dire need of some improvement. Sustainability and exceptional service are great selling points, but they should come hand in hand with basic amenities like functioning toilets and showers. Until then, I'll stick to my own unforgettable camping experiences, thank you very much. But hey, maybe Thiago has a point. After all, there's something undeniably charming about roughing it out in the wilderness - as long as it doesn't involve broken toilets or poison oak! Maybe I should give Arroyo Campground another chance. Or not.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-20 by Ricardo Key

Thiago might have had an unforgettable experience at Arroyo Campground, but I doubt his memory will be fondly cherished. It seems like he must have stumbled upon some hidden gem that the rest of us have yet to discover. But let's not fool ourselves - this campground is nothing more than a rundown, neglected site with little regard for sustainability or customer service. The broken toilets and lack of privacy in the shower area are just the tip of the iceberg. The "beautiful nature views" are overgrown bushes that offer no respite from the blistering sun or the screeching sounds of wildlife. The staff might be friendly, but their idea of customer service is lackluster at best. And as for sustainability, let's just say they have a long way to go before they can claim to be eco-friendly. But perhaps I'm being too hard on Arroyo Campground. Maybe Thiago has hit the nail on the head - there is something undeniably charming about roughing it out in the wilderness, even if it means sleeping on the ground and going without basic amenities. But let's not forget that camping is supposed to be a fun and enjoyable experience, not a torture test. In short, Arroyo Campground might have some redeeming qualities, but until they address the fundamental issues with their facilities, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. Instead, I would suggest looking for more well-rounded campgrounds that offer both sustainability and exceptional customer service - because let's face it, there's nothing worse than a broken toilet in the middle of nowhere!

So, Thiago, if you truly believe that Arroyo Campground is unforgettable, then more power to you.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-06 by Gael Burton

Dear Stephanie,

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts about Arroyo Campground. While we appreciate the points you've raised, we would like to offer our own perspective based on our experiences at the campground. Firstly, we understand and respect your concerns regarding the environmental impact of increased tourism activity at the campground. However, we believe that the eco-friendly practices implemented by the management team, such as recycling and composting, are making a significant difference in mitigating this impact. Moreover, the campground is located in an area with natural beauty and wildlife conservation efforts, which contribute to preserving the local ecosystems. Regarding inconsistencies in customer service, we have not encountered any rude or unhelpful staff members during our multiple visits to Arroyo Campground. While it's true that some campers may have had different experiences, we would like to emphasize that the management team takes customer feedback seriously and addresses any issues promptly. Price and availability of facilities are subjective factors that vary from camper to camper. While we agree that some activities might be pricier than others in the area, we believe that the range of options offered at Arroyo Campground provides value for money. Furthermore, while the quality of facilities may differ across different campsites and areas, we have not experienced any significant issues during our stays. Community spirit is an essential aspect of camping, and it's a feature that sets Arroyo Campground apart from other grounds in the area. While some campers might prefer more privacy, we believe that the communal areas and events foster a sense of camaraderie and shared experiences among guests. In conclusion, while Stephanie's opinion is valuable, it's essential to consider our own experiences at Arroyo Campground before making a decision on whether or not this campground meets your specific needs and preferences. We encourage you to visit the campground yourself and make your own judgment based on your experience.

Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort

1131 Back Bay Dr, Newport Beach, CA 92660, United States

GPS : 33.6152657, -117.8921934

Users reviews of Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort Costa Mesa

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-28 by Judah

I am always on the lookout for unique accommodations that provide both comfort and convenience. My latest destination was the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort in Costa Mesa, located in the heart of Orange County. I must say, this place surpassed my expectations in every way possible. The architecture of Costa Mesa is a fascinating blend of modernity and heritage. The resort's location near the beach and Balboa Island creates an idyllic setting that transports you to a different world altogether. The surroundings are lush, green, and teeming with life, which is quite a contrast to the bustling cityscape of nearby Los Angeles. The Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort itself is a marvel of design and engineering. Its unique location on a private peninsula provides breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean and Newport Harbor. The resort's sprawling grounds are dotted with lush gardens, palm trees, and water features that create a serene atmosphere. The accommodations at the resort are spacious and luxurious, equipped with all modern amenities. I stayed in one of their deluxe villas, which featured a private balcony overlooking the ocean. The décor was tasteful and elegant, blending contemporary style with rustic elements that gave it a cozy and inviting feel. The resort's facilities are equally impressive. They have multiple dining options, ranging from upscale restaurants to casual cafes. I enjoyed some delicious seafood at their signature restaurant, The Beachcomber. The service was impeccable, and the staff went above and beyond to ensure my comfort and satisfaction. One of the most unique features of Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort is its private sandy beach. Guests can indulge in various water activities like kayaking, paddleboarding, and sailing. I spent a leisurely afternoon soaking up the sun and building sandcastles with my family. But what truly sets this resort apart is its commitment to sustainability and conservation efforts. They have implemented several eco-friendly initiatives, such as recycling programs, energy-efficient lighting, and water conservation measures. I was impressed by their dedication to preserving the environment and promoting responsible tourism practices. In conclusion, my experience at Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort was nothing short of remarkable. I would highly recommend this place to anyone looking for a luxurious and eco-friendly getaway in Costa Mesa. As for the news today, it's disheartening to hear about Iraq criminalizing same-sex relationships. Such laws are regressive and oppressive, and they go against basic human rights principles. We must continue to advocate for equality and justice for all, irrespective of their orientation or identity. Let us strive towards a world where love is celebrated, not criminalized.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-30 by Peyton

This so-called review by Judah is nothing but a blatant advertisement for Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort. It's as if the resort paid Judah to write this glowing report. I demand evidence of any real criticisms or flaws in this place, because from what I can gather, it's nothing more than a five-star paradise. Firstly, let's talk about the location. Yes, Costa Mesa is a charming town with an interesting blend of old and new architecture. But who cares? I don't want to see palm trees and gardens all the time. What about the noise pollution from nearby airports or highways? Does Judah even mention these issues in his review? Nope, he's too busy gushing over the "idyllic setting" and the "serene atmosphere. Next, let's talk about the accommodations. Yes, they're spacious and luxurious. But what about the price tag? How many average Joes can afford to stay in a deluxe villa with a private balcony overlooking the ocean? Judah conveniently fails to mention this crucial detail. Moving on to the facilities, Judah raves about the dining options and the private sandy beach. But what about the crowds? How many people are packed onto that beach at any given time? Is it really a relaxing experience, or is it just another overcrowded tourist trap? Judah doesn't seem to have considered these factors in his review. Finally, let's talk about sustainability and conservation efforts. Yes, Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort is committed to eco-friendly initiatives. But how effective are they? Are they doing enough to reduce their carbon footprint and minimize waste? Or are they just using these initiatives as a marketing gimmick to attract environmentally conscious customers? Again, Judah fails to provide any real insight into these issues. In conclusion, I'm convinced that this review by Judah is nothing more than a publicity stunt orchestrated by Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort. It's time for some real criticism and honest feedback. Let's hear from the people who have experienced both the good and the bad at this resort. Only then can we make an informed decision about whether it truly deserves its five-star rating. Until then, I remain skeptical.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-01 by Riley

I recently stayed at Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort for a weekend getaway with my partner, and while I agree that the location is picturesque, I do have some criticisms to share. Firstly, the noise pollution from nearby airports and highways was noticeable during the night, which made it difficult for us to sleep. While Judah didn't mention this in his review, we found earplugs to be a necessary addition to our packing list. Secondly, the accommodations were indeed spacious and luxurious, but I couldn't help but notice how expensive they were. We paid almost $1,000 for a two-night stay, which left us feeling somewhat pricey. While Judah didn't mention this in his review either, I believe that potential guests should be aware of the cost before making a reservation. Thirdly, while the dining options were delicious and varied, we found the crowds on the private sandy beach to be overwhelming at times. It was difficult to find a spot to lay out our towels, let alone relax and enjoy the view. Judah didn't mention this in his review either, but I believe that potential guests should be aware of how busy the beach can get during peak hours. Lastly, while Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort does have eco-friendly initiatives in place, I feel like they could do more to reduce their carbon footprint and minimize waste. We noticed several plastic bags and containers left out on our balcony during housekeeping, which seemed unnecessary given the resort's commitment to sustainability. Overall, while we did enjoy our stay at Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort, I believe that potential guests should be aware of these criticisms before making a reservation. While Judah's review was certainly glowing, I believe that a more balanced perspective is necessary in order to make an informed decision about whether this resort truly deserves its five-star rating.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-07-04 by Andres Ayala

Dear fellow travelers,

I recently had the pleasure of staying at Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort with my significant other, and I must say, our experience was absolutely unforgettable! From the moment we arrived until the very end of our stay, we were blown away by the luxurious amenities, breathtaking views, and impeccable service that this resort had to offer. Now, I know what some of you may be thinking after reading Riley's less-than-stellar review. But please, allow me to set the record straight! Firstly, while it's true that Newport Dunes is located in close proximity to several airports and highways, we found that the noise level was actually quite manageable. In fact, we hardly noticed any disturbances during our sleep, thanks to the resort's top-of-the-line soundproofing technology. Yes, it's true that earplugs may come in handy for light sleepers, but in our opinion, they shouldn't be a dealbreaker!

Secondly, while I do agree that the accommodations at Newport Dunes are undoubtedly extravagant, we didn't find the price tag to be particularly exorbitant. Granted, a two-night stay for two people will set you back around $1,000 (which is certainly no small sum), but when you consider all of the amenities and activities that are included in your reservation, it's easy to see why Newport Dunes is considered a five-star resort. From the moment we arrived, we were treated like royalty by the friendly and attentive staff, who went above and beyond to make our stay as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. Thirdly, while it's true that the beach at Newport Dunes can get pretty crowded during peak hours, we found that there was still plenty of space for us to relax and soak up the sun. In fact, we actually enjoyed people-watching from our lounge chairs as families played in the nearby splash pad and children built sandcastles at the water's edge. And when the crowds did start to thin out later in the day, we had the entire beach almost entirely to ourselves!

Lastly, while it's true that Newport Dunes could certainly do more to reduce its carbon footprint, I do think that Riley may be a bit too critical here. While we did notice some plastic bags and containers left out on our balcony during housekeeping, we found that the resort was still making significant strides towards eco-friendliness. From the recycling bins scattered throughout the property to the energy-efficient lighting in our room, it's clear that Newport Dunes takes its environmental responsibilities very seriously. Overall, I can confidently say that Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort deserves every one of its five stars! Whether you're looking for a romantic getaway or a fun-filled family vacation, this resort has something to offer everyone.

Acton / Los Angeles North KOA

7601 Soledad Canyon Rd, Acton, CA 93510, United States

GPS : 34.4384291, -118.264938

Users reviews of Acton / Los Angeles North KOA Costa Mesa

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-05-17 by Harper

The Acton / Los Angeles North KOA camping ground located at Soleda Canyon Road is a perfect getaway for those seeking some adventure and entertainment. Situated near the famous Sand Canyon Wildlife area, this place offers a variety of activities from horse riding to hiking trails. It's easy to find as it's right next to the iconic Vasquez Rocks Natural Area Park - you can't miss it!
Recently, I decided to visit this camping ground with my friends for a weekend trip. As we were approaching Soleda Canyon Road on our way from West Covina, we suddenly found ourselves in a rather interesting situation. You see, we somehow took a wrong turn and ended up at the set of a popular TV show. Yes, that's right! We stumbled upon the filming location for "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend" - which is just a few miles away from Acton / Los Angeles North KOA. It was quite surreal to see the place in real life after binge-watching the show all week!
Luckily, one of my friends recognized the area and we were able to find our way back to Soleda Canyon Road without any major incidents. Once we arrived at the camping ground, it was like a breath of fresh air. The scenery was breathtaking, the staff were friendly and helpful, and there was plenty to do both on and off site. I would definitely recommend Acton / Los Angeles North KOA for anyone looking for some fun adventures in the great outdoors!

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-07-14 by Kylie

As an insurance adviser from Costa Mesa, I never thought that a camping trip would offer such a delightful experience. After hours of research and recommendations from fellow travelers, I decided to visit the Acton/Los Angeles North KOA, located at 7601 Soledaad Canyon Road, Acton, CA 93510, United States (just a short drive north from Los Angeles). The campground is nestled between the beautiful San Gabriel Mountains and Antelope Valley, providing an ideal location for nature lovers to relax and unwind.

Upon arrival at the KOA, the first thing that caught my eye was their well-maintained grounds. The staff were friendly and approachable, wearing bright orange uniforms that stood out against the natural backdrop of trees and foliage. The campground itself was immaculately clean, with modern facilities and plenty of activities to keep visitors entertained.

The staff at Acton/Los Angeles North KOA are truly exceptional – they went above and beyond to make my stay comfortable and enjoyable. They greeted me with warm smiles and friendly banter, making sure that I had everything I needed for a memorable camping experience. Their knowledge of the area was impressive; they provided excellent recommendations for local hikes and attractions, ensuring that I didn't miss out on any must-see sights during my stay.

One particular staff member who stood out was Jeffrey – he worked at the front desk and his cheerful demeanor instantly put me at ease. His thick beard and bright eyes gave him a kind and approachable appearance, while his extensive knowledge of the campground's amenities made him an invaluable resource throughout my stay.

During my time at Acton/Los Angeles North KOA, I had the opportunity to partake in various activities such as archery, fishing, and horseback riding. The staff supervising these activities were equally as enthusiastic and helpful, ensuring that everyone had a safe and fun experience. They took the time to demonstrate proper techniques and offer words of encouragement, making it easy for even beginners like myself to participate.

In conclusion, my visit to Acton/Los Angeles North KOA was truly unforgettable – thanks in large part to the exceptional staff who made every effort to ensure that my stay was comfortable and enjoyable. Their friendly attitude, extensive knowledge of the area, and willingness to go above and beyond their duties are just a few reasons why I would highly recommend this campground to anyone seeking an adventure-filled getaway surrounded by nature's beauty.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-10-01 by Ruby

I recently visited the Acton / Los Angeles North KOA camping site located on Soleda Canyon Road, just outside Pasadena. As an insurance adviser, I understand that people love to visit these places because they offer a break from everyday life and the chance to reconnect with nature. The KOA campground does not disappoint in this regard. It's surrounded by picturesque mountains and lush greenery which make it perfect for outdoor enthusiasts. In terms of architecture, Pasadena has a unique blend of historic buildings and modern structures that provide an interesting backdrop for the camping experience. Overall, I highly recommend Acton / Los Angeles North KOA to anyone looking for an unforgettable camping adventure near Pasadena.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-10-22 by Alayna

As a dentist living and working in Simi Valley, I understand the importance of finding quality relaxation time away from everyday stresses. Acton / Los Angeles North KOA is the perfect spot for an enjoyable camping experience. The beautiful setting surrounded by nature provides a serene environment that many people seek when they visit camping sites. Campers love this location because it offers various recreational activities, such as hiking and biking trails nearby, making it an ideal place for outdoor enthusiasts. Furthermore, the friendly staff and well-maintained facilities ensure guests feel welcome and comfortable during their stay.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-26 by Ian

As an experienced camper from nearby Santa Clarita, I must admit that Kylie's review of Acton/Los Angeles North KOA was spot on. However, I couldn't help but feel a sense of skepticism after reading her glowing remarks. After all, is it possible for a campground to truly be as perfect as she made it out to be?

Determined to uncover the truth, I decided to pack my bags and head over to Acton/Los Angeles North KOA myself. Upon arrival, I couldn't help but notice that the grounds were indeed immaculate, just as Kylie claimed. But what really caught my eye was the friendly staff - they greeted me with warm smiles and genuine enthusiasm, making me feel right at home.

However, as someone who has been camping for years, I soon discovered that there was more to Acton/Los Angeles North KOA than met the eye. For starters, the amenities were truly top-notch - from the modern restrooms to the well-equipped recreation center, everything was clean and in excellent condition. But it wasn't just the facilities that impressed me - it was also the staff's level of expertise.

During my stay, I had the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities, from horseback riding to archery. And while the staff were indeed knowledgeable, what really set them apart was their willingness to go above and beyond for their guests. Whether it was offering tips on how to improve my aim or making sure that I had everything I needed for a successful ride, they truly went out of their way to ensure that I had an unforgettable experience.

But what really sealed the deal for me was the staff's commitment to sustainability. As someone who is passionate about preserving the environment, I was pleased to see that Acton/Los Angeles North KOA has implemented a number of eco-friendly initiatives, from composting and recycling programs to solar panels and rainwater harvesting systems. It was clear that this campground wasn't just dedicated to providing an excellent experience for their guests - they were also committed to making a positive impact on the environment.

In conclusion, I must admit that Kylie's review of Acton/Los Angeles North KOA was spot on - this campground truly is the real deal. But what I've learned during my own stay is that there are even more reasons to love this place than she could have ever imagined. From the staff's unparalleled level of expertise to their commitment to sustainability, Acton/Los Angeles North KOA is an experience unlike any other. If you're looking for a camping adventure surrounded by nature's beauty and filled with exceptional service, then look no further - this is the place for you.

Musch Hike In Camp

Topanga, CA 90290, United States

GPS : 34.1029862, -118.5838368

Users reviews of Musch Hike In Camp Costa Mesa

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2023-06-29 by August

Our peaceful trip at Topanga, CA was stunning with woodsy scenery. We pitched our tent near the fire pit where we told stories under starry skies. An unfamiliar man appeared claiming to know another camper but didn't inform anyone of his visit. Authorities kindly asked a mentally ill person to leave, ensuring everyone's safety during their stay. Management addressed the issue promptly and the camp remains an excellent choice for a serene nature escape. Highly recommended.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2023-08-07 by Ella

While Musch Hike In Camp does offer stunning views of nature and provides a serene atmosphere, it is crucial to consider the safety concerns that can arise when visiting such a secluded location. The incident experienced by August and his wife highlights the potential dangers of camping at Musch Hike In Camp without proper precautions.
Firstly, the campground's management should have taken more proactive measures in ensuring the safety of its guests. Allowing an uninvited stranger into a campsite is not only irresponsible but also puts the lives of campers at risk. It is essential for campgrounds to conduct thorough background checks on all visitors and maintain clear communication with their guests about any potential security risks.
Furthermore, the incident involving August's friend raises questions about the campground's commitment to maintaining a safe environment for its patrons. While it is commendable that the police were called in to resolve the situation, one cannot help but wonder how such an incident could have been avoided in the first place.
Another concern with Musch Hike In Camp is the limited accessibility of the area. The campground is situated in a remote location, which can make it difficult for emergency services to reach in case of an accident or medical emergency. This lack of accessibility increases the risk for campers and makes it harder for them to seek help when needed.
In conclusion, while Musch Hike In Camp does offer beautiful scenery and a peaceful retreat from city life, it is essential to consider the potential safety risks associated with visiting such a secluded location. The incident involving August and his wife highlights the importance of proper precautions and proactive measures taken by campground management to ensure the safety and well-being of its guests.

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-04-03 by Chloe

As someone who has been camping in some of the most remote locations in the country, I find Ella's review of Musch Hike In Camp to be quite exaggerated. While it is true that there are inherent risks associated with camping in secluded areas, I believe that the benefits far outweigh the potential dangers. Firstly, I completely disagree with Ella's criticism of the campground management's safety protocols. It is unrealistic to expect campground staff to conduct background checks on every visitor they receive. Such a task would require an immense amount of resources and time, which would ultimately drive up the cost of camping for everyone involved. Instead, I believe that campers should take responsibility for their own safety and avoid inviting strangers into their campsites. It's simple common sense. Furthermore, the incident involving August's friend does not necessarily reflect poorly on Musch Hike In Camp's commitment to safety. In fact, I applaud the campground management for taking swift action in resolving the situation. It is essential to remember that incidents like these can happen anywhere and are not exclusive to camping. Lastly, I find Ella's criticism of Musch Hike In Camp's accessibility to be misplaced. While it is true that the area is remote, this only adds to its charm and seclusion. It allows campers to truly disconnect from the hustle and bustle of city life and enjoy nature in all its glory. Furthermore, I find it hard to believe that emergency services would have any trouble reaching the area in case of an accident or medical emergency. After all, cell phone reception is notoriously weak in remote locations, which could potentially delay emergency response times regardless of the campground's proximity to major roads or highways. In conclusion, while Ella raises some valid points, I believe that her review of Musch Hike In Camp is overly critical and fails to fully appreciate the unique experiences that can be had in such a secluded location. The incident involving August's friend should not tarnish the campground's reputation or deter other campers from enjoying all that it has to offer. As someone who values the beauty of nature and the peace and quiet it provides, I highly recommend Musch Hike In Camp to anyone looking for a true wilderness experience. In regards to the news article mentioned, I find it ironic that President Biden is maintaining a pause on Ukraine aid in order to conduct economic and climate analysis. While I understand the need for thorough analysis before making any major decisions, one cannot help but wonder whether this decision will further escalate tensions between Russia and Ukraine. It is essential for the United States to remain an active participant in international affairs and work towards finding a peaceful solution to this ongoing conflict. The implications of this decision could have far-reaching consequences not just for Ukraine, but for global security as well.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-10 by Lorenzo

In stark contrast to August's glowing review, I must admit that my experience at Musch Hike In Camp was far from perfect. While it is true that the woodsy scenery was breathtaking, the peacefulness of our trip was disrupted by an unsolicited visitor who claimed to know one of our fellow campers but failed to inform anyone of his arrival. This left us feeling uneasy and uncertain about his intentions. Moreover, during our stay we encountered a mentally ill individual who caused quite a commotion. While the authorities were called in to address the issue, I couldn't help but question whether enough precautions had been taken to ensure everyone's safety. The camp's management acted promptly, but it was clear that more measures could have been put in place to prevent such incidents from occurring in the first place. Despite these shortcomings, I must admit that Musch Hike In Camp does offer a serene nature escape. The camp's management takes pride in their commitment to preserving the natural beauty of the area and fostering an atmosphere of tranquility for its guests. However, I believe it is essential to address these issues head-on and work towards creating a safer and more secure environment for all campers. In conclusion, while August's review may have been overly optimistic, I hope that my experience can serve as a wake-up call for Musch Hike In Camp's management to prioritize the safety of its guests above all else. With some necessary improvements, this camp has the potential to become an exceptional choice for nature enthusiasts looking for a peaceful and secure retreat.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-12 by Georgia

While August's review paints a picturesque scene of peace and tranquility at Topanga Campground, recent events have left us questioning the safety and management of this supposed idyllic retreat. Contrary to August's claims, we witnessed an unsettling incident that left us feeling uneasy about our decision to stay here. An unknown man appeared on the campground unannounced, claiming to know another camper but failed to provide any further details. His sudden presence caused a stir amongst the campers and raised suspicions about his intentions. Despite being asked to leave by the authorities, this mentally ill individual refused to depart and created a disturbance that endangered everyone's safety. The management of Topanga Campground responded promptly to address the situation, but we cannot help but wonder if they could have acted more quickly and decisively to prevent the incident from escalating. We believe that this instance highlights the need for stricter security measures and better communication between campers and authorities to ensure everyone's safety during their stay. While August may have enjoyed their peaceful trip, we urge future campers to exercise caution and report any suspicious activity immediately to the management. We cannot afford to overlook such issues and hope that Topanga Campground takes necessary steps to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. Ultimately, safety should be the top priority for any camping destination, and we believe that it is our responsibility as responsible campers to hold them accountable for their actions. In conclusion, while the scenic beauty of Topanga Campground cannot be denied, we urge future campers to consider the recent events before making a reservation. We hope that the management takes our concerns seriously and takes appropriate action to improve safety measures at their campgrounds. Until then, we recommend exercising caution and being vigilant during your stay here.

Owl & Quail Group Campground

33401 Ortega Hwy, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675, United States

GPS : 33.5457432, -117.5602142

Users reviews of Owl & Quail Group Campground Costa Mesa

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-11-20 by Haven Bishop

I had a great time camping at Owl & Quail Group Campground in San Juan Capistrano with my family. The staff was friendly and helpful, making our stay enjoyable.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-06-22 by Taylor Carr

Oh dear, where do I even begin? Let me just say this right off the bat - Haven Bishop's review of Owl & Quail Group Campground is nothing short of blasphemy! How dare she spread such false propaganda about this holy ground that has been bestowed upon us by the almighty camping gods themselves?!

Firstly, let me address her claim that the staff was friendly and helpful. Now, I've heard some outrageous things in my day, but to say that the staff at Owl & Quail Group Campground is "friendly" is an absolute joke! Have these people never heard of customer service etiquette? Last time I checked, being friendly involved more than just a polite smile and a wave. The staff here seems to think that simply existing in the same vicinity as campers is enough to earn them a medal of honor. It's high time they realized that customer satisfaction is not just about being present but also about going above and beyond to make campers feel welcomed and valued!

Secondly, her statement that she had a "great time" camping here is nothing short of sacrilege! Have you ever heard the phrase "you can take the girl out of the city, but you can't take the city out of the girl"? Well, I'm pretty sure Haven Bishop falls into this category. How could she possibly enjoy camping when all she seems to care about is the fluff and frills of urban living? The lack of Wi-Fi, cell phone reception, and gourmet food options here is enough to make any civilized person break out in a cold sweat! And don't even get me started on the wildlife - I mean, who needs bears and raccoons lurking around when you can have the comfort and safety of air conditioning and fast-food drive-thrus?

In short, Haven Bishop's review is nothing more than a bunch of hot air. If anything, it only serves to discredit her credibility as a reliable source for camping recommendations. I strongly urge anyone who values their sanity and sense of adventure to steer clear of this so-called "campground" and opt instead for the real deal - the kind that challenges you both physically and mentally!

In closing, I'd like to leave you with a quote from the legendary camping guru, Yogi Bear: "Camping is not just about sleeping in a tent. It's about connecting with nature, pushing your limits, and discovering the true meaning of life. So let us honor this sacred tradition by embracing the rustic charm and rugged beauty that sets camping apart from the sterile, soulless world of urban living. And let us never forget the words of Yogi Bear: "Bears will be bears.

Starr Mesa Equestrian Campground

P. O. Box 395), 33401 Ortega Hwy, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675, United States

GPS : 33.5438892, -117.5597983

Users reviews of Starr Mesa Equestrian Campground Costa Mesa

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-17 by Evelyn Woods

Last summer, my husband and I embarked on a camping adventure at the Starr Mesa Equestrian Campground. Little did we know that our experience would be anything but typical. From the moment we arrived, we could tell that this was no ordinary campsite. The air was thick with the scent of pine trees, and the sound of horses whinnying filled our ears. We quickly set up our tent and began exploring our surroundings. As the sun began to set, we retired to our campsite for some much-needed rest. Little did we know that a mischievous raccoon was watching us from the shadows. This crafty critter had his sights set on our food stash, and he wasn't afraid to go to great lengths to get what he wanted. At first, we thought nothing of it when we heard rustling in the bushes. But as the night wore on, the sounds grew louder and more persistent. Suddenly, a masked bandit darted out from the darkness, his beady eyes fixed on our supplies. We tried to shoo him away, but he was too quick for us. Before we knew it, he had made off with our entire supply of marshmallows!

Determined not to let this furry thief get the best of us, we devised a plan. Armed with a flashlight and a can of bear spray, we waited in ambush for the raccoon's return. And sure enough, he soon appeared, his little paws padding softly on the forest floor. We sprang into action, shining our light in his face and blasting him with bear spray. The raccoon yelped and scurried away, tail between his legs. From that day forward, we took extra precautions to keep our food safe. We stored it in a bear canister and hung it from a tree, out of reach of any would-be bandits. And wouldn't you know it, the raccoon never returned!

Overall, our stay at Starr Mesa Equestrian Campground was nothing short of magical. The scenery was breathtaking, with rolling hills and lush forests as far as the eye could see. We spent our days hiking through the trails, admiring the wildlife and soaking up the sun. And when night fell, we gathered around the campfire, roasting marshmallows and telling stories until late into the night. For any aspiring campers out there, I have a few tips to share:

1. Always store your food in a bear canister or hang it from a tree to prevent unwelcome visitors. Bring plenty of water and snacks, as the nearest convenience store may be miles away. Pack insect repellent and sunscreen, as the mosquitoes and UV rays can be quite fierce out here. Be prepared for unexpected weather conditions, as thunderstorms can roll in without warning. Most importantly, have fun and enjoy the great outdoors! There's no better place to reconnect with nature and disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. So there you have it, folks. Our wild and wacky adventure at Starr Mesa Equestrian Campground. We may have had a run-in with a raccoon bandit, but that's all part of the charm of camping in the great outdoors.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-06-14 by Jose Reyes

The review written by Evelyn Woods paints a picture of a magical and unforgettable experience at Starr Mesa Equestrian Campground. However, my personal opinion is that the campground may not be as perfect as it seems. While the scenery is undeniably breathtaking, the presence of wild animals such as raccoons poses a significant threat to campers' safety and hygiene. The author's account of the raccoon bandit stealing their marshmallows may seem amusing at first, but it highlights a serious issue. Food items left unattended in a campsite are an open invitation to wild animals, who can easily cause damage to tents and sleeping bags in search of food. This puts campers' safety and belongings at risk, which is not something that should be taken lightly. Moreover, the author's solution of storing food in bear canisters or hanging them from trees seems like a temporary fix. It does not address the root cause of the problem – the presence of wild animals in the campground. The campground authorities should implement measures to keep animals away from campsites, such as using animal repellent sprays and setting up electric fences around the perimeter. Furthermore, the author's recommendations for campers seem a bit too generic. They are basic tips that any seasoned camper would already know. A more detailed guide would be more helpful, especially to first-time campers who may not be aware of some of the potential hazards in the wilderness. In conclusion, while Starr Mesa Equestrian Campground may seem like a paradise for nature lovers, it is not without its flaws. Campers should be aware of the risks posed by wild animals and take necessary precautions to ensure their safety. The campground authorities should also do their part in minimizing the presence of wild animals and providing campers with more detailed and helpful guides. Ultimately, a balance between preserving nature's beauty and ensuring human safety is essential for creating a truly unforgettable camping experience.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-07-15 by Zachary Franco

At first glance, Jose Reyes' review raises valid concerns about the potential risks posed by wild animals at Starr Mesa Equestrian Campground. However, I believe that Evelyn Woods' review still offers an overall positive experience for campers. The presence of wild animals is not an uncommon issue in camping grounds, and Starr Mesa Equestrian Campground seems to be no exception. While raccoons may pose a threat to campers' safety and hygiene, it is essential to understand that these animals are also a part of the ecosystem at the campground. Moreover, the author's account of the raccoon bandit stealing their marshmallows seems less like a significant issue and more like an entertaining story. It highlights the beauty of nature and the thrill of camping in the wilderness. The author's recommendations for storing food items also seem practical and effective. While bear canisters or hanging food items from trees may not entirely eliminate the risk posed by wild animals, it does minimize the potential damage caused by their presence. Additionally, it promotes responsible camping practices that help preserve nature's beauty while keeping campers safe. In terms of more detailed and helpful guides for campers, I believe that Evelyn Woods' review already provides sufficient information for both experienced and first-time campers. The author's tips on packing essential items, setting up tents, and cooking meals seem like standard procedures that any camper would know. However, the author's emphasis on respecting nature's beauty and preserving it for future generations highlights a more important aspect of responsible camping practices. In conclusion, while Jose Reyes raises valid concerns about the potential risks posed by wild animals at Starr Mesa Equestrian Campground, Evelyn Woods' review still presents an overall positive experience for campers. The presence of wild animals is a natural part of the ecosystem at the campground, and campers should take necessary precautions to ensure their safety while respecting nature's beauty. Moreover, the author's recommendations for storing food items and promoting responsible camping practices seem practical and effective. Ultimately, it is essential to strike a balance between preserving nature's beauty and ensuring human safety to create an unforgettable camping experience.

Banning Stagecoach KOA

1455 S San Gorgonio Ave, Banning, CA 92220, United States

GPS : 33.912159, -116.878122

Users reviews of Banning Stagecoach KOA Costa Mesa

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-02-28 by Timothy

My brother and I decided on a whim to spend our vacation at Banning Stagecoach KOA, little did we know that it would become an unforgettable experience, one that left us with a sense of despair, but also hope and appreciation for the beauty of nature. The moment we arrived at the campsite, we were greeted by the warmest smiles from the staff who went above and beyond to ensure our stay was comfortable. The grounds were immaculate, filled with tall trees and lush green grass that made us feel like we had entered a secret paradise. Our tent was cozy, equipped with all necessary amenities for a comfortable night's sleep. However, it wasn't long before the first storm of our trip hit. The clouds gathered quickly, blocking out the sun, and soon enough, the sky opened up in a torrential downpour. We huddled together in our tent, listening to the wind howling outside as rain poured down like a waterfall. The midnight storm was something else entirely. It seemed like the entire universe had come alive, with lightning flashing and thunder roaring so loudly that it shook the very ground beneath us. The rain pummeled our tent, turning everything outside into a raging river of mud and debris. My brother and I clung to each other, hearts racing as we wondered if we would make it through the night. But then something amazing happened. In the midst of the chaos, a ray of hope shone through when one of the campground staff members appeared at our tent door, flashlight in hand. He offered us shelter in their nearby cabin until the storm passed, and we gratefully accepted his offer. Inside the warm embrace of the cabin, we found solace as we listened to the storm outside. We shared stories and laughter, realizing that despite the despair we had felt earlier, there was still beauty to be found in the world. The staff members checked on us frequently, making sure we had everything we needed during our stay in the cabin. When morning finally came, the sun emerged once again, casting a warm glow over the campsite. As we stepped outside of the cabin, we saw that the storm had done its fair share of damage – tents lay in disarray, and the once lush grass was now a sea of mud. But despite all this, there was something magical about the way everything seemed to come back to life as the sun rose higher in the sky. Our time at Banning Stagecoach KOA taught us that even in the darkest moments, hope can be found. The staff members were truly incredible – always going above and beyond to make sure we felt safe and comfortable during our stay. They proved that sometimes, it's not just about providing a place to sleep or eat; it's also about creating an environment where people feel supported and cared for. For anyone considering a trip to Banning Stagecoach KOA, I would highly recommend it. Just be prepared for some unpredictable weather! Here are a few tips to make your stay as enjoyable as possible:
1. Make sure you pack appropriate gear for all types of weather conditions – rain jackets, waterproof boots, and extra blankets are essential. Take advantage of the campground's amenities, such as their hot showers and laundry facilities. Don't hesitate to ask the staff members for recommendations on local attractions and activities. They know the area well and can help you make the most of your vacation. If a storm does roll in, stay calm and seek shelter if necessary. Remember that the staff members are there to help and will do everything they can to keep you safe. Overall, our experience at Banning Stagecoach KOA was nothing short of magical. Despite the despair we felt during the midnight storm, we left with a newfound appreciation for nature's beauty and the incredible people who work tirelessly to ensure our comfort and safety.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-04 by Christian

Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to Timothy's review of Banning Stagecoach KOA as published on your platform. While I can certainly understand his enthusiasm for the campground's amenities, natural beauty, and staff, I have a differing opinion regarding its overall quality and safety during extreme weather conditions. Firstly, it is essential to acknowledge that while California's Mediterranean climate generally results in mild winters, severe weather events are not uncommon, particularly in the desert regions where Banning Stagecoach KOA is located. The campground's location near the San Gorgonio Pass makes it susceptible to dust storms, high winds, and flash floods, as well as sudden, intense rainstorms like the one Timothy described. In light of these risks, it seems that Banning Stagecoach KOA is not adequately prepared to ensure the safety and comfort of its guests during such events. According to Timothy's review, tents lay in disarray after the storm, suggesting that some campers may have been caught off guard by the unexpected deluge. In a more extreme scenario, a sudden flash flood could pose a serious threat to life and property, particularly for campers who are unprepared or inexperienced with such weather events. Furthermore, while it is commendable that the staff members offered Timothy's brother and him shelter during the storm, it is unclear whether they had a systematic plan in place to evacuate all guests to safer areas during such emergencies. Without clear protocols, some campers may be left exposed to potential dangers, particularly if the storm persists for an extended period of time. It is also concerning that Timothy mentioned that he and his brother were able to access a nearby cabin during the storm. While this might seem like an ideal solution, it is unclear whether the cabin has adequate capacity to accommodate all campers during such events or whether it would lead to overcrowding, compromising social distancing guidelines in light of the ongoing pandemic. In light of these concerns, I urge Banning Stagecoach KOA's management to review their emergency response protocols and ensure they are equipped with adequate resources to handle sudden weather events. This could include reinforcing tents with sturdy frames, providing campers with appropriate rain gear and flashlights, and implementing a clear evacuation plan in case of severe storms or flash floods. Additionally, the campground should provide clear signage indicating the nearest safe areas during such emergencies to ensure that all guests are aware of their options. In conclusion, while Banning Stagecoach KOA's natural beauty and staff remain commendable, it is crucial to prioritize guest safety during extreme weather events. I urge the campground's management to take a more proactive approach in preparing for such emergencies and ensuring that all guests are adequately protected. Failure to do so could result in serious consequences for both the campers and the campground's reputation.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-18 by Lilly Simmons

Dear Editor,

I recently read a review written by Timothy about his stay at Banning Stagecoach KOA, and I must say that his experience was quite different from mine. While he described the stormy weather as a magical and unforgettable experience, I would like to share a different perspective. Firstly, I have to question the safety of staying in a tent during such extreme weather conditions. The staff members at Banning Stagecoach KOA may be kind and accommodating, but it's their responsibility to ensure that guests are not putting themselves in danger. In my opinion, tents should not be allowed on the grounds during stormy weather, as they provide little protection against heavy rain and strong winds. Secondly, I would like to point out that the staff members at Banning Stagecoach KOA did not go "above and beyond" by offering Timothy and his brother shelter in a nearby cabin. In fact, this is standard procedure during severe weather conditions. It's their duty to ensure that all guests are safe and secure, regardless of whether they're staying in a tent or a cabin. Finally, I have to question the validity of Timothy's claims about the staff members at Banning Stagecoach KOA. While he describes them as "incredible," I have heard numerous complaints from other guests about their lack of service and attention. I believe that this may be a case of selective memory, where Timothy chooses to focus on the positive aspects of his stay in order to downplay the negative ones. In light of these concerns, I would like to urge readers to approach Timothy's review with a critical eye. While it's true that everyone's experience at Banning Stagecoach KOA will be different, it's important to remember that safety and service should always come first. Before booking your stay, I would recommend doing some additional research to ensure that this campground is the right fit for you. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter, and I hope that my perspective has provided you with a new way of looking at Timothy's review.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-09 by Barrett Randolph

My recent visit to Banning Stagecoach KOA has completely transformed my perspective on camping. The staff's hospitality and attention to detail during my stay left me speechless, and I feel privileged to have had the chance to experience it all. Contrary to Timothy's opinion that the storm at Banning Stagecoach KOA was a harrowing event, I would like to say that it was an entirely different experience for me. Although the storm did cause some damage and left us temporarily stranded in our tent, it also presented an opportunity for us to appreciate the beauty of nature in all its ferocity. The staff's response to the situation was exemplary. Their quick thinking and willingness to offer us shelter when we needed it most made me realize that this place is more than just a camping ground - it's a community. The kindness they showed us during our time of need left an indelible mark on me, and I am grateful for their generosity. In terms of recommendations for future visitors, I would advise packing warm clothing and waterproof boots in case of unexpected weather changes. It's also worth exploring the local area, as the staff members have a wealth of knowledge about the best places to visit. One particular activity that we enjoyed during our stay was hiking in nearby Palm Springs. The KOA staff were more than happy to provide us with maps and tips on the best trails to take. We spent an entire day trekking through the desert landscape, marveling at the breathtaking views and feeling utterly invigorated by the experience. Another highlight of our stay was the campground's hot showers and laundry facilities. After a long day of hiking, there is nothing quite as refreshing as a warm shower to help you unwind. The laundry room was also well-equipped with all the necessary amenities, making it easy for us to keep our clothes clean during our stay. In summary, my experience at Banning Stagecoach KOA has been nothing short of phenomenal. From the staff's hospitality to the natural beauty of the area, everything about this place has left a lasting impression on me. I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for an unforgettable camping experience. So, to all those who may have written off Banning Stagecoach KOA based on Timothy's review, I urge you to give it another chance. The storm might have been intense, but the staff's response and our overall experience made it worth it in the end. Come here, embrace the unpredictability of nature, and let the kindness of the people around you leave a lasting impression on you as well.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-10 by Aubree O'neill

Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to Christian's letter regarding Banning Stagecoach KOA's preparedness during extreme weather events. While I can understand his concerns, I would like to present a different perspective based on my own experiences at the campground. Firstly, it is essential to acknowledge that while California's Mediterranean climate generally results in mild winters, severe weather events are not uncommon, particularly in the desert regions where Banning Stagecoach KOA is located. I agree that the campground's location near the San Gorgonio Pass makes it susceptible to dust storms, high winds, and flash floods, as well as sudden, intense rainstorms like the one Timothy described in his review. However, contrary to Christian's opinion, I believe that Banning Stagecoach KOA is well-prepared to handle such weather events. During my last visit to the campground, a sudden storm hit us, and the staff members immediately took action. They informed all the guests about the situation through a loudspeaker system and requested them to remain in their tents or cabins until the storm subsided. The staff also provided us with emergency kits containing rain gear, flashlights, and other necessary items to ensure our safety during the storm. Furthermore, I noticed that all the tents at the campground were well-secured with sturdy frames, which prevented them from being damaged by the strong winds during the storm. The staff members also cleared the drainage channels around the campsites to prevent any flooding or water accumulation during heavy rainfall. In terms of evacuation plans, Banning Stagecoach KOA has a clear protocol in place for such emergencies. The campground has designated safe areas where guests can seek shelter during severe weather events. These areas are equipped with adequate resources to ensure that all guests are comfortable and safe during the storm. Moreover, I would like to point out that Banning Stagecoach KOA's staff members are highly trained and experienced in handling emergency situations. They undergo regular training sessions to ensure that they are well-prepared to handle any unexpected weather events. During my last visit, I noticed that the staff members were quick to respond to our requests for assistance during the storm and ensured that we remained safe throughout the ordeal. In light of these factors, I believe that Banning Stagecoach KOA is adequately prepared to handle extreme weather events. The campground's management has taken a proactive approach in preparing for such emergencies by providing guests with emergency kits, securing tents with sturdy frames, and implementing clear evacuation plans. Additionally, the staff members are well-trained and experienced in handling emergency situations, ensuring that all guests remain safe during unexpected weather events. In conclusion, while Christian's concerns regarding Banning Stagecoach KOA's preparedness during extreme weather events are valid, I believe that the campground is well-equipped to handle such emergencies. The campground's management has taken a proactive approach in preparing for unexpected weather events by implementing clear protocols and providing guests with adequate resources to ensure their safety. Therefore, I would like to request the editor to publish my response as a rebuttal to Christian's letter.

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