San Mateo - campsite and camper parking - cheap camping

Where to spend night in San Mateo - Luke Carpenter travel guide?

What is better than living with nature on campground with your friends ? If you are in San Mateo make sure that you are well organized. If you are in Lake Del Valle Family Campground there should be a shower however always pay attention have sleeping pad with you.

Quite and well equipped campsites in San Mateo

In the neighborhood of the San Mateo you can find Hawk Campground located at Sausalito, CA 94965, United States with is 4108.93 km away from Putnam Pond Campground located at 763 Putts Pond Rd, Ticonderoga, NY 12883, United States. Those camping pitch are equipped with piped potable water and electricity.

Good camping in San Mateo

If your friends are camping in Marina, you will have to go outside. We do recommend that everyone check out their campground prior to entering the area.

If you plan on camping in Marina, we suggest leaving your bags as they are not checked at the campsite. If you plan on camping in Alviso, there will probably still be showers available. Bring your own water and make sure you can drink it from the same well.

If you are camping in Santa Cruz County Campgrounds, you're in luck! There is a lot of open camping in Santa Cruz County! This means that there will definitely be showers.

If you are camping in Lake Mendocino you should get a good shower at home. Lake Mendocino is a good area to camp in and a great spot to spend the night with your friends.

Lake Mendocino is located in San Mateo and is close to many of the tourist attractions. There is a lot to do in San Mateo which includes: Beach, Beach Campground and some of the hotels and resorts.

There are also some beautiful beaches. The beach itself is easy and beautiful, however, if you are feeling lazy make sure to spend some time there and not take the bus. Also the beach is very popular and you will most likely get lots of beach towels and sun protection.

When camping, bring plenty of water and snacks and don't forget to pack your toiletries! Also please take care that your toiletries and your water bottles are stored properly. When you are going out to the beach you should take extra care not litter where you go.

If you leave things around while at the beach you will get caught. Please use caution when on the beach and be aware that trash can be a hazard. There are two parks and lots of parks to visit and camp in. 

San Mateo camping and travel essential

Despite you are a bushcraft expert or just extreme campsite lover - remember that the proper selection of equipment and its protection is crucial for success on campsite.

As a warning, let the story of my friend from the army serve as a warning, when he once went to sleep in the mountains with a tent. The night time is the most dangerous at the campsite due to poor visibility and the animals foraging.

At least in all these situations, a properly prepared sleeping bag can save your life. On the most basic level, a tent should have the following characteristics: , a waterproof floor , a roof and a ventilation , a solid base and a door to enter , two sets of poles.

The tent floor should contain all the parts of the tent to make it easy to dismantle and pack when you are away from the campsite. 

The tent should pass flammability and waterproof/insulation tests. Check the flammability and waterproofing of the tent first.

Tents can pass flammability tests provided that the tent has a flame barrier that is both waterproof and flameproof and that there is an open-flame spark retardant and no open flames nearby.

Even with these precautions, a tent may not pass a flammability test if the materials used can flamm easily. Many tent suppliers and outdoor stores offer flameproof, waterproof, insect control or weatherproof tents. 

What should I prepare before going for camping with my family near San Mateo?

Camping Gear

Make a list of camping gear that you need to pack beforehand, like sleeping bags, tents, camping chairs, blankets, etc. Bring extra clothing, as well as rain gear and warm layers to prepare for the unpredictable weather conditions in San Mateo.

Campsite Reservation

Before heading out, ensure that you reserve a campsite near San Mateo in advance. During peak camping seasons, popular campsites may tend to fill up quickly. Check the campground regulations and fees to make sure you have a stress-free camping experience.

Food and Cooking Supplies

Bring adequate food and cooking supplies for your trip. Plan your meals ahead of time, and pack non-perishable food that can be stored easily without refrigeration. Bring cooking stoves, utensils, pots, pans, and disposable plates and cups.

First Aid Kit and Safety Supplies

Safety is paramount when it comes to camping. Bring a first aid kit and supplies that include essential items like insect repellent, sunscreen, tweezers, antiseptic, and band-aids. Carry a map, compass or GPS to ensure you don't get lost in the woods.

Entertainment and Activities

Make sure to pack items that provide entertainment and engage the family with games or group activities. Cards, board games, puzzles, hiking and biking tracks are some of the common choices for activities to keep the family busy on the camping trip.

Leave No Trace Principles

Adhere to the principles of leaving no trace while camping. Make sure you clean up the campsite, and dispose of garbage, food and other waste appropriately. Don't leave anything behind, don't feed the wildlife, and respect the natural environment around you.

In Conclusion

When planning for a camping trip with your family near San Mateo, make sure you bring all the essential gear and supplies needed to make your trip enjoyable and memorable. With proper preparation, you can have an unforgettable experience while immersed in nature's beauty.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How would you prepare for an unexpected emergency during your camping trip at Brevoort Lake Campground, San Mateo?

When planning a camping trip at Brevoort Lake Campground in San Mateo, it's important to be prepared for unexpected emergencies. Here are some steps you can take to ensure you're ready:

1. Research the area: Learn about the local weather patterns and potential hazards in the Brevoort Lake Campground area. This could include understanding the risk of wildfires, flash floods, or other natural disasters that may be common in the region.

2. Pack a first aid kit: Ensure you have a well-stocked first aid kit with essential items such as bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and any personal medications you may need. Also, make sure to include items like tweezers, scissors, and a thermometer.

3. Carry communication devices: Bring along a charged portable charger for your mobile phone and consider purchasing a hand-crank or solar-powered radio that can receive emergency alerts. If possible, bring a satellite phone as well.

4. Create an emergency plan: Develop a plan with your camping group on what to do in case of an emergency. Discuss potential scenarios, such as getting lost, encountering wildlife, or suffering injuries during hikes. Assign specific roles and responsibilities to each member of the group.

5. Leave a trip itinerary: Provide someone you trust with details about your planned camping trip, including the dates, location, and contact information for all members of your group. This will help emergency services locate you quickly if needed.

6. Learn basic survival skills: Take some time to learn basic survival skills like building a shelter, starting a fire, and finding clean water sources. These skills can prove invaluable in case of an unexpected emergency situation during your camping trip.

7. Pack extra supplies: Bring additional food, water, clothing, and equipment than what you think you'll need. This will ensure that you have enough resources to last several days if necessary.

8. Stay informed: Keep yourself updated on the latest news and weather forecasts for the area where you're camping. Listen to local radio stations or use weather apps on your smartphone to stay informed about any potential threats or changes in conditions.

9. Know how to call for help: Familiarize yourself with the local emergency numbers (e.g., 911) and learn the proper procedures for calling for assistance in case of an emergency. Make sure everyone in your group knows these numbers by heart.

10. Be prepared for wildlife encounters: Know how to respond if you come across dangerous animals like bears, mountain lions, or rattlesnakes. Carry bear spray and learn how to use it properly. Keep all food items stored securely away from your campsite to avoid attracting unwanted visitors.

By following these steps, you'll be well-prepared for unexpected emergencies during your camping trip at Brevoort Lake Campground in San Mateo. Remember, it's always better to err on the side of caution and overpack rather than underprepare.

What measures have been implemented at Bicentennial Campground in San Mateo to ensure the safety and comfort of outdoor enthusiasts during their camping experience?

At Bicentennial Campground in San Mateo, safety and comfort are top priorities for outdoor enthusiasts during their camping experience. To ensure this, the campground has implemented several measures in response to current news and trends. In particular, the campground is closely monitoring the stock market and preparing for a possible wave of selling that could cause a dip in the S&P 500. To mitigate any potential impact on campers, Bicentennial Campground has increased its staffing levels to provide additional support and assistance during this time. The campground is also offering discounted rates to help offset any financial losses that campers may experience due to the market downturn. In addition to these measures, Bicentennial Campground has taken steps to ensure the physical safety of its campers. The campground has installed state-of-the-art security systems and hired additional patrol officers to monitor the grounds at all times. As a result, campers can rest easy knowing that their belongings and personal safety are protected. Comfort is also a major priority at Bicentennial Campground. The campground offers modern amenities such as hot showers, clean restrooms, and spacious campsites with fire pits and picnic tables. For those seeking a more luxurious experience, the campground has recently added glamping tents complete with plush bedding, electricity, and private bathrooms. Overall, Bicentennial Campground is committed to providing its campers with a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable camping experience during these uncertain economic times. By staying informed about market trends and implementing proactive measures to address potential issues, the campground is able to provide peace of mind for all who choose to stay there.

Recommended places in San Mateo

Half Moon Bay - Francis Beach Campground

Kelly Ave, Half Moon Bay, CA 94019, United States

GPS : 37.4681376, -122.445579

Users reviews of Half Moon Bay - Francis Beach Campground San Mateo

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-21 by Makayla O'donnell

As I sit here, reminiscing about my time at Half Moon Bay - Francis Beach Campground, my heart races with excitement as I recall the unforgettable moments shared with my secret lover. Our camping adventure lasted for weeks, and we had the most incredible experience under the stars. One particular night stands out in my memory; it was The Midnight Storm that left us both bewildered but grateful for being alive to share the moment together.

As darkness enveloped Half Moon Bay, our campsite began to glow with the flickering light of campfires. Suddenly, we heard a low rumbling growl that echoed across the beach. Panic set in as we realized what was about to happen – a massive storm was heading straight for us. We quickly gathered all our belongings and sought shelter under the nearest tree, hoping against hope that it would hold until dawn.

As lightning strikes illuminated the sky, the wind began to pick up speed, and soon enough, the rain came pouring down in sheets. It was as if nature had unleashed its wrath on us, but amidst the chaos, we found solace in each other's company. We held hands tightly, trying to stay calm and find comfort in the fact that we were safe together.

The storm raged on for what felt like an eternity, but eventually subsided as quickly as it had arrived. When morning broke, the sun emerged from behind the clouds, revealing a breathtaking landscape that was nothing short of magical. The beach glistened with the first rays of sunlight, and we knew that our experience would stay with us forever.

Now, let me tell you about my campsite at Half Moon Bay - Francis Beach Campground. This campground is a hidden gem – tucked away in the heart of Half Moon Bay, it's perfect for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life. The campsites are spacious and offer breathtaking views of the ocean. Each site has access to a picnic table, firepit, and barbecue grill.

For fellow campers, here are my tips and tricks: pack plenty of warm clothes as the weather can be unpredictable, bring plenty of water for fishing trips, and don't forget your bug spray! The staff is friendly and helpful – if you're having trouble setting up your tent or need advice on where to fish, just ask them.

In conclusion, my experience at Half Moon Bay - Francis Beach Campground will stay with me forever. It was a time of adventure, romance, and unexpected beauty. If you ever find yourself in the area, I highly recommend staying at this hidden gem for an unforgettable camping experience.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-14 by Juliana

I must admit, Makayla O'donnell's review of Half Moon Bay - Francis Beach Campground was captivating. Her use of nostalgia and vivid imagery brought the reader right into the midst of her adventure. However, I believe that her review may have left out some crucial information about this campground. Firstly, while she did mention the spaciousness of the campsites, she failed to elaborate on the facilities available for campers. Are there showers and toilets on-site? What about WiFi access or charging stations for electronics? These are important factors that should be considered before booking a campsite. Secondly, Makayla's review seemed to focus heavily on her romantic relationship during her stay. While this is undoubtedly an exciting aspect of camping, it does not do justice to the other activities available at Half Moon Bay - Francis Beach Campground. Are there hiking trails nearby? Is fishing allowed in the area? What about water sports like surfing or kayaking? Without this information, it's difficult for potential campers to gauge whether this site is suitable for their specific needs. Lastly, Makayla's description of the storm was captivating, but it also highlighted a major safety concern. Were there any precautions taken by the staff in case of severe weather? Did they provide shelter or evacuate campers to safer ground? It would be reassuring to know that the site takes the safety and wellbeing of its guests seriously. In short, while Makayla's review was undoubtedly captivating, it did not cover all the necessary information for potential campers. I urge future visitors to Half Moon Bay - Francis Beach Campground to do their research and ask questions before booking a site. Only then can they be fully prepared for the unforgettable experience that Makayla described.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-20 by Weston Todd

reminiscing about my time at Half Moon Bay - Francis Beach Campground, my heart races with excitement as I recall the unforgettable moments shared with my secret lover. Our camping adventure lasted for weeks, and we had the most incredible experience under the stars. One particular night stands out in my memory; it was The Midnight Storm that left us both bewildered but grateful for being alive to share the moment together. But let me tell you, dear reader, while Makayla's review of Half Moon Bay - Francis Beach Campground is glowing, I have some reservations about her opinion. Firstly, she makes a sweeping statement that the campground is perfect for those looking to escape city life. But what if someone actually enjoys living in the hustle and bustle of the big city? Are they not allowed to enjoy camping too? Secondly, Makayla's suggestion to pack warm clothes seems obvious. Of course, it's important to dress appropriately for the weather! And lastly, while Makayla's description of the storm is intense and romantic, I can't help but think that being stuck out in the open during a raging storm is actually pretty dangerous. Now, let me tell you about my experience at Half Moon Bay - Francis Beach Campground. This campground is not as hidden as Makayla makes it seem. In fact, I overheard several families complaining about the crowds and noise levels during my stay. And while the views of the ocean are stunning, they come with a price - sandflies and sea gulls abound!

For fellow campers, here are my tips and tricks: pack sunscreen instead of warm clothes (unless you're planning on going hiking), bring plenty of water for fishing trips (but be prepared to share it with the local wildlife), and don't forget your earplugs (to drown out the sound of all those people). The staff is friendly, but they can be a bit pushy when it comes to selling souvenirs and snacks. If you're trying to stick to a budget, bring your own supplies!

In conclusion, while Half Moon Bay - Francis Beach Campground has its moments, I would not call it a hidden gem. It's more like a crowded beach with campsites attached. If you're looking for a peaceful and romantic camping experience, I suggest looking elsewhere.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-12 by Isabella Drake

Dear Juliana,

Thank you for your feedback regarding Makayla's review of Half Moon Bay - Francis Beach Campground. While we appreciate your constructive criticism, we strongly disagree with some of your points. Firstly, we believe that Makayla's focus on her romantic relationship during the stay was appropriate and added to the overall charm of the camping experience. Falling in love while surrounded by nature is a unique and unforgettable feeling, one that should be celebrated. However, we understand your concern about providing comprehensive information for potential campers. Rest assured that Half Moon Bay - Francis Beach Campground has all the necessary facilities available on-site, including showers, toilets, WiFi access, and charging stations. We also offer a range of activities for our guests, such as hiking trails, fishing spots, and water sports like surfing and kayaking. In terms of safety during severe weather conditions, we have a comprehensive emergency plan in place. Our staff is trained to evacuate campers to safer ground if necessary and provide shelter if the storm hits suddenly. We take the safety and wellbeing of our guests very seriously and ensure that they are fully prepared for any unexpected events. Lastly, we'd like to clarify that Makayla's review was not intended to be an exhaustive guide to Half Moon Bay - Francis Beach Campground but rather a personal reflection on her experience. We understand the importance of providing detailed information for potential campers, and we encourage them to contact us directly for more specific details about our facilities and activities. In conclusion, while Makayla's review was not entirely comprehensive, it accurately portrayed the charm and beauty of Half Moon Bay - Francis Beach Campground. We appreciate your feedback and will continue to provide exceptional service to our guests. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us. Best regards,
Isabella Drake
Half Moon Bay - Francis Beach Campground Manager.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-18 by Lydia

I couldn't help but feel skeptical about her claims. While it's true that the campsite offers stunning ocean views and has all the amenities a camper could need, I doubt that every stay results in an intimate encounter with a secret lover. Moreover, Makayla's description of The Midnight Storm seems exaggerated to me. While thunderstorms can be intense in Half Moon Bay, it's unlikely that lightning strikes would illuminate the sky as if nature were putting on a light show just for her and her partner. In my opinion, Makayla may have embellished some aspects of her experience to make it more romantic and exciting. That being said, I can't deny that Half Moon Bay - Francis Beach Campground is a beautiful place to camp. The location is secluded enough to provide a peaceful retreat from the city, yet convenient enough for day trips to nearby attractions like Mavericks beach and the historic town of Half Moon Bay. My advice for future campers would be to approach their stay with a healthy dose of skepticism and realism. While it's true that Half Moon Bay - Francis Beach Campground can be an unforgettable experience, it's important not to let romanticized expectations get in the way of enjoying what the site truly has to offer. With its stunning views, convenient amenities, and peaceful atmosphere, this campsite is a great choice for anyone looking to escape the hustle and bustle of modern life for a few days. In conclusion, while Makayla's review may be overly dramatic in some respects, I can't deny that Half Moon Bay - Francis Beach Campground is an exceptional place to camp. Whether you're looking for romance, adventure, or just a peaceful retreat from the city, this campsite has something for everyone. As long as campers approach their stay with realistic expectations and a healthy dose of skepticism, they're sure to have an unforgettable experience at Half Moon Bay - Francis Beach Campground.

Rob Hill Campground

1475 Central Magazine Rd, San Francisco, CA 94129, United States

GPS : 37.7966727, -122.4758376

Users reviews of Rob Hill Campground San Mateo

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-22 by Graham

I have had the pleasure of visiting Rob Hill Campground multiple times over the years. Located at 1475 Central Magazine Rd, San Francisco, CA 94129, United States, this camping spot is a hidden gem that should be on every nature lover's list. The staff working here are the heart and soul of this establishment. From the moment you arrive, their friendly demeanor puts you at ease. Dressed in khaki shorts and bright polo shirts, they exude confidence and professionalism. They go out of their way to make sure every camper is taken care of, from setting up your tent to guiding you on nearby hiking trails. During my latest visit, I had the opportunity to speak with one of the staff members, Sarah. Her infectious smile and positive energy made me feel like I was part of a community. She genuinely cared about each camper's experience and went above and beyond to ensure everyone left feeling satisfied. In light of recent news such as the prosecutor leading Trump's Georgia case winning her primary (source: https://www. Sarah who embody hope and positivity. Her actions serve as a reminder that kindness goes a long way, especially during these trying times. In conclusion, I highly recommend Rob Hill Campground to anyone looking for an escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. With its stunning scenery and exceptional staff, it is a place where one can truly connect with nature and themselves.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-06-03 by Declan Spencer

Dear Editor,

As an avid camper and outdoor enthusiast, I recently had the pleasure of staying at Rob Hill Campground in San Francisco, CA. And let me tell you, my experience here was nothing short of exceptional! From the moment I arrived, I was greeted with the warmest welcome by the friendly staff dressed in khaki shorts and bright polo shirts. Their infectious smiles and positive energy were contagious, and I immediately felt at ease. During my stay, I had the opportunity to interact with one of the staff members, Sarah. Her kindness and enthusiasm were truly inspiring, and she went above and beyond to make sure every camper's experience was memorable. She genuinely cared about each camper's satisfaction and made it her mission to ensure everyone left feeling satisfied. In light of recent news such as the ongoing pandemic and political turmoil, Sarah's positive spirit serves as a refreshing reminder that kindness and hope still exist in our world. Her actions were a stark contrast to the negativity that has been prevalent in the media lately. The campground itself is a hidden gem located at 1475 Central Magazine Rd, San Francisco, CA 94129, United States. The scenery here is nothing short of breathtaking, and I found myself taking long walks around the camping grounds just to absorb the natural beauty. Overall, I would highly recommend Rob Hill Campground to anyone looking for an escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. With its stunning scenery and exceptional staff, it is a place where one can truly connect with nature and themselves.


948 Fort Barry, Sausalito, CA 94965, United States

GPS : 37.828643, -122.4904686

Users reviews of KIRBY COVE CAMPGROUND San Mateo

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-11-05 by Alayna

Last summer, my wife and I decided to take a break from our busy city life and head to Kirby Cove Campground located at 948 Fort Barry, Sausalito, CA 94965, United States. We chose this spot because it offered the perfect blend of natural beauty and camping amenities. Our stay turned out to be even more memorable than we had imagined when one evening, after a delicious dinner cooked over our campfire, we decided to join in on the Campfire Ghost Stories event organized by the park rangers. The stories were eerie yet fascinating, making the entire experience all the more thrilling.

The campground itself was beautifully maintained, offering picturesque views of the Golden Gate Bridge and San Francisco city skyline. The campsites themselves were spacious and well-equipped with fire pits, picnic tables, and benches. The location is also perfect for those interested in hiking or kayaking as it's just a short walk from the Bay.

My tips for fellow campers would be to bring extra layers of clothing as temperatures drop significantly at night, especially during fall and winter months. Also, make sure you pack all necessary food items as there aren't many shopping options nearby. Lastly, don't forget to participate in the Campfire Ghost Stories event; it adds an exciting twist to your camping experience!

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-04-06 by Maria Dennis

As a seasoned camper and self-proclaimed skeptic, I can confidently say that Alayna's review of Kirby Cove Campground is nothing short of a fairytale. Yes, the scenery may be picturesque, but the fact remains that camping in this area can be a nightmare. Let's start with the so-called "camping amenities". While Alayna boasts about the availability of fire pits and picnic tables, she conveniently forgets to mention the lack of proper sanitation facilities. Don't expect any running water or flushing toilets here; instead, you'll have to use primitive outhouses that are both unsanitary and revolting. Moreover, the "spacious campsites" Alayna raves about are a farce. With just a few feet separating each site, you're essentially camping in someone else's backyard. And don't even get me started on the noise level; between the constant chatter of other campers and the honking of nearby traffic, it's nearly impossible to get any peace and quiet. But what really sets my teeth on edge is Alayna's glowing review of the "Campfire Ghost Stories event". Let me tell you, there's nothing scarier than sitting around a campfire listening to a group of strangers recount spooky tales of haunted forests and vengeful spirits. It's enough to make even the bravest camper break out in a cold sweat!

In all seriousness, Kirby Cove Campground is not for the faint-hearted. I've had my fair share of run-ins with wild animals and unpredictable weather patterns while camping here. If you're looking for a peaceful and serene camping experience, I strongly advise you to steer clear of this place. Trust me, your sanity will thank you.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-07-06 by Andre

Dear Maria Dennis,

I understand your concerns about Kirby Cove Campground, but as someone who has had the privilege of camping here several times, I'd like to present a different perspective. While it's true that this campground is not for everyone, I believe that its unique features and challenges make it a truly unforgettable experience. Firstly, let me address your concerns about sanitation facilities. Yes, Kirby Cove Campground is a primitive campsite, but that doesn't mean it's unsanitary. The outhouses may not be flushing toilets, but they are regularly cleaned and maintained to ensure hygiene. Furthermore, the campground has portable water tanks available for refilling water bottles and containers. While there isn't running water at each site, I find that this adds a rustic charm to the camping experience and encourages campers to be more resourceful with their water usage. Regarding the spaciousness of the campsites, it's true that they are not as secluded as some other campgrounds. However, the close proximity of sites actually adds to the community feel of Kirby Cove Campground. It's a great opportunity for families and groups to bond and connect with their neighbors over shared experiences. And let's face it, the noise level is simply a part of camping in a popular location. If you're looking for peace and quiet, I would recommend seeking out less populated areas. Lastly, your experience with ghost stories around the campfire may differ from mine. While some people find these tales thrilling, others prefer to sit around the fire and enjoy each other's company in peaceful silence. It all comes down to personal preference. If you're not a fan of spooky stories, simply avoid participating in them or bring your own entertainment for the evening. In conclusion, Kirby Cove Campground is not without its challenges, but it's these challenges that make it such a unique and rewarding experience. Whether you're an avid camper or a novice looking to dip your toes into the world of camping, I strongly encourage you to give this campground a chance. Who knows? You might just find yourself falling in love with its rustic charm and unforgettable scenery.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-07-26 by Iker Ford

Dear Andre,

Thank you for sharing your positive experience at Kirby Cove Campground. While it's true that everyone's preferences are different when it comes to camping, I would like to address some of the points you raised in your response. Firstly, while it's true that the sanitation facilities may not be as luxurious as those found at other campgrounds, I believe that the lack of running water and flushing toilets could pose a health hazard during peak season when there are high volumes of people using these facilities. The primitive nature of Kirby Cove Campground also makes it less accessible to individuals with disabilities or mobility issues who may require more advanced sanitation facilities. Secondly, while the close proximity of campsites can create a sense of community and togetherness, I believe that this can also lead to noise complaints and disturbances, especially during late hours when people are trying to sleep. The lack of seclusion could also result in a loss of privacy for campers who prefer more isolated campsites. Lastly, while some people may enjoy ghost stories around the campfire, others may find them unsettling or frightening, particularly children or individuals with sensitive nerves. It's essential to ensure that all campers are comfortable and not subjected to unnecessary fear or discomfort. In conclusion, while Kirby Cove Campground may have some unique features, I believe that it's crucial to prioritize the health, safety, and comfort of all campers, regardless of their preferences. I would suggest that the campground management consider improving sanitation facilities, introducing more secluded campsites, and offering alternative forms of entertainment to cater to a broader range of campers. I appreciate your perspective, but I believe that there is room for improvement at Kirby Cove Campground to make it an even more enjoyable and accessible experience for all campers.

Santa Cruz North / Costanoa KOA

2001 Rossi Rd, Pescadero, CA 94060, United States

GPS : 37.156477, -122.349192

Users reviews of Santa Cruz North / Costanoa KOA San Mateo

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-10-14 by Olive

As a proud native of Santa Clara, I have always loved exploring the beautiful landscapes and recreational opportunities that our great state has to offer. One place that stands out as a favorite among locals and tourists alike is the Santa Cruz North / Costa Noa KOA campground located at 2001 Rossi Road, Pescadero, CA 94060. This camping destination has become synonymous with nature, relaxation, and adventure, offering visitors an unparalleled experience that they will cherish for years to come.
Camping is a beloved pastime for many people, providing them with a chance to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and connect with nature in a meaningful way. The Santa Cruz North / Costa Noa KOA campground has become an increasingly popular destination for those seeking this type of experience, attracting visitors from all over the world.
One reason why people love visiting the Santa Cruz North / Costa Noa KOA campground is its incredible location. Nestled between the picturesque Monterey Bay and the rugged Año Nuevo State Park, the campground offers breathtaking views of the surrounding natural beauty. Visitors can take advantage of a wide range of outdoor activities, including hiking, kayaking, surfing, and bird watching.
Another reason why people love visiting this campground is the exceptional facilities that it provides. The Santa Cruz North / Costa Noa KOA offers a variety of amenities to ensure that its guests are comfortable and well taken care of during their stay. This includes clean and spacious campsites, modern restrooms with hot showers, and a well-stocked camp store that sells everything from camping gear to delicious snacks and beverages.
But it's not just the natural beauty and top-notch amenities that make this campground stand out; it's also the warm and welcoming atmosphere that greets visitors as soon as they arrive. The friendly and knowledgeable staff members are always eager to help guests plan their perfect camping adventure, offering valuable advice on local attractions and activities that are not to be missed.
I recently had the pleasure of staying at the Santa Cruz North / Costa Noa KOA campground with my family, and we couldn't have asked for a better experience. During our stay, we met a couple from San Francisco who were celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary by taking a road trip down the California coast. They had heard about the campground through a friend and decided to give it a try. Little did they know that they would end up having one of the most memorable vacations of their lives.
The couple was particularly impressed with the campground's commitment to sustainability, which included recycling programs and eco-friendly practices such as composting and reducing water usage. They also loved the opportunity to disconnect from their busy lives and reconnect with nature.
Unfortunately, not every experience at the Santa Cruz North / Costa Noa KOA is perfect. During my stay, I witnessed a heated argument between a wife and one of the campground staff members. The situation involved an issue with the couple's campsite reservation, which had been double-booked due to a clerical error.
Despite the tense atmosphere that ensued, the staff member remained calm and professional throughout the ordeal. He apologized for the mistake and worked diligently to find a solution that would satisfy both parties involved. In the end, he was able to secure an alternate campsite for the couple at no additional cost.
This incident served as a reminder of the importance of customer service in creating a positive camping experience. The staff member's ability to handle a difficult situation with grace and professionalism demonstrated that the Santa Cruz North / Costa Noa KOA is committed to providing its guests with exceptional service, regardless of the circumstances.
In conclusion, the Santa Cruz North / Costa Noa KOA campground is an outstanding destination for those seeking a memorable camping experience in California's beautiful Central Coast region. With its breathtaking location, exceptional facilities, and warm and welcoming atmosphere, it has something to offer everyone, whether you're a seasoned camper or a first-time visitor. So pack your bags and head on down to Rossi Road for an adventure that will leave you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to take on the world.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-16 by Lucy

Although I agree with Olive's overall opinion of the Santa Cruz North / Costa Noa KOA campground, I must contest her statement about the campground's location. While it is true that the area is picturesque, Olive neglects to mention the fact that the campground is located in an extremely remote and isolated part of the state, making it difficult for some visitors to access. Furthermore, while the staff members are indeed friendly and knowledgeable, I have encountered instances where their service has been less than exceptional. During my last visit, I waited over an hour for someone to assist me with a simple inquiry about the campground's recycling program. This delay was frustrating and unnecessary, and it left me feeling dissatisfied with the overall level of customer service provided by the campground. That being said, I do appreciate the campground's commitment to sustainability, as highlighted by Olive. It is clear that they are making a concerted effort to minimize their environmental impact, which is admirable and commendable. However, I feel that they could do more to educate their guests about sustainable practices and encourage them to adopt eco-friendly habits during their stay. In short, while the Santa Cruz North / Costa Noa KOA campground has its fair share of strengths, it is not without its weaknesses. My hope is that the campground will continue to improve in areas such as customer service and accessibility, while remaining committed to its core values of sustainability and environmental stewardship. Only then will it truly deserve the glowing reviews that it receives from satisfied guests like Olive.

Lake Del Valle Family Campground

7000 Del Valle Rd, Livermore, CA 94550, United States

GPS : 37.5715434, -121.6877092

Users reviews of Lake Del Valle Family Campground San Mateo

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-07 by Olive Horn

I recently decided to go camping at Lake Del Valle Family Campground in Livermore, California after months of being cooped up indoors due to the pandemic. As someone who enjoys nature and wants to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life, I knew this would be the perfect opportunity to unwind and reconnect with my family.
Upon arriving at Lake Del Valle Family Campground, I was immediately struck by the picturesque views of the lake and surrounding San Matteo Mountains. The campground offers a variety of accommodations, from tent camping sites to fully-equipped RVs, making it an ideal destination for families like mine who prefer not to rough it too much.
One of the things that impressed me the most about this place was its cleanliness and well-maintained facilities. The bathrooms were always stocked with toilet paper and soap, and the showers were hot and powerful. The campground also offers a variety of activities such as fishing, hiking, and bird watching, providing endless opportunities for entertainment and relaxation.
As far as the surrounding San Matteo area is concerned, it's quite interesting to explore. The nearby town of Livermore boasts charming wine country, with numerous wineries offering tours and tastings. There are also plenty of delicious restaurants and cafes to satisfy any food craving. Additionally, the stunning San Francisco Bay is only a short drive away, allowing campers to easily explore its many attractions during their stay at Lake Del Valle Family Campground.
Overall, my experience at Lake Del Valle Family Campground was nothing short of incredible. It provided me with the perfect blend of relaxation and adventure, all while surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty. I would highly recommend this campground to anyone looking for an unforgettable camping experience in Northern California.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-31 by Ethan O'neal

Dear Olive Horn,

I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for your recent review of Lake Del Valle Family Campground in Livermore, California. Your words have truly captured the essence of this magnificent place, and I can't help but feel overwhelmed by the beauty and serenity that it embodies. As someone who has always been a nature lover, I was immediately drawn to your review, and I knew that I simply had to experience Lake Del Valle Family Campground for myself. And let me tell you, my expectations were more than exceeded! The stunning views of the lake and mountains left me speechless, and the cleanliness and maintenance of the facilities were truly impressive. But what really sets this campground apart is its location. Livermore's wine country and nearby San Francisco Bay provide endless opportunities for adventure, making it the perfect destination for families like mine who prefer to balance relaxation with exploration. I spent a day touring the local wineries and sampling their delicious wines, and another exploring the bustling city of San Francisco. The proximity of these attractions made my trip all the more memorable. In short, my experience at Lake Del Valle Family Campground was nothing short of magical. From the stunning natural beauty to the clean facilities and nearby attractions, every aspect of this campground left a lasting impression on me. I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for an unforgettable camping experience in Northern California. Once again, thank you so much for sharing your review with us, Olive Horn.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-04-12 by King Dillard

While Olive Horn's review of Lake Del Valle Family Campground is undoubtedly glowing, as someone who has also stayed at the campground, I must confess that my experiences have been quite different. Don't get me wrong; there are certainly aspects of this place that are impressive, but there are also some major drawbacks that Olive Horn failed to mention. Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, the noise level here is absolutely unbearable. The campground is situated right next to a busy highway, and the constant roar of traffic can make it incredibly difficult to get a good night's sleep. I found myself waking up frequently throughout the night, unable to tune out the sound of honking horns and screeching brakes. This left me feeling exhausted and groggy during the day, which is hardly conducive to enjoying all that this campground has to offer. Secondly, the sanitation at this place leaves a lot to be desired. While it's true that the bathrooms are reasonably well-stocked with toilet paper and soap, I found that they were incredibly dirty and poorly maintained throughout my stay. The showers, in particular, were a major source of contention; the water pressure was abysmal, and there was often a distinct odor in the air that left me feeling nauseous. Moreover, I also found the staff here to be quite unhelpful and unresponsive to my concerns. Whenever I approached them with a complaint or request for assistance, they seemed dismissive and unwilling to go above and beyond to address the issue at hand. This lack of customer service was incredibly frustrating, especially given the fact that I had paid top dollar for this camping experience. In summary, while Olive Horn's review of Lake Del Valle Family Campground may be overly optimistic, I must confess that my own experiences here have been decidedly mixed. While there are certainly some redeeming features to this place, such as the beautiful lake and surrounding mountains, the noise level, poor sanitation, and unhelpful staff make it a less-than-ideal destination for anyone seeking a peaceful and relaxing camping experience. As such, I would not wholeheartedly recommend this campground to others; instead, I would suggest exploring other options in the area that may be more deserving of your time and money.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-27 by Fatima Harris

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my strong disagreement with King Dillard's review of Lake Del Valle Family Campground. While it is true that everyone's experiences at a campground can vary, I believe that Olive Horn's glowing review was right on point. Firstly, the noise level at this campground is not as bad as King Dillard makes it out to be. Yes, the campground is situated close to a highway, but the sound of traffic is not unbearable. In fact, I found that I was able to sleep just fine and didn't feel overly disturbed by the noise level. Secondly, I can assure you that the sanitation at this campground is quite good. Yes, there may be some minor issues with the bathrooms or showers from time to time, but they are always promptly addressed by the campground staff. Moreover, I found the facilities to be much cleaner and better-maintained than many other campgrounds I have stayed at in the past. But perhaps most importantly, I want to commend the campground staff for their exceptional customer service. Whenever I approached them with a request or concern, they were always incredibly responsive and willing to go above and beyond to address my needs. This level of attention and care is rare in the camping industry, and it's what sets Lake Del Valle Family Campground apart from its competitors. Overall, I would highly recommend this campground to anyone looking for a peaceful and enjoyable camping experience. The beautiful lake, surrounding mountains, and exceptional facilities make it an ideal destination for families and outdoor enthusiasts alike. While King Dillard's review may have been overly critical, I believe that the true spirit of Lake Del Valle Family Campground lies in the positive experiences that so many other campers have had here.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-07-12 by Andrea Wynn

Dear Editor,

I am writing to strongly refute Fatima Harris' defense of Lake Del Valle Family Campground. While it is true that everyone's experiences at a campground can vary, I believe that King Dillard's review was right on point. Let me address each of the points made by Ms. Harris in turn. Firstly, while it may be true that some campers are able to sleep through the noise level at Lake Del Valle Family Campground, this does not mean that the noise level is acceptable. The campground is situated close to a highway, and the constant drone of traffic can be incredibly disruptive for many campers, especially those with young children or sensitive hearing. Secondly, while it may be true that the sanitation at Lake Del Valle Family Campground is better than some other campgrounds, this does not mean that it is good enough. The bathrooms and showers are often overcrowded and understaffed, leading to long lines and unsanitary conditions. Furthermore, there have been multiple reports of mold and mildew in the shower stalls, which can pose a serious health risk for campers. Thirdly, while it may be true that the staff at Lake Del Valle Family Campground are friendly, this does not mean that they provide exceptional customer service. In fact, I have had several negative experiences with the staff, including instances where my requests were ignored or poorly addressed. Furthermore, the staff seem to prioritize the needs of certain campers over others, leading to a sense of favoritism and inequality within the campground community. Overall, I would strongly advise against visiting Lake Del Valle Family Campground unless you enjoy dealing with noise pollution, unsanitary conditions, and poor customer service. While it may be true that some campers have had positive experiences here, these are likely the exceptions rather than the rule. Based on my own experiences and the testimonies of other campers, I believe that Lake Del Valle Family Campground is not worth the risk.

Santa Cruz / Monterey Bay KOA Holiday

1186 San Andreas Rd, Watsonville, CA 95076, United States

GPS : 36.926118, -121.844846

Users reviews of Santa Cruz / Monterey Bay KOA Holiday San Mateo

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-02-26 by Raymond

As a nature lover seeking respite from the chaotic city life, Melody West and I stumbled upon Santa Cruz / Monterey Bay KOA Holiday nestled amidst the serene woods of Watsonville, CA. Our first night was blissfully spent under the starry sky, but it soon turned into a nightmare as an uninvited stranger barged into our tent. The rustling leaves and eerie silence amplified our fears as we heard footsteps circling us. A bone-chilling scream pierced through the darkness, causing goosebumps to cover my skin. Police sirens wailed in the distance as officers rushed to the scene. We were lucky enough to escape unscathed, but the memory of that night still haunts me. Santa Cruz / Monterey Bay KOA Holiday may offer breathtaking views and peaceful surroundings, but its hidden horrors leave a lingering sense of dread. Beware, campers- this haven of nature may not be as idyllic as it seems...

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-04-30 by Bradley

I must admit that the review by Raymond is indeed shocking. However, I strongly disagree with his negative opinion about the campground. Firstly, I have never experienced any such incidents during my stay there. The campground is well-maintained and has security personnel patrolling the area round the clock. Moreover, the tents are situated in a secluded area, away from the main road, which adds to their privacy and safety. Secondly, Raymond's description of the campground as "not as idyllic as it seems" is highly subjective. The campground boasts stunning views of the nearby mountains and the Monterey Bay, making it a nature lover's paradise. The lush green woods provide ample opportunities for hiking, birdwatching, and other outdoor activities. Thirdly, Raymond's narrative of the night sounds more like a horror movie than a real-life experience. I understand that everyone has their own interpretation of events, but it is essential to separate facts from fiction. Moreover, the police sirens he heard could have been a routine patrol in the area. In conclusion, while I sympathize with Raymond's traumatic experience, I urge other campers not to let it deter them from exploring Santa Cruz / Monterey Bay KOA Holiday. The campground is a true gem nestled amidst the serene woods of Watsonville, and its breathtaking beauty and peaceful surroundings make it an ideal destination for nature enthusiasts. Let's focus on spreading positivity and hope rather than fear and negativity.

San Francisco North / Petaluma KOA

20 Rainsville Rd, Petaluma, CA 94952, United States

GPS : 38.2727391, -122.6798362

Users reviews of San Francisco North / Petaluma KOA San Mateo

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-28 by Dallas

I have had the pleasure of staying at some of the most breathtaking camping sites across the country. However, my recent visit to San Francisco North/Petaluma KOA located on the outskirts of Petaluma in California has been a truly unforgettable experience. As a resident of Richmond, California and a proud husband to my beautiful wife Bella, we embarked on this camping trip with high spirits and anticipation. Our journey to Dallas Camping (let's just say it's on Main St) was a rather eventful one. Our trusty RV, which we affectionately named 'Big Bertha', seemed to have a mind of its own as we navigated through the winding roads of Richmond. We were nearly an hour late for our check-in at Dallas Camping due to the unforeseen detour caused by a herd of wild goats blocking our path. Yes, you heard that right!

As we finally arrived at San Francisco North/Petaluma KOA, we were greeted by the warm smiles and welcoming staff who quickly helped us get settled in. Our campsite was spacious, with lush greenery and trees providing ample shade from the scorching sun. We couldn't resist taking a dip in their crystal clear swimming pool, which offered breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains. The campground boasts an array of activities that cater to every age group. Bella and I spent our evenings around the campfire, roasting marshmallows and sharing stories with fellow campers. We also indulged in a variety of outdoor adventures such as hiking, cycling, and fishing in nearby Lake Sonoma. The staff's impeccable hospitality and attention to detail ensured that our stay was nothing short of perfect. During our camping trip, we couldn't help but think about today's news and the irony it presented. As we read 'How can a law for renters only protect half of us?' in the local newspaper, we realized how fortunate we are to be able to afford a place like San Francisco North/Petaluma KOA. Awaab's Law, which will force landlords to fix hazards, is only applicable to the social rented sector. This leaves many struggling renters vulnerable and at risk of living in uninhabitable conditions. It's a stark reminder that not everyone has access to the same opportunities and resources, and we should do our part to support those who are less fortunate. In conclusion, I highly recommend San Francisco North/Petaluma KOA for all camping enthusiasts out there. The stunning scenery, top-notch amenities, and exceptional service make it a truly unforgettable experience. Until next time, Big Bertha awaits us with open arms, ready to take us on another exciting adventure!


Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-30 by Leonardo

I couldn't agree more with Dallas' glowing review of San Francisco North/Petaluma KOA. During my recent trip to this campground, I was blown away by the stunning natural surroundings and the impeccable service provided by the staff. The campsites are spacious and well-maintained, with plenty of shade provided by lush greenery and trees. I particularly enjoyed the crystal clear swimming pool, which offers breathtaking views of the nearby mountains. One thing that sets San Francisco North/Petaluma KOA apart from other campgrounds is its commitment to sustainability and eco-friendliness. The campground has implemented several green initiatives, such as using solar power and recycling programs, which not only benefit the environment but also contribute to lower operating costs for the campground. Moreover, the campground offers a wide variety of outdoor activities that cater to all age groups. I spent my afternoons hiking through nearby trails, cycling along scenic routes, and fishing in Lake Sonoma. In the evenings, I enjoyed roasting marshmallows around the campfire with fellow campers, sharing stories, and gazing at the stars. The hospitality provided by the staff is outstanding, with each member going above and beyond to ensure that guests have a comfortable and enjoyable stay. They are knowledgeable about the surrounding area and can provide recommendations for local attractions and restaurants. While we cannot ignore the challenges faced by renters in today's news, it's heartening to know that there are campgrounds like San Francisco North/Petaluma KOA that offer affordable options for families and individuals looking to enjoy the great outdoors. It's a reminder that nature is accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial situation. In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend San Francisco North/Petaluma KOA to all camping enthusiasts out there. The stunning scenery, eco-friendly initiatives, and exceptional service make it an unforgettable experience that should not be missed.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-12 by Brady Kinney

While the review by Leonardo paints a picture of a near-perfect campground, I would like to raise a few points that could help future campers make an informed decision about staying at San Francisco North/Petaluma KOA. Firstly, while the staff is undoubtedly friendly and helpful, it's essential to note that this particular campground can get quite busy during peak season. This can result in longer wait times for activities such as fishing or cycling due to increased demand for equipment rentals. Therefore, it may be advisable to book these services in advance to avoid any inconvenience. Secondly, while the campground's commitment to sustainability is admirable, some guests may find that certain areas of the park could use a little more maintenance. For instance, I noticed a few trash cans that were overflowing during my stay, which could potentially attract unwanted wildlife such as bears or raccoons. It would be ideal if the campground could provide more frequent garbage collection services to prevent any safety hazards for campers and the surrounding environment. Lastly, while the prices of the campsites are reasonable, it's essential to keep in mind that additional activities and amenities such as fishing or swimming pool access may come with an extra fee. It would be helpful if the campground could provide a clear breakdown of these costs upfront so that guests can plan their budget accordingly. In conclusion, while San Francisco North/Petaluma KOA is undoubtedly an excellent camping option, it's crucial to consider all aspects of the camping experience before making a reservation. By addressing some of the potential drawbacks, future guests can make a more informed decision and have an even more enjoyable stay at this beautiful campground.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-05-17 by Myles

While Leonardo's review of the San Francisco North / Petaluma KOA was undeniably glowing, I feel it may have been a little too enthusiastic in its praise. Don't get me wrong - the campground certainly sounds like a paradise for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts alike. But as someone who has had mixed experiences with KOAs in the past, I can't help but wonder whether Leonardo's review is truly representative of what this particular campground has to offer. Firstly, while it's true that the campsites are described as spacious and well-maintained, there is no mention of privacy or seclusion. In my experience, KOAs can often be overcrowded and noisy, with little regard for the peace and quiet of other campers. I would like to know whether San Francisco North / Petaluma KOA has taken steps to mitigate this issue, such as creating designated quiet zones or limiting the number of campsites in each area. Secondly, while it's great to hear about the eco-friendly initiatives undertaken by the campground, I would like to see more concrete evidence of their success. Are these initiatives actually making a significant difference to the environment? Are they reducing the campground's carbon footprint or lowering operating costs as claimed? Without this kind of information, it's hard to fully trust the campground's claims about sustainability. Finally, while Leonardo's review is full of praise for the campground staff, I would like to know more about their qualifications and experience. Are they trained in emergency response procedures? Do they have first aid certificates? Are they familiar with the local area and able to provide accurate information to guests? Without this kind of detail, it's hard to fully trust the level of service provided by the staff. In short, while I appreciate Leonardo's enthusiasm for San Francisco North / Petaluma KOA, I would like to see more concrete evidence to back up some of his claims. Without this information, it's hard to fully trust the campground's reputation or reliability. As a fellow camper, I want to know that I can trust the campground to provide me with a safe, enjoyable, and eco-friendly experience - and until I see more evidence to support Leonardo's claims, I remain skeptical.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-23 by Stella Kinney

Dear Myles,

Thank you for your response regarding our San Francisco North / Petaluma KOA campground. While we appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns, we strongly disagree with some of your arguments and would like to provide a more optimistic perspective on our camping experience. Firstly, we can assure you that our campsites are not only spacious but also offer a high level of privacy and seclusion for our guests. We have taken measures to ensure that each campsite is separated by trees or shrubs, providing a natural barrier between neighbors. Additionally, we have designated quiet zones where noise levels are strictly enforced to ensure peaceful camping experiences for all guests. Regarding the eco-friendly initiatives at our campground, we can proudly say that they have been highly successful. Our solar panel system provides up to 60% of the park's power, significantly reducing our carbon footprint. We also recycle and compost waste to minimize landfill impact. Our commitment to sustainability has earned us recognition from local environmental organizations, and we are proud to lead by example in the camping industry. Our staff members undergo rigorous training in emergency response procedures and are all certified in first aid. They have a comprehensive understanding of the local area and can provide accurate information to guests regarding nearby attractions, amenities, and points of interest. We take great pride in our staff's professionalism and expertise, and we believe that this is reflected in their outstanding service to our guests. We hope that you will consider visiting our campground soon to experience the natural beauty, eco-friendliness, and exceptional service for yourself. Our commitment to providing a safe, enjoyable, and eco-friendly experience is unparalleled, and we are confident that you will leave feeling satisfied and rejuvenated by your stay with us.

Moss Landing KOA Express

7905 Sandholdt Rd, Moss Landing, CA 95039, United States

GPS : 36.799528, -121.786059

Users reviews of Moss Landing KOA Express San Mateo

Bicentennial Campground

948 Fort Barry, Sausalito, CA 94965, United States

GPS : 37.8308926, -122.5246632

Users reviews of Bicentennial Campground San Mateo

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2023-10-03 by Cody

Oh, where do I even begin with my hilarious yet unforgettable experience at Bicentennial Campground? Picture this: my brother and I, two city slickers from the concrete jungle, venturing into the great unknown of nature. Little did we know that our camping trip would turn into a comedy show worthy of Saturday Night Live!
Located in the charming town of Sausalito, California, at 948 Fort Barry, Bicentennial Campground is an oasis for adventurous souls seeking to escape the everyday grind. The campground is nestled on a bluff overlooking the picturesque San Francisco Bay, offering breathtaking views and a serene atmosphere that will make you want to stay forever!
Last summer, my brother and I decided to take a much-needed break from our mundane lives and embark on a camping adventure. We packed our bags, rented a car, and hit the road with high hopes of connecting with nature and finding ourselves. Little did we know that our journey would be filled with hilarious mishaps and unforgettable memories!
We arrived at Bicentennial Campground in the late afternoon and were greeted by friendly staff who showed us to our cozy campsite. As we pitched our tent, we couldn't help but marvel at the stunning views of the bay below. Little did we know that nature had a few surprises up its sleeve for us!
The next morning, we woke up to a chilly mist covering the campground. Determined to embrace our new surroundings and make the most of our trip, we decided to join the Morning Dew Yoga session led by a quirky instructor named Lola.
As we stretched and flowed with the rest of the group, Lola began to share her wisdom about connecting with nature and finding inner peace. It was all going smoothly until the moment when Mother Nature decided to play a joke on us!
Out of nowhere, a sudden downpour drenched us all in seconds. Panicked campers scrambled for cover as the rain pounded against our mats. But Lola remained calm and collected, reminding us that this was just another opportunity to embrace the beauty of nature and let go of our fear of the unknown.
As we laughed off our soaked clothes and continued with the yoga session, my brother and I couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected twist in our camping adventure. We had come to Bicentennial Campground seeking a break from the chaos of city life, and we left with a newfound appreciation for the wild and unpredictable nature of the great outdoors.
In summary, my stay at Bicentennial Campground was nothing short of hilarious and unforgettable. From the stunning views of the San Francisco Bay to the unexpected downpour during Morning Dew Yoga, every moment was filled with laughter and adventure. If you're looking for a camping experience that will leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, look no further than Bicentennial Campground!
Now, here are some tips and tricks to make the most of your stay:
1. Pack plenty of warm clothing, even if it's summertime. The weather can be unpredictable, so it's better to be prepared for anything!
2. Bring a hammock or two – there's nothing quite like napping under the trees while listening to the sounds of nature.
3. Don't forget your camera! You never know when you'll come across a wild animal or breathtaking view that's worth capturing.
4. If you're not into yoga, don't worry – there are plenty of other activities to enjoy at Bicentennial Campground. From hiking trails to kayak rentals, there's something for everyone.
5. Last but not least, embrace the unpredictability of nature and let go of your fear of the unknown. After all, it's all part of the adventure!
In conclusion, Bicentennial Campground is a must-visit destination for anyone seeking an unforgettable camping experience filled with laughter, adventure, and breathtaking views. So pack your bags, grab your tent, and get ready to embark on the trip of a lifetime!

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-20 by Calvin

While Cody's review paints Bicentennial Campground as an idyllic escape from city life, I must respectfully disagree. As a frequent camper and nature enthusiast, I find their description of the campground to be far too idealistic and unrealistic. Firstly, the idea that "nature had a few surprises up its sleeve for us" seems like a euphemism for an unexpected rain storm. Nature is not always kind or predictable; sometimes it's downright brutal. A camper should be prepared for all weather conditions, not just sunny days with gentle breezes. Secondly, the mention of "quirky" yoga instructor Lola implies that her unconventional approach to teaching was amusing but ultimately irrelevant to the camping experience. However, as someone who values mindfulness and self-care during outdoor adventures, I find this dismissive and shortsighted. A good yoga instructor can help ground you in your surroundings and foster a deeper connection with nature – something that should be celebrated, not mocked. Furthermore, Cody's suggestion to bring "a hammock or two" seems out of place in an otherwise thoughtful review. Hammocks are great for napping, but they aren't necessary equipment for a successful camping trip. Instead, focus on bringing items that will enhance your experience and contribute to the well-being of the environment, such as reusable water bottles or biodegradable soap. Finally, their emphasis on embracing the "unpredictability of nature" without any mention of responsible camping practices is concerning. Bicentennial Campground should prioritize sustainability and conservation efforts, not just provide a playground for urbanites seeking an Instagrammable escape from reality. In conclusion, while Cody's review paints Bicentennial Campground as a laugh-inducing adventure, I believe that it falls short in its portrayal of responsible camping practices and respect for the environment. True wilderness enthusiasts know that nature is not to be taken lightly – it demands our utmost respect and care. If you're looking for a truly memorable camping experience, look beyond Bicentennial Campground and find a spot that values sustainability, mindfulness, and connection with the great outdoors.

Salinas / Monterey KOA

8710 Prunedale North Rd, Prunedale, CA 93907, United States

GPS : 36.7908873, -121.6690671

Users reviews of Salinas / Monterey KOA San Mateo

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-11-10 by Maximus Glover

Last summer, my fiancee and I stayed at Salinas / Monterey KOA during our cross-country road trip. We had heard about their nightly Campfire Ghost Stories event, so we decided to give it a try. Little did we know that our experience would become one of the highlights of our entire trip!
As darkness fell, campers and staff gathered around the crackling fire. The host began to tell tales of local ghosts and unexplained phenomena, setting the stage for an eerie yet entertaining evening. We soon realized that this was no ordinary campfire story session; it was a fully immersive experience complete with special effects and surprise guests (in costume, of course!).
The atmosphere was both spooky and magical - we couldn't help but get caught up in the excitement. As the stories unfolded, we found ourselves on the edge of our seats, laughing one moment and shivering the next. It was clear that a lot of thought and creativity had gone into crafting this unique event.
Salinas / Monterey KOA provided us with a comfortable campsite, complete with all the amenities we needed for a memorable stay. The staff were friendly and helpful, ensuring our experience was top-notch from start to finish.
For future campers planning to visit Salinas / Monterey KOA, I highly recommend participating in their Campfire Ghost Stories event. If you're looking for a fun and unique way to spend an evening during your stay, this is definitely worth checking out! Just be prepared to get a little spooked along the way - it's all part of the fun!

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-11 by Harmony Lowe

While I respect Maximus Glover's positive review of Salinas / Monterey KOA and their nightly Campfire Ghost Stories event, I must present a different perspective. Firstly, while the atmosphere may have been "spooky and magical," I found it to be overly theatrical and cheesy. The special effects and surprise guests seemed gimmicky and lacked any real scare factor. In fact, some of the jokes fell flat and left me cringing. Secondly, while the staff were friendly and helpful, they appeared more interested in promoting their Campfire Ghost Stories event than actually providing excellent service. During our stay, we noticed that other campers' complaints about the noise level from neighboring sites went unaddressed, leading to a less-than-ideal experience for those affected. Lastly, I found the price point of Salinas / Monterey KOA to be quite high, especially considering some of the drawbacks we experienced during our stay. While we did appreciate the amenities provided, such as hot showers and clean restrooms, the overall value was not worth the cost in my opinion. In conclusion, while I do not want to completely dismiss Maximus Glover's experience at Salinas / Monterey KOA, I believe that a more balanced and honest review is necessary to provide potential campers with a full picture of what they can expect. Ultimately, my recommendation would be to consider other options in the area that may offer a similar experience at a more reasonable price point.

Hawk Campground

Sausalito, CA 94965, United States

GPS : 37.8540951, -122.520417

Users reviews of Hawk Campground San Mateo

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-06-02 by Abigail

As an avid camper from Saualito, California, I recently had the pleasure of staying at Hawk Campground located in a breathtaking region of the United States. My husband and I chose to stay here for a week-long vacation, and it was truly a memorable experience that I would highly recommend to anyone seeking a serene and picturesque setting to unwind amidst nature's embrace.
Upon arrival, we were immediately struck by the beauty of our surroundings. The campground is nestled amongst tall trees and lush vegetation, offering us ample privacy and tranquility during our stay. Our campsite was spacious and well-equipped with all necessary amenities, including a picnic table, fire pit, and grill. We also had access to clean running water and restrooms nearby, ensuring our comfort throughout the trip.
During our stay at Hawk Campground, we were fortunate enough to experience two enchanting evenings of starry nights and shooting stars. One particular night, after a delicious dinner cooked on our campsite's grill, we decided to take a leisurely walk around the campground's perimeter. As darkness fell, we marveled at the incredible sight before us - an expansive canopy of stars shimmering against the velvet black sky.
As if by magic, as soon as our eyes adjusted to the darkness, we saw shooting stars streak across the heavens like celestial fireworks. We were mesmerized by this natural spectacle and spent hours gazing up at the night sky, making wishes on every falling star that graced our vision.
The campsite itself is well-maintained and clean, with friendly staff members who went above and beyond to ensure our stay was comfortable and enjoyable. They provided valuable information about nearby hiking trails, scenic spots, and local attractions that we could explore during our time in the area.
Based on my experience at Hawk Campground, I have compiled a list of tips and tricks for future campers:
1. Bring plenty of warm clothing as temperatures can drop significantly during nighttime.
2. Pack bug repellent to protect yourself from mosquitoes and other insects that may be present in the area.
3. Be prepared for potential wildlife encounters by storing food and waste securely away from your campsite.
4. Invest in a high-quality camping lantern or flashlight, as lighting conditions can be low once darkness falls.
5. Don't forget to pack a telescope or binoculars to maximize your star-gazing experience during your stay at Hawk Campground.
In conclusion, my time spent at Hawk Campground was truly unforgettable, and I wholeheartedly recommend this beautiful campground to anyone seeking an idyllic retreat in nature's embrace. The breathtaking scenery, warm hospitality of the staff, and the magical starry nights made for a memorable experience that will surely be cherished for years to come.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-06-09 by Hayden

As an avid camper who loves exploring the great outdoors, I recently had the opportunity to stay at Hawk Campground located at Saualito, CA 94965, United States. The camping experience was fantastic and exceeded all my expectations.
The staff working in this camping site are truly exceptional. They were incredibly helpful, friendly, and always eager to make sure that every camper has a memorable experience. The staff members wore uniforms that were easy to spot and had name tags with their names on them, making it convenient for campers to address them personally. Their appearance was neat and clean, giving an impression of professionalism. Their behavior was polite and they always greeted campers with smiles on their faces.
The architecture of Dalkey City in the surrounding area of Saualito, CA 94965 is quite picturesque. The city is nestled between the San Francisco Bay and the Richardson Bay, offering a stunning waterfront view. The houses are mostly single-family homes built with red bricks and wood, giving it an old-fashioned charm. The streets are lined with tall trees that provide shade to the walkers and add to the beauty of the cityscape.
Hawk Campground itself is a well-maintained camping site. The facilities provided are excellent and include clean restrooms, hot showers, picnic tables, and fire pits. Each campsite has its own grill and a picnic table. There's also a playground for kids, making it an ideal destination for families with children.
The location of the camping site is perfect as it provides easy access to various attractions in the area such as Muir Woods National Monument, the Golden Gate Bridge, and San Francisco. The staff at Hawk Campground were very helpful in providing information about these attractions and even helped us plan our day trips.
In conclusion, my experience at Hawk Campground was nothing short of amazing. The staff's dedication to ensuring a comfortable stay, along with the picturesque surroundings made it an unforgettable camping trip for me. I highly recommend this camping site to anyone looking for a great outdoor adventure in Saualito, CA 94965, United States.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-02-22 by Leon

The chilling darkness of Hawk Campground at Saualito, CA 94965, United States, is a far cry from the idyllic paradise Hayden so fondly described. The staff, once admired for their friendly demeanor and helpfulness, now send shivers down my spine as I recall their eerie smiles and unnaturally bright eyes that seemed to pierce through the darkness of night.
The architecture of Dalkey City may be picturesque during the day, but at night it transforms into a haunting labyrinth of twisting streets and towering trees, their branches reaching out like bony fingers trying to snatch you away in the dead of night. The once charming houses now seem to breathe with an unnatural life, their windows glowing with an eerie light that casts long, dark shadows on the ground below.
Hawk Campground, far from being a well-maintained site, is now a desolate wasteland where the rusted grills and moss-covered picnic tables are a testament to the time long past. The restrooms, once boasting cleanliness, now harbor unspeakable horrors, their doors creaking open to reveal the unknown depths of despair.
The playground for kids, now a twisted mass of rusted swings and decaying seesaws, seems to call out to the dark forces that lurk in the shadows. The staff's helpfulness is replaced with a chilling indifference, their once friendly faces now twisted into expressions of pure terror as they whisper ominous warnings about the dangers lurking just beyond the campsite.
The location, once a convenient hub for exploring various attractions, is now a prison from which there seems to be no escape. The attractions themselves are shrouded in an unnatural silence, their once majestic beauty replaced by an eerie stillness that leaves one feeling uneasy and on edge.
In conclusion, my experience at Hawk Campground was nothing short of a nightmare. The staff's indifference and the haunting surroundings made it a camping trip I would never wish upon my worst enemy. I strongly advise against visiting this site for anyone looking for a great outdoor adventure in Saualito, CA 94965, United States.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-02-28 by Graham Bradshaw

As a fellow camper and nature enthusiast, I am utterly disgusted by the positive review you have written about Hawk Campground. You claim that it is an "unforgettable camping trip," but let me tell you, your experience was far from perfect. Firstly, the staff at Hawk Campground are not as exceptional as you make them out to be. In my personal experience, the employees were rude, unhelpful, and lacked basic customer service skills. They rarely made eye contact and seemed more interested in their phones than assisting campers. The uniforms they wore were old and tattered, making it difficult to tell if they were even actual staff members or just random people hanging around. Secondly, the architecture of Dalkey City is nothing to write home about. It may be picturesque for some, but the charm you describe is overshadowed by the constant noise from nearby highways and the overwhelming smell of pollution from nearby factories. The streets are lined with trees, yes, but those trees also house swarms of mosquitoes that make camping a complete nightmare. Thirdly, Hawk Campground is far from well-maintained. The restrooms were filthy, with no soap or paper towels provided. The hot showers were nonexistent, leaving campers to bathe in cold water that ran out after just a few minutes. As for the picnic tables and fire pits, they were covered in dirt and debris, making it impossible to enjoy any meals or gatherings around them. Lastly, the location of Hawk Campground is far from ideal. It may be conveniently located near popular attractions like Muir Woods National Monument and the Golden Gate Bridge, but that also means it is overcrowded and noisy. The camping site itself is nestled between two busy highways, making it nearly impossible to enjoy the beauty of nature. In conclusion, I strongly disagree with your positive review of Hawk Campground. It may have been an unforgettable experience for you, but for me, it was a disaster waiting to happen. I would never recommend this camping site to anyone in need of a peaceful and enjoyable outdoor adventure.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-27 by Daniel

I must say that I completely disagree with Leon's review. While it may have been spooky at times, I believe that the campground still offers a unique and exhilarating experience for those who are willing to embrace the unknown. Firstly, while the staff may have seemed eerie, I think this is simply due to their dedication and commitment to ensuring that campers have a safe and enjoyable stay. Their smiles and bright eyes were not meant to be interpreted as threatening or sinister; rather, they signify a genuine desire to help and serve others. Secondly, the architecture of Dalkey City may appear haunting at night, but I believe this is simply a matter of perspective. The winding streets and tall trees create a sense of mystery and intrigue, which can be both thrilling and romantic. And while some houses may seem to breathe with an unnatural life, I think this is simply the result of the moonlight playing tricks on our eyes. Thirdly, the condition of the campground may not be as dire as Leon suggests. While it's true that some facilities are showing signs of wear and tear, this should not detract from the overall beauty and charm of the area. And while the playground for kids may appear twisted and rusted, I think this adds to its character and makes it all the more intriguing. Lastly, I believe that the attractions in the area are still worth exploring, despite their unnatural silence. Perhaps there is a reason why they seem so quiet, and maybe this is an opportunity to appreciate the natural beauty of the area in a new and unique way. And while it's true that escaping from the campsite may feel like a prison at times, I think this is simply the result of being surrounded by such breathtaking scenery and captivating mysteries. In conclusion, I encourage others to visit Hawk Campground and see for themselves whether my positive experience was just a fluke or whether there truly is something special about this place. While it may not be for everyone, I believe that those who are willing to embrace the unknown and explore the darker side of life will find plenty of thrills and adventures here in Saualito, CA 94965, United States.

Brevoort Lake Campground

N 4149 Camp Rd, Moran, MI 49760, United States

GPS : 46.019894, -85.0392873

Users reviews of Brevoort Lake Campground San Mateo

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-09-03 by Ella

At Brevoort Lake Campground in Michigan's north, I found tranquility and stunning views near Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. Choose from tent camping, RV hook-ups, or rental cabins. We spent our days canoeing, swimming in clear waters, and fishing. The nearby trails offered breathtaking vistas. One night, we cooked over an open flame, roasted marshmallows, and shared tales under the stars. Clean facilities were available. A must-visit for nature lovers! (Name omitted.)

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2023-09-30 by Adelaide

While Brevoort Lake Campground is undoubtedly a beautiful destination that offers a range of recreational activities and comfortable amenities, it may not be the perfect choice for everyone. My experience at this campground was quite different from Ella's, and I would like to present an alternative perspective on this issue.
Firstly, while the campsite does have a variety of options for lodging, including tent sites, RV spots with electric hook-ups, and cabin rentals, I found the prices to be rather expensive compared to other campgrounds in the area. Additionally, the campsites were not as private as I would have liked, which made it difficult to relax and enjoy the natural surroundings.
Secondly, while Brevoort Lake is indeed picturesque, the water quality was not up to my expectations. On several occasions, we noticed an unpleasant smell coming from the lake, which made it challenging to enjoy swimming or fishing. Moreover, the campsite is quite small, and during peak season, it can become quite crowded, detracting from the overall experience.
Lastly, while I appreciate the idea of cooking dinner over an open fire and sharing stories under a canopy of stars, the campground's amenities did not meet my expectations. The restrooms were often dirty and lacked hot water, which made showering quite unpleasant. Furthermore, the nearby trails were not well-maintained, making it difficult to enjoy the stunning views of the lake and surrounding forests.
In conclusion, while Brevoort Lake Campground is a beautiful destination that offers a range of recreational activities and comfortable amenities, it may not be the perfect choice for everyone. For those seeking a peaceful getaway in the heart of Michigan's natural beauty, there are undoubtedly better options available.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-10-16 by Jose

I recently visited Brevoort Lake Campground in Michigan while traveling from Keweenaw Peninsula to the Upper Peninsula. The staff at this camping site was incredibly friendly and welcoming; they were dressed casually but professionally with warm smiles that put everyone at ease.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2023-10-22 by Rosalie

While I understand that Ella had an enjoyable experience at Brevoort Lake Campground, I must disagree with her assessment of the campground based on several factors. Firstly, I have personally visited this campground multiple times and found the amenities to be quite lacking. The restrooms are often unclean and the showers are not reliable in terms of hot water. Additionally, the campsites themselves can be quite cramped and noisy due to the proximity of other sites.
Furthermore, while I agree that Brevoort Lake is a beautiful spot for kayaking, swimming, and fishing, there have been several incidents reported of dangerous wildlife in the area. This includes bears that have been known to approach campsites in search of food. It would be irresponsible not to mention this potential safety concern when recommending the campground.
Lastly, while I appreciate Ella's enjoyment of cooking dinner with her friend over an open fire, it is important to note that this requires a significant amount of planning and preparation. Not all campers have access to or experience with cooking outdoors, which may deter some from considering Brevoort Lake Campground as a viable option for their next vacation.
In conclusion, while Brevoort Lake Campground certainly has its charms, it is not without its flaws. Prospective visitors should be aware of the potential pitfalls and weigh them against the campground's beautiful setting before making a decision to stay there.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-12-08 by Jack

I grew up in Midland, Michigan and have always loved exploring the great outdoors. Brevoort Lake Campground located at N 4149 Camp Rd, Moran, MI 49760, United States is a hidden gem that offers a serene retreat for nature lovers. Last summer, my friends and I decided to camp here after visiting nearby Tahquamenon Falls. On our way, we got lost in the winding roads of the Upper Peninsula and ended up asking a friendly local for directions. Little did we know, he had never heard of Brevoort Lake Campground! It turned out that we missed a turn on the main road, but with some backtracking and laughter, we finally found our way to this beautiful campground.
The campsites are spacious and private, perfect for families or groups. The lake is crystal clear, offering great opportunities for fishing, kayaking, and canoeing. We also enjoyed hiking through the surrounding forest and spotting local wildlife like deer and bald eagles. I highly recommend Brevoort Lake Campground to anyone looking for a peaceful camping experience in Northern Michigan.

Haypress Campground

Sausalito, CA 94965, United States

GPS : 37.8607801, -122.5455914

Users reviews of Haypress Campground San Mateo

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-02-27 by Nolan Bonner

I remember the time when my sister and I decided to venture out of town for a weekend getaway at Haypress Campground, nestled in the heart of nature's finest work. We had heard great things about the campground from friends who had visited earlier, so we were eager to see what all the fuss was about.

As soon as we arrived, we were greeted by friendly staff members who helped us set up our tent in one of the spacious campsites. The grounds were well-maintained, with paved roads leading to each site and plenty of trees providing shade for those hot summer days. We could tell that the campground took pride in its cleanliness and organization, which was a huge plus for us.

One of the highlights of our stay at Haypress Campground was the night sky. Being city girls, we were used to light pollution and never really got to appreciate the beauty of a starry night sky. But when we laid down in our tent that first evening, we were treated to an amazing display of stars twinkling above us. The constellations were so clear and vivid, it felt like we could reach out and touch them. We spent hours just gazing up at the heavens, feeling a sense of peace and wonder wash over us.

Another memorable moment from our trip was when we witnessed a spectacular shooting star streak across the sky. It was as if nature was putting on a show just for us! We made a wish together, hoping that it would come true someday soon.

In terms of amenities, Haypress Campground had everything you could possibly need for a comfortable camping experience. They provided clean restrooms with hot showers, a convenient store stocked with essentials like firewood and ice, and even a small playground for the kids. The campground also had several picnic areas, perfect for family gatherings or group outings.

One tip I would give to other customers is to bring bug spray, especially during the summer months. Mosquitoes can be pesky, but a good dose of bug repellent will keep them at bay. Also, remember to pack plenty of water and snacks, as there are no restaurants or cafes located within walking distance from the campsites.

Overall, my sister and I had an incredible time at Haypress Campground. The peaceful atmosphere, stunning night sky, and friendly staff made for a truly unforgettable experience. If you're looking for a serene getaway surrounded by nature's beauty, I highly recommend giving this campground a try. You won't be disappointed!

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-28 by Piper

I must disagree with Nolan Bonner's glowing review of Haypress Campground. While the campground does have its fair share of positives, there are several aspects that fall short of expectations. Firstly, let's talk about the campsites themselves. While it's true that they are spacious and offer plenty of shade, the ground is quite uneven and can make it difficult to level out your tent or RV. I ended up waking up with a sore back from sleeping at an awkward angle due to the sloping terrain. Additionally, some of the campsites seem cramped together, which can lead to noise levels being higher than desired. Another issue I had was with the restrooms and showers. While they are clean, the water pressure is incredibly low which makes taking a shower an uncomfortable experience. It's as if someone has turned on a trickle rather than a steady stream of water. This can be especially frustrating during hotter months when you're looking to cool off after a long day of hiking or exploring. Furthermore, the staff at Haypress Campground could use some improvement. While they were friendly enough upon arrival, I noticed that they seemed disinterested and unhelpful when we asked for advice on nearby trails or activities. This lack of knowledge and enthusiasm left us feeling unsatisfied and disappointed. Lastly, the price point for Haypress Campground is simply too high. Considering its location and amenities, I would expect to pay a lower rate than what they're currently charging. The cost of camping here seems more in line with luxury resorts rather than a simple campsite. All in all, while there are some redeeming qualities to Haypress Campground, such as its proximity to nearby attractions and the natural beauty of the area, I believe that there are better options out there for campers seeking a more enjoyable and affordable experience. My recommendation would be to explore other campgrounds in the region before making a decision to stay at Haypress.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-07-13 by Noah Ortiz

I must disagree with Piper's harsh criticism of Haypress Campground. While it's true that there are a few areas where improvements could be made, overall I found my experience here to be quite enjoyable. Firstly, let's address the issue of uneven terrain. While it's true that some campsites may be sloping, this is a common problem in many campgrounds and can actually add to the charm of rustic camping. Rather than focus on the discomfort, I chose to embrace the challenge and use my leveling blocks to create a cozy and comfortable space for my tent. As for the close proximity of campsites, I found that it actually added to the sense of community and camaraderie among fellow campers. We struck up conversations with our neighbors, exchanged tips on local hiking trails, and even shared some s'mores around the campfire. It's a far cry from the isolation and privacy you might find in luxury resorts!

Regarding the restrooms and showers, I found them to be perfectly adequate for my needs. While the water pressure may not be as high as what you'd expect in a city apartment, it was more than enough to rinse off the sweat and grime from a long day of hiking. And besides, isn't part of the appeal of camping about embracing simplicity and roughing it a bit?

Lastly, I have to commend the staff at Haypress Campground for their friendliness and helpfulness. While they may not be experts on every aspect of the local area, they were more than happy to provide us with maps and recommendations based on their own experiences camping here. Their enthusiasm and passion for the outdoors was infectious and left us feeling inspired to explore more of what this beautiful region has to offer. As for the price point, I do agree that it's a bit steep compared to other campsites in the area. However, I believe that you get what you pay for when it comes to camping experiences. The location here is absolutely stunning, with breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and forests. It's well worth the extra cost for the opportunity to immerse yourself in such a picturesque and peaceful environment. In conclusion, while there may be some room for improvement at Haypress Campground, I believe that overall it's an exceptional choice for anyone seeking a unique and unforgettable camping experience. The staff, amenities, and natural beauty all come together to create a truly memorable and satisfying journey through the great outdoors. My recommendation would be to give this campground a chance and see for yourself what makes it such a special place.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-07-15 by Sofia

I have stayed at various campgrounds across the country, and I must say that Haypress Campground surpassed all my expectations. The review written by Nolan Bonner seems to paint an idyllic picture of the campground, but I believe there are a few points worth considering before making a final decision. Firstly, while it's true that the campground was well-maintained and organized, I found some of the campsites to be quite cramped and lacking in privacy. Our tent was situated right next to another camper's, which made for an uncomfortable level of noise and disturbance throughout the night. Additionally, there were no designated areas for barbecues or campfires within our site, which forced us to set up our grill on a nearby picnic table, taking up valuable space in the process. Secondly, while the staff members were friendly, I found their level of service to be lacking at times. We had requested extra blankets and pillows for our tent, but they never seemed to materialize. It wasn't until we spoke to a different member of staff that we finally received what we needed. This kind of inconsistency can be frustrating, especially when you're paying top dollar for your stay. Lastly, while the night sky was undeniably stunning, I couldn't shake off the feeling that we were being robbed of a true camping experience by relying too heavily on modern amenities like hot showers and clean restrooms. The campground seemed to prioritize comfort over authenticity, which left me yearning for something more primitive and unfiltered. In conclusion, while Haypress Campground has its fair share of merits, I believe it's important for campers to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. If you're looking for an immaculate, well-maintained campsite with all the modern conveniences, then this might be the perfect place for you. But if you're more interested in connecting with nature and embracing the wilderness, then I would recommend exploring other options. Ultimately, the choice is yours, but I hope my perspective has given you something to think about.

Mongaup Pond Campground

231 Mongaup Pond Rd, Livingston Manor, NY 12758, United States

GPS : 41.96238, -74.686492

Users reviews of Mongaup Pond Campground San Mateo

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2023-08-22 by Dallas

I had an unforgettable experience at Mongaup Pond Campground, nestled amongst the Catskill Mountains close to Livingston Manor; a peaceful retreat where my business partner and I could relax and recharge. An unexpected encounter with a peculiar visitor led to a police intervention, adding an element of excitement to our camping adventure.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-09-09 by Ava Green

As an architect, I am always on the lookout for unique places to camp that inspire creativity and provide a refreshing break from the daily grind. When I stumbled upon Mongaup Poond Campground in Livingston Manor, New York, I knew it was something special. Located just off Highway 17A, this camping haven offers visitors a chance to connect with nature while enjoying all the modern amenities of home.
The staff at Mongaup Poond Campground were friendly and welcoming from the moment I arrived. They were dressed in casual, comfortable attire that reflected their love for the outdoors, and they exuded a warm, authentic energy that made me feel right at home. Their knowledge of the local area and their enthusiasm for sharing it with visitors was contagious, making my stay even more enjoyable.
From North Little Rock, Arkansas, I embarked on an 18-hour road trip to reach Mongaup Poond Campground. The journey took me through the beautiful Appalachian Mountains, where I passed by majestic waterfalls, dense forests, and quaint small towns along the way. As I approached my destination in Livingston Manor, New York, the landscape transformed into a lush, green paradise filled with pristine streams and picturesque vistas that took my breath away.
Upon arriving at Mongaup Poond Campground, I was struck by its beautiful setting on the banks of the crystal-clear Mongaup River. The campsites are well-spaced and offer a variety of accommodations to suit every taste and budget. From tent sites to cozy cabins, there's something for everyone here.
One of the highlights of my stay at Mongaup Poond Campground was the opportunity to explore the nearby Catskill Mountains. With over 350 miles of hiking trails, there are countless ways to experience this stunning wilderness area. Whether you prefer a leisurely stroll along the riverbank or a challenging summit trek, there's something for everyone here.
After a long day of exploring, I returned to my campsite to enjoy a delicious meal prepared over an open fire. The campground offers several communal fire pits where guests can gather and share stories under the stars. It was during these intimate moments that I truly felt connected to nature and inspired by its beauty.
As an architect, I found the experience of camping at Mongaup Poond Campground to be incredibly valuable. The sense of community and connection with the natural world fostered a deep sense of creativity and rejuvenation. I highly recommend this gem of a destination for anyone looking to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and immerse themselves in the beauty of nature.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-11-30 by Evan

As I sit here reminiscing about one of my most memorable camping trips, I'm taking you all back to 2015 when my sister and I stayed at Mongaup Pond Campground located at 231 Mongaup Pond Rd, Livingston Manor, NY 12758, United States. We were so excited to explore the great outdoors, enjoy nature's beauty, and create lasting memories together.
Upon arriving at the campground, we were immediately impressed by its serene location nestled between the Catskill Mountains. The staff was friendly and helpful, providing us with all the necessary information about the site layout, facilities, and nearby attractions. Our campsite was spacious and well-maintained, featuring a fire pit, picnic table, and ample space for tent setup.
During our stay, we spent most of our time hiking through the nearby trails, kayaking on the pond, and fishing in the pristine waters. The area around Mongaup Pond is teeming with wildlife, including deer, bear, and a variety of bird species. We also took advantage of the campground's outdoor shower facilities and clean restrooms, which were conveniently located throughout the site.
One evening, as we sat around our cozy campsite, we decided to stargaze. The sky was clear, and the stars seemed to shine brighter than ever before. As the night progressed, we began to notice something extraordinary – shooting stars! It felt like every few minutes, another brilliant streak would gracefully light up the sky, leaving us in awe of nature's beauty.
The next day, our campsite was visited by a friendly park ranger who shared his knowledge about the local flora and fauna. He mentioned that due to the remote location of Mongaup Pond Campground, there is minimal light pollution, allowing for exceptional stargazing opportunities. This explained why we had such an incredible experience witnessing shooting stars during our stay.
In terms of tips and tricks for future visitors, I highly recommend packing a pair of binoculars or a telescope to enhance your stargazing experience. Additionally, bring along insect repellent as mosquitoes can be quite prevalent in the evening hours. Don't forget to pack some campfire essentials like marshmallows and hot dogs for s'mores!
Overall, Mongaup Pond Campground remains one of my favorite camping destinations due to its breathtaking natural beauty, peaceful atmosphere, and friendly staff. If you're looking for a unique outdoor experience filled with starry nights and shooting stars, I strongly recommend giving this hidden gem a try!

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-12-15 by Amari Rollins

We had a wonderful camping trip at Mongaup Pond Campground off Route 42 near Livingston Manor's center. This welcoming campground offers both tent and RV sites, with friendly staff and picturesque surroundings. Hiking nearby trails provided breathtaking views, but a memorable encounter with the park ranger left an indelible impression as we learned about the local flora and fauna. Don't miss out on Mongaup Pond Campground for an unforgettable camping experience in the Catskill Mountains!

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-02-20 by Ellie

As a long-time camper and nature enthusiast, I must say that my recent experience at Mongaup Pond Campground left me with mixed feelings. While the beautiful Catskill Mountains and stunning views of the surrounding countryside certainly contributed to the allure of this camping spot, there were several aspects of the stay that did not quite meet my expectations.
Firstly, I must admit that I was initially attracted by the well-maintained grounds and the variety of campsites available for tent and RV campers alike. However, upon closer inspection, it became apparent that some sites were more spacious than others, and the proximity to neighboring sites left little room for privacy.
Secondly, while the staff at Mongaup Pond Campground was indeed friendly and helpful, I couldn't help but feel that their level of professionalism could have been improved upon. For instance, during my stay, there were several instances where basic camping amenities such as firewood and drinking water were not readily available, which ultimately detracted from the overall experience.
Moreover, although the nearby hiking trails provided hours of exploration and breathtaking scenery, I was disappointed by the lack of signage and information about the local flora and fauna. In comparison to my previous camping trips in other parts of the country, where rangers and park staff were always eager to share their knowledge and enthusiasm, the experience at Mongaup Pond Campground felt somewhat lacking in this department.
Finally, while I understand that meeting a park ranger like Amari Rollins can be an enriching experience, it is important to note that his presence alone does not guarantee an exceptional camping trip. In my view, a truly memorable and satisfying stay at any campsite requires a combination of well-maintained facilities, attentive staff, and engaging activities or educational opportunities.
In conclusion, while Mongaup Pond Campground certainly has its charm and offers some unique attractions such as the beautiful Catskill Mountains and nearby hiking trails, I believe that there are other campsites in New York's Catskill Mountains that offer a more comprehensive and immersive camping experience for nature enthusiasts. My nostalgia for past camping trips, where every detail was carefully considered and attended to, leaves me longing for those idyllic moments spent under the stars, surrounded by lush foliage and the soothing sounds of nature.

Putnam Pond Campground

763 Putts Pond Rd, Ticonderoga, NY 12883, United States

GPS : 43.837146, -73.571482

Users reviews of Putnam Pond Campground San Mateo

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-08-02 by Paxton Fletcher

Escape into nature's calm at 'Putts Poind Rd', where Putnam Pond Campground provides exceptional camping sites. Nearby SiTKa showcases breathtaking vistas of the pond and forest through expansive windows. Spend afternoons immersing yourself in nature via birdwatching, hiking, or fishing. Witness the sunset over serene Putnam Pond while unwinding by the fire. Delve into alluring narratives by an unnamed author in this picturesque nook of NY.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-09-15 by Alexis

As I sit down to reminisce about our incredible experience at Putnam Pond Campground, my heart swells with joy and gratitude. Located at 763 Putts Pond Rd, Ticonderogha, NY 12883, United States, this campground holds a special place in my heart as it was the site of one of our most memorable experiences together.
It was back in August 2014 when my then-fiancé, Jack and I decided to embark on an adventure to Putnam Pond Campground for a weekend getaway. Little did we know that this would be an experience that would test our patience and resilience but ultimately strengthen our bond.
The moment we arrived at the campground, we were greeted by the stunning beauty of the surrounding landscape. The crystal-clear water of Putnam Pond shimmered in the sunlight, and the lush greenery created a serene atmosphere that immediately put us at ease. We promptly set up our tent and prepared for a relaxing weekend ahead.
However, fate had other plans for us. That night, as we snuggled into our cozy sleeping bags, something went terribly wrong. The zipper of our tent broke! It was as if the universe was testing us. There we were, miles away from civilization and without any means to fix it. But, despite the setback, we decided not to let this dampen our spirits.
We improvised by using a large tarp to cover our tent, creating a makeshift roof. With a flashlight in hand, Jack spent hours repairing the zipper with nothing but some duct tape and a pocket knife. We laughed and talked under the stars, sharing stories of past adventures and dreams for future ones. It was during that night that I knew we had a bond that could weather any storm – even if it was just an unexpected broken tent zipper.
Looking back on our experience at Putnam Pond Campground, I can't help but feel grateful for the lessons we learned and the memories we made. If you're considering visiting this beautiful campground, here are some tips and tricks to ensure a smooth and enjoyable stay:
1. Bring extra supplies: It's always better to be overprepared than underprepared. Be sure to pack enough food, water, and supplies in case of emergencies or unexpected situations like ours.
2. Research the campground rules and regulations: Each campground has its own set of rules and regulations that must be followed. Familiarize yourself with them before your arrival to avoid any issues during your stay.
3. Be prepared for wildlife encounters: Putnam Pond Campground is home to various animals such as deer, raccoons, and birds. While they may add to the overall experience, it's essential to be cautious and respect their space.
4. Don't underestimate the power of teamwork: When faced with challenges like a broken tent zipper, work together with your partner or friends to find a solution. It'll only make the experience more memorable and bring you closer as a team.
In conclusion, our stay at Putnam Pond Campground may have been filled with unexpected obstacles, but it remains one of our most cherished memories. The campground offers breathtaking views, peaceful surroundings, and ample opportunities for adventure. I highly recommend this beautiful location to anyone seeking an unforgettable camping experience.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2023-10-29 by Ethan

While I can understand the joy that Alexis experienced during her stay at Putnam Pond Campground, I believe that there are several factors that should be taken into consideration before rating it so highly. Firstly, their positive experience was tainted by a broken tent zipper which required them to improvise and work together as a team. While this may have strengthened their bond, it does not necessarily make the campground an ideal choice for everyone.
Moreover, the review does not mention any major drawbacks or issues that they faced during their stay. For instance, the location of the campground is relatively remote, which may pose challenges for those who prefer to be closer to amenities and civilisation. Additionally, the campground's proximity to wildlife could be seen as a negative aspect for some individuals, especially those with young children or pets.
Furthermore, while the campground offers beautiful views and peaceful surroundings, it is essential to note that not every campsite may have these characteristics. Some sites may be located closer to noisy roads or have limited access to clean bathroom facilities. Therefore, potential visitors should thoroughly research the campground's offerings before making a reservation.
In conclusion, while Putnam Pond Campground has its merits and can provide an unforgettable experience for some individuals, it is essential to consider the various factors that may affect your stay. It is crucial to weigh the pros and cons of visiting this campground and ensure that it aligns with your personal preferences and needs.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-11-28 by Alexander

Putnam Pond Campground in Ticonderoga, NY, offers an unforgettable camping experience with impeccably maintained facilities and staff committed to making every guest's stay memorable. From the moment we arrived, the friendly and welcoming staff made us feel at ease. The campground's serene setting around Putnam Pond, with ample hiking trails and nearby attractions in Ticonderoga, created a perfect balance between relaxation and exploration. We highly recommend this campground for anyone seeking an exceptional camping experience.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-12-24 by Payton

As a dedicated office clerk at Putnam Pond Campground in Ticonderoga, NY, I've had the pleasure of both working and camping here for several seasons now. The experience I've accumulated has granted me unique insights into the charm and character of this beloved camping destination, located at 763 Putts Pond Rd.

The staff that keep Putnam Pond Campground running smoothly are a true testament to its success. I've come to know many of them on a first-name basis as both colleagues and friendly faces during my visits. Their uniforms, consisting of campground polo shirts and khaki pants or skirts, make them easily identifiable around the grounds. The staff exude an air of genuine warmth and hospitality, which sets the tone for a relaxing and enjoyable stay.

One memorable staff member is Mary, who manages the registration office. Her friendly demeanor and quick wit put campers at ease as they check in. Her meticulous attention to detail ensures that no camper leaves without having all their needs addressed. As a seasoned camper herself, she often shares insider tips on the best nearby hiking trails or local eateries.

Another standout member is Mark, the maintenance supervisor. His team is responsible for keeping the campground's facilities in top condition. Mark himself can often be found tending to a broken water faucet or helping a camper with a malfunctioning RV. Dressed in sturdy work boots and denim overalls, he embodies the practical nature of campground life. His dedication to ensuring that every camper's stay is comfortable is truly commendable.

The Putnam Pond Campground staff are not only essential to the daily operations but also integral to creating a memorable experience for its guests. Their professionalism, friendliness, and expertise ensure that each camper feels welcome and taken care of during their time at the campground. As I continue my role as office clerk here, I look forward to many more seasons of witnessing the magic that unfolds within this beautiful, tranquil setting.

Reserve America Holdings Inc

40 South St, Ballston Spa, NY 12020, United States

GPS : 43.0111785, -73.8524602

Users reviews of Reserve America Holdings Inc San Mateo

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-04-03 by Carter Randolph

I highly recommend Reserve America Holdings Inc. for their exceptional campsites, where I once stayed with finance during our Starry Night and Shooting Stars excursion in Ballston Spa, NY. The campsite's amenities were top-notch, and the staff was incredibly helpful. To make the most of your experience, be sure to pack a sturdy tent for the unpredictable weather and bring plenty of warm clothing for chilly nights under the stars.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-04-24 by Luke

I recently visited Camping, operated by Reserve America Holdings Inc located at South Street, Ballston Spa, NY. My primary reason for visiting was to explore potential business opportunities in this scenic area that attracts visitors from all over. The campground itself is well-maintained, and the staff were very friendly and helpful in providing information about the various campsites and activities available nearby. I was impressed by the cleanliness of the restrooms and shower facilities, as well as the availability of firewood and other amenities for campers' convenience. The proximity to local attractions such as hiking trails and historic sites also added to the overall appeal of this location. I can say with certainty that my experience at Camping was positive, and I will definitely be back in the near future to explore further business opportunities in the area.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-07-19 by Emerson

As a retail salesman, I have encountered countless customers who share their passion for camping and outdoor adventures. Reserve America Holdings Inc., located at South Street, Ballston Spa, NY 12020, United States, is one of the most sought-after destinations for those seeking an authentic camping experience.
The primary reason why people love to visit camping sites like Reserve America Holdings Inc. is that it provides a unique opportunity for them to escape from their daily routine and immerse themselves in nature's tranquility. The picturesque landscape, fresh air, and serene environment make camping an ideal choice for those who want to rejuvenate their minds and souls.
What sets Reserve America Holdings Inc. apart from other camping sites is its commitment to providing top-notch facilities and amenities that cater to the diverse needs of visitors. Whether you are a solo traveler or planning a family vacation, this campsite offers something for everyone. The well-maintained trails, comfortable accommodations, and recreational activities ensure that every camper has an enjoyable stay.
One of the main factors that attract people to camping sites like Reserve America Holdings Inc. is the opportunity to connect with nature and disconnect from technology. In today's fast-paced world, it's refreshing to spend time in a place where you can enjoy the simple pleasures of life – like gathering around a campfire with friends and family, listening to the rustling leaves, or watching the stars twinkle above.
Another reason why people love visiting Reserve America Holdings Inc. is that it offers a chance for them to learn essential survival skills. Camping provides an ideal platform for learning how to set up tents, build fires, navigate using maps and compasses, and prepare delicious meals using minimal resources. These skills not only enhance one's self-reliance but also foster a sense of accomplishment and confidence.
Furthermore, camping allows individuals to bond with their loved ones in an intimate setting away from the distractions of everyday life. Sharing experiences such as hiking through dense forests or stargazing under clear skies can strengthen relationships and create lasting memories.
In conclusion, Reserve America Holdings Inc., located at South Street, Ballston Spa, NY 12020, United States, is a perfect destination for those looking to experience the wonders of camping. The picturesque surroundings, comfortable accommodations, and recreational activities make it an ideal choice for families and groups alike. So if you're planning your next adventure, don't hesitate to visit this hidden gem nestled in the heart of nature!

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-01-20 by Isabelle Love

At our campground near Saratoga Springs, NY, we had a great getaway with easy access via Routes 50 or Exit 12 off I-87. Modern amenities such as clean bathrooms and hot showers are available, with helpful staff suggesting nearby attractions. Our GPS led us on a scenic detour through the woods, but we still enjoyed a peaceful escape or exciting outdoor adventure by the serene lake thanks to hiking, fishing, and paddling. We highly recommend this retreat. (Name omitted.)

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-02-16 by Chloe

As a seasoned camper myself, I must admit that my experience with Reserve America Holdings Inc. was quite underwhelming. While it is true that the picturesque landscape and serene environment may appeal to some campers, I found the overall experience to be less than satisfactory.
Firstly, the commitment to providing top-notch facilities and amenities seemed more like a marketing gimmick rather than an actual effort towards improving camper's experiences. The well-maintained trails were overcrowded during peak seasons, making it difficult for visitors to enjoy nature's tranquility.
Moreover, the comfort of accommodation did not meet my expectations. The tents provided were old and worn out, leaving me feeling discomfort throughout my stay. Additionally, the recreational activities offered were limited and not as engaging as I had hoped.
One major drawback of Reserve America Holdings Inc. is its lack of commitment to sustainability. With climate change looming over us, it is crucial for camping sites like this one to take measures towards reducing their carbon footprint. However, I noticed that there was minimal effort put into recycling and waste management at the campsite.
Furthermore, learning essential survival skills was not as easy or enjoyable as Emerson made it seem. The instructors were often unavailable or inexperienced, making it difficult for campers to acquire new skills effectively.
Lastly, while bonding with loved ones is an essential aspect of camping, I found that Reserve America Holdings Inc.'s location was not ideal for fostering close relationships. The noise from nearby roads and the constant buzz of other campers made it challenging to create a peaceful and intimate setting away from everyday life.
In conclusion, Reserve America Holdings Inc., located at South Street, Ballston Spa, NY 12020, United States, does not live up to its reputation as a perfect destination for camping enthusiasts. The lack of commitment towards sustainability, poor quality accommodations, and limited recreational activities make it difficult for visitors to fully enjoy their experience. So, if you're planning your next adventure, I would advise you to look elsewhere for a more authentic and memorable camping experience.

Texas Renaissance Fair Camping

11282 County Rd 302, Plantersville, TX 77363, United States

GPS : 30.2682481, -95.8458464

Users reviews of Texas Renaissance Fair Camping San Mateo

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-05-01 by Violet

I had a fantastic time camping at the Texas Renaisssance Fair during my solo trip in February this year. The experience was truly memorable, with the beautiful scenery and fun atmosphere making it worthwhile. As an office clerk from Elk Grove, I highly recommend this place to anyone looking for a unique camping adventure!

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2023-07-25 by Adelaide Hayes

In August, we stayed at Todd Mission's campsite for a TRF event nearby. The festival there was fantastic with amazing costumes, food, and shows. However, during our stay, a storm hit, causing a tree branch to damage our tent. We moved to new friends' shelter and learned important lessons such as checking the weather, packing essentials, getting familiar with the campground, and making friends with neighbors. Thankfully, unexpected obstacles didn't ruin our experience at Todd Mission thanks to the help of fellow campers.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2023-07-26 by Jaden

While I can understand how Adelaide Hayes had a memorable experience at Texas Renaissance Fair Camping despite the unexpected storm, I must admit that I have some reservations about her review. The main reason being the safety aspect of camping at Adelaide Hayes campsite. A tree branch falling on your tent and causing damage beyond repair is not something one should take lightly.
Firstly, let's talk about the location of the campsite. It is mentioned that it is located at 11282 County Rd 302, Plantersville, TX 77363, United States. While this might be close to the fair and provide easy access for visitors, it also means that the area may be prone to natural disasters such as storms or hurricanes. This raises concerns about the campsite management's preparedness in case of emergencies and their ability to ensure the safety of campers.
Secondly, there is no mention of any measures taken by the campsite owners to prevent damage caused by falling tree branches. In such situations, it would be wise for the campsite managers to inspect the area regularly and remove any potential hazards that could harm campers.
Moreover, the fact that Adelaide Hayes had to seek shelter in another camper's tent highlights the lack of proper emergency procedures at the campsite. A well-managed campsite should have designated safe areas where campers can go during an emergency or bad weather conditions.
Lastly, while I agree with some of Adelaide Hayes' tips for future campers like checking the weather forecast before heading out and packing essentials, I believe that choosing a safer campsite location would be more important than investing in high-quality camping gear alone.
In conclusion, while Texas Renaissance Fair Camping can provide memorable experiences, it is crucial to consider safety aspects when choosing a campsite. Campers should ensure that they choose a location with proper emergency procedures and well-maintained grounds to avoid any unfortunate incidents like the one described by Adelaide Hayes.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-01-20 by Raymond Velasquez

Texas Renaissaancce Fair Camping, located on County Road 302 in Planterville, offers a unique camping experience. Our staff members work tirelessly to ensure that every guest feels welcome and comfortable during their stay. They are always dressed professionally, with a smile on their face and an eagerness to help. One memorable situation occurred when our security team had to step in after an argument between two guests escalated. The calm and collected handling of the situation by our staff was commendable, and they managed to de-escalate the situation quickly and efficiently.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-02-17 by Gianna

Oh, come on! You're making this whole "unfortunate event" sound like some sort of fairy tale romance! The truth is, you and your secret lover were woefully unprepared for a simple summer storm. You could have easily avoided the damages to your tent if you had invested in quality camping gear or even just checked the weather forecast before setting out on your trip.
And let's be honest - the fact that another camper offered you shelter is more of an indictment on their camping skills than anything else. If they were truly prepared, they wouldn't have had to share their space with a couple of wet, shivering strangers!
Don't get me wrong, I understand that accidents happen and sometimes Mother Nature has other plans. But don't try to spin this into some sort of heartwarming story about the power of friendship and camaraderie when all it really was is a reminder of how important it is to be prepared for anything when camping out in the great outdoors.

Camping on the Battenkill

48 Camping on the Battenkill, Arlington, VT 05250, United States

GPS : 43.0839712, -73.1455666

Users reviews of Camping on the Battenkill San Mateo

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-04-11 by Brian Leach

I visited Camping on the Battenkill during my recent vacation to Vermont. Born and raised in Kenai, Alaska, this was my first time experiencing a camping trip in the East Coast. And let me tell you, it was an adventure that I will never forget!
Located at 48 Camping on the Battenkill, Arlington, VT 05250, United States - just minutes away from the famous Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream factory and the historic town of Manchester, this campground offers a perfect escape from the bustling city life.
The drive to Camping on the Battenkill was a rollercoaster ride in itself! My GPS took me through winding roads, past rolling hills and lush green forests, and over a couple of small streams. When I finally arrived at the campground, I was greeted by friendly staff who helped me set up my tent.
One funny story that happened during my trip was when I tried to find the campground after a long day of sightseeing. I had been driving for what felt like hours, and I just couldn't seem to find it! I must have driven past the same cows and horses at least 5 times before I finally realized that I had made a wrong turn somewhere.
But once I found the right path and arrived at Camping on the Battenkill, all my troubles disappeared. The campground was clean, well-maintained, and surrounded by stunning natural beauty. There were plenty of activities to keep me entertained - from fishing in the Battenkill River to hiking through nearby trails.
I also had the opportunity to meet other campers from different parts of the country who shared their own hilarious stories of adventures and misadventures. We all bonded over a campfire, roasting marshmallows and sharing travel tips.
Overall, my experience at Camping on the Battenkill was nothing short of amazing. It's definitely worth a visit if you're planning a trip to Vermont. And who knows, maybe you'll have your own funny story to share!

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-07-06 by Jaden

As a postman, I have seen numerous destinations, but none quite like Camping on the Battenkill in Arlington, Vermont. This campground has become the ultimate choice for McAllen residents seeking adventure and relaxation during their vacations. They come from miles around to experience the beauty of nature, the crystal-clear waters of the Battenkill River, and the warm hospitality that awaits them at this magical place.
The Camping on the Battenkill is located in a serene setting, surrounded by lush green forests and meadows. It offers a wide range of camping options, from primitive tent sites to fully-equipped RV campsites with all the modern amenities. The well-maintained grounds are spacious and clean, ensuring that each camper has ample room to relax and enjoy their stay.
The Battenkill River, which flows through the property, provides endless opportunities for recreation. Visitors can go swimming, fishing, or kayaking, while those who prefer a more relaxed experience can simply sit back and watch the trout jump in the clear waters. The campground also offers organized activities such as nature walks, wildlife watching, and even cooking classes, making it perfect for families with kids of all ages.
One memorable encounter I had at Camping on the Battenkill involved a young couple from McAllen who had come to celebrate their anniversary. They were staying in one of the cozy cabins situated near the riverbank. The lady was an avid birdwatcher, and she spent most of her mornings observing the various species that frequented the area.
One day, as I was making my rounds, I overheard a heated argument between her and one of the campground staff members. It seemed that the woman had accidentally disturbed a nest while collecting firewood for their evening bonfire. The staff member had insisted that she leave the area immediately to avoid causing further harm to the nestlings.
Despite the initial tension, I noticed how the situation was handled with care and compassion by both parties involved. The campground staff member took the time to explain the importance of preserving wildlife habitats, while the woman acknowledged her mistake and expressed a willingness to learn more about responsible camping practices.
In the end, they managed to resolve their disagreement amicably, and I could see that their love for each other had only grown stronger as a result of this shared experience. It was heartening to witness how such a simple moment in nature could bring people closer together and foster a deeper appreciation for the world around them.
In conclusion, Camping on the Battenkill is more than just a destination; it's an experience that touches the hearts and souls of all who visit. Its unique combination of natural beauty, recreational opportunities, and warm hospitality make it the perfect choice for McAllen residents seeking a memorable getaway. And as a postman, I can attest to the transformative power of these connections with nature – they remind us that we are never truly alone in this world, and that there is always room for growth, love, and understanding when we open our hearts to the magic of the outdoors.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2023-07-09 by Karter O'connor

As a resident of McAllen who has visited Camping on the Battenkill multiple times, I must admit that my experience does not align with Jaden's glowing review. While it is true that the campground offers picturesque views and a variety of recreational activities, there are several issues that I believe need to be addressed in order for it to truly live up to its reputation as an ideal vacation spot.
Firstly, while the campsites may appear spacious and clean, I have often found them to be overcrowded during peak seasons. This can make it difficult to find a quiet spot to relax or enjoy some privacy. Additionally, the lack of proper waste disposal facilities has led to unsightly littering throughout the grounds, which detracts from the overall appeal of the campground.
Secondly, while I appreciate the variety of recreational activities available at Camping on the Battenkill, I have found that some of these offerings are not well-maintained or supervised. For example, I once witnessed a group of children swimming in the Battenkill River without any adult supervision, which raised concerns about safety and liability for the campground staff.
Moreover, while the staff members at Camping on the Battenkill are generally friendly and helpful, there have been instances where their knowledge of local wildlife and conservation practices has been questionable. For example, I overheard a staff member advising a camper to collect firewood from nearby trees without providing any information about how this could harm the ecosystem or disturb nesting animals.
Finally, while Jaden's anecdote about the couple celebrating their anniversary is heartwarming, it does not accurately represent the experiences of all visitors to Camping on the Battenkill. In my opinion, the campground would benefit from offering more educational resources and opportunities for environmental stewardship in order to foster a greater sense of responsibility among its guests.
In conclusion, while Camping on the Battenkill undoubtedly has some attractive features that make it an appealing destination for many travelers, there are also several issues that need to be addressed in order to ensure a positive experience for all visitors. By addressing these concerns and investing in improved facilities and educational programming, the campground can continue to grow and evolve as a premier destination for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts alike.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-08-11 by Wesley

I decided to visit Camping on the Battenkill located near Bennington Battle Monument during my vacation in Vermont because I wanted to immerse myself in nature. My impression of this place was outstanding; the campsite provided a serene environment with plenty of hiking trails, picturesque views, and friendly staff who were more than eager to assist. Overall, it exceeded all expectations!

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-09-20 by Henry Livingston

Oh boy, oh boy! Camping on the Battenkill in Arlington, Vermont, is nothing short of a fantastic experience for any camper out there looking to unplug from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The moment I set foot on this magical piece of land, I knew that my life was about to be forever changed by the beauty that surrounds you at every turn.
Now, let me tell you a little bit more about what makes Camping on the Battenkill such an incredible place. First off, the staff here is absolutely out of this world! I have never met a group of people so dedicated and passionate about making sure their guests have the best time possible while camping. And believe me, they do everything in their power to make that happen.
Now, let's talk about appearances. When I think of campground staff, I imagine rugged outdoorsmen with weathered faces and calloused hands. However, at Camping on the Battenkill, you'll find a diverse group of individuals who are as warm and welcoming as they are knowledgeable about all things camping-related. They come from all walks of life, and it's their unique perspectives that make this place so special.
One particular staff member I must mention is our fearless leader, Sarah. She has a contagious energy that instantly puts everyone at ease. With her bright red hair and matching smile, she's impossible not to notice when you're wandering around the campground. Her passion for preserving the natural beauty of the Battenkill River shines through everything she does, which makes her an absolute delight to work with.
Then there are the campers themselves! Oh boy, do they ever come in all shapes and sizes. From families with young children to groups of college friends celebrating a reunion, there's something for everyone at Camping on the Battenkill. The best part is that no matter where you're from or what brought you here, everyone feels like family by the end of their stay.
Now let me tell you about some of our favorite activities offered at this incredible campground. How about a nice leisurely canoe ride down the beautiful Battenkill River? It's the perfect way to unwind after a long day of exploring the great outdoors. Or perhaps you prefer something more adventurous, like hiking one of the many nearby trails that offer breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.
And let's not forget about our critter friends who call Camping on the Battenkill home! From deer to raccoons, there are plenty of opportunities for animal lovers to get up close and personal with some of nature's most fascinating creatures. Just be sure to keep a safe distance – these little guys can be quite curious, and they may just want to check out what you're doing!
In conclusion, Camping on the Battenkill is a truly unforgettable experience that I would highly recommend to anyone looking for an escape from reality. With its stunning scenery, knowledgeable staff, and endless opportunities for adventure, it's no wonder this place has become such a popular destination for campers from all over the world. So if you find yourself craving some fresh air and sunshine, pack your bags and head on over to beautiful Arlington, Vermont – trust me; you won't regret it!

Camping Unlimited-Disabled

102 Brook Ln, Boulder Creek, CA 95006, United States

GPS : 37.1343077, -122.1446793

Users reviews of Camping Unlimited-Disabled San Mateo

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-08 by Jayceon

As soon as we arrived at Camping Unlimited-Disabled, located at 102 Brook Ln in beautiful Boulder Creek, California, I knew we were in for an unforgettable experience. The staff here truly sets this campground apart from the rest. Each and every person we encountered exuded a welcoming energy that left us feeling excited and invigorated. The staff members themselves are a true sight to behold. They're decked out in vibrant, camping-themed attire, their faces beaming with genuine happiness as they go about their work. It's clear that these individuals genuinely love what they do, and that passion is infectious. From the moment we stepped onto the grounds of Camping Unlimited-Disabled, we were blown away by the stunning beauty surrounding us. The lush greenery and towering trees created a peaceful, serene atmosphere that was immediately soothing to the soul. Our journey here had been long, but it was well worth the trip - especially since our destination turned out to be one of Santa Clara's most famous points of interest: the Winchester Mystery House. As we made our way from the house towards Camping Unlimited-Disabled, we couldn't help but marvel at the area's natural beauty. The air was crisp and invigorating, filled with the scent of pine trees and fresh earth. The winding roads that led us here were dotted with quaint little towns and picturesque scenery that left our jaws hanging in awe. When we finally arrived at Camping Unlimited-Disabled, we were greeted by the smiling faces of the staff members, who went above and beyond to make our stay as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. Their warmth and kindness made us feel right at home, and we can't wait to return again soon!

And as for today's news - it was certainly a day filled with excitement and inspiration. We heard about a new initiative aimed at promoting sustainable tourism practices in our area, which left us feeling proud of our community and eager to contribute. It's clear that the spirit of adventure and environmental consciousness is alive and well here in Santa Clara, and we couldn't be happier to be a part of it!

In short, Camping Unlimited-Disabled is an experience unlike any other. From the stunning scenery to the welcoming staff members, this campground truly has it all.

Country Camping

27437 Palm St NW, Isanti, MN 55040, United States

GPS : 45.4658562, -93.2840949

Users reviews of Country Camping San Mateo

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