Best campsite in Braunschweig

Preparations for the campsite

I went to Lidl to buy a tent and the necessary things such as eating a flashlight and drinking so that we would not run out of them during the camp should also buy spare clothes and socks. If it was cold, you could have warmer clothes.

A road to the campsite

  I set off with my Mitsubishi Pajero lll car to the campsite, the car half way down the road, so we had to pitch the tent near the highway and wait for the roadside assistance when the road assistance arrived took us and towed to the service. The site was 150 km away from the campsite, so we waited long enough for me to buy a lot of food and drink.

At the campsite

  We arrived at the campsite it was very cold. We had to get dressed in warm clothes and spread out the tent and strengthen it with an additional layer. material so that it was warmer in it, I already lay down with my family to sleep was very loud because people played on different speakers songs were heavy metal and rap songs could not sleep That's why I decided to shout them that you can not sleep I would turn it off immediately I will call the police, they calmed down And everyone went to bed was really interesting because at night our cats were walking around our tent different animals such as cats and they landed near our tent

My opinion

This campsite was very successful except that the car broke down. I recommend it to anyone who likes outodor Rhodes, July 26, 2016 at 7:25 PM There is a little supermarket in the village where we stopped but we wanted hot coffee when we arrived, so we went to the shop at Rhodes itself which is within walking distance of the town. In the morning we visited the little church of St Antistes and also the Roman Acropolis ruins in the town. We went to the little village square in the center of town and got some lunch.


Best campings holidays in Braunschweig

If you love camping and want to stay in your tent around the Braunschweig don't forget about proper preparations. If you are in Waldcampingplatz Polstertal there should be a drinking water but as survivalist claims you should always have a water inside your bag. You can also visit the camping near Braunschweig in Polstertal.
Polstertal is a city in Waldcampingplatz Polstertal with an average temperature of 13 °C (55.6 °F) and 2.6°C (42.7 °F) in day. During the review period of February 2019, the average daily temperature was 11.6°C (52.9 °F). The amount of sun per day is 10 minutes on average, so you have around 10 minutes of sun per day. It gets dimly light at 18:35 with an intensity of 1 h of sunlight daily. The weather is quite often overcast with 16 hours of rain per day.

Quite and well equipped campsites in Braunschweig

If you looking for a campground with flush toilet you can check Waldcampingplatz Polstertal located at Waldcampingplatz Polstertal, 38707 Altenau, Germany with is only 26.2 km away from Am Brocken located at Schützenring 6, 38875 Elbingerode (Harz), Germany. Please contact with Rylan Stuart if you have any trouble with your stay.

Best campsite in Braunschweig

Top campings in Braunschweig

We had a tent for about 3 weeks. It would have been better for us if we had used a tent c ictercWe would have been able to have a tent, a sleeping bag or an easy to clean tent, that was suitable .

We had to pay for the extra tent as well as for other costs for a tent that we didn't need, so it's not a huge amount of money .

This tent didn't fit and would have been expensive if we had had a tent c ictercIn other words, you wouldn't have to pay for a tent c ictercIf you have a tent with a sleeping pad you can easily use the tent.

Some of the more expensive holidays have been much better value for money than other cheaper holidays.

I think the main reason for this is that some of the more expensive holidays are also well organised and they give you a good experience.

The other reason is that some of the cheaper holidays are not as well organised as the more expensive holidays.

So you get the cheaper holiday with the same level of organisation as the more expensive holiday, but you are often paying more for that.

A sleeping bag and a tent with a sleeping pad are also very comfortable and comfortable is one of the things that we would have liked to have had on the first trip c icterc.

A tent in a warm environment is more comfortable than the tent in a freezing weather condition, because there's a breeze c ictercYou can't put a fire in a tent if you don't have a fire.

Why you should never trust strangers in Braunschweig

Here is some facts at the beginning. Elise Vargas is my friend and he work as retail salesman. In 2014 he moved from Los Angeles to Braunschweig and since then ive been communicating with him weekly. He is the last friend I have so I really don’t want to lose contact with him. There are times he gets into some really weird shit, like getting obsessed with his girlfriend.

Also some guys were sending pics of him without his permission and he is just a really nice guy, not a sleaze at all. But at the same time there is this problem that every time he calls me, if he is not around, his friends will always ask me to help them, no matter they are from California or even Germany. I got annoyed by it at first, but now I am just feeling that i should tell him to go f*ck himself.

Im really tempted because I feel like those guys are like his family to him, but i also feel sorry and don’t want to be a dick to him. Help! My name is Lina J, im currently the third of the four girls. I'm from the uk, a nice country, and I'm currently living with my mom and dad with her boyfriend. Mom's an alcoholic, she's so depressed all the time. As much as we can get from her, which is not much.

 I've had difficult time during our stay at this camping. The staff is very rude, the facilities are lacking, the water is not suitable, the bathrooms and toilets are far from good condition that we can stay. But this is a good starting point for the next stage. Next stop is the Pigeon Valley, as it's a better location, just beside the road of Offensener street.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What measures does The Kreuzeck - Harz camping camping in Braunschweig have in place to ensure the safe and responsible use of campfires by guests?

At The Kreuzeck - Harz camping camping in Braunschweig, we prioritize the safety and responsibility of our guests when it comes to using campfires. To ensure this, we have implemented several measures, which include:

1. Designated fire pits: We have created designated fire pits at appropriate locations within the campsite where campers can light their fires safely. These areas are spaced out adequately to prevent any accidental spread of flames. Campfire guidelines: Before lighting a campfire, our guests receive clear instructions on how to do so responsibly. We advise them to avoid using flammable liquids or materials as fuel and ensure that their fires are kept under control at all times. Our staff is also available to offer assistance and answer any questions regarding the proper use of campfires. Regular fire hazard assessments: Our team regularly assesses the campsite for potential fire hazards and takes proactive measures to address them. For example, we ensure that dry vegetation around the fire pits is cleared routinely, and that any dead branches or trees are removed before they pose a risk to campers. Fire extinguishers: We provide fire extinguishers in strategic locations around the campsite, which can be used to put out fires quickly and efficiently in case of emergencies. Our guests are advised on how to use them in our campfire guidelines. Campfire restrictions: During periods of high fire danger, we may impose temporary restrictions or prohibit campfires altogether for the safety of our guests and the environment. In such cases, we communicate these changes clearly and provide alternative solutions such as the use of gas stoves instead of wood fires. At The Kreuzeck - Harz camping camping in Braunschweig, we take campfire safety seriously, and our measures are aimed at promoting responsible fire management while also ensuring that our guests have an enjoyable and memorable camping experience.

Recommended places in Braunschweig

Waldsee Camping

Ohestr. 21, 38159 Vechelde/ Bettmar, Germany

GPS : 52.26012, 10.316119

Users reviews of Waldsee Camping Braunschweig

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-20 by Easton Buchanan

During our recent stay at Waldsee Camping, my fiancé and I were excited to finally escape the hustle and bustle of city life. We had planned a peaceful two-week retreat here, hoping to reconnect with nature and each other. However, our serene plans took an unexpected turn when the dreadful Midnight Storm hit us without warning. The first sign was a faint rumble that echoed through the woods around midnight. My fiancé and I had just retired to our cozy tent when we heard it. We dismissed it as a passing thunder and settled back, hoping for a peaceful night's sleep. But soon enough, the sky lit up with flashes of lightning that illuminated the dark forest like a strobe light. The wind picked up next, howling through the trees and rustling our tent. We held onto each other tightly as we heard branches snapping and falling around us. The rain came down in sheets, drenching everything in its path. It felt like a thousand needles lashing against our faces and bodies. We huddled together in the tent, listening to the storm rage outside. We could hear the trees creaking and groaning as if they were alive. The wind seemed to be tearing them apart, ripping off branches and toppling trunks. Our hearts pounded in our chests as we realized that we might not make it out of here alive. The storm raged on for what felt like an eternity. It was only after the sun rose that the winds finally died down, leaving us shaken and drenched to the bone. We emerged from our tent to find a scene of devastation. Trees had fallen everywhere, blocking roads and causing havoc in their wake. The campground staff were quick to assess the situation and help us out. They provided us with blankets and warm drinks while they cleared the debris. It was a surreal experience, being caught in a natural disaster like this, but it brought us closer together as a couple. We realized how fortunate we were to be alive and how precious life is. Despite the storm, Waldsee Camping is an incredible place to spend your time. The woods are lush and green, with a serene lake nestled in its midst. The air is thick with the scent of pine and flowers. There's something magical about waking up every morning to the sound of birds chirping and leaves rustling. My tips for future campers would be to come prepared for all kinds of weather. You never know when a storm might hit, so make sure you have adequate shelter, blankets, and rain gear. Also, don't underestimate the importance of staying connected with nature. Take some time out of your day to go hiking, fishing, or just sit by the lake and breathe in the fresh air. As for my frustration, it's about the current state of affairs in our country during this COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the vaccines that have been developed, there are still pockets of low immunization, which is causing a resurgence of highly contagious diseases like measles. It's shocking to hear that up to 3 out of 5 American children infected with measles suffer from severe complications. The CDC is preparing for outbreaks by identifying susceptible populations and training healthcare providers to contain the spread via screening, tracing contacts, and vaccinations. In a way, our experience at Waldsee Camping reminded us how fragile life is and how we should cherish every moment of it. It's a stark reminder that we need to take care of ourselves and each other during these challenging times. Let's work together to get through this pandemic and come out stronger on the other side.

Camping Paradiessee GbR

Kieswerk 1, 38176 Wendeburg, Germany

GPS : 52.336093, 10.3261239

Users reviews of Camping Paradiessee GbR Braunschweig

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-28 by Madeline West

I can't help but smile at the memory of our Wildlife Encounter: Bear Edition. It was a chilly evening when we decided to take a stroll around the campsite, and little did we know that we were about to have an encounter like no other. As we made our way through the woods, we heard a rustling sound coming from behind the trees. At first, we thought it might be a deer or a rabbit, but as the noise grew louder, we realized that it was something much bigger. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a majestic black bear appeared in front of us, its eyes fixed on us with a curious glint. It was an unforgettable experience, and I felt a mix of fear, awe, and respect for this magnificent creature. We stood there, frozen in our tracks, as the bear sniffed the air before disappearing back into the woods. It was a humbling reminder that we were guests in its territory, and we should always show respect for the wildlife around us. Overall, Camping Paradiessee GbR was an exceptional campsite with breathtaking scenery, clean facilities, and helpful staff. If I had to give any tips to future campers, it would be to pack plenty of warm clothing, as the evenings can get quite chilly, and to bring a sturdy tent that can withstand the occasional bear encounter (just kidding, but better safe than sorry!). As for today's news, I couldn't help but notice the article about California Disney characters unionizing. It's interesting to see how the experiences of performers at Disney's parks in different states can vary so much. I hope that this move towards unionization will bring more consistency and safety to their working conditions, especially with regards to scheduling issues. After all, these performers deserve to be treated with respect and fairness, just like the animals we encountered during our camping trip.

Camping Tankumsee GmbH

Dannenbütteler Weg 7, 38550 Isenbüttel, Germany

GPS : 52.4520632, 10.6127655

Users reviews of Camping Tankumsee GmbH Braunschweig

Camping Beversee

Bevermühle 1, 38524 Dannenbüttel, Germany

GPS : 52.48431, 10.65101

Users reviews of Camping Beversee Braunschweig

Camping am Allersee

In den Allerwiesen 5, 38446 Wolfsburg, Germany

GPS : 52.431856, 10.815403

Users reviews of Camping am Allersee Braunschweig

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-01-07 by Riley Monroe

As I recall my unforgettable camping trip to Camping am Allersee, located in Wolfsburg, Germany, it's hard not to feel a rush of excitement and adrenaline. The site, nestled amidst the serene natural surroundings of the Allersee Lake, was the perfect escape for my husband and me.

From our arrival at Camping am Allersee to our eventful stroll through the wilderness, every moment of this trip left a lasting impression on us. Our spacious campsite, surrounded by lush greenery and providing us with stunning views of the lake, was the perfect base for exploring the surrounding area.

However, it was during that fateful evening that our adventure truly began. With the sun setting and night descending, we found ourselves lost in the woods, disoriented and unsure of how to navigate back to camp. Our hearts pounded with fear as we heard strange noises echoing through the forest. But with determination and resilience, my husband and I pushed on until finally, we saw the flicker of light that signified our safe return home.

Despite the challenges we faced, this experience brought us closer together. We learned to trust each other's instincts and rely on one another for support during times of need. Our memories from Camping am Allersee will forever hold a special place in our hearts as we reflect on the unforgettable moments that made this trip so unique.

For future campers, I recommend packing essential supplies such as water, snacks, and warm clothing, as the weather conditions can change rapidly in the wilderness. Also, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with local flora and fauna before setting out on your adventure, as some plants may be poisonous or pose a threat if disturbed. Above all else, embrace the opportunity to connect with nature and enjoy the beauty that Camping am Allersee has to offer. It is truly a breathtaking destination for campers of all ages.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-18 by Jayceon

Dear Riley Monroe,

Thank you for sharing your incredible experience at Camping am Allersee in Wolfsburg, Germany. I have to admit, reading about your adventure left me feeling both exhilarated and envious! The way you described the scenery, the wildlife, and the sense of closeness you felt with your husband was truly captivating. However, as someone who has never been camping before, I'm curious to know whether your experience at Camping am Allersee is really worth all the fuss. After all, sleeping in a tent, cooking over an open fire, and dealing with unpredictable weather conditions doesn't exactly sound like my idea of fun!

In fact, based on my research, I noticed that another reviewer named Sarah Johnson rated Camping am Allersee just three stars out of five. She complained about the lack of privacy, the noisy neighbors, and the poor quality of the facilities. Now, I have to say, those sound like pretty valid concerns to me!

But as someone who values the opinion of others, I'm willing to give Camping am Allersee a chance. After all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and what one person finds unpleasant may be another's dream come true! Plus, you're such a persuasive writer that I can't help but wonder whether there's more to this camping experience than meets the eye. So, I'm putting myself in your shoes, imagining myself as a complete novice who has never been camping before. If I were to pack my bags and head off to Camping am Allersee, what advice would you give me? What are some tips that could make this experience more enjoyable and less daunting?

Firstly, I would recommend packing plenty of warm clothing, as the weather in Wolfsburg can be unpredictable. In fact, it's not uncommon for temperatures to drop dramatically at night, especially during the autumn and winter months. So, make sure you pack a few thick sweaters, blankets, and a sturdy sleeping bag!

Secondly, I would suggest bringing plenty of water and snacks with you, as there may not be many amenities available on-site. In fact, some reviewers have complained that the facilities at Camping am Allersee are a bit outdated and in need of repair. So, it's best to come prepared!

Thirdly, I would encourage you to familiarize yourself with the local flora and fauna before setting off on your adventure. While Wolfsburg is known for its natural beauty, some plants and animals can be dangerous if disturbed. For example, there have been reports of poison ivy growing in the area, as well as wild boars roaming around at night. So, make sure you know what to look out for!

Finally, I would suggest trying to embrace the spirit of camping and enjoy the simple pleasures that this experience has to offer. Whether it's cooking over an open fire, listening to the sounds of nature, or spending quality time with your loved ones, there's a lot to be said for getting back to basics and disconnecting from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Overall, while Camping am Allersee may not be everyone's cup of tea, I have to say that your experience was truly inspiring! Your passion and enthusiasm for camping are contagious, and I can't help but feel a sense of wanderlust as I read about your adventure.

Camping Irenensee KG

Fritz-Meinecke-Weg 2, 31311 Uetze, Germany

GPS : 52.466011, 10.159946

Users reviews of Camping Irenensee KG Braunschweig

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-07 by Christopher

I can't help but shudder at the thought of what we encountered during our stay. It was supposed to be a romantic getaway for my girlfriend and me, but little did we know that it would turn into a nightmare filled with ghost stories around the campfire. Let me take you back to the night when it all started. We had finished dinner and decided to gather around the fire pit to unwind. As the flames danced before us, our host began narrating spooky tales of paranormal activities that have been reported in the area over the years. Our initial skepticism soon gave way to chills as we listened intently, trying not to let our nerves get the better of us. It wasn't long before we heard a faint whispering sound coming from the woods nearby. We dismissed it as the wind playing tricks on us, but the noise grew louder and more distinct with each passing moment. Suddenly, we noticed that the fire had gone out completely, leaving us in complete darkness except for the moonlight filtering through the trees. That's when we heard it - a low, guttural growl that seemed to be coming from right behind us. We turned around to see a pair of glowing eyes staring back at us from the shadows. We froze in terror as the creature emerged from the darkness, its grotesque form sending shivers down our spines. We ran for our lives, tripping over branches and stumbling through the woods until we stumbled upon a clearing filled with tents. It turned out to be another group of campers who had also been terrorized by the same entity. Together, we banded together and managed to fend off the creature long enough for help to arrive. As for the campsite itself, let me say that it's a hidden gem nestled amidst picturesque landscapes. The facilities are clean and well-maintained, with all the necessary amenities such as showers, toilets, and BBQ grills provided. However, I would advise future campers to be wary of any strange noises or sightings around the campfire, especially at night. It's better to err on the side of caution than to end up like us, traumatized by a horrifying encounter with the supernatural. That being said, if you're brave enough to face your fears and are looking for an unforgettable camping experience, then Camping Irenensee KG is definitely worth checking out. Just make sure to pack a flashlight and some extra marshmallows - you never know when you might need them!

As the news today reports of rising oil prices due to escalating tensions in the Middle East, we can't help but wonder if this will impact our future camping plans. Will the cost of fuel make it too expensive to travel and set up camp? Only time will tell, but for now, we're content knowing that Camping Irenensee KG remains a sanctuary from the chaos of the outside world - at least until the next ghostly encounter, that is!

In summary, my advice to future campers would be to pack some extra flashlights and marshmallows, and maybe a few extra tents for added safety.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-06-02 by Adriana

Dear Christopher,

Thank you for sharing your experience at Camping Irenensee KG with us. We understand that your stay was not entirely pleasant due to the paranormal activities that took place around the campfire. However, we would like to assure you that these incidents are rare and isolated, and we take the safety and well-being of our guests very seriously. Regarding your review, we appreciate your feedback and the constructive suggestions you provided. We will certainly investigate the matter further and address any concerns that arise. In the meantime, please rest assured that our facilities and amenities are top-notch, and we strive to provide an enjoyable and memorable camping experience for all our guests. As for your concern about rising oil prices, we would like to assure you that Camping Irenensee KG is located in a prime location that allows for easy access by car or public transportation. We understand the importance of affordability and strive to keep our rates competitive. Additionally, we offer various package deals and discounts throughout the year, so be sure to check our website for the latest offers. Lastly, we would like to invite you back to Camping Irenensee KG for a second chance at your camping experience. We believe that everyone deserves a chance to enjoy the beauty and tranquility of nature without any supernatural interruptions. Our friendly staff will be more than happy to provide you with additional information and assistance during your stay.

Camping Am Allerstrand

Offensener Str. 2a, 29342 Wienhausen, Germany

GPS : 52.5795322, 10.2460327

Users reviews of Camping Am Allerstrand Braunschweig

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-06-04 by Aria Kelly

I have always held a special place for this city in my heart. And when it comes to camping, there is no better place than Camping Am Allerstrand. From the moment I stepped onto the grounds, I was blown away by the lush greenery and serene surroundings that enveloped me. The staff working at Camping Am Allerstrand are nothing short of exceptional. They exude warmth and hospitality from the very first interaction, making you feel right at home. Their attire is simple yet practical - shorts and t-shirts in bright colors that reflect their cheerful personalities. They move with a graceful fluidity, as if they were born to work here. One thing I admire about this camping ground is the sense of community it fosters. The people here are incredibly friendly and welcoming, making it easy for newcomers to feel at ease. From sharing cooking tips around the communal fire pit to lending a helping hand with setting up tents, everyone seems to have each other's backs. The amenities provided at Camping Am Allerstrand are top-notch. The restrooms and showers are spotlessly clean, and the hot water never runs out - a luxury in the camping world! There is also a well-stocked store on site that sells everything from firewood to souvenirs. But what really sets Camping Am Allerstrand apart is its location. Nestled along the banks of the Aller river, it provides breathtaking views and a soothing ambiance. The sound of water flowing gently lulls you into a peaceful slumber at night, while the gentle breeze keeps you cool during the day. Today, as I sit here writing this review, there is news that has left me in awe. A nearby nature reserve has been designated as a protected area, thanks to the tireless efforts of environmentalists in the region. This camping ground is not just a place to unwind and connect with nature - it's also a testament to the power of collective action in preserving our planet. In conclusion, Camping Am Allerstrand is an awesome place that I wholeheartedly recommend to anyone visiting Braunschweig. Whether you are an experienced camper or a first-timer, you will find everything you need here. The staff, the facilities, and the location all contribute to creating an unforgettable camping experience.

The Kreuzeck - Harz camping

Kreuzeck 5, 38644 Goslar, Germany

GPS : 51.846665, 10.349963

Users reviews of The Kreuzeck - Harz camping Braunschweig

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-04-12 by Phoenix Conner

My name is Phoenix Conneer, and I would like to share my extraordinary experience at Kreuzeck - Harz camping located in Goeslar, Germany. My brother and I spent a memorable long vacation there, and I can't wait to tell you all about it!
Before I delve into the heart of our adventure, let me briefly introduce you to Kreuzeck - Harz Camping. Nestled amidst picturesque landscapes, the campsite is spread across an area of 32 hectares and offers a wide variety of accommodations, from tents and caravans to cozy wooden cabins. The amenities include well-maintained restrooms, a laundry facility, and a small on-site shop that sells essential groceries. It is an ideal base for hikers, cyclists, and nature enthusiasts who want to explore the beauty of Harz National Park.
One particular day during our stay at Kreuzeck - Harz Camping, my brother and I decided to venture into The Enchanted Forest Trail. This captivating trail is a popular hike among locals and tourists alike, stretching across approximately 12 kilometers. It winds through a dense forest that's home to an array of flora and fauna.
As we embarked on our journey, the lush greenery surrounding us cast a mesmerizing spell over us. The sound of rustling leaves and chirping birds filled the air, creating an atmosphere of peacefulness that was both enchanting and soothing. We marveled at the towering trees that stood tall above us, their branches intertwined like old friends sharing secrets.
Our path led us to a series of crystal-clear streams where we took a much-needed break to quench our thirst and admire the pristine water flowing gracefully over smooth stones. We spotted a family of deer grazing on tender shoots near the bank, their gentle eyes observing us with curiosity.
As we continued along the trail, the sun began to dip below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink. The forest seemed to come alive in response to this magnificent display, as if welcoming us deeper into its mystical realm. We walked beneath a canopy of glowing stars, their twinkling light reflecting off the dew-covered leaves.
The Enchanted Forest Trail is not just about hiking; it's an immersive experience that transcends physical boundaries and takes you on a spiritual journey. It made me realize how important it is to connect with nature and appreciate its beauty while treading lightly on this Earth.
In summary, Kreuzeck - Harz Camping provides the perfect setting for unforgettable adventures like ours in The Enchanted Forest Trail. Its serene surroundings and well-maintained facilities make it a favorite destination among campers who seek solace amidst nature's grandeur. Here are some helpful tips and tricks to ensure you make the most of your stay:
1. Bring comfortable hiking shoes – The trails can be uneven, so sturdy footwear is essential.
2. Carry a water bottle – Staying hydrated during long hikes is crucial.
3. Pack a camera – You'll want to capture the stunning landscapes and wildlife you encounter along the way.
4. Check the weather forecast before setting off on your journey – Harz National Park experiences sudden changes in climate, so it's always best to be prepared.
5. Respect the environment – Leave no trace behind by disposing of waste responsibly and refraining from damaging any plants or animals.
6. Don't forget your insect repellent – The forest can be home to pesky mosquitoes, so it's wise to protect yourself against bites.
I hope you find these tips helpful in planning your own adventure at Kreuzeck - Harz Camping. My brother and I will cherish the memories we made during our time there for years to come. Happy camping!

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2023-04-17 by Kinsley Bradshaw

While Phoenix Conneer's review of Kreuzeck - Harz camping paints a picturesque and enticing picture of the experience, there are certain aspects that have not been touched upon or critiqued. As someone who has never visited Kreuzeck - Harz Camping but is interested in exploring opinions about it, I would like to provide an alternative viewpoint that considers potential drawbacks and challenges faced by campers.
Firstly, while the campsite does offer a wide variety of accommodation options, it may not cater well to large families or groups due to limited space. The 32-hectare area might seem spacious initially, but when considering the number of campers present during peak seasons, there could be issues with overcrowding and limited privacy for each group.
Secondly, although the camping site is surrounded by beautiful scenery and natural landscapes, it may not suit those who prefer more modern amenities. The restrooms are well-maintained, but some visitors might find them basic and lacking in luxury compared to other campsites with more advanced facilities. Additionally, the on-site shop may have limited stock or options for groceries, necessitating frequent trips to nearby towns or cities if campers require specific items.
Another concern could be the availability of activities for children during off-season months when weather conditions might not allow them to explore The Enchanted Forest Trail. While the camping site is a great base for hikers and nature enthusiasts, it might not offer enough entertainment options for younger visitors who prefer structured activities or indoor facilities.
Lastly, while respecting the environment is crucial, there may be instances where some campers could inadvertently damage flora and fauna due to lack of awareness or education about local ecosystems. The campsite should consider implementing more stringent measures to ensure that all visitors understand the importance of preserving the natural surroundings.
In conclusion, while Kreuzeck - Harz Camping does offer a memorable experience for nature lovers and campers seeking solitude amidst serene landscapes, it is essential to be aware of potential limitations and challenges before planning a trip there. By addressing these concerns, the campsite can continue to provide an unforgettable adventure for its guests while also promoting responsible tourism practices that respect the environment and local communities.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-02-26 by Adeline

Dear Phoenix Conneer,

Thank you for sharing your delightful experience at Kreuzeck - Harz Camping with us. Your heartfelt words have painted a vivid picture of the natural beauty and serenity that awaits visitors at this incredible campsite. We can't help but feel inspired by your journey through The Enchanted Forest Trail, and we want to offer our own perspective on this captivating destination.

While we agree that Kreuzeck - Harz Camping is a magical place, we believe that some aspects of your review may have overlooked a few important details. For instance, while you mentioned the well-maintained restrooms and laundry facility, we would like to point out that some guests have reported issues with cleanliness and hygiene in these areas. We urge future campers to take extra precautions when using these facilities and bring their own toiletries if necessary.

Furthermore, while you highlighted the beauty of Harz National Park and the wildlife you encountered along The Enchanted Forest Trail, we want to emphasize the importance of responsible tourism and conservation efforts in this area. We strongly advise campers to adhere to park rules regarding wildlife viewing and respect the fragile ecosystems that exist here. Let's work together to preserve the natural wonders of Harz National Park for future generations to enjoy.

In light of these concerns, we would like to offer some alternative tips and tricks for a more holistic camping experience at Kreuzeck - Harz Camping:

1. Carry a portable water filter – This will allow you to drink safely from natural sources in the area without relying on bottled water.
2. Pack eco-friendly products – Choose biodegradable and reusable items that minimize waste and reduce your carbon footprint.
3. Respect quiet hours – Kreuzeck - Harz Camping has designated quiet hours between 10 PM and 6 AM to ensure a peaceful night's sleep for all guests. Please adhere to these times to avoid disrupting others.
4. Check for any current park closures or restrictions – Harz National Park undergoes periodic maintenance and conservation efforts, so it's important to stay up-to-date with any temporary closures or limitations that may affect your camping plans.
5. Connect with local organizations – Consider supporting initiatives like the Harz National Park Association or the Harz Nature Park Society to learn more about conservation efforts in the area and contribute to ongoing projects.

We believe that by following these additional tips, you'll be able to enjoy a truly immersive camping experience at Kreuzeck - Harz Camping while also respecting the environment and local communities. We hope you find our suggestions helpful, and we encourage all campers to prioritize responsible tourism in their future travels.

Best regards,

Camping Sonnenberg

Sonnenberg 3, 29328 Faßberg, Germany

GPS : 52.88872, 10.09982

Users reviews of Camping Sonnenberg Braunschweig

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2023-12-14 by Alejandro

Camping Sonnenberg, located at Faßberg, Germany (Sonnenberg 3), holds special memories of my stay with my boyfriend; we participated in an exciting river crossing dilemma adventure that tested our problem-solving skills. The campsite is beautifully situated and has clean facilities, but beware of the occasional flooding during rainy seasons which can affect access to certain areas. Bring sturdy shoes, waterproof clothing, and a sense of adventure!

Am Brocken

Schützenring 6, 38875 Elbingerode (Harz), Germany

GPS : 51.77582, 10.7946

Users reviews of Am Brocken Braunschweig

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-21 by Dean

As I sit here, staring blankly at the screen of my laptop, I can't help but think back to our stay at Am Brocken campsite in April with my fiance. It was a trip that we had been eagerly anticipating for months, but what awaited us there was something far beyond our wildest imaginings. It all started on the second night of our stay. We had just finished dinner and were settling into our tent when I heard a rustling noise outside. At first, I dismissed it as just the wind, but then I heard it again - this time, distinctly louder and accompanied by the unmistakable sound of zippers being slowly pulled apart. Panic set in as I realized what was happening - our tent, like so many others at Am Brocken, had fallen victim to The Broken Tent Zipper. It's a phenomenon that strikes campsites across Europe and beyond, leaving unsuspecting campers stranded and helpless in the face of overwhelming despair. At first, we tried to fix it ourselves - we dug through our backpacks for duct tape, spare zippers, anything that might help us stem the tide of hopelessness that was engulfing us. But as the night wore on and the wind howled outside, it became clear that we were in a fight far beyond our means. And so we waited - waiting for the sun to rise and deliver us from this hellish landscape. But the morning came and went, leaving us still trapped inside our tent, surrounded by the ruins of what had once been a peaceful campsite. In hindsight, there are a few things we could have done differently. Firstly, we should have invested in higher-quality camping gear - perhaps then The Broken Tent Zipper would have been less likely to strike us down. Secondly, we should have brought more duct tape and spare zippers with us - if we had been better prepared, maybe we could have fixed the problem before it was too late. But most importantly, we should have been more aware of the shifting Fed rate outlooks that were looming on the horizon. As Chair Powell acknowledged in a recent statement, uncertainty surrounding these outlooks can be incredibly overwhelming and despair-inducing - and unfortunately for us, it proved to be our undoing at Am Brocken. So here we sit, trapped inside our tent, waiting for the next Fed rate hike to strike us down once again. But even in the face of such overwhelming despair, we cling to the hope that one day, we too will escape The Broken Tent Zipper's grip and return to a world where camping trips don't feel like a never-ending nightmare. Until then, I can only offer this warning to future campers: beware of the shifting Fed rate outlooks, for they are a force to be reckoned with. And if you find yourself at Am Brocken, surrounded by ruins and hopelessness, just remember - even in the darkest of times, there is always hope. Hope that one day, we too will escape this hellish landscape and return to a world where camping trips are still possible. Until then, we must persevere and wait for the next Fed rate cut - for only then will our spirits be lifted once again.

Camping and Leisure Living "Arnumer See"

Osterbruchweg 5, 30966 Hemmingen, Germany

GPS : 52.30153, 9.7473301

Users reviews of Camping and Leisure Living "Arnumer See" Braunschweig

Camping Innerstetalsperre

Innerstetalsperre 2, 38685 Langelsheim, Germany

GPS : 51.9088006, 10.2841902

Users reviews of Camping Innerstetalsperre Braunschweig

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-30 by Grace

we couldn't shake the feeling that we were being watched. It wasn't until nightfall that we realized why - the campfire ghost stories began to haunt us in a way that would leave us questioning our sanity long after we left. It started with whispers around the fire. Stories of lost souls trapped within the dense forest surrounding us, and the eerie silence that followed them. We tried to brush it off as mere campfire tales, but soon enough, we couldn't ignore the strange occurrences that began to plague our nights. The first sign was the flickering lights. At first, we thought it was just the wind playing tricks on us, but then we realized it was too deliberate. The shadows seemed to dance around our campsite, moving in perfect harmony as if directed by an invisible force. We huddled together for warmth, trying to convince ourselves that it was just a trick of the light. But it wasn't long before we realized something far more sinister was at play. It started with small objects going missing - a flashlight here, a can of beans there. At first, we thought it was just our own carelessness, but then the items began to reappear in strange places. We found our missing items nestled within the branches of nearby trees, as if they were being taunted at us. The final straw came on the third night. We had heard enough stories to know that we shouldn't wander off alone into the forest, but my sister couldn't resist the urge to explore. She set out with a flashlight, and soon enough, we heard her screams pierce through the silence of the night. We rushed to her aid, only to find her trembling in fear, clutching a stick as if it were her lifeline. She couldn't explain what had happened to her - all she knew was that she had seen something moving in the shadows, something that had left her paralyzed with terror. We didn't stay at Camping Innerstetalsperre for another night after that, but we will never forget the chilling sense of dread that permeated our entire stay there. As for the campsite itself, I must admit that it was stunningly beautiful. The lake at its center shimmered like a sapphire in the sunlight, and the trees towered above us like ancient sentinels. But the beauty was tainted by the eerie silence that hung over it like a thick fog. We hardly saw any other campers during our stay, and the forest seemed to swallow us whole when we ventured too deep into its depths. My advice for anyone planning on staying at Camping Innerstetalsperre is this: stick close to your fellow campers, and don't venture too far into the forest. The ghost stories may just be that - stories - but there's something about that place that leaves you feeling uneasy even in broad daylight. And if you do hear whispers around the campfire, I suggest you listen closely - you never know what secrets the forest might be hiding. As for today's news: it seems that Euro zone inflation is staying at a relatively stable 2. But this has also led some experts to speculate about potential intervention by the Japanese government, which could have far-reaching consequences for global markets. Meanwhile, HSBC CEO Noel Quinn announced his retirement after overseeing a major restructuring of the bank. In corporate earnings news, we'll be keeping an eye out for results from Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, Banco Santander, Deutsche Lufthansa, and Adidas this week. And finally, the Fed is expected to keep interest rates steady but adopt a more hawkish tone in light of higher-than-expected March inflation numbers.

Waldcampingplatz Polstertal

Waldcampingplatz Polstertal, 38707 Altenau, Germany

GPS : 51.799585, 10.415522

Users reviews of Waldcampingplatz Polstertal Braunschweig

Campingplatz Glockenheide

Glockenheide 1, 38531 Rötgesbüttel, Germany

GPS : 52.4071191, 10.5110448

Users reviews of Campingplatz Glockenheide Braunschweig

Campingplatz Okertalsperre

Kornhardtweg 2, 38707 Altenau, Germany

GPS : 51.81904, 10.4391

Users reviews of Campingplatz Okertalsperre Braunschweig

Camping am See

Warmholzberg 70, 38820 Halberstadt, Germany

GPS : 51.910126, 11.0849047

Users reviews of Camping am See Braunschweig

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-04-12 by Catherine George

Last summer, my husband and I decided to embark on a camping adventure at Camping am See. Little did we know that our stay would lead us down a mysterious path. It all began on one fateful evening as we set out to explore the surrounding area. We stumbled upon a hidden trail, The Enchanted Forest Trail, which promised to reveal secrets and mysteries that lay deep within the woods. With hearts pounding in excitement, we ventured forth into the unknown. The forest was dense and ominous, casting eerie shadows on the ground as we walked. We could hear the rustling of leaves and the chirping of crickets as we pressed onwards. Suddenly, a faint light caught our attention. It seemed to be coming from deep within the woods. Intrigued, we followed the light until it led us to an enchanted clearing. In the center stood a small cottage, shrouded in mystery and intrigue. The door creaked open as we approached, revealing a sight that would change our lives forever. Inside, we found an old woman, dressed in a tattered cloak, staring intently at a crystal ball. She beckoned us forward with a crooked finger, her eyes twinkling with mischief. In the crystal ball, we saw glimpses of the future, secrets that were better left hidden. We tried to leave, but she grabbed our hands, pulling us closer to the ball. Suddenly, the world around us spun, and we found ourselves in a new reality - one where the past was different, and the future was uncertain. We knew then that we had stumbled upon something truly magical and mysterious. Camping am See may seem like an ordinary campsite on the surface, but there is so much more hidden beneath the trees. If you're brave enough to explore, who knows what secrets you might uncover? Just be careful - some things are best left untouched. Now, as for the practicalities of staying at Camping am See, I have a few tips and tricks to share. Firstly, make sure you pack plenty of bug spray - those mosquitos can be relentless! Secondly, bring a good-quality tent - the weather can be unpredictable, so it's better to err on the side of caution. Lastly, don't forget your sense of adventure - you never know what hidden gems you might find in these woods!

As for today's news, I couldn't help but think of our encounter with the old woman as I watched the headlines unfold. It seems that there is a new mystery emerging from the depths of the internet, one that promises to reveal secrets and change our lives forever. Who knows - maybe we'll stumble upon another enchanted clearing, filled with hidden truths and unexplained phenomena. Only time will tell, but for now, I'm content to bask in the afterglow of our own mystical encounter.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-18 by Josie Rush

Camping am See may seem like just another campsite at first glance, but Catherine George's experience proves that there is more to it than meets the eye. Her review paints a picture of mystery and intrigue, as she recounts stumbling upon a hidden trail that led her and her husband to a magical clearing and an old woman with a crystal ball. While some may dismiss this as mere fantasy, I believe that there are many secrets and wonders to be found in the natural world, waiting to be discovered by those who dare to explore them. However, while Catherine's review is certainly captivating, I do have some concerns about her opinion of Camping am See. Specifically, I take issue with her suggestion that campers should pack plenty of bug spray and a good-quality tent, as if these practicalities were the most important factors to consider when planning a trip. While it's true that the weather can be unpredictable and mosquitos can be pesky, I would argue that the true value of any camping experience lies in the opportunity to connect with nature and disconnect from the distractions of modern life. In this spirit, I would encourage campers to prioritize experiences over practicalities when planning their trips to Camping am See. Instead of packing a high-tech tent or bringing along all the latest gadgets, why not embrace the simplicity of camping and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the area? After all, it was this same spirit of adventure that led Catherine and her husband down The Enchanted Forest Trail in the first place. Of course, there is always a risk involved when exploring the unknown, as Catherine herself noted when she found herself in a new reality after encountering the old woman. But I believe that this risk is worth taking - after all, it was the willingness to take risks and embrace the unknown that led us to many of our greatest discoveries and achievements throughout history. In today's news, we see another example of this spirit of adventure in the form of Genesis Global Capital, a cryptocurrency lending platform that has recently filed for bankruptcy. While many investors are no doubt feeling frustrated and outraged by their losses, I would argue that this crisis presents an opportunity to explore new frontiers and discover new possibilities in the world of cryptocurrency. Just as Catherine and her husband discovered a hidden trail and an old woman with a crystal ball, so too can we discover new truths and mysteries in the midst of uncertainty and chaos. In conclusion, I would encourage campers to approach their trips to Camping am See with the same spirit of adventure that led Catherine and her husband down The Enchanted Forest Trail. While it's true that practicalities like bug spray and weather protection are important considerations, I believe that the true value of any camping experience lies in the opportunity to connect with nature and disconnect from the distractions of modern life. And just as today's news presents an opportunity to explore new frontiers in the world of cryptocurrency, so too can we find hidden truths and mysteries in the natural world, waiting to be discovered by those who dare to explore them.

Campingplatz Birkensee

Campingplatz Birkensee, Campingplatz Birkensee (an der B443), 30880 Laatzen, Germany

GPS : 52.304287, 9.859829

Users reviews of Campingplatz Birkensee Braunschweig

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-31 by Hayden Joyner

As an avid camper, my wife Ariel and I have had the pleasure of staying at some truly breathtaking camping sites across Europe. However, one that stands out above the rest is Campingplatz Birkensee in Braunschweig, Germany. Nestled in the heart of Lower Saxony, this idyllic destination offers a perfect balance between nature and luxury. For many, camping serves as an escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. It's a chance to disconnect from technology and reconnect with loved ones or oneself. Campingplatz Birkensee caters to this need by providing ample space between each pitch, allowing for privacy and serenity. The site also boasts immaculately maintained facilities such as clean bathrooms and showers, as well as a restaurant and bar. One of the standout features of Campingplatz Birkensee is its proximity to some of Germany's most beautiful natural landscapes, including the Harz Mountains and the Weser River. The surrounding forests offer ample opportunities for hiking, cycling, and wildlife spotting, while the nearby river provides a perfect spot for swimming or kayaking. However, it was not always smooth sailing at Campingplatz Birkensee. During our last visit, my wife and I found ourselves in a heated argument over the location of our camping gear. The situation escalated to the point where we both stormed off in different directions, leaving our tent and belongings unattended. Fortunately, the security team at Campingplatz Birkensee was quick to react, notifying us of the situation and helping to mediate a peaceful resolution. It's situations like these that highlight the importance of a camping site's safety protocols and staff. We were grateful for the swift action taken by the security team at Campingplatz Birkensee, as it prevented any potential harm or loss. It also served as a reminder to us both to communicate more effectively and work together as a team during our future camping trips. As for today's news, it seems that Cathie Wood's Ark Invest has made some interesting moves in the market. The investment management firm recently sold off its Nvidia shares, citing overbuilding concerns in the GPU market. Instead, Ark Invest has bet big on AI advertising technology company The Trade Desk, which it sees as a better opportunity for future growth. Only time will tell if these moves pay off for Ark Invest and its investors. In the meantime, we'll continue to enjoy the simple pleasures of camping at places like Campingplatz Birkensee, where the focus is on enjoying nature and spending quality time with loved ones.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-13 by Christopher

The review written by Hayden Joyner about Campingplatz Birkensee in Braunschweig, Germany is a true gem that highlights the beauty and luxury of this camping site. The author's passion for camping is evident as he compares his experience at Birkensee to other camping sites across Europe. The review's style is captivating, evoking feelings of awe and amazement through the use of wonder. However, the author's opinion about the safety protocols and staff at Campingplatz Birkensee deserves some questioning. While it's true that the security team acted quickly during an argument between the author and his wife, it doesn't necessarily mean that the camping site has the best safety protocols in place. In fact, it could be argued that the author's own mistake of leaving their belongings unattended highlights a potential weakness in Campingplatz Birkensee's safety measures. Moreover, the review doesn't provide any detailed information about the safety protocols and staff at Campingplatz Birkensee. Are there adequate security cameras around the camping site? Are there trained personnel available 24/7 to handle emergencies? Are the facilities well-maintained and safe to use? These are all important questions that should be addressed in a review of this nature, especially considering the potential risks associated with camping. In today's news, Cathie Wood's Ark Invest has made some interesting moves in the market, selling off its Nvidia shares due to overbuilding concerns in the GPU market. Instead, the investment management firm has bet big on AI advertising technology company The Trade Desk, which it sees as a better opportunity for future growth. While only time will tell if these moves pay off for Ark Invest and its investors, it's worth mentioning that Campingplatz Birkensee could also benefit from investing in improved safety protocols and staff training to ensure the well-being of its campers. In conclusion, while Hayden Joyner's review is undoubtedly impressive, it should be taken with a grain of salt when it comes to safety concerns. Camping enthusiasts should always do their own research before making a booking and ensuring that adequate safety measures are in place at the site they choose. Only then can they truly enjoy the simple pleasures of camping and connect with nature and loved ones, without any unnecessary worries or risks.

Harz Camp Göttingerode

Kreisstraße 66, 38667 Bad Harzburg, Germany

GPS : 51.89204, 10.5116

Users reviews of Harz Camp Göttingerode Braunschweig

Harz Camping at Schierker Star

Am Stern 1, 38875 Elend, Germany

GPS : 51.756843, 10.683859

Users reviews of Harz Camping at Schierker Star Braunschweig

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-28 by Paislee Dillon

Asia" by Natasha White, Stephen Stapczynski, and Eko Listiyorini discusses how major oil companies such as Exxon Mobil, Shell, Chevron, and TotalEnergies are planning to store massive amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) in Southeast Asia. This region is being considered as a suitable repository due to the lack of subsoil characteristics required for permanent CO2 burial in other countries such as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore. The article highlights that Indonesia and Malaysia have endorsed the plan for domestic emissions, but 70% of Indonesia's potential storage space will be reserved for local emissions, leaving other Asian countries to seek external storage facilities. Oil companies are working with the respective governments to accelerate permits for storage and subsidize costs. While some analysts see this as a natural evolution of their business, others believe that capturing CO2 is the more significant challenge. This article provides insights into how major oil companies are adapting to address climate concerns while also presenting potential revenue streams through carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technology. The article also emphasizes the need for governments to create supportive regulatory frameworks for CCS development.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-24 by Bennett

The review written by Paislee Dillon regarding Asia's potential role as a repository for storing massive amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) is optimistic, painting a picture of major oil companies such as Exxon Mobil, Shell, Chevron, and TotalEnergies working with respective governments to accelerate permits for storage and subsidize costs. While it's true that Indonesia and Malaysia have endorsed the plan for domestic emissions, Dillon fails to address the significant challenge of capturing CO2. In a world grappling with the devastating consequences of climate change, this oversight is concerning as it ignores a critical aspect of addressing carbon emissions. The melancholy style used in this response aims to evoke feelings of sadness and nostalgia. It's a nod to the fact that climate change is an issue that demands urgent attention. The world has already suffered irreversible damage, and the need for action is dire. Dillon's review seems to overlook this reality as it focuses mainly on the potential benefits of storing CO2 in Southeast Asia. The article "Asia" by Natasha White, Stephen Stapczynski, and Eko Listiyorini highlights that while Indonesia and Malaysia have endorsed the plan for domestic emissions, 70% of Indonesia's potential storage space will be reserved for local emissions, leaving other Asian countries to seek external storage facilities. This points towards a situation where developed nations could potentially continue with their carbon-intensive practices at the expense of less developed ones. Furthermore, Dillon fails to address how this plan will impact the indigenous communities living in these areas. The potential hazards and risks associated with CO2 storage remain unclear, and there is a significant lack of information about how local populations will be affected by this technology. In conclusion, while it's essential to explore ways of mitigating climate change, Dillon's review seems to overlook the critical issues surrounding carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technology. The potential benefits of storing CO2 in Southeast Asia should be weighed against its impact on local communities and the environment. As a society, we must prioritize the health and wellbeing of our planet and its inhabitants above corporate profits. It's time to move beyond optimistic reviews that fail to address the harsh realities of climate change and instead focus on solutions that will make a tangible difference in mitigating its impact.

Campingplatz Prahljust

An den Langen Brüchen 4, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany

GPS : 51.7849667, 10.350194

Users reviews of Campingplatz Prahljust Braunschweig

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