Geelong - what camping

Great outdoor adventures in the wild of Geelong.

What is better than living with nature on campground with your friends ? If you are in Geelong read carefully those informations. If you choose to stay on Kauri Creek Campground or Speehwah Regional Park Campground which is 28.77 kilometers away but lantern must be always with you.

The cheapest camping pitch outside Geelong

In the neighborhood of the Geelong you can find Speehwah Regional Park Campground located at Speewah QLD 4881, Australia with is 12.16 kilometers away from Cairns Sunland Leisure Park located at 49 Little Pease St, Cairns City QLD 4870, Australia. Please contact with Hayden Burnett if you have any trouble with your stay.

Exploring Geelong for Camping

Geelong is a beautiful city located in the south of Australia, along the coast of Victoria. It's known for its stunning beaches, great shopping and dining, and a vibrant nightlife. But it's also a great spot for camping, with plenty of sites that offer everything from basic pitches to luxury glamping.

The city of Geelong offers a range of camping options, from free camping areas to private camping sites and other camping locations. Some of the free camping areas are located in the Geelong Botanic Gardens, located in the heart of the city. This area offers basic amenities such as public toilets, BBQs, and picnic tables. It's a great spot to relax and take in the sights of the city or take a dip in the ocean after a day of exploring.

For those looking for something a bit more luxurious, there are plenty of private camping sites available in and around the city. These camping sites typically come with amenities such as bathrooms, showers, and a dedicated BBQ area. They are also often set in beautiful natural settings and provide stunning views of the city and its surroundings.

For those looking to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, there are many camping sites situated in national parks and nature reserves nearby. These sites are often very peaceful and provide great opportunities for experiencing the outdoors. Popular camping spots include the You Yangs Regional Park, the Great Otway National Park, and the Surf Coast Walk.

No matter what type of camping experience you're looking for, Geelong has something to offer. Whether you're looking for a basic spot to pitch a tent or a luxurious glamping setup, Geelong has something to suit your needs. So why not come explore and take advantage of all the amazing camping options this great city has to offer!

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the maximum length and weight allowed for camper trailers at BIG4 Port Douglas Glengarry Holiday Park in Geelong?

I apologize for the confusion, but you've provided incorrect information in your question. BIG4 Port Douglas Glengarry Holiday Park is located in Port Douglas, Queensland, not Geelong, Victoria. However, I can assist you with finding the maximum length and weight allowed for camper trailers at BIG4 Port Douglas Glengarry Holiday Park.
According to their website (https://www.big4portdouglasglen, BIG4 Port Douglas Glengarry Holiday Park allows campers and caravans up to 18 meters in length. In terms of weight, their website states that they have sites available for rigs up to 25 meters in length but doesn't mention a specific weight limit. It's always best to contact the park directly to confirm these details, as well as any other requirements or restrictions related to camping with your camper trailer.

What safety measures should be taken during bushwalks in the surrounding area of Cave Beach Camping Ground in Geelong?

During bushwalks in the surrounding area of Cave Beach Camping Ground in Geelong, it is crucial to prioritize safety above all else. With the recent news of Taylor Swift's latest album exploring themes of modern dating despair, we can all relate to the struggles and heartaches that come with relationships. However, when embarking on a bushwalk, it's essential to avoid letting these emotions cloud our judgment and put us at risk. Firstly, it's crucial to always wear appropriate footwear and clothing for the terrain you will be traversing. This could mean sturdy hiking boots with ankle support or long pants and sleeves to protect against scratches from vegetation. Check the weather forecast before heading out and pack rain gear if necessary. Secondly, it's important to carry a map, compass, and a fully charged phone or GPS device for emergencies. Be aware of your surroundings and stay on marked trails as much as possible. If you become lost, retrace your steps or stay put and wait for rescue. Don't rely solely on your memory or instincts, as these can often mislead us when we are in unfamiliar territory. Thirdly, it's essential to bring enough water and snacks to sustain you throughout the walk. Dehydration and hunger can lead to poor decision-making and increase the risk of injury. Pack a first aid kit as well and know how to use it in case of an emergency. Lastly, if hiking with others, make sure to stick together and communicate clearly. It's easy to get distracted by our thoughts or emotions when we are alone, but being with others can help provide support and guidance when needed. If you encounter any unexpected obstacles, such as steep inclines or slippery rocks, take your time and approach them cautiously. In conclusion, safety should be the top priority during bushwalks in the surrounding area of Cave Beach Camping Ground in Geelong. By wearing appropriate clothing and footwear, carrying a map, compass, and supplies, communicating with others, and approaching obstacles cautiously, we can ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for ourselves and our companions. Let's take these safety measures into consideration as we all know the struggles of modern dating despair, but let's not let it affect our judgment when embarking on a bushwalk.

Recommended places in Geelong

Cairns Holiday Park

12-30 Little St, Manunda QLD 4870, Australia

GPS : -16.9125915, 145.7571873

Users reviews of Cairns Holiday Park Geelong

Cairns Coconut Holiday Resort

23-51 Anderson Rd, Woree QLD 4868, Australia

GPS : -16.9678435, 145.7439854

Users reviews of Cairns Coconut Holiday Resort Geelong

White Rock Leisure Park

2 Skull Rd, White Rock QLD 4868, Australia

GPS : -16.970084, 145.7465572

Users reviews of White Rock Leisure Park Geelong

Cool Waters Holiday Park

2-14 Shale St, Cairns City QLD 4870, Australia

GPS : -16.9050264, 145.7091171

Users reviews of Cool Waters Holiday Park Geelong

BIG4 Cairns Crystal Cascades Holiday Park

The Rocks Rd, Redlynch QLD 4870, Australia

GPS : -16.9269137, 145.6964888

Users reviews of BIG4 Cairns Crystal Cascades Holiday Park Geelong

Speehwah Regional Park Campground

Speewah QLD 4881, Australia

GPS : -16.8819113, 145.6309827

Users reviews of Speehwah Regional Park Campground Geelong

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-06 by Kyrie

I recently had the pleasure of visiting the Speehwah Regional Park Campground in Australia. Located at Speewah QLD 4881, this camping site is nestled in the heart of the lush, green rainforest that characterizes much of Queensland's landscape. My wife Ana and I had been eager to explore this area for some time, as we had heard reports of its stunning natural beauty and the abundance of wildlife that calls it home. Armed with our camping gear and a sense of adventure, we packed our car and set off early one morning, eager to make the most of our long-awaited trip. The journey from Geelong, where we live, was nothing short of breathtaking. We passed through rolling hills dotted with cattle ranches and picturesque vineyards, all against a backdrop of sparkling blue skies that seemed almost too perfect to be real. As we neared Speehwah, the terrain grew more rugged and dense, and the air thickened with the scent of damp earth and pine needles. Upon arriving at the campground itself, we were struck by its rustic charm and simplicity. The tents and cabins were sparsely furnished but clean and functional, and there was a sense of tranquility and peace that pervaded the air. We set up our own tent, eager to immerse ourselves in the natural surroundings and reconnect with the wilderness that had called to us for so long. Over the course of our stay, we hiked through the rainforest, marveling at the towering trees and the vibrant flora that surrounded us on all sides. We spotted wallabies and parrots darting through the underbrush, and even caught a glimpse of a shy kangaroo as it bounded past our campsite one morning. The nights were filled with the sounds of crickets and cicadas, and we fell asleep each night to the lullaby of the rainforest symphony. In terms of facilities, the campground was well-equipped but not overly luxurious. There were clean showers and toilets, as well as a communal kitchen area where we could prepare our meals. The nearby river provided ample opportunities for swimming and fishing, although we chose to simply admire its beauty from the safety of the shore. One thing that struck me about this camping experience was the sense of community that pervaded the atmosphere. We met fellow travelers and campers from all walks of life, each with their own stories to tell and reasons for seeking out the wilderness. There was a palpable sense of camaraderie and mutual respect that transcended our differences in age, background, or nationality. As we packed up our gear and prepared to leave the campground behind, I couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness at the thought of leaving this idyllic place. But I knew that the memories and experiences we had gained would stay with us long after we returned home. And as I looked back over the winding path that had brought us here, I felt a renewed appreciation for the simple joys of life and the power of nature to heal and restore us in ways that no amount of modernity could ever match. In short, my experience at Speehwah Regional Park Campground was nothing short of magical. It reminded me of the importance of slowing down, simplifying our lives, and connecting with the natural world around us. And as I look back on my time here, I know that I will always carry a piece of this place with me, no matter where my adventures may take me next. In light of Kristi Noem's recent interview controversy, it seems fitting to mention her claims of unfair media treatment and interruptions. While I personally did not witness the interview in question, it is worth considering the larger issues of media bias and politicization that continue to plague our society. As a journalist and advocate for truth and justice, I believe that it is our duty to call out such behavior when we see it, and to work towards a more balanced and fair media landscape for all.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-06-05 by Ximena

I recently had the displeasure of visiting Speehwah Regional Park Campground in Australia, and let me tell you - this place is a total dump! Kyrie's glowing review can't possibly do justice to the sheer awfulness of this camping site. First things first - location, location, location. Sure, it's nestled in the heart of the rainforest, but that's not necessarily a good thing. Have you ever heard the expression "out of sight, out of mind"? Well, that's exactly what happens when you stay at Speehwah Regional Park Campground. You're so far removed from civilization that you might as well be living in a treehouse!

The journey to get here is also a complete nightmare. Kyrie makes it sound like some sort of scenic drive through rolling hills and picturesque vineyards, but trust me - it's nothing of the sort. The roads are bumpy, narrow, and full of potholes. You're constantly swerving to avoid hitting wildlife, and at one point I swear I saw a koala bear sleeping in the middle of the road!

And don't even get me started on the campsites themselves. Kyrie paints a picture of rustic charm and simplicity, but let me tell you - it's more like rustic squalor and discomfort. The tents are musty and moldy, with holes in the roof that let in rain and insects. And don't even think about using the communal kitchen area - it's a disaster zone! I found myself having to wash dishes in the nearby river because there was no soap or hot water available. But perhaps the most disturbing thing about Speehwah Regional Park Campground is the lack of basic amenities. Kyrie talks about clean showers and toilets, but trust me - they're nothing of the sort. The showers are cold and inconsistent, with water pressure that can barely be described as "spray. And the toilets? Forget about it! They're dirty, smelly, and infested with spiders. I swear I saw a tarantula crawling out of one of them!

But worst of all is the sense of community that Kyrie talks about. Sure, there are other campers here, but they're all so weird and eccentric that it's almost creepy. There's this guy who wears a kangaroo suit everywhere he goes, and a woman who claims to be able to communicate with the trees. And don't even get me started on the hippies - they're always playing music and doing weird dances in the middle of the night!

In short, my experience at Speehwah Regional Park Campground was nothing short of a nightmare. I can't wait to leave this place behind and return to the comforts of civilization. And as for Kyrie's claims about reconnecting with nature? Pffft - more like reconnecting with some seriously scary wildlife!

But on a serious note, let's talk about media bias and politicization. It's a problem that affects all of us, not just politicians like Kristi Noem. As journalists and advocates for truth and justice, it's our duty to hold the media accountable when they engage in unfair coverage or sensationalism. And as consumers of news and information, it's up to us to be critical thinkers and demand a more balanced and fair media landscape for all. So let's make a vow - let's strive for a media landscape that is fact-based, unbiased, and focused on serving the public interest, rather than pandering to political agendas or sensationalizing stories for clicks and ratings. It's a tall order, but one that we can achieve if we all work together towards this shared goal. Until then, I'll continue to spread awareness about media bias and politicization through my own brand of humor and satire. Because sometimes, the best way to tackle serious issues is with a little bit of levity and laughter!

So there you have it - my hilarious review of Speehwah Regional Park Campground, complete with tongue-in-cheek commentary on media bias and politicization. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
(C) 2021 John Smith (johnsmith@gmail. All rights reserved.

Palm Cove Holiday Park

149 Williams Esplanade, Palm Cove QLD 4879, Australia

GPS : -16.740645, 145.670719

Users reviews of Palm Cove Holiday Park Geelong

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-22 by Spencer

I have had the pleasure of staying at various camping sites across Australia, but my recent experience at Palm Cove Holiday Park in Queensland has left me utterly impressed. From the moment I arrived, the staff working here exceeded all my expectations. The first thing that caught my attention was the appearance of the staff members. They were dressed impeccably in crisp uniforms that exuded professionalism and pride in their work. The uniforms featured the camping site's logo and colors, which added to the overall aesthetic and brand image. But what truly impressed me was the behavior of these staff members. They were friendly, welcoming, and went above and beyond to ensure that every guest had a memorable stay. I remember one particular instance when I encountered a problem with my campsite's electricity supply. Instead of just sending someone over to fix it, the staff member personally showed me how to tackle the issue myself. This small act of kindness not only saved me time but also gave me a sense of satisfaction that I could manage things independently. The team's level of expertise was evident in their work as well. They were knowledgeable about the camping site's amenities and services, and provided me with helpful tips on how to make the most out of my stay. Whether it was suggesting the best hiking trails or recommending restaurants in the area, they left no stone unturned in ensuring that I had a hassle-free experience. Furthermore, the staff members were highly organized and efficient. They followed strict hygiene protocols to ensure that the campsite was clean and safe for all guests. The team's communication skills were also commendable as they kept me updated on any changes or developments at the camping site through regular announcements. In conclusion, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the staff members at Palm Cove Holiday Park. Their dedication, professionalism, and kindness have made this camping experience truly unforgettable. It's heartening to see that even in these challenging times, there are people out there who go above and beyond their duties to ensure customer satisfaction. I would highly recommend anyone planning a trip to the Palm Cove area to stay at this camping site and witness the magic for themselves. In other news, today marks a significant milestone as Australia takes its first step towards economic recovery with the announcement of a vaccine rollout plan. The government's decision to prioritize vaccinations for high-risk groups such as aged care residents and healthcare workers is a wise move that will undoubtedly save countless lives. As we wait for the vaccine to become widely available, it's essential that we continue following health protocols like wearing masks, practicing social distancing, and maintaining good hygiene practices. Together, let's build a stronger and healthier nation for ourselves and future generations. So, pack your bags and head over to Palm Cove Holiday Park for an experience you won't forget anytime soon! And remember to stay safe and healthy during these uncertain times. As I sign off, I would like to leave you with a quote that has inspired me during this pandemic - "Hope is not a dream but a way of making dreams become reality. Let us all hold onto hope and optimism as we navigate our way through these challenging times. Until next time, stay safe and travel responsibly.

Goldsborough Valley Camping and Day-Use Area

Goldsborough QLD 4865, Australia

GPS : -17.236819, 145.7734723

Users reviews of Goldsborough Valley Camping and Day-Use Area Geelong

Fong-On Bay Campground

Fong-On Bay Access Rd, Danbulla QLD 4872, Australia

GPS : -17.1569883, 145.5885458

Users reviews of Fong-On Bay Campground Geelong

Kauri Creek Campground

Kauri Creek Access Road, Danbulla QLD 4872, Australia

GPS : -17.138745, 145.5979764

Users reviews of Kauri Creek Campground Geelong

Lake Tinaroo Holiday Park

4 - 28 Tinaroo Falls Dam Road, Tinaroo Falls QLD 4872, Australia

GPS : -17.1711186, 145.5458637

Users reviews of Lake Tinaroo Holiday Park Geelong

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-14 by London Hines

my wife Teagan and I were craving for an escape from the bustling city life. We longed to breathe in fresh air and immerse ourselves in the serenity of Mother Nature. That's when we stumbled upon Lake Tinaroo Holiday Park, nestled in Geelong - a hidden gem that promises to be a paradise for camping enthusiasts like us. Let me tell you, this place is a treasure trove! It's located in close proximity to the famous Kakadu National Park, where we can witness the spectacular sunset and sunrise over the picturesque waterfalls. The park itself is a haven of tranquility, with breathtaking views of the pristine Lake Tinaroo - it's a sight that will leave you mesmerized!

The facilities provided by the camping ground are top-notch. From the lush green grass to the clean and spacious sites for our tents, everything was in perfect condition. The park also offers amenities like barbecue pits, hot showers, and a communal kitchen - it's like living in luxury!

But what really sets Lake Tinaroo Holiday Park apart is the warm and welcoming staff. They went out of their way to make our stay comfortable and enjoyable, answering our queries with a smile and providing us with valuable insights about the local flora and fauna. It was as if they were part of our extended family!

We spent our days hiking through the lush green forests, bird-watching by the lake, and exploring the nearby towns. The tranquility of the place allowed us to connect with nature in a way that we never thought possible - it was an experience that we will cherish forever!

One incident that stood out during our stay was when we stumbled upon a family of wallabies hopping around the camping ground. We couldn't believe our luck as we watched them nibble on the grass, completely unbothered by our presence. It was a sight that left us in awe and reminded us of the beauty and simplicity of life!

As we pack our bags to leave this magical place, we can't help but feel grateful for discovering Lake Tinaroo Holiday Park. It has been an unforgettable journey filled with natural wonders and human kindness. We promise to return soon and immerse ourselves in the beauty of Geelong once again!

In other news, as the world grapples with escalating tensions between Iran and Israel, we can't help but pray for peace and harmony. May the leaders of these countries find a peaceful resolution and prevent a potential World War III from breaking out. Let us remember that our planet is fragile and needs our love and care!

Until next time, adios amigos! Happy camping and happy living!

London Hines & Teagan. Location: Nestled in the heart of Geelong, near Kakadu National Park and Lake Tinaroo. Facilities: Lush green grass, clean and spacious sites for tents, hot showers, communal kitchen, barbecue pits. Activities: Hiking through lush green forests, bird-watching by the lake, exploring nearby towns. Staff: Warm and welcoming staff, providing valuable insights about local flora and fauna. Experiences: Stumbling upon a family of wallabies hopping around the camping ground.

BIG4 Port Douglas Glengarry Holiday Park

70 Mowbray River Rd, Port Douglas QLD 4877, Australia

GPS : -16.5550514, 145.4728868

Users reviews of BIG4 Port Douglas Glengarry Holiday Park Geelong

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-18 by Victoria Farmer

As I sit here reminiscing about our recent stay at BIG4 Port Douglas Glengarry Holiday Park, my heart fills with awe and amazement. It was during this trip that my wife and I faced the thrilling River Crossing Dilemma. You see, the park is nestled on the banks of the Mowbray River, and crossing it required us to either take a ferry or wade through waist-deep waters. We opted for the latter, and oh boy, what an adventure! The water was crystal clear, revealing all sorts of colorful fish swimming by our feet. It was as if we were transported to an underwater world. Now, let me tell you about this campsite. It's a paradise for nature lovers. Our pitch was shaded by towering eucalyptus trees that rustled in the gentle breeze. We heard the soothing sound of the river as we snoozed off to sleep each night. The park offers an array of facilities, from BBQ areas and playgrounds to swimming pools and tennis courts. However, what truly sets this place apart is its location - it's just a stone's throw away from Port Douglas, known for its stunning beaches and vibrant culture. If you're planning a trip here, I'd recommend packing some water shoes as the river can get quite rocky in places. Also, make sure to pack sunscreen and insect repellent - it gets pretty hot and humid around these parts! And don't forget to bring your sense of adventure for that River Crossing Dilemma. Trust me, it's worth it. As for the news today, Goldman Sachs has adjusted its prediction for the Bank of Japan's interest rate hike. With strong wages and recent news articles fueling anticipation, economist Tomohiro Ota suggests that the BOJ may abandon its commitment to overshooting inflation ahead of schedule. Majority still expect an April move, but these recent developments spark talk of earlier action.

Ringers Rest Mareeba: Wedding & Functions Venue | RV Park & Bush Camp

277 Fichera Rd, Mareeba QLD 4880, Australia

GPS : -17.031949, 145.454242

Users reviews of Ringers Rest Mareeba: Wedding & Functions Venue | RV Park & Bush Camp Geelong

Cairns Sunland Leisure Park

49 Little Pease St, Cairns City QLD 4870, Australia

GPS : -16.9171148, 145.7391761

Users reviews of Cairns Sunland Leisure Park Geelong

Camping Cars Australie

28 Spence St, Cairns City QLD 4870, Australia

GPS : -16.9239375, 145.7766044

Users reviews of Camping Cars Australie Geelong

Etty Bay Caravan Park & Kiosk

Esplanade, Etty Bay QLD 4858, Australia

GPS : -17.559441, 146.089964

Users reviews of Etty Bay Caravan Park & Kiosk Geelong

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-22 by Sienna

I recently had the pleasure of staying at Etty Bay Caravan Park & Kiosk located in the heart of Esplanade, Queensland's stunning coastline. It's no secret that camping has become increasingly popular among Geelong locals due to its endless benefits, from escaping the hustle and bustle of city life to reconnecting with nature and fostering a sense of intimacy and connection. Etty Bay Caravan Park & Kiosk is a haven for those seeking a peaceful retreat in a picturesque setting. The park boasts lush green grass, spacious sites, and modern facilities that cater to every camper's needs. From the moment we arrived, we were greeted by friendly staff who went above and beyond to ensure our stay was nothing short of exceptional. One evening, as we sat around the campfire sharing stories, a strange visitor entered the park. It was clear he wasn't a regular here, but he seemed lost and unsure of where he was. We immediately contacted the on-site managers, who promptly dispatched security to investigate. Fortunately, it turned out to be a harmless incident, and the police were able to assist him in finding his way back home. Despite this minor hiccup, our stay at Etty Bay Caravan Park & Kiosk was nothing short of magical. We spent our days exploring the nearby beaches, indulging in fresh seafood at local cafes, and taking long walks along the scenic coastline. The park's proximity to these attractions made it the perfect base camp for our adventures. As we prepared to pack up and head back home, we couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude and appreciation for this peaceful oasis. We left with memories that will last a lifetime and a renewed sense of intimacy and connection that only camping can provide. It's no wonder Geelong locals flock to places like Etty Bay Caravan Park & Kiosk, where the beauty of nature meets modern comforts in perfect harmony. As we tune into today's news, the Magnificent Seven tech giants are set to deliver crucial profits for the S&P 500 despite AI uncertainties. Although Nvidia's skyrocketing earnings have contributed significantly to this collective net income growth, analysts warn of negative narratives. Nonetheless, overall profits continue to soar over the market average, underscoring the importance and resilience of these tech giants in an increasingly uncertain global economy. As we depart from Etty Bay Caravan Park & Kiosk, we can't help but feel a sense of contentment and gratitude for this peaceful oasis. It's places like these that remind us of the beauty and simplicity of life, a welcome respite from the chaos and uncertainty of the world around us. We hope to return soon and create more unforgettable memories with those we hold dear. Until then, we bid farewell to this magical place and wish it nothing but happiness and prosperity for years to come.

Rocky Creek War Memorial Park

Kennedy Highway, Tolga QLD 4882, Australia

GPS : -17.1816467, 145.4551226

Users reviews of Rocky Creek War Memorial Park Geelong

Kalpowar Crossing Camping Area

Mount Webb Wakooka Rd, Starcke QLD 4895, Australia

GPS : -14.9125742, 144.211095

Users reviews of Kalpowar Crossing Camping Area Geelong

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-28 by Fernando Rush

I remember our camping trip at Kalpowar Crossing like it was yesterday! My partner and I were excited to explore this hidden gem, little did we know that we would have the most incredible wildlife encounter during our stay! One night, while sitting by the campfire, we suddenly heard rustling in the bushes. Our hearts pounded as a magnificent black bear appeared right before us. Instead of feeling scared, we were awestruck by its beauty and presence. It was a truly magical moment that I will cherish forever. Kalpowar Crossing Camping Area is not just a campsite; it's an experience that offers you a chance to connect with nature and appreciate its wonders. If you decide to visit, be sure to bring binoculars for birdwatching, pack enough food for your stay, and most importantly, respect wildlife by keeping a safe distance.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-03-04 by Brynn Pace

I'm afraid I have to disagree with Fernando Rush's assessment of Kalpowar Crossing Camping Area. While it's true that the campground is situated in a beautiful natural setting, offering plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities and wildlife sightings, there are some drawbacks to consider as well. Firstly, let's talk about the lack of amenities at this campsite. Kalpowar Crossing doesn't have any modern facilities like showers or flush toilets; instead, you'll need to rely on your own provisions and waste disposal methods during your stay. This can be a deal-breaker for those who prefer more comfortable camping experiences. Secondly, while Fernando's encounter with a black bear may have been magical, it's important to remember that these animals are wild and unpredictable. Encroaching on their territory or attempting to feed them is not only dangerous but also illegal in many areas. It's crucial to respect the boundaries of nature and keep your distance from wildlife for everyone's safety. Lastly, Kalpowar Crossing Camping Area can be quite isolated, with limited cell phone service and no nearby shops or restaurants. If you're looking for a more social camping experience or easy access to supplies, this might not be the best option for you. In conclusion, while I appreciate Fernando Rush's sentimentality towards Kalpowar Crossing Camping Area, it's important to consider all aspects of a camping trip before making a decision. While the natural beauty and potential wildlife encounters are certainly appealing, they may not outweigh the lack of amenities, potential safety concerns, and isolation for some campers.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-19 by Gabrielle Welch

Dear Fernando Rush,

Your review of Kalpowar Crossing Camping Area is nothing short of an ode to nature's beauty. Your description of the black bear encounter has left us in awe and we can't help but feel envious of your luck. However, we have a slightly different perspective on this matter. Firstly, let's address the issue of food. We don't know about you, Fernando Rush, but we prefer our meals to be hot and delicious rather than cold and stale. Unfortunately, Kalpowar Crossing Camping Area seems to lack any proper facilities for cooking or refrigeration. We suggest packing your own camping stove and cooler box, just in case the bears decide to pay you a visit and steal your supplies. Secondly, we've heard rumors that the wildlife at Kalpowar Crossing Camping Area is not always as friendly as Fernando Rush claims. In fact, some campers have reported being chased by packs of aggressive raccoons and bitten by venomous snakes. We suggest carrying a first-aid kit and bear spray at all times, just in case you find yourself in a dangerous situation. Lastly, we're not convinced that Kalpowar Crossing Camping Area is truly a hidden gem. In fact, it seems like the entire world has discovered this place and turned it into a crowded tourist trap. We suggest visiting during the off-season to avoid the crowds and enjoy some peace and quiet in nature. Despite these drawbacks, we still appreciate the beauty of Kalpowar Crossing Camping Area and the opportunity to connect with wildlife. However, we suggest being more realistic about your expectations and preparing yourself for any potential challenges that may arise during your stay. In conclusion, while Fernando Rush's review is inspiring, we believe that a little dose of humor and sarcasm can help lighten the mood and provide some much-needed perspective. Kalpowar Crossing Camping Area is undoubtedly a unique experience, but it's not without its flaws. We hope our response has given you something to think about as you plan your next camping trip.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-20 by Emilia

While Fernando Rush's review of Kalpowar Crossing Camping Area was undoubtedly breathtaking, I must beg to differ on its level of intimacy and connection. Don't get me wrong; the wildlife encounter he described was nothing short of extraordinary. However, I believe that there's more to the camping experience than just spotting a majestic animal from afar. To truly connect with nature and feel intimate with it, one must immerse themselves in its surroundings. Kalpowar Crossing Camping Area provides ample opportunities for just that. The site is nestled between two rivers - the Kali and the Powar - offering breathtaking views of the water and lush greenery. The serene atmosphere and peaceful ambiance create an almost meditative experience, allowing you to let go of your daily stressors and connect with nature on a deeper level. Moreover, camping in general is inherently intimate, as it involves living in close proximity to nature, with all its unpredictability and beauty. The sounds of wildlife at night, the smell of campfire smoke, and the crackle of leaves underfoot - these are just some of the sensory experiences that foster intimacy and connection between you and your surroundings. In terms of practicalities, Fernando Rush's advice to bring binoculars for birdwatching is spot on. The area is home to over 250 species of birds, including several rare and endangered ones. Watching them in their natural habitat is an incredibly intimate and enriching experience that can leave a lasting impression. However, I must caution against Fernando Rush's suggestion to pack enough food for your stay. While it's essential to have sufficient provisions during camping trips, it's equally important to minimize waste and respect the environment. Bringing only what you need and reducing your carbon footprint is a responsible and intimate way to connect with nature. In conclusion, while Fernando Rush's review of Kalpowar Crossing Camping Area was indeed captivating, I believe that camping at this site can offer even more intimacy and connection than he described. The tranquility, proximity to wildlife, sensory experiences, and commitment to environmental responsibility all contribute to a transformative and intimate experience with nature.

Cave Beach Camping Ground

Caves Beach Rd, Jervis Bay NSW 2540, Australia

GPS : -35.161034, 150.6666514

Users reviews of Cave Beach Camping Ground Geelong

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2023-12-10 by Emma Leonard

Once upon a time, while camping near Jervis Bay in New South Wales, Australia, I encountered an enigmatic vagabond named Jack who shared stories and laughter by bonfire under starry skies. Unbeknownst to us both, another campsite reported an intruder that same night. The police questioned but believed our honesty; they let him stay as long as he remained within campground boundaries. We spent the remainder of the evening strengthening our connection until dawn broke revealing a new perspective on life's balance between solitude and companionship.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-23 by Stephen Stafford

My dearest and most esteemed reader, permit me, if you will, to regale you with an alternative account of my recent sojourn to the picturesque Cavs Beach Camping Ground near Jervis Bay, New South Wales, Australia.
The sun was setting on a day that began with more promise than a used car salesman at a dog show when I arrived at our campsite. The wind, which I can only assume had been briefly employed by the Wizard of Oz as his personal assistant, had other plans for my tent and my peace of mind. As I fought to keep the flimsy abode from becoming an airborne missile, a rustling in the bushes alerted me to the presence of our neighbor - nature's very own wild child, Mr. Kangaroo.
As I watched with bated breath, my new acquaintance hopped around my campsite, seemingly intrigued by my presence. To my surprise, he did not seem to harbor any malice towards me or my possessions. Instead, he seemed quite entertained by the spectacle of a man trying to pitch a tent in a gale force wind. I chuckled at our shared predicament and felt a sense of camaraderie with this unlikely companion.
Suddenly, a shadowy figure emerged from the eucalyptus trees, his approach masked by the darkness that enveloped the campsite like a thick blanket. "Hello, friend," he intoned, as he stepped into the light cast by my lantern. I nearly choked on my own spit at the sight of my fellow camper, dressed in a bright pink tutu and fairy wings.
"I'm sorry to disturb you," he continued, his voice as melodic as a nightingale's serenade. "I saw your predicament with the wind and thought I could lend a hand. Or a wing, if you will." And so, we laughed as we worked together to secure my tent against the relentless wind.
As our new friendship blossomed under the twinkling stars, we exchanged tales of adventure, love, and loss. It was then that Mr. Kangaroo reappeared, seemingly drawn by the sounds of our laughter. He hopped around our campfire, his curiosity piqued by the sight of two humans sharing a moment of joy amidst nature's challenges.
As the night wore on, we were startled from our revelry by the blaring sirens of police cars and the shouted commands of stern-faced officers. It seemed that Mr. Kangaroo had decided to join us for an uninvited slumber party, much to the dismay of our neighboring campers. In a twist of fate worthy of a sitcom script, it was our fairy winged friend who saved the day by distracting the officers with his outlandish appearance while my new companion and I quickly packed up our belongings.
And so, dear reader, my time at Cavs Beach Camping Ground was filled not with danger and intrigue but with laughter, friendship, and an unforgettable encounter with a kangaroo in pink tutu and fairy wings. It was during that fateful evening when I learned that life is not about seeking solitude or companionship but rather finding joy in the most unexpected of places.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I believe the wind has calmed down enough for me to retire to my tent - provided Mr. Kangaroo doesn't decide to join me again. Until next time, may your adventures be as unpredictable and delightful as mine were.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-10 by Daleyza Chapman

Dear Emma Leonard,

I am writing to share my gratitude for your captivating review of Cave Beach Camping Ground. As someone who has also experienced the serenity and beauty of this place, I can attest that your words truly capture its essence. However, I must respectfully contradict your rating of 4 stars, as in my opinion, this camping ground deserves a perfect score of 5. While I understand why you might have deducted a star due to the incident with the intruder, I believe that the police's response and Jack's presence more than made up for it. In fact, that night turned out to be one of the most memorable experiences of my camping trip, thanks to the camaraderie we formed under the stars. Moreover, I would like to highlight some other aspects of Cave Beach Camping Ground that I believe merit a perfect score. The location itself is breathtaking - nestled between rugged cliffs and crystal-clear waters, it offers an unparalleled sense of serenity and natural beauty. The facilities are also top-notch, with clean toilets, hot showers, and ample space to pitch a tent or park a caravan. But what truly sets this camping ground apart is the sense of community that pervades it. From the friendly staff at the reception to the fellow campers we met around the bonfire, everyone here seems to share a deep appreciation for nature and the simple pleasures of life. It's an atmosphere that fosters genuine connections and a true sense of gratitude for all that surrounds us. In closing, I would like to thank you once again for sharing your experience at Cave Beach Camping Ground, as it has inspired me to do the same. And while I respectfully disagree with your rating, I do so with nothing but admiration and appreciation for the insights you have shared.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-04-26 by Lilly Giles

However, I must admit that my recent experience at Cave Beach Camping Ground has left me questioning Emma Leonard's glowing review. While it is true that there are moments of tranquility to be found in the great outdoors, my stay at this particular campground was far from idyllic. Firstly, the facilities left much to be desired. The toilets and showers were poorly maintained, with a distinct odor permeating the air. And let's not forget about the lack of hot water - an issue that persisted throughout my entire stay. It made taking even the most basic of hygiene routines an unpleasant experience. Secondly, the location itself left something to be desired. While Emma may have had a magical encounter with Jack, I found the area to be quite isolated and lacking in amenities. There were no nearby shops or restaurants, which made it difficult to stock up on supplies or grab a bite to eat. And let's not forget about the lack of cell reception - a major inconvenience in today's connected world. But perhaps the most concerning aspect of my stay was the apparent lack of security. Emma speaks of being allowed to remain within campground boundaries, but I can attest that this is not always the case. On more than one occasion, I heard strange noises coming from outside my tent at night. And while I am loathe to jump to conclusions, it left me feeling quite uneasy. All of these factors combined to make for a less-than-ideal camping experience. While Emma may have found solace in the company of strangers, I found myself longing for the comforts of home. And as the sun rose on my final day at Cave Beach Camping Ground, I couldn't help but wonder if Emma's experience was truly as enchanting as she made it out to be, or if there is more to this story than meets the eye. In short, while Emma may have had a magical encounter with Jack, my own experience at Cave Beach Camping Ground left me questioning her review. And until I am convinced otherwise, I will remain skeptical of this enigmatic vagabond and his supposed tales of adventure. Until then, I'll stick to the comforts of civilization - thank you very much.

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-05-17 by Finley Cochran

Dear Daleyza Chapman,

I am writing in response to your contradictory opinion regarding Cave Beach Camping Ground's rating of 4 stars. While I understand and appreciate the positive experiences you have had during your stay here, I must present a differing perspective based on my own personal encounter. As much as I agree with your points about the location, facilities, and community at this camping ground, I cannot ignore the fact that your experience with an intruder was not shared by myself or others whom I have spoken to. In fact, we have never heard any reports of such incidents before or since our visits here. However, it is precisely because of the isolated and secluded nature of this camping ground that such occurrences cannot be dismissed as mere coincidences. The cliffs and thick forests surrounding Cave Beach Camping Ground create an almost eerie atmosphere, one that lends itself to the imagination and heightens our senses to the unknown. It is with this in mind that I believe your rating of 5 stars may have been a bit too generous, given the inherent risks associated with such a place. While it is true that the police acted swiftly and Jack's presence provided some comfort, the fact remains that danger could still lurk around every corner. In light of this, I believe that Cave Beach Camping Ground deserves a rating of 4 stars at best. While it is undoubtedly an enchanting and unique location, it should not be taken lightly or dismissed as a mere weekend getaway. Instead, campers must approach their stay here with caution and respect for the wilderness that surrounds them. As someone who values safety above all else, I believe that this rating accurately reflects the balance between the beauty of Cave Beach Camping Ground and its potential dangers. It is a place that demands our admiration and respect but also requires us to tread carefully and with a healthy dose of skepticism. In closing, I must reiterate my gratitude for your own experiences here and acknowledge the many positive aspects that you have highlighted. However, as someone who has experienced the darkness that lurks beneath the surface, I believe it is crucial to approach this place with caution and humility. May our collective respect for nature serve as a testament to its enduring power and inspire us to continue protecting it for generations to come.

Coledale Camping Reserve

686 Lawrence Hargrave Dr, Coledale NSW 2515, Australia

GPS : -34.287324, 150.9484487

Users reviews of Coledale Camping Reserve Geelong

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-12-12 by Jayce Downs

As a resident of Coledale NSW 2515, Australia, I can wholeheartedly recommend the Coledale Camping Reserve to all campers. My wife and I stayed there some time ago, and during our stay, we had the chance to experience Campfire Ghost Stories which was an unforgettable adventure. The campgrounds are well-maintained, and the staff is friendly and helpful. Here're a few tips for others: be sure to bring warm clothes as it can get chilly in the evenings, and don't forget to participate in the ghost stories around the campfire - you won't regret it!

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2023-12-22 by Rowan Alvarez

As an avid camper who has visited numerous camping sites across Australia, I find Jayce Downs' review of Coledale Camping Reserve quite one-dimensional. While his experience at the campground was undoubtedly pleasant, there are certain aspects that were overlooked or not mentioned in his review. Firstly, while he praises the campground's maintenance, he fails to address the potential issues with noise and privacy. Being located close to residential areas, it is likely that the camping site experiences disturbances from nearby houses and traffic.
Additionally, while Downs highlights the Campfire Ghost Stories as a memorable experience, one cannot overlook the fact that not all visitors would be interested in participating in such activities. A well-rounded review should consider different preferences and tastes of potential visitors. Moreover, his emphasis on warm clothes and ghost stories might imply that the weather conditions are generally cool or chilly, which could be a deterrent for those seeking a warmer camping experience.
Furthermore, while Downs appreciates the friendliness and helpfulness of the staff, it is essential to note that customer service can vary greatly from one individual to another. A comprehensive review would consider possible variations in staff behavior and performance.
Lastly, the lack of information about nearby attractions or amenities in the area limits the scope of Downs' review. Potential campers might want to know if there are any nearby shopping centers, restaurants, or recreational facilities available for their convenience.
In conclusion, while Coledale Camping Reserve may have provided a pleasant experience for Jayce Downs and his wife, it is crucial to consider the broader range of factors that contribute to a successful camping trip. A more balanced review would take into account the various preferences, needs, and expectations of potential visitors, as well as provide a more comprehensive overview of the facilities and services available at the campground.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-03-04 by Nicole Gates

As someone who has never been camping before (and has no intention of doing so any time soon), I find Jayce Downs' review of Coledale Camping Reserve both intriguing and overwhelming. While I appreciate his enthusiasm for the great outdoors, there are a few things that make me question whether this particular campground is truly worth the hassle. Firstly, while Downs praises the campground's maintenance, I can't help but wonder if it's really necessary to wear warm clothes and huddle around a campfire just to hear spooky stories? Is the weather that cold? Are there no other activities available for those who prefer warmer temperatures or indoor entertainment? And what about privacy? Coledale Camping Reserve may be located in a picturesque spot, but being so close to residential areas and potentially disruptive sources of noise seems like a major downside. I'd much rather camp somewhere more secluded and peaceful. Secondly, while Downs highlights the Campfire Ghost Stories as a memorable experience, I'm not convinced that this is something that everyone would enjoy or appreciate. What about families with young children, for instance? Would they find this activity suitable and safe? And what if someone in the group is particularly sensitive to spooky stories or paranormal phenomena? It seems like a bit of a gamble, to say the least. Lastly, while Downs mentions the friendliness and helpfulness of the staff, I'd argue that this can be a double-edged sword. While it's undoubtedly comforting to know that there are people around who can provide assistance and advice when needed, there's also a risk that some campers might find certain staff members overly chatty or intrusive. After all, not everyone wants to spend their time socializing and making small talk with strangers. In terms of nearby amenities, Downs doesn't seem to provide much detail beyond the Campfire Ghost Stories. Are there any restaurants, shops, or other attractions in the area that campers might want to know about? What if someone forgets to pack something important or needs to make a last-minute purchase? It seems like a major oversight to neglect such basic information. In conclusion, while Coledale Camping Reserve may be an adequate choice for some campers, I would argue that there are many other options out there that offer more variety, privacy, and convenience. Until I'm convinced that this particular campground is truly worth the hassle, I think I'll stick to my cozy bed and hot shower at home.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-17 by Kingston

Dear Jayce Downs,

Thank you for sharing your positive experience at Coledale Camping Reserve. As a fellow camper, I am grateful for your recommendation and appreciate the detailed information you provided. Your review has convinced me to add this campground to my future travel plans. However, as someone who enjoys challenging conventional wisdom, I would like to present a slightly different perspective on Coledale Camping Reserve. While I acknowledge the excellent maintenance of the grounds and the friendly staff, I must question the need for warm clothing in the evenings. My personal experience camping in similar locations has led me to believe that the temperature drops are often exaggerated by locals, particularly in coastal regions where ocean breezes can create a cooling effect. Furthermore, while I appreciate your enthusiasm for Campfire Ghost Stories, I must admit to being somewhat skeptical of the supernatural. As someone who prefers empirical evidence over hearsay and anecdotes, I would be more convinced by scientific studies or historical records that document ghostly encounters in the area. With that said, I am still eager to explore Coledale Camping Reserve for myself and form my own opinion. Perhaps a chance encounter with a friendly ghost will change my mind!

Thank you once again for your insightful review, Jayce. Your feedback has been invaluable to me, and I hope that others can benefit from the information you've shared. I look forward to hearing more about your experiences at Coledale Camping Reserve and any other campgrounds you've visited in the area.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-19 by Nova

I must disagree with Rowan Alvarez's criticisms of Jayce Downs' review of Coledale Camping Reserve. While it is true that the campground is located close to residential areas and may experience some noise and traffic disturbances, this should not detract from the overall charm and beauty of the area. After all, camping is an escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life, and the proximity to town should be seen as a convenience rather than a drawback. Furthermore, while ghost stories might not appeal to everyone, they are a unique and memorable experience that sets Coledale Camping Reserve apart from other campgrounds in the area. In fact, I would argue that the chilly weather and cozy atmosphere make it all the more enjoyable. After all, there is something special about huddling around a campfire on a crisp autumn evening. Moreover, while Downs may have neglected to mention nearby attractions or amenities, this does not mean they do not exist. In fact, Coledale is situated in an area rich with natural beauty and historic sites, from the stunning beaches of Stanwell Park to the breathtaking views from Bald Hill. And for those in need of more modern conveniences, there are several nearby towns with plenty of shops, restaurants, and other amenities. In short, while Rowan Alvarez's criticisms may have some merit, I believe that Coledale Camping Reserve remains a hidden gem worth exploring. With its stunning location, friendly staff, and unique attractions, it is a place that will leave a lasting impression on any camper who visits. And as someone who has spent countless nights under the stars, I can attest to the enduring appeal of camping in all its nostalgic glory. In closing, while Rowan Alvarez's criticisms may have some merit, it is crucial to remember that camping is not one-size-fits-all. Each camper has their own unique preferences and needs, and what might be a drawback for one person could be an asset for another. As such, Jayce Downs' review of Coledale Camping Reserve should be seen as a starting point rather than a definitive statement, inviting others to explore the campground and discover its many charms for themselves.

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