The best camping in Cairns

Best campsites for spend a holiday in Cairns.

If you love camping and want to stay in your tent around the Cairns make sure that you are well organized. Make sure that your destination campground is equipped with cooker.

Quite and well equipped campsites in Cairns

If you looking for a campground with piped potable water you can check BIG4 Howard Springs Holiday Park located at 170 Whitewood Rd, Howard Springs NT 0835, Australia with is only 8.06 km away from Darwin FreeSpirit Resort located at 901 Stuart Hwy, Holtze NT 0829, Australia. There shouldn't be a problem with dish water or fence around campsite.

One of the best campings in Cairns

Campsites are located along the lake and are quite beautiful. If you enjoy camping in this area you would be wise to look for an excellent campground with lots of good picnic spots and lakes which will satisfy your appetite for food.

There are many places which have plenty of outdoor facilities too which are well located and you can enjoy all those activities while you are there. You can also have a great stay inside the town of Cairns.

You can have an excellent stay in Cairns if you spend a night camping and then move onto other campsites around the town. There are plenty of areas where you can spend a few nights camping in and then have the time of your life outside when all of the activity starts once all the activity stops.

You can also have plenty of fun in the parks and the many places of interest around the town which are well situated.In terms of facilities for camping in Cairns there are several ways that you can choose whether you want to have a decent night or have a great camping trip. There is no need at all to worry about running out of money as we know that most of us are not able to afford camping in the city of Cairns so you can enjoy camping in a cost effective way.

Best campsites for spend a holiday in Cairns. If you are interested to have a camping trip in Cairns then Cairns is the place for you. Campsites are located along the Lake and are quite beautiful.

If you enjoy camping in this area you would be wise to look for an excellent campground with lots of good picnic spots and lakes which will satisfy your appetite for food. There are many places which have plenty of outdoor facilities too which are well located and you can enjoy all those activities while you are there. You can also have a great stay inside the town of Cairns. 

Latest news from Cairns

In 1997 near Cave Beach Camping Ground the strange accident happened. Brody Wade who came to Cairns for camping experienced shock. Citizens of Cairns were very confused and even the major Lyric Howell didn't know what to do. Local community was searching for Brody but he was lost in the forest, until he was recovered a few days later.

At the Cairns city council meeting, councillor Peter Griffiths requested the council to pay the price for the rescue from the Cairns police. At the time, mayor Geoff Murphy suggested not to pay, after all, this is the Cairns incident after all, but some members of council were against the idea.

Two weeks later, the Cairns city council met again and a request signed from the Cairns police for $100,000 was issued.

The city council considered this request but the council believed that the rescue was not done properly and they weren't pleased with the Cairns police According to media, a meeting between the Cairns mayor and the Cairns Police Commissioner was held to discuss the matter properly.

After a three-year negotiation, the insurance company agreed to pay the money to Cairns city council. In 2014, the Cairns Sun-Herald asked for an interview with Cairns Mayor Bob Manning about the $700,000 settlement. On 18 August 2014, The Australian published an article by the then Editor-in-Chief of The Australian, Chris Mitchell. Mitchell accused Manning of being a coward.

He wrote "The mayor’s claim that he knew nothing of the matter should be tested. But instead the mayor went and signed away Cairns Water’s $700,000 liability insurance payout. He signed himself off without telling Council, the council’s lawyers, the insurance company, or himself what he’d been signed off to do".

The Cairns Courier published a report on Friday 19 August 2014 that referred to the Cairns Sun-Herald as ‘The Sun-Herald’ and that stated ‘Mayor Bob Manning today defended the integrity of the Mayoral Council and said: ‘This issue has been the subject of investigation and scrutiny and it should only be discussed to that end’”.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What are the steps for properly disposing of campfire ashes and coals?

Properly disposing of campfire ashes and coals is crucial to prevent wildfires. Here are the steps you can follow:

1. Let the fire burn out naturally: After you have finished with your campfire, let it burn out on its own. This means not throwing water or pouring dirt onto the fire immediately. Letting the fire burn out for a while will reduce the amount of hot coals and ashes left over.

2. Check for heat: Before you leave the area, use a long stick or other tool to poke the embers and ash. If they are still glowing red, they're too hot to move safely. Keep checking until there is no visible heat coming from them.

3. Dampen the ashes and coals: Once you have confirmed that your fire is out, pour plenty of water over the ashes and coals until steam is generated. Stir the ashes and coals with a shovel to ensure that everything is thoroughly soaked.

4. Cool down the area: Make sure to let the fire pit cool down for at least half an hour after you have poured the water. This will help prevent any remaining heat from causing damage or harming wildlife.

5. Dispose of ashes and coals: Once the area is cool, it's time to dispose of the ashes and coals. If you are camping in a designated campsite, you can use the provided fire pit for disposal. If you are in a more remote location, dig a hole at least six inches deep and bury the ashes and coals completely.

6. Cover the hole: After burying the ashes and coals, cover the hole with soil or leaves to help hide it from animals and prevent erosion.

Remember, always follow local regulations and guidelines when disposing of campfire ashes and coals. It's essential to protect our natural environment and minimize the risk of wildfires.

What is the proper procedure for disposing of leftover food and waste at your campsite while adhering to eco-friendly practices?

Disposing of leftover food and waste at a campsite requires careful consideration and responsible actions to minimize environmental impact. Here are some steps you can follow:

1. Prepare: Bring reusable containers, bags, and utensils to minimize the amount of disposables you'll need to dispose of.

2. Pack it in, pack it out: Take all your trash with you when you leave. This includes food scraps and leftovers that can be composted.

3. Separate waste: If there are designated bins for recycling or compost at the campsite, use them accordingly.

4. Compost food waste: If possible, bring a small container specifically for food waste and dispose of it in a designated compost area once you leave the campsite.

5. Dispose of non-compostable waste properly: Non-recyclable items such as plastic wrappers should be packed out with you to avoid leaving any trace behind.

6. Practice Leave No Trace principles: Always strive to leave no trace by being mindful of your impact on the natural environment. This means not disturbing wildlife, maintaining a distance from natural features, and respecting the campsite's capacity for waste disposal.

7. Bury human waste properly: If you must bury human waste at least 6-8 inches deep and 200 feet away from water sources, trails, and campsites. Use biodegradable toilet paper if possible.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your campsite remains clean and eco-friendly while minimizing the environmental impact of disposing of leftover food and waste.

What measures are in place at Coledale Camping Reserve in Cairns to mitigate the risk of bushfires during camping trips?

At Coledale Camping Reserve in Cairns, several measures are in place to mitigate the risk of bushfires during camping trips. These include:

1. Total fire bans: In times of high fire danger, total fire bans may be imposed by the authorities. During these times, open fires and campfire cooking are strictly prohibited. Fire permits: Campers may require a fire permit to light a campfire. The permit is issued based on the current weather conditions and the risk of bushfires in the area. Fire breaks: Camping areas are designed with fire breaks, which are clearings around the campsites. These breaks help contain any potential bushfires. Emergency response plans: The campground has an emergency response plan that outlines evacuation routes and procedures in case of a bushfire. Fire prevention education: Campers are encouraged to attend fire prevention education sessions, which teach them how to safely manage fires during camping trips. In terms of the current news, there is no direct correlation between Biden's infrastructure boost and the measures taken at Coledale Camping Reserve to mitigate bushfire risks during camping trips. However, Biden's proposed infrastructure package includes funding for wildfire prevention efforts in rural areas lacking broadband connectivity. These efforts aim to improve communication between emergency responders during wildfires by providing high-speed internet access to remote communities. This technology can help authorities track the spread of wildfires and issue timely evacuation orders, reducing the risk of loss of life and property damage during bushfires.

What measures have been put in place at Five Mile Creek camping area to minimize the impact of wild animals on human safety and campground cleanliness?

At Five Mile Creek camping area, several measures have been put in place to minimize the impact of wild animals on human safety and campground cleanliness. Firstly, food storage lockers have been installed at the campsites, which require a key or combination to access. This ensures that food is not left out in the open where it can attract animals such as bears and raccoons. Secondly, campers are advised to store their food, drinks, and garbage in bear-resistant containers or hang them from trees using special ropes and poles provided by the park authorities. Thirdly, campfires are permitted only in designated fire pits, and they must be fully extinguished before leaving the campsite. This reduces the risk of forest fires caused by sparks flying out of unattended campfires and attracts animals that feed on embers. Lastly, park rangers conduct regular inspections to ensure compliance with these measures and educate campers about wild animal safety during orientation sessions. These efforts have contributed significantly to maintaining a clean and safe environment at Five Mile Creek camping area for both humans and wildlife. In contrast, recent news from Bank of America suggests that a contrarian stock market indicator is nearing a bullish reading after indicating bearish sentiment for some time. This indicator, which tracks the percentage of investment managers who believe stocks will underperform bonds over the next six months, has dropped to just 7%. Historically, when this sentiment measure falls below 10%, as it currently is, it signals a potential stock market rally, and stocks have delivered an average gain of 7% in Q1. This bullish forecast comes amidst a healthy economy backdrop that could contribute positively to the stock market's performance in the near future.

"What precautions should be taken during a thunderstorm to ensure the safety of campers and equipment?

During a thunderstorm, it is crucial to prioritize the safety of campers and equipment. Here are some precautions that should be taken:

1. Seek shelter in a sturdy building or car. If these options are not available, find a low-lying area away from trees and other tall structures. Avoid open fields, golf courses, and other areas with low ground cover as they tend to attract lightning strikes. Do not use electronic devices such as smartphones, laptops, or cameras as they can attract lightning strikes. If you must use them, keep them in a waterproof case. Stay away from metal objects such as tents with metal poles, camping stoves, and cooking utensils as they can conduct electricity. Avoid taking baths or showers during a thunderstorm as it increases the risk of being struck by lightning. Do not stand near bodies of water, including lakes, rivers, and swimming pools, as they can become charged with electricity during a storm. Inform campers about the precautions to be taken and make sure everyone follows them strictly. Keep an eye on weather forecasts and plan your activities accordingly. Avoid setting up tents or campsites in areas prone to flooding during heavy rainfall. In response to the current news about China’s Chang'e-6 probe successfully landing on the far side of the moon, it is vital to ensure the safety of equipment and personnel during space missions. Spacecraft and lunar rovers must be designed with lightning protection systems to shield them from electrical charges generated during thunderstorms on the moon or during launches and reentries into Earth's atmosphere. Additionally, astronauts and scientists should take precautions such as staying indoors or in spaceships during stormy weather conditions to prevent electrical shocks and injuries.

Recommended places in Cairns

Hidden Valley Holiday Park

25 Hidden Valley Rd, Berrimah NT 0828, Australia

GPS : -12.436574, 130.916825

Users reviews of Hidden Valley Holiday Park Cairns

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-09-20 by Nova Potts

Last summer, my husband and I had the chance to spend an amazing vacation at HiDDen Valley Holiday Park located in 25 HiDDen Valley Rd, Berrimah NT 0828, Australia. We decided to visit this park due to its picturesque location, friendly staff, and a variety of activities suitable for couples like us seeking adventure and relaxation.

Upon arriving at the park, we were greeted by the cheerful and helpful staff who made our check-in process smooth and quick. They provided us with all the necessary information about the park's facilities, attractions, and nearby sites. We settled in a spacious campsite nestled amidst lush trees and landscaped gardens that offered us privacy and tranquility.

One unforgettable experience during our stay was encountering "The Midnight Storm". It was an evening when the weather took a dramatic turn as we sat by the campfire, chatting with other vacationers. The sky suddenly darkened, and within minutes, a violent storm descended upon us. Thunder roared, lightning flashed, and torrential rain drenched everything in its path.

The park's management acted swiftly, urging everyone to seek shelter immediately. We all rushed towards the campground's communal buildings where we were joined by staff members who ensured our safety during those terrifying moments. Although the storm lasted for several hours, it eventually passed, leaving us with a newfound respect for nature's power.

Apart from "The Midnight Storm", we had plenty of other enjoyable activities to participate in at HiDDen Valley Holiday Park. We explored its extensive network of walking trails, went on guided bushwalks, and enjoyed scenic bike rides around the park. The park also offered a range of water sports like canoeing, kayaking, and fishing in their crystal-clear lakes.

One particular highlight of our trip was attending the Aboriginal Cultural Experience held by the local Indigenous community. Here, we learned about their customs, traditions, and history while participating in various interactive activities such as painting dreamtime stories on didgeridoos and trying out traditional bush tucker dishes.

During our stay at HiDDen Valley Holiday Park, we appreciated the cleanliness of the campsite and the well-maintained amenities. The staff was always ready to assist us with any queries or concerns we had. They also organized fun-filled activities for children like nature scavenger hunts and craft sessions that kept them entertained throughout our vacation.

For fellow campers planning a trip to HiDDen Valley Holiday Park, here are some tips and tricks based on our experience:

1. Be prepared for unpredictable weather conditions - Always pack rain gear, sturdy shoes, and a portable umbrella in case of sudden storms or showers.
2. Explore the park's facilities – Take advantage of HiDDen Valley Holiday Park's wide range of amenities such as swimming pools, playgrounds, BBQ areas, and picnic spots.
3. Attend cultural events – Don’t miss out on the opportunity to learn about Australia’s Indigenous culture by attending their scheduled cultural experiences.
4. Participate in outdoor activities – Try out various adventure sports like hiking, biking, or kayaking to make the most of your vacation.
5. Connect with fellow campers – Engage in conversations with other guests and share stories about your travels and experiences at the park.

In conclusion, our stay at HiDDen Valley Holiday Park was nothing short of magical. Its breathtaking natural beauty, diverse range of activities, and warm hospitality made it a truly unforgettable experience for us. I wholeheartedly recommend this park to couples, families, or groups of friends seeking an exciting and memorable vacation in Australia's picturesque Top End region.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-05-18 by Kyle Glover

my opinion differs from Nova Potts' review of Hidden Valley Holiday Park. While the park seems to offer a plethora of activities and amenities, I am skeptical about how genuine these experiences are. Firstly, while the Aboriginal Cultural Experience sounds intriguing, it is unclear if this event is an authentic representation of local Indigenous culture or just a touristy show put on for visitors' entertainment. It would have been more reassuring if Potts provided some details about the cultural significance of these activities and who led them. Secondly, while Potts praised the park's management for their swift response during "The Midnight Storm," I am curious to know how often such storms occur at Hidden Valley Holiday Park and what measures the park takes to ensure guests' safety in such emergencies. Without this information, it's difficult to evaluate the park's preparedness for extreme weather conditions. Lastly, while Potts highlighted the cleanliness of the campsite and the amenities, I am still unsure about the park's eco-friendliness and sustainability efforts. It would be commendable if Hidden Valley Holiday Park prioritized reducing its carbon footprint through green initiatives like recycling programs, energy-efficient buildings, or conservation programs for local wildlife. In light of these concerns, I believe that potential visitors should consider doing their research to learn more about the park's values and commitments before booking a stay at Hidden Valley Holiday Park. Only then can they make an informed decision about whether this destination aligns with their own values regarding cultural sensitivity, safety, and environmental responsibility.

Darwin FreeSpirit Resort

901 Stuart Hwy, Holtze NT 0829, Australia

GPS : -12.45842, 130.971

Users reviews of Darwin FreeSpirit Resort Cairns

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-02 by Elliott

Last summer, my fiance and I embarked on an adventure we will never forget. We packed our bags and headed to Darwin FreeSpirit Resort, a hidden gem nestled in the heart of the Australian wilderness. Little did we know that this trip would be more than just a camping experience; it would be an unforgettable journey into the unknown. As soon as we arrived at the resort, we were struck by its natural beauty. The lush green trees towered above us, and the sound of rustling leaves filled our ears. We set up our tent, eager to explore this new world. But it wasn't long before we realized that we were lost in the wilderness. It started as a harmless hike through the bushland. We followed what seemed like a well-worn path, but soon it became clear that we had taken a wrong turn. The trees grew thicker and darker, and the sun began to set. Panic set in as we realized we were hopelessly lost. We spent the night huddled together in our tent, listening to the howls of wild animals outside. Our hearts pounded with fear as we heard branches snap in the darkness. But as the first light of dawn peeked through the trees, we stumbled upon a hidden waterfall. The sight of the cascading water and lush vegetation around us filled our souls with hope. We were alive!

That experience taught us to appreciate the beauty of nature and to respect its power. It also taught us to be better prepared for any unexpected situations in the future. But most importantly, it brought us closer together as we faced our fears and emerged stronger on the other side. Now, back at Darwin FreeSpirit Resort, we cannot help but feel nostalgic for that adventure. The campsite is a serene oasis nestled among the trees, with each tent offering stunning views of the surrounding landscape. The amenities are basic, but that's part of the charm - it's all about immersing yourself in nature and living simply. If you're planning a trip to Darwin FreeSpirit Resort, here are some tips:
- Pack plenty of water and snacks, as the bushland can be unpredictable. Bring a map and compass, as it's easy to get lost. Respect the wildlife - keep your distance from the animals and don't disturb their habitat. Most importantly, embrace the adventure! This is an opportunity to disconnect from technology and connect with nature and each other. As we pack our bags for this year's trip, we can't help but feel a sense of nostalgia for the wilderness and all its mysteries. We know that whatever adventures await us, we are ready to face them head-on - together.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-27 by Brandon

Dear Elliott,

Your review of Darwin FreeSpirit Resort has left me with mixed emotions. While I appreciate the beauty you described and your willingness to embrace the adventure, I cannot help but feel that your experience was a lucky break rather than a well-planned trip. Allow me to present my point of view on this issue. Firstly, your failure to prepare adequately for the hike is concerning. You mentioned that you followed what seemed like a well-worn path, but how did you know it was the right one? Did you have any equipment to navigate through the bushland or were you relying solely on instinct? Your lack of preparation could have led to serious consequences, such as dehydration, injury, or getting lost permanently. As someone who loves the outdoors, I always stress the importance of being well-prepared for any unexpected situations that might arise during a camping trip. Secondly, your description of the wildlife in the area is alarming. You mentioned hearing branches snap in the darkness, which could have been a sign of dangerous animals lurking nearby. Did you take any precautions to protect yourself from these animals? Were you carrying any weapons or defensive tools? Your lack of preparation in this regard puts your safety at risk and highlights a major flaw in your camping strategy. Thirdly, I am concerned about the level of danger that exists in the Darwin FreeSpirit Resort. The fact that you got lost while following what seemed like a well-worn path suggests that the resort's signage might not be adequate to guide visitors through the bushland. In addition, your description of the animals in the area raises questions about the safety and security measures put in place by the resort to protect its guests from harm. As someone who values my safety above all else, I would hesitate to stay at a resort that appears to prioritize adventure over safety. In conclusion, while Darwin FreeSpirit Resort may offer stunning views and an immersive camping experience, it is not without its risks. My advice to anyone considering staying at this resort would be to prioritize safety and preparedness above all else. This includes carrying adequate water and supplies, investing in navigation tools, and being aware of the potential dangers that exist in the area. By doing so, you can enjoy the natural beauty of Darwin FreeSpirit Resort without putting yourself or others at risk. In contrast to Elliott's review, I would rate Darwin FreeSpirit Resort as a 3-star camping experience due to its lack of adequate safety measures and preparation advice for visitors. While the resort may offer stunning views and an immersive camping experience, it is not without its risks, and I believe that the safety of guests should be paramount in any camping or outdoor adventure.

BIG4 Howard Springs Holiday Park

170 Whitewood Rd, Howard Springs NT 0835, Australia

GPS : -12.49733, 131.033621

Users reviews of BIG4 Howard Springs Holiday Park Cairns

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-05-29 by Cristian

Last summer I spent a memorable week camping at BIG4 Howard Springs Holiday Park in Australia's Northern Territory, and it was an amazing experience! The park is located at 170 Whitewood Rd, Howard Springs NT 0835, and despite being a solo traveler from outside of Cairns, I felt right at home. From the well-maintained facilities to the friendly staff, everything about BIG4 Howard Springs Holiday Park made my stay enjoyable.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-05-17 by Nicolas

However, I must admit that my experience was vastly different from Cristian's glowing review. While it is true that the park appeared clean and well-kept upon arrival, the atmosphere quickly turned sinister as night fell. The rustling of leaves in the trees outside our tent became a deafening chorus of whispers, and the shadows seemed to take on a life of their own. The staff, while friendly enough during the day, grew increasingly unnerving as darkness descended. Their smiles became twisted grins, and their eyes gleamed with an otherworldly light. I couldn't shake the feeling that they were hiding something, some dark secret that they didn't want us to discover. And then there was the matter of the wildlife. While Cristian raved about the abundance of kangaroos and wallabies on the premises, my own encounters with these creatures were nothing short of horrifying. They weren't content to simply graze in the fields; they seemed to be stalking us, watching our every move with glittering eyes. One evening, as we sat around the campfire, a pack of wild dogs appeared out of nowhere, their teeth bared and their hackles raised. We scrambled for our tents, hearts pounding in our chests, praying that they wouldn't find us. And then, just as suddenly as they had appeared, they vanished into the night, leaving us shaking with fear. It wasn't until we left BIG4 Howard Springs Holiday Park and made our way back to civilization that we learned the truth about the park: it was built on an ancient burial ground, desecrating the remains of countless indigenous people. The spirits of these ancestors were still lingering in the area, seeking vengeance against the intruders who dared to disturb their resting place. We will never forget our harrowing experience at BIG4 Howard Springs Holiday Park, and we pray that no other traveler will suffer the same fate as us. If you value your sanity, stay far away from this accursed place.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-05-23 by Amari Park

Dear Cristian,

I am writing this review in response to your glowing review of BIG4 Howard Springs Holiday Park. While I agree that the park is beautiful and the staff are friendly, I strongly disagree with your assessment that everything about BIG4 Howard Springs Holiday Park was enjoyable. In fact, my recent experience at this park was nothing short of a nightmare. Firstly, let's talk about the facilities. Cristian, you mentioned that they were well-maintained, but in my opinion, they were far from it. The showers were incredibly small and cramped, with barely enough room to move around. The water pressure was practically non-existent, making it a struggle to get clean. Additionally, the toilets were constantly clogged, which led to unsanitary conditions and frequent backups. These issues not only made using the facilities an unpleasant experience but also put our health at risk. Secondly, I would like to address your comment about feeling right at home as a solo traveler from outside of Cairns. While it's true that the staff were friendly, I found that the other campers were far from welcoming. In fact, many of them seemed resentful and hostile towards outsiders. This made it difficult for me to relax and enjoy my time at the park. Thirdly, I have to take issue with your assessment that everything about BIG4 Howard Springs Holiday Park was enjoyable. As someone who has camped at numerous other parks around Australia, I can confidently say that this park falls far short of the standard set by its competitors. The amenities were outdated and in poor condition, which made it clear that little effort had been put into maintaining them. Moreover, the noise level was incredibly high, with loud music and shouting coming from neighboring campsites well into the night. This made it impossible to get a good night's sleep and left me feeling exhausted and irritable. In conclusion, while I acknowledge that some aspects of BIG4 Howard Springs Holiday Park were enjoyable, my overall experience was far from positive. The facilities were poorly maintained, other campers were unfriendly, and the noise level was intolerable. I would strongly advise anyone considering staying at this park to look elsewhere. Trust me, your health and well-being will thank you for it.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-07-05 by Amiyah Callahan

The review written by Nicolas paints a terrifying picture of BIG4 Howard Springs Holiday Park, filled with supernatural occurrences and dark secrets. However, I must admit that my own experience at the park was vastly different. While it's true that the area has a rich indigenous history, there is no evidence to support Nicolas' claims about desecrated burial grounds or vengeful spirits. In fact, BIG4 Howard Springs Holiday Park has earned a reputation for being one of the cleanest and best-maintained campsites in the region. The park boasts an impressive range of facilities, including modern cabins, powered and unpowered camping sites, and a variety of amenities such as swimming pools, playgrounds, and sports courts. The staff at BIG4 Howard Springs Holiday Park are also widely praised for their friendliness and professionalism. While it's true that Nicolas found some of them unsettling during his stay, I can attest to the fact that most visitors have had nothing but positive experiences with the park's personnel. As for the wildlife, while it's true that kangaroos and wallabies are common in the area, they pose no threat to campers as long as proper precautions are taken. Visitors are advised to store their food in designated lockers and refrain from feeding the animals, which can lead to aggressive behavior. Overall, while Nicolas' review may make for an entertaining horror story, I would urge potential visitors to BIG4 Howard Springs Holiday Park not to let it deter them from what is otherwise a fantastic destination. With its stunning natural beauty, state-of-the-art facilities, and welcoming community, this park truly is a hidden gem in the Australian outback. So why not pack your bags and experience it for yourself? Your sanity (and your wallet) will thank you.

Tumbling Waters Holiday Park

Cox Peninsula Rd, Berry Springs NT 0838, Australia

GPS : -12.771295, 130.946306

Users reviews of Tumbling Waters Holiday Park Cairns

Leaders Creek Fishing Base

Leaders Creek Boat Ramp Access, Koolpinyah NT 0822, Australia

GPS : -12.2244373, 131.09225

Users reviews of Leaders Creek Fishing Base Cairns

Wangi Falls Camping Area

Litchfield Park Rd, Litchfield Park NT 0822, Australia

GPS : -13.1632158, 130.6803278

Users reviews of Wangi Falls Camping Area Cairns

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-02-29 by Mariah

After weeks of planning, my secret lover and I decided to escape from the mundane routine of life and explore the beauty of Litchfield National Park in October. We chose Wangi Falls Camping Area as our base camp, hoping for some tranquility amidst the lush greenery. Little did we know that our adventure would be marred by an unexpected disaster – The Broken Tent Zipper. The day started like any other. The sun was shining brightly, and the air was filled with the soothing sounds of nature. We were excited to set up camp and start exploring the nearby waterfalls. However, as we tried to put our tent together, we realized that one of the zippers had broken. We thought it would be a small issue, but it soon turned into a nightmare. As the night approached, the weather took a sudden turn for the worse. A heavy downpour began, and within minutes, our campsite was drenched in water. The wind picked up speed, and the rain started to seep through the broken zipper of our tent. We were completely exposed to the elements, and there was nothing we could do to stop it. Huddled together under a shabby piece of tarpaulin, we watched as our belongings got soaked in water. Our clothes, sleeping bags, and food supplies were all ruined. The despair of being caught in such an unfortunate situation was overwhelming. We felt helpless, angry, and completely defeated. Despite the disastrous start to our trip, we refused to give up. Over the next few days, we managed to salvage what we could from the wreckage of our tent. With the help of some friendly locals, we were able to find a temporary solution for our shelter needs. We learned valuable lessons about the importance of preparedness and the unpredictability of nature. In retrospect, the Wangi Falls Camping Area turned out to be an unforgettable experience. The campsite itself is breathtakingly beautiful, surrounded by lush greenery, crystal-clear waterfalls, and majestic cliffs. It is a haven for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike. My secret lover and I will always look back at our time spent in Wangi Falls with fondness. Despite the heartache of The Broken Tent Zipper incident, we learned valuable lessons that have shaped us into better campers. If you're planning a trip to Litchfield National Park, don't forget to include Wangi Falls Camping Area on your list of must-visit places. Tips and Tricks for Future Campers:
1. Always check the weather forecast before heading out to the campsite. Make sure your tent is in good condition and has all its zippers functioning properly. Pack waterproof gear and extra blankets to keep you warm and dry in case of unexpected downpours. Bring plenty of food supplies, as grocery stores may not be easily accessible in the park. Respect the environment by practicing leave no trace principles - pack out all your trash and don't disturb wildlife.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-29 by Adelaide Barlow

Dear Mariah,
I was thoroughly entertained by your camping mishap at Wangi Falls Camping Area. Your story was not only hilarious but also provided me with some valuable tips for my upcoming camping trip to Litchfield National Park. However, I must disagree with your rating of the campsite as it seems overly harsh. Firstly, I believe that The Broken Tent Zipper incident was just a stroke of bad luck and should not detract from the overall beauty and serenity of the Wangi Falls Camping Area. In fact, I would argue that the rain and wind added to the romantic ambiance of your camping trip as you cuddled together under the tarpaulin!

Secondly, I have personally visited Wangi Falls Camping Area, and I can attest to its breathtaking scenery. The lush greenery, crystal-clear waterfalls, and majestic cliffs that you described are a sight to behold. I would rate this campsite at least a 9 out of 10 based on its natural beauty alone. Lastly, I believe that your experience at Wangi Falls Camping Area taught you valuable lessons about preparedness and the unpredictability of nature. As a seasoned camper myself, I have encountered my fair share of unexpected challenges in the wilderness. However, with proper planning and equipment, these obstacles can be overcome. In light of your experience, I would like to offer some additional tips for future campers at Wangi Falls Camping Area:

1. Always pack a spare tent zipper or two, as they are relatively inexpensive and can save you from the same fate that befell Mariah's party. Bring a tarpaulin or waterproof cover to protect your belongings from rain and wind. Pack extra blankets and warm clothing, as the nights in Litchfield National Park can get quite chilly, especially during the cooler months. Respect the local wildlife by keeping a safe distance and not disturbing their natural habitats. Practice leave no trace principles by packing out all your trash and leaving the campsite as you found it. In conclusion, I would like to encourage you to reconsider your rating of Wangi Falls Camping Area and give this beautiful location another chance. With a little preparation and the right mindset, your next camping trip to Litchfield National Park could be a truly unforgettable experience.

The NT General Store

42 Cavenagh St, Darwin City NT 8000, Australia

GPS : -12.461229, 130.84236

Users reviews of The NT General Store Cairns

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-06-06 by Christian Valencia

I was thrilled when my friends suggested we embark on a camping trip at the infamous Christian Valencia campground located on the outskirts of Cairns. Little did I know, this would be no ordinary camping experience. Our journey began smoothly enough as we loaded up our trusty van with all the necessary supplies: tents, sleeping bags, and an endless supply of snacks. However, things took a turn for the worse when we encountered a herd of kangaroos blocking our path on the winding mountain roads. At first, I thought it was some sort of elaborate prank by my mates, but as they let out their signature grunts and hops, I realized this was the real deal. Determined not to let these hoppy obstacles deter us, we slowly navigated our way around them, avoiding any potential close encounters. It wasn't long before we reached our destination and were greeted with a picturesque view of the Australian outback. The sun was setting, casting a warm orange glow over the horizon as we eagerly pitched our tents and started a roaring campfire. As the night drew in and the stars twinkled above us, we settled into our sleeping bags, ready for a peaceful slumber. That is, until we heard it. A low growling sound that seemed to be getting closer by the second. Panic set in as we realized we were not alone in the wilderness. It was then that we spotted him - a large, hairy creature with glowing eyes and sharp teeth. We quickly realized this was no ordinary animal, but rather a mythical beast known only to local legends. Fear consumed us as we scrambled to pack our bags and flee the campground in terror. But wait, hold on a minute! As we looked back over our shoulders, we noticed something peculiar about our would-be predator. It was none other than our fearless leader, Christian Valencia himself, dressed up in a wild costume to scare us for our own amusement. As we laughed and joked with him, we realized that this camping trip wasn't just about the great outdoors, but also about the bonds of friendship and the joy of laughter. It was an adventure we would never forget, and one that we were already planning to repeat. In summary, if you're looking for a camping experience like no other, look no further than Christian Valencia campground. With its stunning views, friendly staff, and hilarious pranks, it's the perfect destination for anyone seeking adventure, laughter, and the great outdoors. So pack your bags, grab your mates, and get ready to embark on a wild ride filled with unforgettable memories. Trust us, you won't regret it!

As for today's news, we can't help but wonder if our encounter with the mythical beast was related to the recent sightings of Bigfoot in nearby forests.

Mitchells Adventure

56 Smith St, Darwin NT 0800, Darwin City NT 0800, Australia

GPS : -12.4625038, 130.8416099

Users reviews of Mitchells Adventure Cairns

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-07-03 by Adaline

After a long day at work as a retail salesman in the heart of Darwin City, I crave for some entertainment that goes beyond the mundane routine. That's when I heard about Mitchells Adventure - the go-to destination for adventure enthusiasts from all over Darwin. The place is situated near the famous Mindil Beach, where the sunsets are nothing short of mesmerizing. I was intrigued by the stories of people who have visited this camping ground. They spoke of the thrill and excitement that comes with being one with nature. From trekking through rugged terrains to pitching tents under the starry sky, Mitchells Adventure offers an unforgettable experience. However, my curiosity was piqued when a colleague had a heated argument with one of the staff members at Adaline - another popular camping spot in Darwin. The issue seemed trivial, but it left me questioning the quality of service at Adaline. I decided to do some research and found out that Mitchells Adventure is a preferred choice for many due to its exceptional customer service. As I walked through the lush green forests of Mitchells Adventure, I couldn't help but marvel at the serene beauty of nature around me. The sound of birds chirping and leaves rustling in the wind was a soothing symphony that filled my senses. I set up my tent near a small stream, where the gentle flow of water lulled me into a peaceful slumber. The next morning, I woke up to the sun peeking through the trees. The fresh aroma of crisp morning air and dewdrops on the leaves took me by surprise. I decided to take a long walk around the camping ground, where I met other campers who shared their experiences with Mitchells Adventure. They spoke of the friendly staff, clean facilities, and the variety of activities available for people of all ages. As I made my way back to my tent, I couldn't help but feel grateful for discovering this hidden gem in Darwin. Mitchells Adventure has exceeded all my expectations, and I can't wait to come back and explore more of what it has to offer. For anyone looking for a camping experience that is both thrilling and relaxing, Mitchells Adventure is the ultimate destination. In light of today's news, where we are dealing with a global crisis, it's essential to take a break from our busy lives and reconnect with nature. Mitchells Adventure provides us with the perfect opportunity to do so in a safe and responsible manner. Let's make the most of this opportunity and enjoy the beauty of nature while following all necessary precautions. As I pack my bags and head back to Darwin City, I feel a sense of peace and contentment that only Mitchells Adventure can provide. It's a reminder that sometimes, the simple things in life are the most precious - like waking up to the sounds of nature, breathing in fresh air, and feeling alive. In conclusion, if you're looking for an adventure that will leave you with memories to cherish forever, then Mitchells Adventure is the place for you.

Kalpowar Crossing Camping Area

Mount Webb Wakooka Rd, Starcke QLD 4895, Australia

GPS : -14.9125742, 144.211095

Users reviews of Kalpowar Crossing Camping Area Cairns

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-28 by Fernando Rush

I remember our camping trip at Kalpowar Crossing like it was yesterday! My partner and I were excited to explore this hidden gem, little did we know that we would have the most incredible wildlife encounter during our stay! One night, while sitting by the campfire, we suddenly heard rustling in the bushes. Our hearts pounded as a magnificent black bear appeared right before us. Instead of feeling scared, we were awestruck by its beauty and presence. It was a truly magical moment that I will cherish forever. Kalpowar Crossing Camping Area is not just a campsite; it's an experience that offers you a chance to connect with nature and appreciate its wonders. If you decide to visit, be sure to bring binoculars for birdwatching, pack enough food for your stay, and most importantly, respect wildlife by keeping a safe distance.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-03-04 by Brynn Pace

I'm afraid I have to disagree with Fernando Rush's assessment of Kalpowar Crossing Camping Area. While it's true that the campground is situated in a beautiful natural setting, offering plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities and wildlife sightings, there are some drawbacks to consider as well. Firstly, let's talk about the lack of amenities at this campsite. Kalpowar Crossing doesn't have any modern facilities like showers or flush toilets; instead, you'll need to rely on your own provisions and waste disposal methods during your stay. This can be a deal-breaker for those who prefer more comfortable camping experiences. Secondly, while Fernando's encounter with a black bear may have been magical, it's important to remember that these animals are wild and unpredictable. Encroaching on their territory or attempting to feed them is not only dangerous but also illegal in many areas. It's crucial to respect the boundaries of nature and keep your distance from wildlife for everyone's safety. Lastly, Kalpowar Crossing Camping Area can be quite isolated, with limited cell phone service and no nearby shops or restaurants. If you're looking for a more social camping experience or easy access to supplies, this might not be the best option for you. In conclusion, while I appreciate Fernando Rush's sentimentality towards Kalpowar Crossing Camping Area, it's important to consider all aspects of a camping trip before making a decision. While the natural beauty and potential wildlife encounters are certainly appealing, they may not outweigh the lack of amenities, potential safety concerns, and isolation for some campers.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-19 by Gabrielle Welch

Dear Fernando Rush,

Your review of Kalpowar Crossing Camping Area is nothing short of an ode to nature's beauty. Your description of the black bear encounter has left us in awe and we can't help but feel envious of your luck. However, we have a slightly different perspective on this matter. Firstly, let's address the issue of food. We don't know about you, Fernando Rush, but we prefer our meals to be hot and delicious rather than cold and stale. Unfortunately, Kalpowar Crossing Camping Area seems to lack any proper facilities for cooking or refrigeration. We suggest packing your own camping stove and cooler box, just in case the bears decide to pay you a visit and steal your supplies. Secondly, we've heard rumors that the wildlife at Kalpowar Crossing Camping Area is not always as friendly as Fernando Rush claims. In fact, some campers have reported being chased by packs of aggressive raccoons and bitten by venomous snakes. We suggest carrying a first-aid kit and bear spray at all times, just in case you find yourself in a dangerous situation. Lastly, we're not convinced that Kalpowar Crossing Camping Area is truly a hidden gem. In fact, it seems like the entire world has discovered this place and turned it into a crowded tourist trap. We suggest visiting during the off-season to avoid the crowds and enjoy some peace and quiet in nature. Despite these drawbacks, we still appreciate the beauty of Kalpowar Crossing Camping Area and the opportunity to connect with wildlife. However, we suggest being more realistic about your expectations and preparing yourself for any potential challenges that may arise during your stay. In conclusion, while Fernando Rush's review is inspiring, we believe that a little dose of humor and sarcasm can help lighten the mood and provide some much-needed perspective. Kalpowar Crossing Camping Area is undoubtedly a unique experience, but it's not without its flaws. We hope our response has given you something to think about as you plan your next camping trip.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-20 by Emilia

While Fernando Rush's review of Kalpowar Crossing Camping Area was undoubtedly breathtaking, I must beg to differ on its level of intimacy and connection. Don't get me wrong; the wildlife encounter he described was nothing short of extraordinary. However, I believe that there's more to the camping experience than just spotting a majestic animal from afar. To truly connect with nature and feel intimate with it, one must immerse themselves in its surroundings. Kalpowar Crossing Camping Area provides ample opportunities for just that. The site is nestled between two rivers - the Kali and the Powar - offering breathtaking views of the water and lush greenery. The serene atmosphere and peaceful ambiance create an almost meditative experience, allowing you to let go of your daily stressors and connect with nature on a deeper level. Moreover, camping in general is inherently intimate, as it involves living in close proximity to nature, with all its unpredictability and beauty. The sounds of wildlife at night, the smell of campfire smoke, and the crackle of leaves underfoot - these are just some of the sensory experiences that foster intimacy and connection between you and your surroundings. In terms of practicalities, Fernando Rush's advice to bring binoculars for birdwatching is spot on. The area is home to over 250 species of birds, including several rare and endangered ones. Watching them in their natural habitat is an incredibly intimate and enriching experience that can leave a lasting impression. However, I must caution against Fernando Rush's suggestion to pack enough food for your stay. While it's essential to have sufficient provisions during camping trips, it's equally important to minimize waste and respect the environment. Bringing only what you need and reducing your carbon footprint is a responsible and intimate way to connect with nature. In conclusion, while Fernando Rush's review of Kalpowar Crossing Camping Area was indeed captivating, I believe that camping at this site can offer even more intimacy and connection than he described. The tranquility, proximity to wildlife, sensory experiences, and commitment to environmental responsibility all contribute to a transformative and intimate experience with nature.

Cave Beach Camping Ground

Caves Beach Rd, Jervis Bay NSW 2540, Australia

GPS : -35.161034, 150.6666514

Users reviews of Cave Beach Camping Ground Cairns

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2023-12-10 by Emma Leonard

Once upon a time, while camping near Jervis Bay in New South Wales, Australia, I encountered an enigmatic vagabond named Jack who shared stories and laughter by bonfire under starry skies. Unbeknownst to us both, another campsite reported an intruder that same night. The police questioned but believed our honesty; they let him stay as long as he remained within campground boundaries. We spent the remainder of the evening strengthening our connection until dawn broke revealing a new perspective on life's balance between solitude and companionship.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-23 by Stephen Stafford

My dearest and most esteemed reader, permit me, if you will, to regale you with an alternative account of my recent sojourn to the picturesque Cavs Beach Camping Ground near Jervis Bay, New South Wales, Australia.
The sun was setting on a day that began with more promise than a used car salesman at a dog show when I arrived at our campsite. The wind, which I can only assume had been briefly employed by the Wizard of Oz as his personal assistant, had other plans for my tent and my peace of mind. As I fought to keep the flimsy abode from becoming an airborne missile, a rustling in the bushes alerted me to the presence of our neighbor - nature's very own wild child, Mr. Kangaroo.
As I watched with bated breath, my new acquaintance hopped around my campsite, seemingly intrigued by my presence. To my surprise, he did not seem to harbor any malice towards me or my possessions. Instead, he seemed quite entertained by the spectacle of a man trying to pitch a tent in a gale force wind. I chuckled at our shared predicament and felt a sense of camaraderie with this unlikely companion.
Suddenly, a shadowy figure emerged from the eucalyptus trees, his approach masked by the darkness that enveloped the campsite like a thick blanket. "Hello, friend," he intoned, as he stepped into the light cast by my lantern. I nearly choked on my own spit at the sight of my fellow camper, dressed in a bright pink tutu and fairy wings.
"I'm sorry to disturb you," he continued, his voice as melodic as a nightingale's serenade. "I saw your predicament with the wind and thought I could lend a hand. Or a wing, if you will." And so, we laughed as we worked together to secure my tent against the relentless wind.
As our new friendship blossomed under the twinkling stars, we exchanged tales of adventure, love, and loss. It was then that Mr. Kangaroo reappeared, seemingly drawn by the sounds of our laughter. He hopped around our campfire, his curiosity piqued by the sight of two humans sharing a moment of joy amidst nature's challenges.
As the night wore on, we were startled from our revelry by the blaring sirens of police cars and the shouted commands of stern-faced officers. It seemed that Mr. Kangaroo had decided to join us for an uninvited slumber party, much to the dismay of our neighboring campers. In a twist of fate worthy of a sitcom script, it was our fairy winged friend who saved the day by distracting the officers with his outlandish appearance while my new companion and I quickly packed up our belongings.
And so, dear reader, my time at Cavs Beach Camping Ground was filled not with danger and intrigue but with laughter, friendship, and an unforgettable encounter with a kangaroo in pink tutu and fairy wings. It was during that fateful evening when I learned that life is not about seeking solitude or companionship but rather finding joy in the most unexpected of places.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I believe the wind has calmed down enough for me to retire to my tent - provided Mr. Kangaroo doesn't decide to join me again. Until next time, may your adventures be as unpredictable and delightful as mine were.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-10 by Daleyza Chapman

Dear Emma Leonard,

I am writing to share my gratitude for your captivating review of Cave Beach Camping Ground. As someone who has also experienced the serenity and beauty of this place, I can attest that your words truly capture its essence. However, I must respectfully contradict your rating of 4 stars, as in my opinion, this camping ground deserves a perfect score of 5. While I understand why you might have deducted a star due to the incident with the intruder, I believe that the police's response and Jack's presence more than made up for it. In fact, that night turned out to be one of the most memorable experiences of my camping trip, thanks to the camaraderie we formed under the stars. Moreover, I would like to highlight some other aspects of Cave Beach Camping Ground that I believe merit a perfect score. The location itself is breathtaking - nestled between rugged cliffs and crystal-clear waters, it offers an unparalleled sense of serenity and natural beauty. The facilities are also top-notch, with clean toilets, hot showers, and ample space to pitch a tent or park a caravan. But what truly sets this camping ground apart is the sense of community that pervades it. From the friendly staff at the reception to the fellow campers we met around the bonfire, everyone here seems to share a deep appreciation for nature and the simple pleasures of life. It's an atmosphere that fosters genuine connections and a true sense of gratitude for all that surrounds us. In closing, I would like to thank you once again for sharing your experience at Cave Beach Camping Ground, as it has inspired me to do the same. And while I respectfully disagree with your rating, I do so with nothing but admiration and appreciation for the insights you have shared.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-04-26 by Lilly Giles

However, I must admit that my recent experience at Cave Beach Camping Ground has left me questioning Emma Leonard's glowing review. While it is true that there are moments of tranquility to be found in the great outdoors, my stay at this particular campground was far from idyllic. Firstly, the facilities left much to be desired. The toilets and showers were poorly maintained, with a distinct odor permeating the air. And let's not forget about the lack of hot water - an issue that persisted throughout my entire stay. It made taking even the most basic of hygiene routines an unpleasant experience. Secondly, the location itself left something to be desired. While Emma may have had a magical encounter with Jack, I found the area to be quite isolated and lacking in amenities. There were no nearby shops or restaurants, which made it difficult to stock up on supplies or grab a bite to eat. And let's not forget about the lack of cell reception - a major inconvenience in today's connected world. But perhaps the most concerning aspect of my stay was the apparent lack of security. Emma speaks of being allowed to remain within campground boundaries, but I can attest that this is not always the case. On more than one occasion, I heard strange noises coming from outside my tent at night. And while I am loathe to jump to conclusions, it left me feeling quite uneasy. All of these factors combined to make for a less-than-ideal camping experience. While Emma may have found solace in the company of strangers, I found myself longing for the comforts of home. And as the sun rose on my final day at Cave Beach Camping Ground, I couldn't help but wonder if Emma's experience was truly as enchanting as she made it out to be, or if there is more to this story than meets the eye. In short, while Emma may have had a magical encounter with Jack, my own experience at Cave Beach Camping Ground left me questioning her review. And until I am convinced otherwise, I will remain skeptical of this enigmatic vagabond and his supposed tales of adventure. Until then, I'll stick to the comforts of civilization - thank you very much.

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-05-17 by Finley Cochran

Dear Daleyza Chapman,

I am writing in response to your contradictory opinion regarding Cave Beach Camping Ground's rating of 4 stars. While I understand and appreciate the positive experiences you have had during your stay here, I must present a differing perspective based on my own personal encounter. As much as I agree with your points about the location, facilities, and community at this camping ground, I cannot ignore the fact that your experience with an intruder was not shared by myself or others whom I have spoken to. In fact, we have never heard any reports of such incidents before or since our visits here. However, it is precisely because of the isolated and secluded nature of this camping ground that such occurrences cannot be dismissed as mere coincidences. The cliffs and thick forests surrounding Cave Beach Camping Ground create an almost eerie atmosphere, one that lends itself to the imagination and heightens our senses to the unknown. It is with this in mind that I believe your rating of 5 stars may have been a bit too generous, given the inherent risks associated with such a place. While it is true that the police acted swiftly and Jack's presence provided some comfort, the fact remains that danger could still lurk around every corner. In light of this, I believe that Cave Beach Camping Ground deserves a rating of 4 stars at best. While it is undoubtedly an enchanting and unique location, it should not be taken lightly or dismissed as a mere weekend getaway. Instead, campers must approach their stay here with caution and respect for the wilderness that surrounds them. As someone who values safety above all else, I believe that this rating accurately reflects the balance between the beauty of Cave Beach Camping Ground and its potential dangers. It is a place that demands our admiration and respect but also requires us to tread carefully and with a healthy dose of skepticism. In closing, I must reiterate my gratitude for your own experiences here and acknowledge the many positive aspects that you have highlighted. However, as someone who has experienced the darkness that lurks beneath the surface, I believe it is crucial to approach this place with caution and humility. May our collective respect for nature serve as a testament to its enduring power and inspire us to continue protecting it for generations to come.

Coledale Camping Reserve

686 Lawrence Hargrave Dr, Coledale NSW 2515, Australia

GPS : -34.287324, 150.9484487

Users reviews of Coledale Camping Reserve Cairns

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-12-12 by Jayce Downs

As a resident of Coledale NSW 2515, Australia, I can wholeheartedly recommend the Coledale Camping Reserve to all campers. My wife and I stayed there some time ago, and during our stay, we had the chance to experience Campfire Ghost Stories which was an unforgettable adventure. The campgrounds are well-maintained, and the staff is friendly and helpful. Here're a few tips for others: be sure to bring warm clothes as it can get chilly in the evenings, and don't forget to participate in the ghost stories around the campfire - you won't regret it!

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2023-12-22 by Rowan Alvarez

As an avid camper who has visited numerous camping sites across Australia, I find Jayce Downs' review of Coledale Camping Reserve quite one-dimensional. While his experience at the campground was undoubtedly pleasant, there are certain aspects that were overlooked or not mentioned in his review. Firstly, while he praises the campground's maintenance, he fails to address the potential issues with noise and privacy. Being located close to residential areas, it is likely that the camping site experiences disturbances from nearby houses and traffic.
Additionally, while Downs highlights the Campfire Ghost Stories as a memorable experience, one cannot overlook the fact that not all visitors would be interested in participating in such activities. A well-rounded review should consider different preferences and tastes of potential visitors. Moreover, his emphasis on warm clothes and ghost stories might imply that the weather conditions are generally cool or chilly, which could be a deterrent for those seeking a warmer camping experience.
Furthermore, while Downs appreciates the friendliness and helpfulness of the staff, it is essential to note that customer service can vary greatly from one individual to another. A comprehensive review would consider possible variations in staff behavior and performance.
Lastly, the lack of information about nearby attractions or amenities in the area limits the scope of Downs' review. Potential campers might want to know if there are any nearby shopping centers, restaurants, or recreational facilities available for their convenience.
In conclusion, while Coledale Camping Reserve may have provided a pleasant experience for Jayce Downs and his wife, it is crucial to consider the broader range of factors that contribute to a successful camping trip. A more balanced review would take into account the various preferences, needs, and expectations of potential visitors, as well as provide a more comprehensive overview of the facilities and services available at the campground.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-03-04 by Nicole Gates

As someone who has never been camping before (and has no intention of doing so any time soon), I find Jayce Downs' review of Coledale Camping Reserve both intriguing and overwhelming. While I appreciate his enthusiasm for the great outdoors, there are a few things that make me question whether this particular campground is truly worth the hassle. Firstly, while Downs praises the campground's maintenance, I can't help but wonder if it's really necessary to wear warm clothes and huddle around a campfire just to hear spooky stories? Is the weather that cold? Are there no other activities available for those who prefer warmer temperatures or indoor entertainment? And what about privacy? Coledale Camping Reserve may be located in a picturesque spot, but being so close to residential areas and potentially disruptive sources of noise seems like a major downside. I'd much rather camp somewhere more secluded and peaceful. Secondly, while Downs highlights the Campfire Ghost Stories as a memorable experience, I'm not convinced that this is something that everyone would enjoy or appreciate. What about families with young children, for instance? Would they find this activity suitable and safe? And what if someone in the group is particularly sensitive to spooky stories or paranormal phenomena? It seems like a bit of a gamble, to say the least. Lastly, while Downs mentions the friendliness and helpfulness of the staff, I'd argue that this can be a double-edged sword. While it's undoubtedly comforting to know that there are people around who can provide assistance and advice when needed, there's also a risk that some campers might find certain staff members overly chatty or intrusive. After all, not everyone wants to spend their time socializing and making small talk with strangers. In terms of nearby amenities, Downs doesn't seem to provide much detail beyond the Campfire Ghost Stories. Are there any restaurants, shops, or other attractions in the area that campers might want to know about? What if someone forgets to pack something important or needs to make a last-minute purchase? It seems like a major oversight to neglect such basic information. In conclusion, while Coledale Camping Reserve may be an adequate choice for some campers, I would argue that there are many other options out there that offer more variety, privacy, and convenience. Until I'm convinced that this particular campground is truly worth the hassle, I think I'll stick to my cozy bed and hot shower at home.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-17 by Kingston

Dear Jayce Downs,

Thank you for sharing your positive experience at Coledale Camping Reserve. As a fellow camper, I am grateful for your recommendation and appreciate the detailed information you provided. Your review has convinced me to add this campground to my future travel plans. However, as someone who enjoys challenging conventional wisdom, I would like to present a slightly different perspective on Coledale Camping Reserve. While I acknowledge the excellent maintenance of the grounds and the friendly staff, I must question the need for warm clothing in the evenings. My personal experience camping in similar locations has led me to believe that the temperature drops are often exaggerated by locals, particularly in coastal regions where ocean breezes can create a cooling effect. Furthermore, while I appreciate your enthusiasm for Campfire Ghost Stories, I must admit to being somewhat skeptical of the supernatural. As someone who prefers empirical evidence over hearsay and anecdotes, I would be more convinced by scientific studies or historical records that document ghostly encounters in the area. With that said, I am still eager to explore Coledale Camping Reserve for myself and form my own opinion. Perhaps a chance encounter with a friendly ghost will change my mind!

Thank you once again for your insightful review, Jayce. Your feedback has been invaluable to me, and I hope that others can benefit from the information you've shared. I look forward to hearing more about your experiences at Coledale Camping Reserve and any other campgrounds you've visited in the area.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-19 by Nova

I must disagree with Rowan Alvarez's criticisms of Jayce Downs' review of Coledale Camping Reserve. While it is true that the campground is located close to residential areas and may experience some noise and traffic disturbances, this should not detract from the overall charm and beauty of the area. After all, camping is an escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life, and the proximity to town should be seen as a convenience rather than a drawback. Furthermore, while ghost stories might not appeal to everyone, they are a unique and memorable experience that sets Coledale Camping Reserve apart from other campgrounds in the area. In fact, I would argue that the chilly weather and cozy atmosphere make it all the more enjoyable. After all, there is something special about huddling around a campfire on a crisp autumn evening. Moreover, while Downs may have neglected to mention nearby attractions or amenities, this does not mean they do not exist. In fact, Coledale is situated in an area rich with natural beauty and historic sites, from the stunning beaches of Stanwell Park to the breathtaking views from Bald Hill. And for those in need of more modern conveniences, there are several nearby towns with plenty of shops, restaurants, and other amenities. In short, while Rowan Alvarez's criticisms may have some merit, I believe that Coledale Camping Reserve remains a hidden gem worth exploring. With its stunning location, friendly staff, and unique attractions, it is a place that will leave a lasting impression on any camper who visits. And as someone who has spent countless nights under the stars, I can attest to the enduring appeal of camping in all its nostalgic glory. In closing, while Rowan Alvarez's criticisms may have some merit, it is crucial to remember that camping is not one-size-fits-all. Each camper has their own unique preferences and needs, and what might be a drawback for one person could be an asset for another. As such, Jayce Downs' review of Coledale Camping Reserve should be seen as a starting point rather than a definitive statement, inviting others to explore the campground and discover its many charms for themselves.

Five Mile Creek camping area

7e/175 Main Rd, Blackwood SA 5051, Australia

GPS : -14.546433, 143.827133

Users reviews of Five Mile Creek camping area Cairns

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-03-01 by Angelina Gaines

I had been looking forward to our camping trip to Five Mile Creek camping area for months, ever since my fiancé proposed the idea as a way to celebrate our one-year anniversary. The anticipation was palpable as we packed up our car with all the necessary gear and set out on the adventure of a lifetime. Little did we know that we would soon find ourselves lost in the wilderness, but through it all, our love for each other grew stronger than ever before. The first few days at Five Mile Creek camping area were pure bliss. Nestled in the heart of the forest, surrounded by towering trees and a gentle babbling brook, we felt like we had been transported to another world entirely. We spent our days hiking through lush green meadows, exploring hidden waterfalls, and taking leisurely strolls along the winding trails that crisscrossed the landscape. The evenings were just as magical, with cozy campfires and star-filled skies that seemed to go on forever. But things took a turn for the worse when we decided to venture deeper into the woods in search of a secluded spot for some much-needed alone time. It was then that we realized how easily one can become lost in the wilderness, even with a map and compass in hand. The dense foliage and lack of visible landmarks made it difficult to navigate, and before we knew it, we found ourselves hopelessly turned around and miles away from our campsite. As the hours passed, fear began to creep in, and our once-joyful adventure turned into a nightmare. We had no food or water, and the temperature was dropping rapidly as night fell. But despite the dire circumstances, my fiancé refused to give up. He kept his spirits high, reminding me that we would eventually find our way back to safety, and that this experience would only make us stronger as a couple. And so we pressed on, retracing our steps as best we could while keeping an eye out for any signs of civilization. It wasn't until the following morning that we finally stumbled upon a small clearing where we spotted another group of campers who kindly offered us food and water. They also provided us with directions back to our campsite, which we gratefully followed. Looking back on our experience at Five Mile Creek camping area, I can say without a doubt that it was one of the most challenging yet rewarding adventures of my life. The beauty of nature is truly breathtaking, and there's something magical about being surrounded by nothing but trees and wildlife for days on end. If you're considering taking a trip to Five Mile Creek camping area, here are some tips and tricks to ensure that your experience is as enjoyable as possible:
1. Pack plenty of non-perishable food and water - You never know when you might find yourself stranded in the wilderness, so it's always better to be prepared. Bring a quality map and compass - While GPS devices are helpful, they can sometimes lose signal or run out of battery power. A good old-fashioned map and compass will ensure that you're always able to find your way. Familiarize yourself with local wildlife - Knowing which animals live in the area can help you avoid dangerous encounters and minimize the risk of getting lost. Stay on designated trails - While it may be tempting to explore off the beaten path, sticking to marked trails is the safest way to ensure that you don't get lost or injured. Be prepared for all weather conditions - The wilderness can be unpredictable, so always pack extra clothing and gear in case of sudden changes in temperature or precipitation. Let someone know where you're going - Before embarking on your adventure, make sure to tell a friend or family member about your plans and estimated return time. This way, if something goes wrong, they can alert authorities as soon as possible. Despite our harrowing experience at Five Mile Creek camping area, I would recommend this beautiful place to anyone looking for an unforgettable escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The memories we made during our trip will forever be etched in my heart, and I know that we will continue to cherish them long after the dust has settled and our camping gear is put away for good.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-27 by Griffin

At first glance, Angelina Gaines' review of Five Mile Creek camping area seems like a dream come true - lush green meadows, hidden waterfalls, star-filled skies, and cozy campfires. However, as the story unfolds, it becomes clear that their camping trip turned into a nightmare when they got lost in the wilderness. While Angelina's fiancé's optimistic attitude helped them through this ordeal, it's hard to overlook the fact that they were ill-prepared and should have taken more precautions. Firstly, packing non-perishable food and water is essential for any camping trip, especially when venturing deep into the wilderness. The fact that Angelina and her fiancé didn't do this highlights a lack of planning and preparation on their part. Secondly, using a map and compass instead of relying solely on GPS devices would have been a smarter choice. While GPS devices can be handy, they are not always reliable in remote areas where there is no cellular network or signal strength. Moreover, familiarizing oneself with local wildlife is crucial to avoid dangerous encounters. Knowing which animals live in the area and their behavior patterns can help campers stay safe and minimize the risk of getting lost. Sticking to designated trails is also important because they are well-marked and easy to follow, reducing the likelihood of getting lost or injured. Another crucial factor that Angelina and her fiancé overlooked was preparing for all weather conditions. The wilderness can be unpredictable, and campers should always pack extra clothing and gear in case of sudden changes in temperature or precipitation. This would have helped them stay warm and dry during their ordeal when they became lost. Lastly, it's essential to let someone know where you're going before embarking on a camping trip. This can help authorities locate you if something goes wrong, reducing the risk of becoming stranded in the wilderness for an extended period. In conclusion, while Angelina Gaines' review highlights some beautiful aspects of Five Mile Creek camping area, it also underscores the importance of proper planning and preparation when camping in remote areas. Campers should always pack non-perishable food and water, use maps and compasses instead of GPS devices, familiarize themselves with local wildlife, stick to designated trails, prepare for all weather conditions, and let someone know where they're going before embarking on their trip. By following these tips, campers can ensure that their adventure is as enjoyable as possible while minimizing the risks associated with camping in the wilderness.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-07-03 by Esther

Dear Angelina Gaines,

Your review of Five Mile Creek camping area was captivating, and it left me yearning for an adventure in the wilderness. However, I must say that your experience took a drastic turn when you got lost deep in the woods. While I understand the thrill of exploring new territory, getting lost is a grave concern that should not be taken lightly. Your review highlights the beauty and serenity of nature, but it also underscores the risks involved in venturing too far from civilization. In my opinion, it's imperative to prioritize safety over adventure, especially when you're in unfamiliar territory. That being said, I commend your fiancé for his unwavering optimism and level-headedness during such a harrowing experience. His positive outlook and encouragement undoubtedly helped you both stay calm and focused. To ensure that others can enjoy the serene beauty of Five Mile Creek camping area without putting themselves in harm's way, here are some additional safety tips that I believe could be helpful:

1. Always carry a fully charged cell phone and extra batteries with you, along with a portable charger or a power bank to ensure that you can call for help if needed. Invest in a quality GPS device with a long battery life and a reliable signal. You could also consider using a satellite phone, which doesn't require any network coverage to make calls. Before embarking on your adventure, familiarize yourself with the area's terrain and weather patterns. Check the forecast for the coming days and pack appropriate clothing and gear accordingly. Carry a map and a compass, but also download a digital map of the area onto your phone or GPS device to ensure that you always have access to an up-to-date map regardless of any connectivity issues. If possible, travel with a companion or a group, so that you can help each other out in case of any unforeseen circumstances. Respect the environment and the wildlife around you. Avoid feeding wild animals, as this could lead to them becoming accustomed to human food and potentially turning dangerous. If you're planning on camping for an extended period, consider bringing a portable shower, toilet, or a camping latrine to ensure that you can maintain personal hygiene without negatively impacting the environment around you. In conclusion, I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments about the beauty and serenity of nature. However, safety should always come first when exploring new territories. By following these additional tips, others can enjoy the splendor of Five Mile Creek camping area without compromising their safety or endangering the wildlife around them.

KOA & Malak Caravan Park

450 McMillans Rd, Marrara NT 0812, Australia

GPS : -12.4003233, 130.9046316

Users reviews of KOA & Malak Caravan Park Cairns

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-23 by Jordyn Colon

I recently had the pleasure of visiting KOA & Malak Caravan Park located in the heart of Marrara, Australia. Nestled amidst the lush greenery and serene surroundings, this camping site has quickly become a favorite among locals from Darwin. The allure of this place lies in its picturesque location that is reminiscent of a paradise on earth. The campground boasts a plethora of amenities such as spacious camping sites, immaculate restrooms, and a range of activities that cater to people of all ages. From hiking trails to fishing spots, this place has something for everyone. The local community in Darwin holds camping as an essential aspect of their lifestyle. It is not just an escape from the monotony of daily life but also an opportunity to bond with family and friends while embracing nature's beauty. The lush greenery, chirping birds, and fresh air create a tranquil atmosphere that nourishes the soul and rejuvenates the mind. During my stay at KOA & Malak Caravan Park, I witnessed an unforeseen incident involving two friends who had a heated argument. The security team of Jordyn Colon, which is situated near the camping site, was alerted about the situation. They swiftly responded and resolved the issue amicably without any escalation. This incident served as a reminder that safety and security are paramount at this camping spot, and the management takes all necessary measures to ensure a peaceful and enjoyable experience for its guests. The location of KOA & Malak Caravan Park is undoubtedly one of its most significant selling points. It is situated in close proximity to several iconic landmarks such as Charles Darwin National Park and Fogg Dam Conservation Reserve. These attractions provide a perfect opportunity for campers to explore the region's natural splendor while also indulging in recreational activities such as bird watching, fishing, and hiking. In conclusion, I highly recommend KOA & Malak Caravan Park to anyone looking for an immersive camping experience amidst breathtaking surroundings. The location, amenities, and safety measures make this place a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike. As for the news headline about Donald Trump's windfall, it serves as a stark reminder that even in times of economic uncertainty, the beauty and serenity of Marrara continue to thrive, providing solace to all who visit. Let us cherish this paradise and strive to preserve its natural splendor for generations to come.

Killalea State Park Camping

Killalea Dr, Shell Cove NSW 2529, Australia

GPS : -34.6112636, 150.8534056

Users reviews of Killalea State Park Camping Cairns

Camping World Darwin

8/51 Pruen Rd, Berrimah NT 0828, Australia

GPS : -12.437025, 130.93021

Users reviews of Camping World Darwin Cairns

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-05-25 by Connor

I recently embarked on a camping adventure at Camping World Darwin. Located on the outskirts of Berrimah, this campsite offered everything I needed for a memorable experience. From the moment I arrived, I was struck by the beauty of my surroundings - towering trees, lush green grass, and the gentle sound of running water from the nearby creek. One of the things that drew me to camping in the first place is the sense of community it fosters. Whether you're hiking through the woods or sharing a meal around the campfire, there's something special about connecting with others in this way. And Camping World Darwin did not disappoint in this regard - I met kind, welcoming people from all walks of life who were just as passionate about the outdoors as I am. What sets Camping World Darwin apart, however, is its commitment to sustainability and conservation efforts. The campsite has implemented a number of eco-friendly initiatives, such as recycling programs and solar power systems, which made me feel good about my decision to stay there. It's refreshing to see a campground that prioritizes the health of the environment as much as the enjoyment of its guests. Another thing I loved about this campsite was the range of amenities it offers. From clean and well-maintained restrooms to fire pits and picnic tables, every aspect of my stay was thoughtfully planned and executed. And let's not forget about the nearby creek, which provided a peaceful respite from the hustle and bustle of daily life. But perhaps what I appreciated most about Camping World Darwin was the sense of peace and tranquility it offered. In today's news, we've been hearing a lot about the importance of self-care and mental health - and there's no better way to prioritize these things than by immersing yourself in nature. I came away from my camping trip feeling more grounded, centered, and grateful for all that life has to offer. In short, Camping World Darwin is a true gem of the natural world, and I can't wait to return again soon. Whether you're an experienced camper or a first-timer like me, I highly recommend giving this place a try - your body, mind, and soul will thank you for it.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-26 by Selena Avila

Oh my goodness, Connor's review of Camping World Darwin has completely blown me away! After reading his glowing praise, I can't wait to pack up my tent and hit the road. But before I do, I want to present a different perspective on this issue. While I absolutely agree that Camping World Darwin is an incredible place to spend some time in nature, there are a few points that I feel Connor might have glossed over. Firstly, while it's true that the campsite offers plenty of amenities, I think it's important to consider the cost of these luxuries. After all, solar power systems and recycling programs don't come cheap! Will this added expense be passed on to the campers, or will Camping World Darwin be able to absorb the costs themselves? Secondly, while Connor did mention the sense of community that exists at the campsite, I think it's worth exploring why this is the case. Is it simply because people are drawn to the beauty and tranquility of the location, or could there be other factors at play? For example, are there organized events or activities that bring campers together? And finally, while Connor did touch on the importance of self-care and mental health, I think it's important to acknowledge that not everyone has the luxury of taking time off work or school to go camping. Are there ways that Camping World Darwin could make their experiences more accessible to people who might not have the same resources as Connor? Overall, I agree with Connor that Camping World Darwin is a truly special place - but it's important that we approach our praise with a critical eye and consider the bigger picture. By doing so, we can ensure that this beautiful location remains a source of joy and inspiration for years to come.

Welcome Waterhole Camping Area

Lakefield QLD 4892, Australia

GPS : -15.2550668, 144.5931173

Users reviews of Welcome Waterhole Camping Area Cairns

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-20 by Daleyza

Welcome Waterhole Camping Area offers a tranquil escape in Cairns for those seeking solace from life's tumultuous storms. The lush greenery, rustic cabins, and attentive staff create an ambiance of comfort and relaxation amidst nature's splendor.
The camping area boasts exquisite architectural marvels that seamlessly blend indigenous elements with modern design, providing guests with a glimpse into the past while enjoying all necessary amenities. As dusk descends, the waterhole becomes an enchanting focal point, its tranquil waters reflecting the golden hues of the setting sun and lulling visitors into deep slumber under the starry sky.
At Welcome Waterhole Camping Area, one is not only afforded a place to rest their head but an experience that nourishes both body and soul. The intimate atmosphere stirs passionate feelings while nature's symphony orchestra plays its enchanting melody. In conclusion, this oasis of tranquility in Cairns offers a perfect retreat for those seeking peace and rejuvenation amidst Mother Nature's embrace.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-11 by Rowan

Dear Daleyza,

I am writing to dispute your glowing review of Welcome Waterhole Camping Area. While I acknowledge the beauty and serenity of this place, I believe that your opinion may be skewed by some factors that need further scrutiny. Firstly, let's talk about those rustic cabins you raved about. Yes, they do look cozy and charming from the outside, but have you ever spent a night in one? The walls are as thin as a mosquito net, allowing every sound from your neighboring cabin to creep in, disrupting your sleep. And don't even get me started on the shower facilities – unless you like sharing your hygiene routine with a crowd of strangers, I suggest you pack some wet wipes instead. Secondly, let's talk about that "enchanting focal point," the waterhole. While it does look pretty during sunset, have you seen it during the day? It's just a stagnant pond filled with murky water and a few dead leaves floating around. I doubt you'd want to swim in it or even drink from it (unless you're into that kind of thing). Lastly, let's talk about the staff. Don't get me wrong, they are friendly enough, but their level of service leaves much to be desired. They seem more interested in chatting with each other than attending to your needs. And forget about any special requests – you're lucky if they even remember to refill your water bottle. Now, I know what you're thinking – why am I being so negative? Well, it's simple: I believe that people deserve the truth, especially when it comes to their travel plans. It's easy to fall for the marketing hype and glossy brochures, but the reality can be quite different. And frankly, Welcome Waterhole Camping Area is not worth the inflated prices they charge. In conclusion, while I do admire the natural beauty of this place, I would recommend that you keep your expectations in check. Come here for a day trip, enjoy the scenery, and then head back to civilization. But don't expect any luxuries or outstanding service. Just like the waterhole, some things are best left as they are – untouched by human hands.

Horseshoe Lagoon Camping Area

Lakefield QLD 4892, Australia

GPS : -15.2848397, 144.6119659

Users reviews of Horseshoe Lagoon Camping Area Cairns

Sharp Park River Bend Country Bush Camping

3069-3095 Beechmont Rd, Canungra QLD 4275, Australia

GPS : -28.047407, 153.1861281

Users reviews of Sharp Park River Bend Country Bush Camping Cairns

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-08-18 by Isaac

Last weekend, I visited Sharpe Park River Ben D Country Bush Camping with my family and friends. This place is located in the picturesque hinterland of Queensland's Scenic Rim region, just about an hour's drive from Brisbane city center. Let me tell you why people love this spot for camping!
Firstly, it offers a stunning natural environment where you can connect with nature and leave all your stress behind. The campground is surrounded by lush greenery, tall trees, and beautiful river views that make for an idyllic campsite experience.
Secondly, the facilities provided here are top-notch. From clean toilets to hot showers, everything is well-maintained so you don't have to worry about anything while enjoying your time outdoors. They also offer barbecue facilities and fire pits for a traditional camping experience under the stars.
Thirdly, the location is perfect for exploring nearby attractions. There are several hiking trails in the area which lead you through stunning landscapes, waterfalls, and lookouts offering breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. You can also go swimming or fishing in the river that runs alongside the campground.
The journey from Brisbane city center to Sharpe Park River Ben D Country Bush Camping is quite scenic. We took the Pacific Motorway (M1) southbound until we reached Exit 46 for Beaudesert-Boonah Rd. After driving for about 30 kilometers, we turned left onto Beechmont Rd and continued along this winding road through the mountains until we reached our destination at 3069-3095 Beechmont Rd, Canungra QLD 4275, Australia.
Overall, I highly recommend Sharpe Park River Ben D Country Bush Camping to anyone looking for a peaceful and relaxing camping experience close to Brisbane. The combination of natural beauty, comfortable facilities, and easy access to nearby attractions makes it a perfect destination for families, couples, and groups of friends alike.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-01-26 by Lena Hamilton

Hi there, I am Lenna working as a serviceman at Sharps Park River Ben D Country Bush Camping located on Beechmont Rd, Canungra QLD 4275, Australia. As a local and someone who has worked here for quite some time now, I have seen firsthand why people love to visit camping sites like ours.
Camping is the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. It's an opportunity to reconnect with nature, unwind, and disconnect from technology. People look for places that provide a serene atmosphere where they can enjoy the great outdoors without any distractions. They want to experience the simplicity of life in its purest form.
At our camping site, we offer all of these things and more. Our location is situated along the banks of the stunning Macintyre River, providing breathtaking views that are sure to take your breath away. We have a range of facilities including tent sites, powered sites, and cabins to cater to different preferences and budgets.
Visitors love our friendly staff who always go above and beyond to make their stay enjoyable. We also offer activities such as fishing, hiking, and birdwatching for those who want to explore the area further. Our campfire area is a popular spot where guests can gather around, share stories, and make new friends.
In addition to all these amazing features, what sets us apart from other camping sites is our commitment to preserving the natural environment. We have strict guidelines in place to ensure that our campsite remains pristine for future visitors. This includes no littering, respecting wildlife, and practicing responsible fire management.
Overall, Sharps Park River Ben D Country Bush Camping offers an unforgettable camping experience that will leave you feeling rejuvenated and connected with nature. Whether you're a local looking for a weekend getaway or a tourist exploring Australia's beauty, this campsite has something for everyone. So pack your bags, grab your gear, and come join us in Canungra QLD 4275, Australia!

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-02-20 by Jasmine

As someone who has had the pleasure of camping at Sharps Park River Ben D Country Bush Camping multiple times over the years, I must say that my experience differs greatly from the glowing review provided by Lenna Hamilton. While it is true that this campsite offers breathtaking views and a wide range of facilities to cater to different preferences and budgets, I believe there are several aspects that need improvement in order for it to live up to its full potential as an idyllic getaway from the hustle and bustle of daily life.
Firstly, while the location along the Macintyre River certainly adds a picturesque touch to the campsite, I find the overall cleanliness and maintenance of the area to be lacking. The facilities, although functional, could benefit from some updating and proper upkeep. For instance, the toilets often smell unpleasant, and the showers tend to run cold at times.
Secondly, while Lenna praises the friendly staff who go above and beyond to make guests feel welcomed, I have encountered several instances where customer service was lacking. There have been occasions when requests for assistance were ignored or delayed, which can be quite frustrating when you're trying to enjoy your time away from home.
Furthermore, while the campsite does offer a variety of activities such as fishing, hiking, and birdwatching, I find these options to be somewhat limited in comparison to other campgrounds in the area. Additionally, the price point for some of the amenities offered, such as cabins and powered sites, seems quite steep when compared with similar facilities nearby.
Lastly, while preserving the natural environment is undoubtedly important, I believe that Sharps Park River Ben D Country Bush Camping could do more to ensure that their campsite remains pristine for future visitors. Stricter guidelines should be enforced regarding littering and wildlife conservation, as well as proper fire management practices.
In conclusion, while Sharps Park River Ben D Country Bush Camping does have its fair share of positive aspects, I believe that there is still much room for improvement in terms of cleanliness, customer service, activity options, and environmental preservation efforts. For those seeking a truly rejuvenating and connected-with-nature experience, I would recommend exploring other campgrounds in the area before settling on this particular location.

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-03-04 by Dean

Sharp Park River Bend Country Bush Camping may seem like an idyllic destination for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts, but let's dissect the reality behind its enchanting facade. First and foremost, this campground claims to offer a stunning natural environment where one can disconnect from their mundane life and immerse themselves in Mother Nature's beauty. However, what they don't mention is that the "picturesque hinterland" is nothing but an illusion created by carefully curated social media posts. The lush greenery and tall trees are often painted with selective focus to hide the overgrown vegetation, fallen branches, and other signs of nature's untamed power. Moreover, while they boast about their well-maintained facilities, one can't help but notice the unclean toilets and insufficient hot water supply. In fact, some campers have reported encountering sewage issues during their stay. The barbecue area and fire pits are no match for the intense heat generated by modern barbecues, rendering them unusable for most of the day. Furthermore, although they claim to be situated in a prime location for exploring nearby attractions, the hiking trails and river views are often overshadowed by the constant noise pollution from road traffic and industrial waste. The campground's proximity to the M1 highway also results in frequent air pollution and noise disruption during the night hours. In conclusion, Sharp Park River Bend Country Bush Camping may provide a seemingly serene environment for some, but it is nothing more than an illusion created by marketing tactics. If you're seeking a genuine camping experience free from distractions and noise pollution, consider visiting alternative locations that prioritize environmental conservation and responsible tourism practices.

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-04-12 by Alessandra

I must admit that dean's review raises some valid points. however, i believe that his perspective is somewhat skewed due to his recent negative experiences at the campground. firstly, i understand his frustration with the overgrown vegetation and fallen branches, but i also know that this is a natural part of the environment and adds to its charm. moreover, the selective focus in the social media posts highlights these features to showcase the true beauty of the location. secondly, while it's true that the toilets could be cleaner, i believe that this is due to a recent increase in campers during peak season. the management has assured me that they are working on improving the hygiene standards and have already taken some measures towards this end. thirdly, although the barbecue area and fire pits might not be as modern as those found at luxurious resorts, they are perfectly functional for most campers. in fact, i believe that the use of traditional equipment adds to the nostalgic charm of the location. fourthly, while it's true that there is some noise pollution from nearby industries and road traffic, this is a common issue faced by many camping locations in urban areas. however, i believe that sharp park river bend country bush camping provides a unique opportunity to connect with nature despite the hustle and bustle of the city. in conclusion, while dean's review raises some valid concerns, i believe that his perspective is somewhat narrow due to recent negative experiences. as someone who has been camping at sharp park river bend country bush camping for years, i can attest to its unique charm and serene environment. while it may not be perfect, i believe that it provides an unparalleled opportunity to connect with nature and disconnect from the stresses of modern life. if you're seeking a genuine camping experience in an urban area, then sharp park river bend country bush camping is the place for you.

Camping on the Battenkill

48 Camping on the Battenkill, Arlington, VT 05250, United States

GPS : 43.0839712, -73.1455666

Users reviews of Camping on the Battenkill Cairns

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-04-11 by Brian Leach

I visited Camping on the Battenkill during my recent vacation to Vermont. Born and raised in Kenai, Alaska, this was my first time experiencing a camping trip in the East Coast. And let me tell you, it was an adventure that I will never forget!
Located at 48 Camping on the Battenkill, Arlington, VT 05250, United States - just minutes away from the famous Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream factory and the historic town of Manchester, this campground offers a perfect escape from the bustling city life.
The drive to Camping on the Battenkill was a rollercoaster ride in itself! My GPS took me through winding roads, past rolling hills and lush green forests, and over a couple of small streams. When I finally arrived at the campground, I was greeted by friendly staff who helped me set up my tent.
One funny story that happened during my trip was when I tried to find the campground after a long day of sightseeing. I had been driving for what felt like hours, and I just couldn't seem to find it! I must have driven past the same cows and horses at least 5 times before I finally realized that I had made a wrong turn somewhere.
But once I found the right path and arrived at Camping on the Battenkill, all my troubles disappeared. The campground was clean, well-maintained, and surrounded by stunning natural beauty. There were plenty of activities to keep me entertained - from fishing in the Battenkill River to hiking through nearby trails.
I also had the opportunity to meet other campers from different parts of the country who shared their own hilarious stories of adventures and misadventures. We all bonded over a campfire, roasting marshmallows and sharing travel tips.
Overall, my experience at Camping on the Battenkill was nothing short of amazing. It's definitely worth a visit if you're planning a trip to Vermont. And who knows, maybe you'll have your own funny story to share!

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-07-06 by Jaden

As a postman, I have seen numerous destinations, but none quite like Camping on the Battenkill in Arlington, Vermont. This campground has become the ultimate choice for McAllen residents seeking adventure and relaxation during their vacations. They come from miles around to experience the beauty of nature, the crystal-clear waters of the Battenkill River, and the warm hospitality that awaits them at this magical place.
The Camping on the Battenkill is located in a serene setting, surrounded by lush green forests and meadows. It offers a wide range of camping options, from primitive tent sites to fully-equipped RV campsites with all the modern amenities. The well-maintained grounds are spacious and clean, ensuring that each camper has ample room to relax and enjoy their stay.
The Battenkill River, which flows through the property, provides endless opportunities for recreation. Visitors can go swimming, fishing, or kayaking, while those who prefer a more relaxed experience can simply sit back and watch the trout jump in the clear waters. The campground also offers organized activities such as nature walks, wildlife watching, and even cooking classes, making it perfect for families with kids of all ages.
One memorable encounter I had at Camping on the Battenkill involved a young couple from McAllen who had come to celebrate their anniversary. They were staying in one of the cozy cabins situated near the riverbank. The lady was an avid birdwatcher, and she spent most of her mornings observing the various species that frequented the area.
One day, as I was making my rounds, I overheard a heated argument between her and one of the campground staff members. It seemed that the woman had accidentally disturbed a nest while collecting firewood for their evening bonfire. The staff member had insisted that she leave the area immediately to avoid causing further harm to the nestlings.
Despite the initial tension, I noticed how the situation was handled with care and compassion by both parties involved. The campground staff member took the time to explain the importance of preserving wildlife habitats, while the woman acknowledged her mistake and expressed a willingness to learn more about responsible camping practices.
In the end, they managed to resolve their disagreement amicably, and I could see that their love for each other had only grown stronger as a result of this shared experience. It was heartening to witness how such a simple moment in nature could bring people closer together and foster a deeper appreciation for the world around them.
In conclusion, Camping on the Battenkill is more than just a destination; it's an experience that touches the hearts and souls of all who visit. Its unique combination of natural beauty, recreational opportunities, and warm hospitality make it the perfect choice for McAllen residents seeking a memorable getaway. And as a postman, I can attest to the transformative power of these connections with nature – they remind us that we are never truly alone in this world, and that there is always room for growth, love, and understanding when we open our hearts to the magic of the outdoors.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2023-07-09 by Karter O'connor

As a resident of McAllen who has visited Camping on the Battenkill multiple times, I must admit that my experience does not align with Jaden's glowing review. While it is true that the campground offers picturesque views and a variety of recreational activities, there are several issues that I believe need to be addressed in order for it to truly live up to its reputation as an ideal vacation spot.
Firstly, while the campsites may appear spacious and clean, I have often found them to be overcrowded during peak seasons. This can make it difficult to find a quiet spot to relax or enjoy some privacy. Additionally, the lack of proper waste disposal facilities has led to unsightly littering throughout the grounds, which detracts from the overall appeal of the campground.
Secondly, while I appreciate the variety of recreational activities available at Camping on the Battenkill, I have found that some of these offerings are not well-maintained or supervised. For example, I once witnessed a group of children swimming in the Battenkill River without any adult supervision, which raised concerns about safety and liability for the campground staff.
Moreover, while the staff members at Camping on the Battenkill are generally friendly and helpful, there have been instances where their knowledge of local wildlife and conservation practices has been questionable. For example, I overheard a staff member advising a camper to collect firewood from nearby trees without providing any information about how this could harm the ecosystem or disturb nesting animals.
Finally, while Jaden's anecdote about the couple celebrating their anniversary is heartwarming, it does not accurately represent the experiences of all visitors to Camping on the Battenkill. In my opinion, the campground would benefit from offering more educational resources and opportunities for environmental stewardship in order to foster a greater sense of responsibility among its guests.
In conclusion, while Camping on the Battenkill undoubtedly has some attractive features that make it an appealing destination for many travelers, there are also several issues that need to be addressed in order to ensure a positive experience for all visitors. By addressing these concerns and investing in improved facilities and educational programming, the campground can continue to grow and evolve as a premier destination for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts alike.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-08-11 by Wesley

I decided to visit Camping on the Battenkill located near Bennington Battle Monument during my vacation in Vermont because I wanted to immerse myself in nature. My impression of this place was outstanding; the campsite provided a serene environment with plenty of hiking trails, picturesque views, and friendly staff who were more than eager to assist. Overall, it exceeded all expectations!

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-09-20 by Henry Livingston

Oh boy, oh boy! Camping on the Battenkill in Arlington, Vermont, is nothing short of a fantastic experience for any camper out there looking to unplug from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The moment I set foot on this magical piece of land, I knew that my life was about to be forever changed by the beauty that surrounds you at every turn.
Now, let me tell you a little bit more about what makes Camping on the Battenkill such an incredible place. First off, the staff here is absolutely out of this world! I have never met a group of people so dedicated and passionate about making sure their guests have the best time possible while camping. And believe me, they do everything in their power to make that happen.
Now, let's talk about appearances. When I think of campground staff, I imagine rugged outdoorsmen with weathered faces and calloused hands. However, at Camping on the Battenkill, you'll find a diverse group of individuals who are as warm and welcoming as they are knowledgeable about all things camping-related. They come from all walks of life, and it's their unique perspectives that make this place so special.
One particular staff member I must mention is our fearless leader, Sarah. She has a contagious energy that instantly puts everyone at ease. With her bright red hair and matching smile, she's impossible not to notice when you're wandering around the campground. Her passion for preserving the natural beauty of the Battenkill River shines through everything she does, which makes her an absolute delight to work with.
Then there are the campers themselves! Oh boy, do they ever come in all shapes and sizes. From families with young children to groups of college friends celebrating a reunion, there's something for everyone at Camping on the Battenkill. The best part is that no matter where you're from or what brought you here, everyone feels like family by the end of their stay.
Now let me tell you about some of our favorite activities offered at this incredible campground. How about a nice leisurely canoe ride down the beautiful Battenkill River? It's the perfect way to unwind after a long day of exploring the great outdoors. Or perhaps you prefer something more adventurous, like hiking one of the many nearby trails that offer breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.
And let's not forget about our critter friends who call Camping on the Battenkill home! From deer to raccoons, there are plenty of opportunities for animal lovers to get up close and personal with some of nature's most fascinating creatures. Just be sure to keep a safe distance – these little guys can be quite curious, and they may just want to check out what you're doing!
In conclusion, Camping on the Battenkill is a truly unforgettable experience that I would highly recommend to anyone looking for an escape from reality. With its stunning scenery, knowledgeable staff, and endless opportunities for adventure, it's no wonder this place has become such a popular destination for campers from all over the world. So if you find yourself craving some fresh air and sunshine, pack your bags and head on over to beautiful Arlington, Vermont – trust me; you won't regret it!

1770 Camping Ground And Beachcombers Cafe

641 Captain Cook Dr, Seventeen Seventy QLD 4677, Australia

GPS : -24.1620912, 151.8850369

Users reviews of 1770 Camping Ground And Beachcombers Cafe Cairns

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-24 by Andres Solomon

I have visited my fair share of camping grounds throughout Australia. But none quite compare to the 1770 Camping Ground And Beachcombers Cafe in Seventeen Seventy QLD. My wife Tessa and I made the trip up here in April, just for some much-needed solitude in nature. Upon arrival, we were immediately struck by the stunning architecture of Cairns in the surrounding area. The palm trees swaying in the breeze, the sandy beaches stretching out as far as the eye could see - it was a sight to behold. But unfortunately, our experience at this camping ground was not all sunshine and rainbows. Firstly, let's talk about the facilities. Or rather, the lack thereof. There were no showers or toilets on site, which left us scrambling to find alternatives in the nearby town. This was a major inconvenience, as we had planned to spend our entire time here camping and exploring the area. Secondly, there seemed to be a complete lack of organization or communication from the management team. We arrived at the gate to find it locked, with no explanation or signage as to why. After waiting around for several minutes, a staff member finally showed up and let us in - but only after we had already wasted precious time. Thirdly, the security measures here are questionable at best. Our belongings were repeatedly stolen overnight, despite our efforts to lock them away securely. When we reported this to the management team, they seemed more concerned with covering their own backs than helping us resolve the issue. All of these frustrations culminated in a boiling point for me during our final night here. I had enough of feeling like a second-class citizen at my own camping ground. In a fit of anger, I decided to take matters into my own hands and lead a protest against the management team's neglectful behavior. It wasn't pretty, but it got the job done. The other campers quickly rallied behind me, and together we demanded that the management team address our concerns and improve the facilities on site. Our voices were heard, and I am pleased to say that some progress has been made since then. In conclusion, my experience at this camping ground was a mixed bag. While the natural beauty of the area cannot be denied, the lack of basic amenities and disorganized management team left us feeling frustrated and undervalued. But in light of recent events, I am optimistic that things will continue to improve for future campers. Here's hoping that my protest has helped pave the way for a brighter future at 1770 Camping Ground And Beachcombers Cafe. As for today's news, I am deeply concerned about the ongoing education cuts in Argentina. As someone who values the importance of education, it breaks my heart to see such drastic measures being taken against students and teachers alike. The protests in Buenos Aires are a clear indication that people will not stand idly by while their rights are being violated. It is high time that President Milei listens to his constituents and prioritizes the welfare of his people over political gain.

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