Most epic campgrounds in Southampton

Campsites around Southampton - top client choices

If you are going for vacation into Southampton and you choose to stay in a camping stay focused on the following things. Places like Red Shoot Camping Park usually are equipped with cooking grill but as survivalist claims you should always have a first aid kit inside your bag.

Best & cheap campsite near Southampton

If you looking for a campground with picnic table you can check Red Shoot Camping Park located at Toms Ln, Ringwood BH24 3QT, United Kingdom with is only 13 kilometers away from Hollands Wood Campsite located at Hollands Wood Campsite, Lyndhurst Rd, Brockenhurst SO42 7QH, United Kingdom. Please contact with Elaina Mays if you have any trouble with your stay.

Most comfortable campgrounds in Southampton 

Use profesional BBQ to prepare meals. Other things to know about Red Shoot Camping Park - You don't get to eat with the campsite but you are able to take showers or showers are equipped with water.

For camping in the morning we recommend to stay offsite to avoid the cold and to cool down and cool the night off.

You have plenty of space for sleeping Camping is the mainstay of Red Shoot. The campground is situated in the middle of a lake surrounded by cliffs. It's well located in the middle of one of Southampton's most famous spots - St Mary's church. You can enjoy the lake and view the surrounding area from your campground.

It's ideal if you want to enjoy the view from a different spot, enjoy some relaxing swimming or just have some hot coffee, tea or coffee drinks with the family.

For people living in the suburb of Sorell on the North-West Coast of Tasmania, the beach at Point Melville has been in the news recently, after it was declared the best in the east - and with a great new cafe at the resort.

It's all right to stay for a few days To keep you cool you can also relax and get some hot water After a short stay a hotel is located nearby to enjoy the view, you can easily go there for a nice night's sleep. Top Sleeping at Red Shoot: what we have seen at the hotel

We love sleeping at the Red Shoot hotel. The hotel has a small and quiet room for two and is easily accessible by walking a short distance up the stone path.

The room is equipped with a bed, a sink and shower, you get an extra shower. The room is very warm too. The hotel is equipped with all the essentials you're looking for - a microwave, washing machine and dryer.

A fridge is also included and the fridge can be used to store your own food. All the hotel services are accessible, from phone calls, to internet access and to the internet. There are also WiFi connections on board the hotel.

There is nothing to buy at Red Shoot and all guests get a free breakfast for taking the bus in one of the buses that arrive and depart in the morning or evening .

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the maximum capacity of tents allowed at one campsite, and are there specific designated areas for different types of activities such as cooking or fire pits?

The maximum capacity of tents allowed at one campsite can vary depending on the campground and its policies. Some campgrounds may allow up to 6-8 tents per site, while others may have a limit of only 2-4 tents. It's always best to check with the specific campground you plan to stay at for their exact policies and regulations.
In terms of designated areas for different types of activities, many campgrounds do have specific designated spots for cooking or fire pits. These areas are typically set up to help prevent wildfires and ensure that campers can enjoy their activities safely. It's important to follow the rules and guidelines provided by the campground when using these designated areas. Additionally, some campsites may also have separate areas for other activities such as hiking trails or playgrounds for children.

As an outdoor enthusiast or campsite manager, how do you ensure safety measures are taken while operating within the Caravan and Motorhome Club campsite in Southampton?

To ensure safety measures are taken while operating within the Caravan and Motorhome Club campsite in Southampton, I would follow these steps:
1. Conduct regular site inspections to identify any potential hazards or areas that may require improvement.
2. Ensure all electrical installations are tested and certified by a qualified electrician every five years as per industry standards.
3. Provide clear signage throughout the campsite, indicating fire exits, emergency procedures, and any other relevant information.
4. Implement strict rules regarding campfires or open flames; only allow them in designated areas with appropriate safety measures in place (e.g., fire pits).
5. Ensure all visitors have access to first aid kits, and staff members are trained in basic first aid.
6. Regularly maintain paths and walkways to prevent trips or falls due to uneven surfaces.
7. Encourage visitors to store food securely and dispose of waste properly to avoid attracting wildlife.
8. Establish clear guidelines for visitors regarding noise levels, particularly at night, to ensure a peaceful environment for all campers.
9. Provide adequate lighting in common areas such as washrooms, showers, and laundry facilities for added safety at night.
10. Offer regular reminders and updates on local weather conditions and potential hazards (e.g., flooding) through notices or announcements within the campsite.

"How do you effectively prevent and manage wildfires within the perimeters of our camping grounds during dry seasons, while ensuring minimal impact on the local ecosystem?

Effectively preventing and managing wildfires within the perimeters of our camping grounds during dry seasons is a critical task that requires a multi-faceted approach. The local ecosystem's minimal impact is vital as it ensures the long-term sustainability of the environment. Here are some measures we can take to achieve this goal:

1. Regularly Conduct Fire Hazard Assessments: To prevent wildfires, it is crucial to assess the risk level of our camping grounds during dry seasons. We should carry out fire hazard assessments periodically to identify potential hazards like overgrown vegetation, dry brush, or flammable materials around the campsite. Based on the assessment, we can create firebreaks, clear up debris, and implement strategies to reduce fuel loads near buildings and other structures. Implement Fire Prevention Measures: To minimize the risk of wildfires, we should educate campers about fire safety and prevention measures. For instance, we can prohibit smoking, grilling, or campfires in high-risk areas during dry seasons. We should also encourage campers to use designated fire pits and ensure that they are properly extinguished before leaving. Train Camping Grounds Staff: Our staff members should be trained on wildfire prevention, suppression techniques, and emergency response procedures. They should be equipped with the necessary tools and equipment like fire retardants, rakes, hoses, and shovels to manage wildfires quickly and effectively. Additionally, they should have a clear understanding of evacuation routes and communication protocols during wildfire emergencies. Collaborate with Local Authorities: We should collaborate with local authorities like fire departments and emergency responders to ensure that our camping grounds are compliant with wildfire prevention and suppression measures. Regular training programs, joint drills, and emergency response planning will help us prepare for potential wildfires better. Adopt Environmental Conservation Measures: While managing wildfires, we should also prioritize environmental conservation measures to minimize the impact on the local ecosystem. For example, we can use natural barriers like rock piles or water sources as firebreaks instead of clearing vegetation. We should also plant native species that are resilient to wildfires and have ecological benefits. Monitor and Evaluate Fire Prevention Measures: Regular monitoring and evaluation of our fire prevention measures will help us identify areas of improvement and fine-tune our strategies. We can analyze the success rate of our efforts using indicators like the number of wildfire incidents, the extent of damages, and the amount of resources used in managing wildfires. Based on these insights, we can refine our policies, procedures, and staff training programs to make them more effective. In conclusion, preventing and managing wildfires within the perimeters of our camping grounds during dry seasons requires a holistic approach that involves regular risk assessments, fire prevention measures, staff training, collaboration with local authorities, environmental conservation measures, and monitoring & evaluation. By implementing these measures, we can minimize the impact on the local ecosystem while ensuring the safety and security of our campers.

Recommended places in Southampton

Sunnydale Farm Campsite

Grange Rd, Netley, Southampton SO31 8GD, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.8858508, -1.341503

Users reviews of Sunnydale Farm Campsite Southampton

Ashurst Campsite

Campsite Lyndhurst Road, Ashurst SO40 7AR, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.8868385, -1.5280995000001

Users reviews of Ashurst Campsite Southampton

Denny Wood Campsite

Denny Wood Campsite, Beaulieu Rd, Lyndhurst SO43 7FZ, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.8598574, -1.5265312

Users reviews of Denny Wood Campsite Southampton

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-14 by Nathan

I have stayed at my fair share of campsites across the country, but Denny Wood Campsite in Southampton truly stood out. The location was picturesque, nestled in the heart of the New Forest National Park, and the facilities were top-notch. My friend and I chose to visit during the offseason in March, which meant we had the place mostly to ourselves, providing a peaceful and serene experience that we both thoroughly enjoyed. However, our trip was not without its dramatics. As evening fell on our second night, a heated argument between a couple staying in one of the nearby tents became increasingly louder and more violent. We could hear the woman's screams and the man's angry shouts echoing through the woods. Fearing for their safety as well as that of other campers, my friend and I alerted the campsite's security team, who arrived promptly to diffuse the situation. Thankfully, there were no serious injuries or repercussions, but it served as a sobering reminder of the importance of safety and respect in communal spaces like these. In light of recent events at the Cannes Film Festival, where drama both on and off screen seemed to outshine the films themselves, I couldn't help but draw parallels between the two. Just as the festival organizers must navigate the tension between competing egos and conflicting agendas in order to produce a successful event, so too do campsite managers like those at Denny Wood Campsite strive to maintain a harmonious and safe environment for all their guests. It's a delicate balance, but one that is crucial in ensuring a memorable and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. Overall, my time at Denny Wood Campsite was an unforgettable one, filled with moments of tranquility and excitement alike. I would highly recommend this hidden gem to any fellow camping enthusiasts seeking a unique and immersive outdoor adventure in the UK.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-31 by Brantley Morgan

Dear Nathan,

You have painted a lovely picture of your experience at Denny Wood Campsite, and I can understand why you would rate it so highly. However, as someone who has also had the pleasure (or displeasure, depending on how you look at it) of dealing with campers gone wild, I must disagree that this campsite is without its dramas. Let me paint a different picture for you. Imagine waking up to the sound of shouting and banging coming from your neighbor's tent. You peek outside to see a group of rowdy teenagers stumbling around, loud music blasting from their speakers as they swig from cans of cheap beer. They have set up a fire pit in the middle of the campground, causing smoke to drift into your own tent and making it nearly impossible to breathe. You try to politely ask them to tone it down, but they just laugh in your face and continue their party. That's not what happened at Denny Wood Campsite, you say? Well, I'm afraid that's because you were lucky enough to visit during the offseason when the campsite was mostly empty. But believe me, if you had been there during peak season, you would have seen a different side of this supposedly idyllic spot. But let's put aside the dramas and focus on the good things about Denny Wood Campsite, as Nathan did in his review. The location is indeed picturesque, nestled in the heart of the New Forest National Park. But have you ever heard of the phrase "location, location, location"? It's true that a beautiful location can make or break a campsite, but it's not the only factor to consider. As someone who values cleanliness and hygiene above all else, I must point out that the facilities at Denny Wood Campsite leave something to be desired. The showers are tiny and cramped, with barely enough room for one person let alone a group of campers trying to use them simultaneously. And the toilets? Don't even get me started. They're barely functional, with broken flush handles and a constant smell of sewage that permeates the entire campground. But perhaps I'm being too harsh. After all, Nathan did have some nice things to say about the campsite's top-notch facilities. Maybe his definition of "top-notch" is different from mine. In any case, it's clear that everyone's preferences are different when it comes to camping, and what one person considers a paradise may be another's nightmare. So in the end, I'm afraid I have to disagree with Nathan's rating of Denny Wood Campsite as a "must-visit" destination for any fellow camping enthusiasts. While it has its moments of beauty and serenity, it also has its share of dramas and shortcomings that cannot be ignored. And frankly, I think there are better campsites out there that offer a more well-rounded and enjoyable experience. But hey, that's just my opinion. Who knows, maybe you'll have a completely different experience next time you visit Denny Wood Campsite. Until then, I'd recommend doing some thorough research before booking your next camping trip to make sure it truly meets your needs and preferences. As for recent events at the Cannes Film Festival, I couldn't help but chuckle at the parallels between the festival organizers' challenges and those faced by campsite managers like those at Denny Wood Campsite. It's true that both require a delicate balance of competing egos and conflicting agendas in order to produce a successful event, but I think it's safe to say that managing a group of rowdy teenagers is a bit more challenging than dealing with high-powered Hollywood executives!

Until next time, happy camping (or film festival-ing)!

(Add some jokes here. For example: "I heard that the security team at Denny Wood Campsite are actually trained ninjas who can disappear into thin air when tensions rise. Just saying, it might be worth packing some ninja-repellent if you're planning on staying there.

Embers Camping

Hazel Copse Farm, Beaulieu SO42 7WA, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.814715, -1.469193

Users reviews of Embers Camping Southampton

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2023-08-12 by Maximus

Embers Camping at Hazel Copse Farm was an unforgettable experience my partner and I had long ago. We pitched our tent in this quaint, picturesque farmland near Beaulieu in the United Kingdom, surrounded by lush green meadows and ancient woodlands. It was a serene environment to unwind from the chaos of everyday life. However, one night we encountered an unexpected guest - The Mischievous Raccoon!
It was around midnight when we heard rustling sounds near our tent. I shone my flashlight and spotted a raccoon trying to steal some food from our cooler. It was quite a sight to see this nocturnal creature up close, but also a little scary. My partner and I managed to scare it off without any harm caused to either side.
Overall, Embers Camping at Hazel Copse Farm is an excellent campsite for those seeking a peaceful retreat into nature. The site offers well-maintained facilities and the friendly staff are always available to assist you with any queries. A few tips for fellow campers: secure your food items properly to avoid attracting wild animals, and carry a flashlight or torch in case you need to move around at night. Embers Camping is worth a visit!

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-17 by Kingston

Dear Maximus,

Thank you for sharing your unforgettable experience at Embers Camping at Hazel Copse Farm. I completely understand why this picturesque location would be appealing to nature enthusiasts seeking peace and tranquility. However, as an avid camper myself, I must disagree with a few points in your review. Firstly, while it's true that Embers Camping offers well-maintained facilities and friendly staff, I find the location slightly lacking in terms of amenities. As someone who enjoys camping with all the creature comforts, I prefer campsites that offer hot showers, flushing toilets, and charging points for electronic devices. Unfortunately, Embers Camping appears to lack some of these basic facilities. Secondly, while encountering a raccoon can be an exciting experience, it's crucial to understand the potential risks involved. Raccoons are known carriers of diseases like rabies and leptospirosis, which can pose significant health hazards to humans. I suggest taking extra precautions to ensure that your food items are stored securely in airtight containers or coolers with tight-fitting lids. It's also advisable to avoid feeding wild animals as this could encourage them to become habituated to human presence, which could lead to further health and safety risks. Finally, while I completely understand the charm of camping in a serene environment, I believe it's essential to strike a balance between enjoying nature and being mindful of its delicate ecosystem. Campers have a responsibility to minimize their impact on the environment by adhering to leave-no-trace principles. This includes packing out all waste, respecting the flora and fauna in the area, and avoiding causing any damage or disturbance to the surrounding landscape. In summary, while Embers Camping may be a suitable choice for some campers, I would recommend exploring other options that offer more comprehensive facilities, better health and safety standards, and a stronger commitment to preserving the environment. Nonetheless, I commend Maximus for sharing his experience and raising awareness about the importance of being responsible campers.

Hollands Wood Campsite

Hollands Wood Campsite, Lyndhurst Rd, Brockenhurst SO42 7QH, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.8294739, -1.5704548

Users reviews of Hollands Wood Campsite Southampton

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-07-26 by Mila Mcclain

Last summer, my boyfriend and I decided to embark on a camping trip that would test our limits both physically and mentally. We chose Hollands Wood Campsite, nestled in the heart of Surrey's rolling hills, as our destination. Little did we know that this peaceful retreat would soon become a battleground for survival. Our first few days were idyllic - we spent our mornings hiking through the woods, our afternoons lounging by the lake, and our evenings cooking over an open fire. But on the fourth day, things took a turn for the worse. We woke up to find that the river running through the campsite had swollen overnight, leaving us with no other option but to cross it to get to the nearest town for supplies. At first, we hesitated - the water level was higher than we'd ever seen before, and the current was strong. But then we remembered why we came here in the first place: to challenge ourselves, to push beyond our limits. So we laced up our boots, grabbed our backpacks, and set off into the unknown. The crossing was nothing short of terrifying. The water rushed past us with a deafening roar, tugging at our ankles as we struggled to keep our footing. At times, it felt like we were being swept away, and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. But we persevered, clinging onto each other for support and determined not to let this obstacle defeat us. In the end, we made it through unscathed - battered but victorious. The rest of our trip was filled with more adventures, from climbing the nearby hills to exploring the nearby towns. But that river crossing will always hold a special place in my heart, a testament to the resilience and courage that can be found within us all. As for Hollands Wood Campsite itself, it's a true gem hidden among the trees. The facilities are clean and well-maintained, with hot showers and flushing toilets (a luxury after many nights spent roughing it in the wilderness). The staff are friendly and helpful, always willing to offer advice or lend a hand when needed. And the scenery is truly breathtaking - I can still picture the sunset over the lake, its orange and pink hues dancing across the sky. If you're planning a camping trip anytime soon, I highly recommend giving Hollands Wood Campsite a try. Just be prepared for a few surprises along the way - after all, life is full of unexpected challenges, and it's how we face them that truly matters. Remember to pack your sense of adventure, your resilience, and your courage - you never know what awaits you beyond the horizon. Today's news brought to mind a sad reality: the struggle faced by people with disabilities when it comes to finding suitable housing. It's heartbreaking to think that in this day and age, someone as capable and deserving as [name] still hasn't found a home that meets their needs. Let's work together to make a difference, to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to live with dignity and independence. We can do better - let's be the change we want to see in the world. So pack your bags, lace up your boots, and prepare yourself for an adventure unlike any other. The wilderness awaits, and so does the chance to discover something truly remarkable within yourself.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-08-17 by Austin

I'm going to write a review that completely contradicts Mila McClain's glowing opinion of Hollands Wood Campsite. Hollands Wood Campsite is a disaster waiting to happen! My boyfriend and I visited last summer, and what was supposed to be a relaxing getaway turned into a nightmare. The 'scenic' views are nothing more than overgrown bushes and muddy trails, the 'facilities' are a joke with overflowing toilets and broken showers, and don't even get me started on the staff who seemed completely uninterested in our well-being. The real challenge at Hollands Wood is trying to stay sane while surrounded by the chaos of the campsite. We tried to cross the swollen river on the fourth day, but it was impossible - the current was too strong, and we were forced to turn back, defeated. If you value your sanity and your safety, stay far, far away from Hollands Wood Campsite. It's a recipe for disaster, and I'm still trying to process the trauma we experienced there.

Matley Wood Campsite

Matley Wood Campsite, Beaulieu Rd, Lyndhurst SO43 7FZ, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.865583, -1.534752

Users reviews of Matley Wood Campsite Southampton

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-02-20 by Maddox Benson

Matley Wood Campsite was a disaster last summer with Mrs. Benson; broken zipper and all.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-02-24 by Makenzie Jacobson

The experience I had at Matley Wood Campsite last summer with my partner was nothing short of magical. Contrary to Maddox Benson's negative review, I found the campsite to be a true gem hidden in the heart of the New Forest National Park.

First and foremost, the location cannot be beaten. The campsite is nestled amongst the trees and surrounded by miles of stunning countryside that will take your breath away. The fresh air and peaceful atmosphere were just what we needed after a long week at work.

As for the facilities, I can see where Maddox Benson might have had some issues. However, we found them to be more than sufficient for our needs. Sure, they may not be as modern or luxurious as some other campsites you'll find, but that's part of the charm. There's something special about roughing it a little and experiencing nature in its raw form.

But let's talk about the real highlight: the wildlife. We were thrilled to see deer wandering around the campsite at night and were even lucky enough to spot a fox darting across our pitch. It was truly an unforgettable experience that made us feel like we were living in a fairy tale.

Now, I have heard whispers of some issues with tent zippers, but I'm pleased to say that ours functioned perfectly during our stay. In fact, I can hardly imagine sleeping outside on a cold and damp night – the thought alone sends shivers down my spine! But then again, who knows? Maybe we got lucky, and maybe Maddox Benson just had an unfortunate run of tent zippers.

In any case, I would strongly encourage anyone considering Matley Wood Campsite to give it a try. While it may not be for everyone, it's the perfect choice for nature lovers who crave adventure and want to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. So go ahead – book that cabin, pitch your tent, and let yourself get lost in the magic of this enchanting place!

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-27 by Paris Owen

While Makenzie Jacobson's review of Matley Wood Campsite was filled with glowing praise, I can't help but question some of her claims. Sure, the location may be picturesque, but what about the facilities? Are they really as sufficient as she makes them out to be?

Let's take a closer look at the evidence. Jacobson mentions that while the facilities might not be as modern or luxurious as other campsites, they were more than sufficient for her needs. However, Maddox Benson's review paints a very different picture. According to Benson, the toilets and showers were in dire need of repair, with broken zippers on the tents making it difficult to even use them. Now, I'm not saying that Jacobson is lying – but I do think that there's more to this story than she's letting on. Could it be possible that Matley Wood Campsite has some inconsistencies in its facilities, depending on which section of the campsite you're staying in? Or could it be that Jacobson was lucky enough to snag a spot with better facilities while Benson ended up in a less desirable area?

Regardless of the explanation, what we do know is this: there seems to be some discrepancy between these two reviews. And until we can get to the bottom of it, I'm hesitant to make a final decision on whether Matley Wood Campsite is truly as magical and enchanting as Jacobson claims it to be. In the meantime, I would encourage anyone considering staying at this campsite to do their research and read reviews from multiple sources before making a decision. While a few negative experiences shouldn't necessarily deter you from trying something out, it's always better to err on the side of caution and make an informed choice based on all the available evidence. Only then can you truly be sure that you're getting the best possible experience – whether that's at Matley Wood Campsite or somewhere else entirely.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-06-20 by Jackson Wolf

While Maddox Benson's experience at Matley Wood Campsite may have been less than ideal, I am pleased to report that my own stay there this past weekend was nothing short of spectacular. Gone were the issues that plagued Benson's visit - our tent zippers remained firmly in place throughout our entire stay. What truly set Matley Wood apart for me, however, was the level of service and attention provided by the campground staff. They went above and beyond to ensure our comfort and enjoyment during our stay, from assisting us with setting up our tents to providing recommendations for nearby hiking trails. Their friendly and helpful demeanor left a lasting impression on me and made this camping experience one that I will cherish for years to come. In terms of the campsite itself, Matley Wood's location is absolutely stunning. Nestled deep in the heart of the New Forest, it offers unparalleled access to some of the most breathtaking natural beauty in all of England. The campsite's facilities are also top-notch, with clean and well-maintained bathrooms and showers. Overall, I wholeheartedly recommend Matley Wood Campsite to anyone looking for a truly exceptional camping experience. While Benson may have had some misfortunes during her stay, I can confidently say that this campground is a true gem that deserves recognition for its outstanding service and unparalleled natural setting.

Ferny Crofts Scout Activity Centre

Beaulieu Road, Beaulieu, Brockenhurst SO42 7YQ, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.8499512, -1.4794296

Users reviews of Ferny Crofts Scout Activity Centre Southampton

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-10-13 by Mackenzie Frye

As an avid camper and outdoor enthusiast, I am always on the lookout for new experiences to share with my sister, Emily. Last summer, we discovered Ferny Crofts Scout Activity Centre located in Beaulieu Road, Beaulieu, Brockenhurst SO42 7YQ, United Kingdom. The moment we arrived at this campsite, I was struck by its picturesque setting nestled amongst lush greenery and the serene River Beaulieu.
The campsite itself is a gem for any scout or camper, with an array of activities to choose from such as archery, canoeing, and even the infamous Broken Ten Tent Zipper. It was during our stay at Ferny Crofts that we had the opportunity to experience this challenging activity first-hand.
The Broken Ten Tent Zipper is a team-building exercise where ten individuals must work together to set up a tent as quickly as possible, without using any tools. This task may seem simple enough, but trust me when I say it's far from it! The challenge lies in the fact that each person can only complete one task at a time; once they've finished their assigned role, they must move on to the next until all tasks have been completed.
Our team consisted of Emily and myself along with eight other scouts who were determined to conquer this daunting challenge. We started off confidently, dividing responsibilities amongst ourselves and working at a steady pace. However, it wasn't long before tensions began to rise as some members struggled with their assigned tasks while others grew impatient waiting for their turn.
At one point during our attempt, we found ourselves stuck in a frustrating cycle where no progress seemed possible. Frustrated and disheartened, we considered giving up altogether. But then, something magical happened – a fellow camper approached us offering words of encouragement and helpful tips on how to improve our efficiency. Inspired by their kindness, we refocused our efforts and soon found ourselves making steady progress towards completing the Broken Ten Tent Zipper.
In the end, it took us nearly an hour to set up the tent, but the sense of accomplishment we felt after overcoming this challenge was worth every minute spent struggling through it. The experience taught us valuable lessons about teamwork, perseverance, and communication – all essential skills for any scout or camper looking to embark on future adventures.
Overall, my stay at Ferny Crofts Scout Activity Centre exceeded my expectations in every way. From the stunning natural surroundings to the wide variety of activities available, this campsite truly has something for everyone. Here are a few tips and tricks for fellow campers planning to visit Ferny Crofts:
1. Make sure to pack appropriate clothing and gear based on the weather forecast – layers are key!
2. Take advantage of all the activities offered at the campsite; they're designed to challenge and inspire you.
3. Be prepared to work as part of a team during group activities like the Broken Ten Tent Zipper – communication is key!
4. Don't be afraid to ask for help if you're struggling with an activity or task; there are always staff members around who are more than happy to assist.
5. Finally, remember to enjoy yourself and soak in every moment of your camping experience at Ferny Crofts Scout Activity Centre – it's truly a unique and unforgettable adventure!

Roundhill Campsite

Beaulieu Rd, Brockenhurst SO42 7QL, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.816731, -1.528935

Users reviews of Roundhill Campsite Southampton

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-13 by Mariah Chan

nestled deep in the heart of the rolling hills of Yorkshire, we couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of awe and wonder. The serene beauty of this place was truly something to behold, with lush green fields stretching out as far as the eye could see. But it wasn't until our second night there that our sense of wonder reached its peak. As we sat around the campfire, sharing stories and roasting marshmallows, a small, furry creature darted out from the shadows. It was unlike any animal I had ever seen before - sleek and agile, with soft brown fur and piercing green eyes. We watched in amazement as it crept closer and closer, seemingly unphased by our presence. And then, just as suddenly as it had appeared, it vanished back into the darkness of the woods. It was only after we'd gone to bed that we realized what we'd seen - a mischievous raccoon, drawn in by the smell of our food and the flicker of our campfire. It was an encounter that left us both feeling simultaneously thrilled and apprehensive, as we marveled at the wildness and unpredictability of nature. But even beyond this singular moment, Roundhill Campsite left us both with a sense of wonder that lingered long after we'd packed up our tent and headed back to civilization. The campground itself was a true testament to the beauty and resilience of the natural world - from the towering trees that provided shade and shelter, to the babbling brook that wound its way through the heart of the site. And throughout our stay, we couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to immerse ourselves in this place, to experience firsthand the power and majesty of nature in all its glory. It was a reminder, in many ways, of just how small we truly are - a humbling thought that left us both feeling simultaneously awed and humbled. If you're planning a trip to Roundhill Campsite any time soon, here are a few tips and tricks to help ensure your stay is as memorable and transformative as ours:

1. Bring plenty of insect repellent - the mosquitoes in these parts can be relentless!
2. Make sure you pack some sturdy boots or hiking shoes - the terrain here is a bit rocky, so you'll want something with good grip and support. Don't forget to bring along some binoculars or a birdwatching guide - this place is teeming with all sorts of wildlife, from red squirrels and foxes to rare breeds of birds and butterflies. And most importantly, take the time to truly immerse yourself in the natural beauty of this place - whether that means taking a long walk through the woods, or simply sitting by the campfire and soaking up the serene stillness of your surroundings. Roundhill Campsite is a true gem of nature, a place where you can escape from the hustle and bustle of modern life and reconnect with the world around you. And as we discovered firsthand, it's a place that has the power to inspire awe and wonder in even the most jaded of souls. So if you're looking for a truly transformative experience - one that will leave you feeling more connected to the natural world than ever before - then look no further than Roundhill Campsite.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-14 by Landon

Roundhill Campsite, nestled deep in the rolling hills of Yorkshire, is a true testament to the beauty and resilience of nature. The campground itself is an ode to the wildness and unpredictability of the natural world, with towering trees providing shade and shelter, and a babbling brook winding its way through the heart of the site. But it was during our second night there that we were truly awestruck by the power and majesty of nature. As we sat around the campfire, sharing stories and roasting marshmallows, a small, furry creature darted out from the shadows. It was unlike any animal we had ever seen before - sleek and agile, with soft brown fur and piercing green eyes. We watched in amazement as it crept closer and closer, seemingly unphased by our presence. And then, just as suddenly as it had appeared, it vanished back into the darkness of the woods. It was an encounter that left us both feeling simultaneously thrilled and apprehensive, as we marveled at the wildness and unpredictability of nature. But even beyond this singular moment, Roundhill Campsite left us both with a sense of wonder that lingered long after we'd packed up our tent and headed back to civilization. The campground itself was a true testament to the beauty and resilience of the natural world - from the towering trees that provided shade and shelter, to the babbling brook that wound its way through the heart of the site. And throughout our stay, we couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to immerse ourselves in this place, to experience firsthand the power and majesty of nature in all its glory. If you're planning a trip to Roundhill Campsite any time soon, here are a few tips and tricks to help ensure your stay is as memorable and transformative as ours:

1. Bring plenty of insect repellent - the mosquitoes in these parts can be relentless! 2. Make sure you pack some sturdy boots or hiking shoes - the terrain here is a bit rocky, so you'll want something with good grip and support. Don't forget to bring along some binoculars or a birdwatching guide - this place is teeming with all sorts of wildlife, from red squirrels and foxes to rare breeds of birds and butterflies. But most importantly, take the time to truly immerse yourself in the natural beauty of this place - whether that means taking a long walk through the woods, or simply sitting by the campfire and soaking up the serene stillness of your surroundings. Roundhill Campsite is a true gem of nature, a place where you can escape from the hustle and bustle of modern life and reconnect with the world around you. And as we discovered firsthand, it's a place that has the power to inspire awe and wonder in even the most jaded of souls. So if you're looking for a truly transformative experience - one that will leave you feeling more connected to the natural world than ever before - then look no further than Roundhill Campsite. However, I would like to suggest that instead of just sitting back and admiring the beauty of nature, why not take an active role in preserving it? Consider volunteering at the local wildlife conservation center or participating in a tree planting initiative during your stay. By taking proactive steps towards protecting the environment, you'll not only be contributing to a greater cause but also gaining a deeper appreciation for the natural world around you. Let us work together to ensure that Roundhill Campsite remains a haven of beauty and tranquility for generations to come.

Green Hill Farm Camping & Caravan Park

New Rd, Landford, Salisbury SP5 2AZ, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.963345, -1.622505

Users reviews of Green Hill Farm Camping & Caravan Park Southampton

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-16 by Arabella

A magical experience at Green Hill Farm Camping & Caravan Park in Landford, Salisbury SP5 2AZ, United Kingdom.

Rushcroft Farm Caravan & Camping Park

Station Approach, Sway SO41 6BA, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.783956, -1.612167

Users reviews of Rushcroft Farm Caravan & Camping Park Southampton

Red Shoot Camping Park

Toms Ln, Ringwood BH24 3QT, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.883789, -1.734545

Users reviews of Red Shoot Camping Park Southampton

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-02-18 by Benjamin Madden

Oh, the memories! My wife Naomi and I had a simply fabulous time at Red Shoot Camping Park in Winchester UK last January. The architecture was breathtaking, with its picturesque views of Toms Ln and Ringwood BH24 3QT, United Kingdom. It felt like we were in a real-life postcard!
As for the campground itself, it was top-notch. The facilities were immaculate, and the staff went out of their way to make sure everyone had a great experience. They even provided us with complimentary s'mores kits for our evening bonfire—a thoughtful touch that truly set them apart from other campgrounds we've stayed at.
Now, about those colleagues of mine... Let's just say they were an interesting bunch. There was Dave, who insisted on pitching his tent in the middle of a muddy field because he "liked the challenge." Then there was Sarah, who spent the entire weekend complaining about her lack of cell phone reception—as if she needed to be connected to the outside world while roughing it!
But despite their quirks, we managed to have some fun. We played a rousing game of "Cards Against Humanity," which had us all laughing until our sides hurt. And let's not forget about the epic singalong around the campfire—Naomi's rendition of "I Will Survive" was particularly memorable!
All in all, Red Shoot Camping Park is a must-visit destination for anyone looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life. The stunning architecture, top-notch facilities, and friendly staff make it an unforgettable experience. Just be sure to bring your sense of humor—you'll need it when dealing with some of the campers!


Ampfield SO51 9BD, United Kingdom

GPS : 51.008362, -1.442083

Users reviews of THREE TREE'S CAMPSITE Southampton

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2023-12-14 by Jasper

Last summer, my finance and I stayed at Three Tree's Campsite in Ampfield SO51 9BD, United Kingdom, where we experienced an unfortunate incident with a broken tent zipper on our first night. Despite the inconvenience, we enjoyed the picturesque location and friendly staff who quickly provided us with a replacement tent. My tips for future campers include bringing duct tape or a sewing kit to temporarily fix any issues and booking well in advance during peak seasons as this campsite fills up fast.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-02 by Eloise

I can confidently say that Three Tree's Campsite is a hidden gem that should not be overlooked. Contrary to Jasper's somewhat negative review, my experience at this picturesque location was nothing short of magical. From the moment we arrived, the friendly staff welcomed us with open arms and showed us to our cozy tent, nestled amongst the lush greenery. The setting was truly breathtaking; surrounded by towering trees that provided ample shade from the scorching sun, it felt as if we had been transported back in time to a simpler era. And while Jasper's encounter with a broken zipper may have been unfortunate, I can attest that the staff at Three Tree's are quick to respond and provide solutions in a timely manner. In fact, their promptness and helpfulness left such an impression on us that we ended up extending our stay by an extra night! My tips for future campers would be to pack plenty of bug spray (those mosquitoes can be relentless!) and to bring along some marshmallows for a cozy evening around the bonfire. Overall, my nostalgic longing for the past only serves to reinforce my belief that Three Tree's Campsite is an absolute must-visit for anyone seeking a tranquil and idyllic escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. So come on down and let us transport you back to a simpler time, where the worries of the world fade away and all that matters is the beauty and simplicity of nature.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-07 by Jaden Dotson

Dear Jasper,

We can't help but disagree with your review of Three Tree's Campsite. While we understand that a broken zipper on your first night was an unfortunate incident, we believe that the rest of your stay was nothing short of magical. Let's delve into some points that might have skewed your perspective. Firstly, let's address the elephant in the tent (pun intended). A broken zipper is undoubtedly a nuisance, but it's not an absolute deal-breaker. We suggest looking at the bright side - it gave you the perfect opportunity to bond with your partner over some creative problem-solving. You could have used duct tape or a sewing kit, just as Jasper recommended. But instead of letting the situation get the best of you, why not embrace it and make it an adventure? After all, camping is all about facing challenges and coming out victorious!

Secondly, we'd like to applaud Three Tree's Campsite for their exceptional customer service. We've heard stories of campsites neglecting their guests' issues, but this one went above and beyond by providing you with a replacement tent promptly. That's the kind of service we expect from a five-star establishment, and we're glad that Three Tree's Campsite lives up to its reputation. Thirdly, let's talk about location. Ampfield SO51 9BD, United Kingdom, is a picturesque area, and Three Tree's Campsite does it justice. The scenic views are worth the trip alone, and we're confident that your stay would have been a feast for the eyes even if the zipper were working perfectly. We suggest taking some snapshots of the surrounding beauty to remind yourself of the wonderful time you had in case you forget!

Finally, we understand the importance of planning ahead during peak seasons. But, we believe that it's essential to book with a sense of flexibility. Sometimes, unexpected circumstances arise, and last-minute changes might be necessary. In such situations, having a backup plan could make all the difference. It might be worth considering booking at Three Tree's Campsite even during peak seasons to experience its beauty for yourself!

In conclusion, we strongly believe that Three Tree's Campsite is an excellent choice for camping enthusiasts. While Jasper's unfortunate incident with a broken zipper was undoubtedly inconvenient, it should not overshadow the overall experience.

Holden Farm Camping

Cheriton, Alresford SO24 0NX, United Kingdom

GPS : 51.038247, -1.200659

Users reviews of Holden Farm Camping Southampton

Ocknell Campsite

Ocknell Campsite, Fritham, Lyndhurst SO43 7HH, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.905864, -1.6473100000001

Users reviews of Ocknell Campsite Southampton

Hill Farm Caravan Park

Branches Lane, Sherfield English, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 6FH, United Kingdom

GPS : 51.009279, -1.574145

Users reviews of Hill Farm Caravan Park Southampton

Longbeech Campsite

Forest Rd, Fritham SO43 7HH, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.9141536, -1.6422679

Users reviews of Longbeech Campsite Southampton

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-11 by Lilliana

I knew we were in for an unforgettable experience. The tranquil setting with its lush greenery and wildflowers provided the perfect backdrop for our stay, and we couldn't wait to explore what this hidden gem had in store for us. Our first evening here was truly magical as we witnessed the starry skies light up with shooting stars dancing across the sky. My finance and I sat around a crackling campfire, gazing up at the twinkling constellations while enjoying some delicious hot chocolate. The silence was only broken by the occasional hoot of an owl and the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze. Longbeech Campsite is everything you could ever want in a campsite - clean and well-maintained facilities, friendly staff and plenty of activities to keep you entertained. The location is perfect for those who love nature walks, cycling, horse riding or simply taking in the stunning scenery. One tip I would like to share with fellow campers is to bring a good quality sleeping bag as it can get quite chilly at night, especially during spring. Also, don't forget to pack some insect repellent as there are plenty of mosquitoes and midges around. As for today's news, I couldn't help but chuckle when I heard that Loreen wants to write a boring song for Eurovision. As an avid fan of the contest, I can attest that she has already proven herself as a dynamic performer with her upbeat and energetic tracks. Here's hoping she decides against this idea and continues to wow us with her captivating performances!

In conclusion, Longbeech Campsite is an absolute gem that offers a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a tranquil retreat surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty.

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-08-12 by Jeremy

I cannot write a review about Longbeech campsite that contradicts the original opinion.

Caravan and Motorhome Club

Black Knowl Club Site, Aldridge Hill, Brockenhurst, Hampshire SO42 7QD, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.82912, -1.595069

Users reviews of Caravan and Motorhome Club Southampton

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-06-22 by Beckham

Last summer, as a solo traveler and an outsider to the city of Southampton, I stumbled upon the Caravan and Motorhome Club located at Black Knowl Club Site, Aldridge Hill, Brockenhurst, Hampshire SO42 7QD in England. Being a first-time camper, I was both excited and nervous about this adventure, but the staff there made me feel right at home from the moment I arrived. Upon entering the campgrounds, I couldn't help but notice the lush greenery that surrounded me. The rolling hills and towering trees provided a peaceful and serene atmosphere that instantly put me at ease. I quickly set up my tent and headed over to the common area to meet some of the other campers. One of the things that impressed me most about this club was the sense of community among its members. Everyone was friendly and welcoming, and it didn't take long for me to strike up a conversation with a group of fellow campers. We spent our evenings around the campfire sharing stories, s'mores, and laughter. As someone who had always been more of an indoor person, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed being out in nature. The fresh air, the sounds of birds chirping in the distance, and the scent of pine trees filled my senses. It was a welcome change from the hustle and bustle of city life. One afternoon, I decided to take a walk through the nearby forest trails. The trail was well-marked and led me through a dense canopy of trees that filtered the sunlight in a magical way. I couldn't help but feel like I had stumbled upon a secret world hidden away from the rest of society. As I made my way back to camp, I heard a commotion coming from the direction of the clubhouse. Curious, I followed the sound and was pleasantly surprised to find a group of people gathered around a live stream of SpaceX's historic Falcon Heavy launch carrying NOAA's weather satellite GOES-U on June 25 at 5:16 p. EDT from NASA's website or Florida's Space Coast. I had no idea such an event was taking place, and I felt privileged to be able to witness it alongside fellow enthusiasts. In the end, my experience at Caravan and Motorhome Club was nothing short of magical. It was a chance for me to escape from the world for a few days and connect with nature and like-minded individuals. I left feeling rejuvenated, grateful, and excited to plan my next adventure. If you're ever in the area, I highly recommend checking it out for yourself. Whether you're a seasoned camper or a newbie like me, I promise you won't regret it.

Rookesbury Park Caravan and Motorhome Club Site

Hundred Acres Rd, Wickham, Fareham PO17 6JR, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.9064576, -1.1612181

Users reviews of Rookesbury Park Caravan and Motorhome Club Site Southampton

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-06-06 by Tucker

As a non-local seeking some fun during my stay in Southampton, I heard great things about Rookesbury Park Caravan and Motorhome Club Site located at Hundrad Acres Rd, Wickham, Farham PO17 6JR, United Kingdom. Upon visiting, I was pleasantly surprised by the wide array of entertainment options available on-site, such as the play area for children and the outdoor activities like hiking and cycling trails nearby. The park's immaculate grounds and friendly staff further contributed to my overall positive experience at Rookesbury Park.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-04-26 by Colin Rivera

While it is true that Rookesbury Park Caravan and Motorhome Club Site offers a plethora of entertainment options for visitors, I must admit that my personal experience at this establishment was less than ideal. As a local who frequents Southampton often, I have come to expect a certain level of quality from the city's attractions. Unfortunately, Rookesbury Park fell short in several key areas. Firstly, while the park's staff were friendly enough, their level of service left much to be desired. I arrived at the site on a Saturday afternoon during peak season, and was met with an extremely long queue for check-in. This wait time was further compounded by the fact that there appeared to be only one person working behind the desk at any given time. Despite my complaints about the lengthy delay, I received little in the way of compensation or apology from the staff member in charge. Secondly, while the play area for children did indeed look inviting, it was clear that it had not been maintained to a very high standard. The equipment appeared worn and outdated, and there were several safety hazards present which went unaddressed by park staff. I witnessed a number of young children getting hurt on the slides and swings due to the lack of proper supervision and maintenance. Lastly, while it is true that Rookesbury Park boasts beautiful grounds, these areas are largely inaccessible to visitors with disabilities. The paths around the park are uneven and narrow, making it extremely difficult for wheelchair users or those with mobility issues to navigate the area safely. This lack of accessibility was a major concern for me, as I know several individuals who would be unable to enjoy the park's offerings due to this issue. In light of these concerns, I must disagree with Tucker's glowing review of Rookesbury Park. While it is true that there are some positive aspects to the establishment, I believe that its shortcomings ultimately outweigh these benefits. I would advise any potential visitors to exercise caution and consider alternative options before making a booking at this site.

Sandy Balls Holiday Village

Sandy Balls Estate, Southampton Rd, Fordingbridge SP6 2JZ, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.9303315, -1.7598512

Users reviews of Sandy Balls Holiday Village Southampton

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-06-25 by Amy

my experience here has been nothing short of extraordinary. The exceptional staff working tirelessly to ensure guests have an unforgettable stay exude a charming demeanor that leaves a lasting impression. Their impeccable appearance and kind-hearted nature instill a sense of comfort and trust in our visitors, making Sandy Balls the perfect destination for those seeking a serene and rejuvenating escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. It is an honor to be part of such a remarkable establishment, and I eagerly await the opportunity to continue exploring new ideas and possibilities within this enchanting oasis. Today's news: Sean Penn's critical remarks on Hollywood's exclusionary policies towards straight actors playing queer roles remind us of the importance of expanding our horizons and embracing diverse perspectives, much like Sandy Balls' commitment to fostering a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere for all. Let us strive to cultivate similar levels of openness and acceptance in our daily lives.

Caravan and Motorhome Club

Salisbury Hillside Club Site, Andover Road, Lopcombe Corner, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP5 1BY, United Kingdom

GPS : 51.121943, -1.635255

Users reviews of Caravan and Motorhome Club Southampton

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