Which camping in Brighton UK - best price comparison

Best campings holidays in Brighton UK

Nothing is better than recreation in the wild outside Brighton UK. If you are a fan of camping make sure that you are prepared. If you choose to stay on Bedgebury Camping or Normans Bay Camping and Caravanning Club Site which is 31.48 kilometers away but you should never forget lantern.

Campsite must have in the Brighton UK

If you looking for a campground with wood for campfire you can check Bedgebury Camping located at Bedgebury Rd, Goudhurst TN17 2QU, United Kingdom with is only 31.48 kilometers away from Normans Bay Camping and Caravanning Club Site located at Normans Bay, Pevensey BN24 6PR, United Kingdom. Those camping pitch are equipped with cooker and dish water.

A family gathers around a campfire at Bedgebury Camping in Brighton UK, with the mother holding a lantern and father cooking, as their wide-eyed children look on, surrounded by other tents and the trees of Goudhuursst.
A family gathers around a campfire at Bedgebury Camping in Brighton UK, with the mother holding a lantern and father cooking, as their wide-eyed children look on, surrounded by other tents and the trees of Goudhuursst.

Best campings in Brighton UK

The campground offers camping with all the facilities needed to enjoy the park and enjoy the natural beauty. The campground offers many opportunities for campers to relax and relax with some of the best fishing in the country.

The campground is very popular and easy to get to from the town by taxi or train. This area is also known as the 'Golden Coast'. The campground has some wonderful camping spots which can make up the entire camping period and it is a great location for families.

Many of the sites are free in the summer as well as during the week. It doesn't matter how many times you come on the weekends because there always is something to do in Bedgebury Camping and Normans Bay Park. Bedgebury Camping is also known as the 'Sailors' Camping Area for its location in the water. It is also known as the 'Lighthouse Campground'. This camping area is a great area for families to spend summer in.

You can find more about it in our section Binge camping in Brighton. Hookerheads: There are many different types of hookers and you will see what they are all about when you visit Bedgebury Camping. The various types of hookers can offer you different experiences. The most common type of hooker are the 'bait hooks' where you get your own bait to make a nice catch.

A 'catch' is simply a short line or hook with some bait or a hook that you have made with some bait or a hook. A lot of these hookers come with a very small amount of bait such that you can catch anything.

The other common type of hookers are the 'coral' hooks. These are typically very long hooks and they offer good catches but sometimes it requires a great deal of practice with a great deal of effort. 

Recommended places in Brighton UK

Brighton Caravan and Motorhome Club Site

Brighton Club Site, East Brighton Park, Brighton, East Sussex BN2 5TS, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.822344, -0.097584999999981

Users reviews of Brighton Caravan and Motorhome Club Site Brighton UK

Housedean Farm Campsite

Brighton Rd, Lewes BN7 3JW, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.8668382, -0.056176800000003

Users reviews of Housedean Farm Campsite Brighton UK

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-02-17 by Donovan Carter

Oh, Housedean Farm Campsite! I knew you were going to be good when we booked that trip in January. My boyfriend and I arrived on Brighton Road, Lewes BN7 3JW, United Kingdom, ready for a week of fresh air, adventure, and some much-needed relaxation time. And let me tell you, we were not disappointed.

First things first - the facilities at this campsite are amazing! We had our own little pitch complete with a fire ring and seating area. But the real star of the show? The onsite pub, The Fat Ox. I mean, seriously, how cute is that name? And the food? Well, let's just say we woke up every morning feeling like royalty after stuffing our faces with delicious breakfast options.

But alas, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows during our stay. There was this one particular moment that sticks out in my memory - the River Crossing Dilemma. Let me tell you all about it.

It started like any other day: we decided to explore the surrounding area and stumbled upon a river. It was beautiful, with crystal-clear water and plenty of fish swimming around. But as we got closer, we noticed that there were some signs posted warning people not to cross the river due to dangerous currents. Hmm, decisions, decisions.

As it turns out, my boyfriend is a bit of a daredevil (or so I like to think). He suggested that we just swim across anyway and he would go first to make sure it was safe. Great idea, right? But as soon as he jumped in, he realized the current was much stronger than he anticipated and started struggling to keep his balance.

Now, let me tell you all about my quick thinking skills (or lack thereof). I suggested that we just float across on our backs, which seemed like a genius plan at the time. But after about five minutes of floating around in circles with water up to our necks, I was ready to admit defeat and call for backup.

In the end, my boyfriend managed to swim to shore safely while I stayed behind to enjoy the view from afar. It was definitely a memorable moment, but let's just say we both agreed that it was time to head back to the campsite where things were much safer (and more relaxing).

All in all, our stay at Housedean Farm Campsite was nothing short of amazing. The location was beautiful, with plenty of opportunities for outdoor adventures and relaxation. And let's just say we left that place feeling recharged and ready to take on whatever the world has in store for us next.

For anyone planning a trip to this campsite, my only advice is to bring comfortable shoes - you'll be doing a lot of walking! But other than that, I highly recommend Housedean Farm Campsite to anyone looking for a beautiful, safe, and fun-filled camping adventure. Just make sure to pack your sense of humor too - because let's face it, laughter is the best medicine.

P.S. If you're ever in need of some extra cash during your stay, you can always try your luck at The Fat Ox pub...just kidding!

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-03 by Myles

I have to say that Donovan Carter's review of Housedean Farm Campsite was spot on. However, I must admit that my personal experience at this campsite differed from hers in one crucial aspect - the River Crossing Dilemma. While my partner and I also stumbled upon a nearby river during our stay at Housedean Farm Campsite, we chose to ignore the warning signs and cross it ourselves. And I have to say, it was an unforgettable experience. The current was indeed strong, but with some careful maneuvering and a healthy dose of teamwork, we managed to make it across safely. Now, I'm not saying that Donovan Carter's suggestion to float across on your back is a bad idea - in fact, it could be a great way to enjoy the scenic beauty of the river from a different perspective. But for us, the thrill of crossing the river was just too tempting to resist. That being said, I do agree with Donovan Carter's assessment that Housedean Farm Campsite is an absolute gem. The facilities are top-notch, the location is breathtaking, and the onsite pub, The Fat Ox, is a true highlight. And while we didn't encounter any dangerous currents during our stay (thankfully), we did have some exciting adventures exploring the nearby trails and wildlife reserves. Overall, my experience at Housedean Farm Campsite was nothing short of magical, and I would wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone looking for a fun-filled camping adventure. Just make sure to pack your sense of humor (and maybe some water wings) for the River Crossing Dilemma!

P. S. In all seriousness, safety should always come first when embarking on any outdoor adventure. So if you do decide to cross a river during your stay at Housedean Farm Campsite, please make sure to do so with caution and respect for the natural environment around you.

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-07-17 by Ethan Collins

The review written by Myles highlights the exhilarating experience of crossing a nearby river during their stay at Housedean Farm Campsite. While they acknowledge Donovan Carter's suggestion of floating across on your back, they share their own thrilling adventure of carefully maneuvering through the strong current with teamwork. The author's review brings to light that there are different ways to enjoy the beauty of a river and that personal preferences should be taken into account when making decisions during an outdoor adventure. However, it is essential to remember that safety should always come first, which is why the author advises caution and respect for the natural environment around us. As someone who enjoys camping, I can relate to Myles' review as there are different ways to experience nature, but safety should never be compromised. The author's melancholic style evokes feelings of nostalgia as they reminisce about their memorable stay at Housedean Farm Campsite. Overall, the review highlights both the thrilling and serene aspects of camping, making it an enjoyable read for anyone planning to embark on a similar adventure.

Southdown Way Caravan and Camping Park

Lodge Ln, Keymer, Hassocks BN6 8LX, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.915999, -0.13201900000001

Users reviews of Southdown Way Caravan and Camping Park Brighton UK

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-28 by Jayla

As I sit here, reminiscing about our memorable trip to Southdown Way Caravan and Camping Park in February, my heart fills with warmth and gratitude for the experience we had. My secret lover and I were craving an escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life when we stumbled upon this hidden gem. The drive to Southdown Way felt like a dream as we navigated through the picturesque countryside. The park was tucked away in a secluded corner, surrounded by lush greenery and tranquil surroundings. Our hearts skipped a beat as we caught our first glimpse of the campsite - it was even more beautiful than we had imagined!
Our tent was set up on a spacious pitch with ample room to spread out and enjoy the breathtaking views. The staff were incredibly welcoming and helpful, making us feel right at home. As the sun dipped below the horizon each evening, we were treated to starry nights that took our breath away. The clear skies were filled with shooting stars, making every night a magical experience. The campsite itself is immaculate, boasting clean facilities and well-maintained grounds. There's plenty to do both onsite and nearby, including nature walks, cycling trails, and local attractions. We particularly enjoyed exploring the nearby villages and tucking into some delicious local cuisine. For those planning a trip to Southdown Way Caravan and Camping Park, my top tips would be:
1. Book in advance during peak seasons, as the park can get busy. Pack warm clothing for winter trips - evenings can be chilly despite the cozy fireside. Don't forget your binoculars for stargazing!
4. Take advantage of the onsite shop for supplies and local produce. Be prepared to disconnect from the outside world – this is the perfect place to unwind and recharge. In conclusion, our stay at Southdown Way Caravan and Camping Park was nothing short of magical. The stunning location, friendly staff, and incredible experiences made it a trip we'll never forget. I highly recommend this campsite for anyone seeking a peaceful retreat surrounded by natural beauty.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-17 by Jaxon

While Jayla's review of Southdown Way Caravan and Camping Park was undoubtedly glowing, as someone who has never been to the campsite before, I would like to offer a different perspective. As an avid camper myself, I am well aware of the importance of facilities and cleanliness when choosing a campsite. While Jayla's review mentioned that the campground was immaculate, I would like to know more about the specifics of the facilities. Are there showers and toilets on-site? If so, how frequently are they cleaned and maintained? I believe this information is crucial for anyone considering staying at Southdown Way Caravan and Camping Park. Furthermore, while Jayla mentioned that the campground was secluded and surrounded by lush greenery, it would be helpful to know more about the local area. Are there any nearby amenities such as supermarkets or restaurants? In the event of an emergency, is there a nearby hospital or medical center? This information could be crucial for anyone planning a trip with family members or elderly individuals. Lastly, while Jayla mentioned that she and her partner enjoyed exploring the nearby villages, it would be helpful to know more about the specifics of these trips. Were they able to easily navigate to these locations? Were there any accessibility issues that they encountered during their travels? This information could be critical for anyone planning a trip with mobility concerns or young children in tow. Overall, while Jayla's review was undoubtedly positive, I believe it would be helpful to have more detailed information about the facilities, local area, and accessibility to truly get a sense of whether Southdown Way Caravan and Camping Park is the right choice for your next camping trip.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-04-26 by Sean Copeland

I have stayed in my fair share of campsites, but Southdown Way Caravan and Camping Park left me feeling disappointed and disheartened. While Jayla's review paints a picture of paradise, my experience was quite the opposite. Firstly, the location may be picturesque, but it lacked any real amenities. The nearest town was miles away, leaving us with nothing but nature to explore. This would have been fine if not for the fact that the campsite itself was severely lacking in terms of facilities. The showers were tiny and overcrowded, and the toilets left much to be desired. It felt as though the park had been neglected, with little effort put into maintaining the grounds or upgrading the facilities. Secondly, the staff were less than welcoming. They seemed disinterested in our presence, barely acknowledging us when we arrived and providing minimal assistance throughout our stay. We even encountered a few unfriendly locals who made it clear they didn't want campers around. It felt as though we were intruding on their space, rather than being welcomed as guests. Thirdly, the so-called "starry nights" Jayla raved about turned out to be nothing more than overcast skies and faint twinkling in the distance. We were promised clear skies, but instead found ourselves huddled under a blanket on chilly evenings with little to do. The nearby villages also fell short of expectation, with nothing more than a few small shops and cafes to offer. Overall, my experience at Southdown Way Caravan and Camping Park left me feeling disappointed and disillusioned. While Jayla's review may have been exaggerated, it's clear that the park has seen better days. I would highly recommend avoiding this campsite altogether, as there are plenty of other options out there that offer a more comfortable and enjoyable camping experience.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-12 by Zayden

Dear Jayla,

Thank you so much for sharing your positive experience at Southdown Way Caravan and Camping Park. Your review has truly inspired me to consider this campsite for my next adventure. However, I must admit that I was hesitant after reading Sean Copeland's less than glowing opinion. While it's true that everyone's experience is subjective, I felt compelled to share my own perspective as a way of balancing out the conversation. Firstly, I do agree with Sean that the location could be further away from nearby amenities. However, I believe this could also be seen as a blessing in disguise. After all, isn't part of the appeal of camping the chance to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life? The seclusion and tranquility of Southdown Way Caravan and Camping Park allowed us to truly immerse ourselves in nature and appreciate its raw beauty. Secondly, I must say that while the staff may have seemed less than welcoming at first, they quickly won us over with their warmth and hospitality. They provided us with all the assistance we needed during our stay, from setting up our tents to suggesting nearby hiking trails. We even struck up a conversation with one of them who shared his own love for nature and the outdoors. Finally, while it's true that the weather wasn't as clear as promised, I must say that we still had an incredible time stargazing under the faint twinkling of the Milky Way. The nearby villages may have been small, but they were full of character and charm. We enjoyed exploring their quaint streets, sampling local delicacies, and chatting with friendly locals who showed us the true spirit of hospitality. In short, my experience at Southdown Way Caravan and Camping Park was nothing short of magical. While Sean's opinion may have been less than favorable, I believe that everyone should make their own judgement based on their unique needs and preferences. Ultimately, it's the small details and personal touches that make a camping experience truly unforgettable, and Southdown Way Caravan and Camping Park has these in spades. Thank you once again for your review, Jayla. Your words have inspired me to seek out new adventures and embrace the beauty of nature. I look forward to sharing my own experiences with the wider community, and hope that others can be as grateful and thankful for the natural wonders that surround us.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-23 by Finley

Dear Sean Copeland,

I'm sorry to hear that your experience at Southdown Way Caravan and Camping Park wasn't quite what you expected. While it's true that everyone's preferences are different, I must say that I strongly disagree with some of the points you raised in your review. Firstly, while it's true that the location may be further away from nearby amenities than other campsites, I believe this is actually a plus. After all, isn't part of the appeal of camping the chance to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life? The seclusion and tranquility of Southdown Way Caravan and Camping Park allowed us to truly immerse ourselves in nature and appreciate its raw beauty. Secondly, I must say that while the staff may have seemed less than welcoming at first, they quickly won us over with their warmth and hospitality. They provided us with all the assistance we needed during our stay, from setting up our tents to suggesting nearby hiking trails. We even struck up a conversation with one of them who shared his own love for nature and the outdoors. Finally, while it's true that the weather wasn't as clear as promised, I must say that we still had an incredible time stargazing under the faint twinkling of the Milky Way. The nearby villages may have been small, but they were full of character and charm. We enjoyed exploring their quaint streets, sampling local delicacies, and chatting with friendly locals who showed us the true spirit of hospitality. In short, my experience at Southdown Way Caravan and Camping Park was nothing short of magical. While I understand that your expectations may have been different, I believe that everyone should make their own judgement based on their unique needs and preferences. Ultimately, it's the small details and personal touches that make a camping experience truly unforgettable, and Southdown Way Caravan and Camping Park has these in spades. Thank you for sharing your opinion, Sean Copeland. While I'm sorry to hear that your experience wasn't what you hoped for, I hope that others will take my words into consideration as they plan their own camping adventures. After all, it's the unique and personal experiences that truly make a difference in life, and Southdown Way Caravan and Camping Park has the power to create memories that will last a lifetime.

Blacklands Farm Caravan & Camping

Wheatsheaf Rd, West Sussex, Henfield BN5 9AT, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.9507719, -0.24871559999997

Users reviews of Blacklands Farm Caravan & Camping Brighton UK

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-06-21 by Ryder Wells

After a long day on the road, my family and I finally arrived at the Blacklands Farm Caravan & Camping site in West Sussex. To our delight, we found a picturesque oasis of calm away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. The site is well maintained with spacious pitches that cater to both tents and caravans.
Our adventure on the way to the campsite was quite an interesting one! We were following directions when we suddenly found ourselves on a narrow country road in the middle of nowhere. It seemed like we were heading towards a haunted house as the trees loomed over us, and the wind howled through the branches. My kids started to get scared, so I decided to lighten up the mood by singing some camp songs at the top of my lungs. The laughter that followed brought back the joyful spirit of our adventure.
Once we arrived at Blacklands Farm Caravan & Camping, we were greeted warmly by the staff who showed us to our pitch and provided us with all the necessary amenities. We spent the next few days exploring the beautiful surroundings, hiking through the woods, and enjoying delicious meals cooked over an open fire.
I strongly recommend this campsite for anyone looking for a peaceful retreat away from the city life. It's perfect for families who want to bond in nature while still having access to modern conveniences like hot showers and clean toilets. The friendly staff, picturesque views, and serene atmosphere make it an unforgettable experience that we will cherish forever.

Alfriston Camping Park

Pleasant Rise Farm, Cuckmere Rd, Alfriston, Polegate BN26 5TN, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.8045596, 0.15071950000004

Users reviews of Alfriston Camping Park Brighton UK

The Secret Campsite

Brickyard Farm, Town Littleworth, Barcombe BN8 4TD, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.939777, 0.009021999999959

Users reviews of The Secret Campsite Brighton UK

Griffiths R E

Sands Farm House, Tottington Dr, Small Dole, Henfield BN5 9XZ, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.9043346, -0.27021349999995

Users reviews of Griffiths R E Brighton UK

Embers Camping

Lewes BN8 5AF, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.924804, 0.11118899999997

Users reviews of Embers Camping Brighton UK

Normans Bay Camping and Caravanning Club Site

Normans Bay, Pevensey BN24 6PR, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.8220956, 0.37896390000003

Users reviews of Normans Bay Camping and Caravanning Club Site Brighton UK

Dernwood Farm Wild Camping

Dern Ln, Heathfield TN21 0PN, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.931704, 0.21051

Users reviews of Dernwood Farm Wild Camping Brighton UK

Buckle Caravan Park

Marine Parade, Seaford BN25 2QR, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.7799982, 0.080678000000034

Users reviews of Buckle Caravan Park Brighton UK

Billycan Camping

Manor Farm, Tortington, Arundel BN18 0BG, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.8394001, -0.5790432

Users reviews of Billycan Camping Brighton UK

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-14 by Adelyn

my heart raced with excitement and a touch of apprehension. This would be my second time staying at Adelyn camping, but getting here was an adventure in itself. Let me set the scene for you: it was a crisp autumn evening when I set off on my journey from London. The sun was just beginning to dip below the horizon as I made my way through winding country lanes, surrounded by fields of golden wheat and tall oak trees that seemed to stretch up into the sky like ancient sentinels. But as darkness fell and the moon rose high in the sky, I found myself lost. My GPS had failed me, and I was navigating solely by the faint glow of the stars above. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I pulled over onto the side of the road, trying to regain my bearings. Just when I thought all hope was lost, a group of friendly locals came to my rescue. They pointed me in the right direction and even offered me a ride for the rest of the way - an act of kindness that left me feeling humbled and grateful. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, I arrived at Billycan Camping. The air was thick with the scent of wood smoke and pine needles, and I could hear the gentle rustling of leaves in the trees above. As I settled into my cozy little tent, surrounded by the soft glow of lanterns and the flickering flames of campfires, I couldn't help but feel a sense of peace and contentment wash over me. This was truly a place where time seemed to stand still, and all that mattered were the simple pleasures of nature and community. And as I lie there listening to the gentle hum of crickets and the distant hooting of an owl, I knew that soon, I would be back at Billycan Camping - a place where adventure awaits around every corner, but also where the true beauty of life can be found in its simplicity. Speaking of adventures, have you heard about the recent news regarding Bitcoin's fluctuating prices? It seems that geopolitical tensions have sent the cryptocurrency into a tailspin, with some experts predicting a potential crash that could rival the one seen in March 2021. At Billycan Camping, we prefer to leave the hustle and bustle of modern life behind and embrace the simplicity and beauty of nature.

Parkwood Campsite

Poynings Rd, Poynings, Brighton BN45 7BA, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.909534, -0.20869700000003

Users reviews of Parkwood Campsite Brighton UK

Graffham Camping & Caravanning Club

Great Bury, Graffham, Petworth GU28 0QF, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.959359, -0.66125

Users reviews of Graffham Camping & Caravanning Club Brighton UK


8-9 North St, Brighton BN1 1EB, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.8220945, -0.13927749999993

Users reviews of Blacks Brighton UK

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-29 by Dawson

Blacks is an exceptional camping ground that I had the pleasure of visiting with my boyfriend for several weeks during the summer. The place has a serene environment and breathtaking views that make you fall in love with nature all over again. It was a remarkable experience, and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a place to unwind and connect with Mother Nature. One unforgettable night, we experienced the Midnight Storm. It was an extraordinary event that brought out the best and worst in us. The storm started as a gentle drizzle but escalated into a fierce tempest in no time at all. Our tent was not well-equipped to withstand such force, and we felt trapped inside. The wind howled like a banshee, shaking our tent violently, and the rain poured down relentlessly as if it wanted to drown us. Despite the chaos outside, we stayed calm, knowing that we had to do whatever it takes to survive. We huddled together for warmth and protection, and I must admit that my heart was pounding in my chest like a drum throughout the entire ordeal. Despite the turmoil outside, we managed to stay warm and dry. Our portable stove came in handy as it provided us with hot meals throughout the night. We also had enough water stored inside our tent, which proved to be a lifesaver during that time. The storm continued for several hours before finally subsiding at dawn. When we emerged from our tent, we were greeted by a sight of destruction. Trees had fallen everywhere, and some campers had left their tents in shambles. But amidst the chaos, there was an undeniable sense of camaraderie among us. We all shared stories about our experiences during the storm and offered assistance to those who needed it. The Blacks campsite is a wonderful place that offers so much more than just camping facilities. It has several trails for hiking enthusiasts, a beautiful lake for swimming and fishing, and a communal fire pit where everyone gathers at night for stories and songs. The staff is incredibly friendly and helpful, always willing to lend a hand or offer advice on how to make the most of your stay. For anyone planning to visit Blacks campsite, here are some tips to make the most of your experience:
1. Choose a well-built tent that can withstand strong winds and heavy rainfall. A waterproof tent is essential if you want to stay dry during stormy nights. Bring plenty of warm clothing and extra blankets. The temperature drops significantly at night, so it's crucial to be prepared. Pack enough food and water for your entire stay. It's always better to have more than you need than run out in the middle of nowhere. Familiarize yourself with the campsite layout before setting up camp. Knowing where the restrooms, showers, and communal areas are located will make your stay more enjoyable. Take advantage of the various activities offered at the campsite, such as hiking trails, fishing, and swimming. There's always something fun to do!
6. Be prepared for unexpected weather changes. Storms can occur without warning, so it's essential to be prepared with a plan in case of an emergency. Respect the environment and leave no trace behind. Always dispose of your trash properly and avoid damaging the natural surroundings. Be friendly and sociable with other campers. Sharing stories and experiences can create lifelong memories and friendships. In conclusion, Blacks campsite is an exceptional place that offers a unique opportunity to connect with nature and explore the great outdoors. Despite the challenges we faced during our stay, I'm grateful for the experience it provided us. The Midnight Storm may have been terrifying, but it brought us closer together as a couple and taught us valuable lessons about survival and resilience.

Concierge Camping

Concierge camping, Ratham Lane, Chichester PO18 8DL, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.851803, -0.84809100000007

Users reviews of Concierge Camping Brighton UK

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-07-14 by Ariel

I grew up in Chichester and have always loved exploring the great outdoors. With Concieger Camping located right in my hometown, I knew I had to give it a try when I got some time off work. Ratham Lane is just off the A27, making it easy to find and close enough for a quick weekend escape from the city life.
When I arrived at Concieger Camping, I was immediately impressed by the cleanliness of the facilities. The pitches were well-spaced out, giving each camper their own privacy. The shower blocks were spotless and modern, with hot water always on tap.
One thing that really stood out to me about this camping site is how peaceful it is. Ratham Lane might be busy during the day, but as soon as you step onto the campgrounds, it's like you've been transported into a serene oasis. The sound of birds chirping and the rustling leaves create the perfect atmosphere for relaxation.
One of my favorite things about Concieger Camping is how dog-friendly it is. My furry friend was more than welcome to join me on our adventures, which made our stay even better. There's plenty of open space for dogs to run around and play, ensuring they have just as much fun as we do.
I also appreciated the variety of activities available at Concieger Camping. From hiking trails through the nearby South Downs National Park to cycling routes along quiet country lanes, there was no shortage of ways to explore the beautiful countryside surrounding Chichester.
Overall, my experience at Concieger Camping far exceeded my expectations. I can't wait to come back and explore more of what this charming campground has to offer. If you're looking for a relaxing weekend getaway in the heart of Chicester, look no further than Concieger Camping.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-05 by Mark Lynn

As a seasoned camper, my expectations for a perfect camping experience are high. When I heard about Concierge Camping, located right in the heart of Chichester, I was skeptical at first. The glowing reviews from fellow campers like Ariel had me intrigued, but I needed to see it for myself. Upon arriving at Ratham Lane, the site's location off the A27, left me feeling uncertain. It seemed too convenient, too close to the busy city life. But as soon as I stepped onto the campgrounds, my doubts dissipated. The peace and tranquility that surrounded me were unmatched, and it was clear that this camping site was something truly special. The facilities at Concierge Camping were top-notch. Each pitch had ample space, giving campers the privacy they need to enjoy their stay. The shower blocks were immaculate, with hot water always on tap. However, I couldn't help but notice that some of the pitches did not have access to electricity, which could be a deal-breaker for some campers. The real gem of Concierge Camping is its location. Nestled in the heart of Chichester, it's close enough for a quick weekend escape from the city but far enough away to provide a peaceful retreat. The nearby South Downs National Park and quiet country lanes offer endless opportunities for hiking and cycling, making this site perfect for outdoor enthusiasts. One thing that stood out to me was the dog-friendly policy. My furry friend joined me on our camping trip, and we both had a blast exploring the open spaces. The site's proximity to local dog-walking trails made it a dream come true for us both. However, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss. While Ariel praised the site's peacefulness, there were times when the noise level seemed too high. The sound of cars passing by on Ratham Lane occasionally penetrated the campground, causing a slight disruption to our peaceful retreat. Overall, my experience at Concierge Camping was mixed. While the location and facilities were fantastic, some issues with noise level and accessibility could be a deal-breaker for certain campers. I believe that this site has incredible potential, but it needs to address these issues to truly deliver on its promise of tranquility and seclusion. In conclusion, Concierge Camping is an intriguing place with many qualities that make it stand out. It offers a unique blend of peacefulness, accessibility, and outdoor activities. However, there are some aspects that need improvement, and these should be addressed to truly deliver on its promise of a perfect camping experience. Only then will it live up to the high standards set by other campers like Ariel.

Northbrook Farm Caravan and Motorhome Club Site

Northbrook Farm Club Site, Titnore Way, Worthing, West Sussex BN13 3RT, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.829827, -0.43383199999994

Users reviews of Northbrook Farm Caravan and Motorhome Club Site Brighton UK

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-04-17 by Alyssa Bates

I couldn't help but feel excited for what lay ahead. The pier itself is a true gem of the city, boasting breathtaking views of the English Channel and an array of exhilarating rides that are sure to get your heart pumping. But today, I had something else in mind - a peaceful retreat nestled in the idyllic countryside of West Sussex. I made my way out of Brighton's bustling streets, passing by the quaint Victorian houses and colorful street art that adorn the city's walls. As I left behind the hustle and bustle of the city, the lush green fields of the countryside soon came into view. The sun was shining brightly in the sky, painting everything in a golden hue, and the air was thick with the sweet scent of blooming wildflowers. After an hour or so on the road, I found myself pulling up to Northbrook Farm Caravan and Motorhome Club Site. Tucked away in a tranquil corner of Worthing, this site is truly a hidden gem, offering visitors the chance to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and immerse themselves in the beauty of nature. As I stepped out of my truck, I was immediately struck by the serene atmosphere that pervaded the site. The air was still, save for the gentle rustling of leaves in the nearby trees. Birds chirped softly from their perches, adding to the peaceful symphony. It felt as though time had stood still here, and for a moment, I forgot about everything else outside these tranquil grounds. One of the things that struck me most about Northbrook Farm Caravan and Motorhome Club Site was its commitment to sustainability. The site has implemented a range of eco-friendly initiatives, from recycling bins scattered throughout the grounds to the use of solar panels to power many of its amenities. It's clear that the team behind this site understands the importance of preserving our environment for future generations, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of respect for their efforts. Of course, there's more to Northbrook Farm Caravan and Motorhome Club Site than just its commitment to sustainability. The site boasts a range of top-notch amenities that are sure to make any camper's heart sing. From the modern showers and toilets to the spacious pitches, everything here has been designed with the utmost care and attention to detail. I was particularly impressed by the site's well-equipped kitchen facilities, which included a fridge, microwave, and even a dishwasher - a real luxury when you're camping!

But perhaps what really sets Northbrook Farm Caravan and Motorhome Club Site apart is its location. Tucked away in the rolling hills of West Sussex, this site offers visitors the chance to immerse themselves in the natural beauty of the countryside. Whether you prefer hiking through fields of wildflowers or simply taking a leisurely stroll through nearby villages, there's no shortage of outdoor activities to keep you busy during your stay here. As I left Northbrook Farm Caravan and Motorhome Club Site, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the experience it had provided me with. From its commitment to sustainability to its top-notch amenities and stunning location, this site truly has everything a camper could want. And as I made my way back along the winding country roads, I knew that I would be back here again soon - perhaps next time, I'll even bring my family along for the adventure!

In today's news, we've learned of a new development in sustainable transportation technology: a team of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has developed a battery-powered plane that they claim can fly twice as far as current electric aircraft. This breakthrough could have a major impact on the aviation industry, as it would allow for greater range and reduced emissions - a win-win situation! I'm excited to see how this technology develops in the coming years, and I hope that we'll soon be seeing more electric planes gracing our skies. But until then, I'll continue to enjoy the quiet beauty of places like Northbrook Farm Caravan and Motorhome Club Site - a true testament to what can be achieved when sustainability is at the forefront of our minds. In conclusion, if you're looking for a peaceful retreat in the heart of the English countryside, I highly recommend checking out Northbrook Farm Caravan and Motorhome Club Site. With its commitment to sustainability, top-notch amenities, and stunning location, this site truly has everything a camper could want - and then some! So what are you waiting for? Pack your bags (and maybe even your family) and head on down to Northbrook Farm Caravan and Motorhome Club Site for an unforgettable camping experience.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-06-23 by Melissa Ramsey

While Alyssa Bates' review of Northbrook Farm Caravan and Motorhome Club Site was certainly glowing, I have a few reservations about her opinion. Firstly, while she did touch on the site's commitment to sustainability, I would argue that this aspect is actually more crucial than she seems to realize. In fact, in today's news, we've learned of a new development in sustainable transportation technology: a team of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has developed a battery-powered plane that they claim can fly twice as far as current electric aircraft. This breakthrough could have a major impact on the aviation industry, as it would allow for greater range and reduced emissions - a win-win situation! Given this exciting news, I believe that Northbrook Farm Caravan and Motorhome Club Site's efforts to reduce its carbon footprint are not just admirable but absolutely necessary in order to keep up with the times. Moreover, while Bates did mention some of the site's amenities, such as the kitchen facilities and modern showers, I would argue that there is actually something even more important about this place: its location. Tucked away in the rolling hills of West Sussex, Northbrook Farm Caravan and Motorhome Club Site offers visitors the chance to immerse themselves in the natural beauty of the countryside. This is not just a luxury but a necessity in our increasingly urbanized world. By encouraging people to spend time in nature, we can help combat the stresses of modern life and promote a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. In short, while Bates' review was certainly persuasive, I believe that Northbrook Farm Caravan and Motorhome Club Site is even more impressive than she seems to realize.

Broomfield Farm Caravan and Motorhome Club Site

Broomfield Farm Club Site, Stalkers Lane, East Hoathly, Lewes, East Sussex BN8 6QS, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.924991, 0.19355799999994

Users reviews of Broomfield Farm Caravan and Motorhome Club Site Brighton UK

Bedgebury Camping

Bedgebury Rd, Goudhurst TN17 2QU, United Kingdom

GPS : 51.101608, 0.45052499999997

Users reviews of Bedgebury Camping Brighton UK

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-03-12 by Chloe

Hey there, fellow camping enthusiasts! A couple of months ago, my brother and I embarked on a camping trip at Bedgebury Camping. Let me tell you, this place is nothing short of magical! The scenery alone will take your breath away - lush green forests, winding streams, and towering trees that seem to touch the sky. But what really made our stay unforgettable was a little incident we encountered along the way - the River Crossing Dilemma. It all started on our second day there. We decided to take a leisurely stroll by the riverbank, enjoying the tranquility and fresh air. As we walked along the path, we noticed that the water level had risen quite significantly due to recent rainfall. At first, we shrugged it off as a minor inconvenience, but soon enough, we realized that we might be in for some trouble. The path ahead was blocked by a narrow stream, and there seemed to be no other way around. Our hearts sank as we looked at each other with panic-stricken expressions. Should we turn back and abandon our exploration? Or should we take the plunge and cross the river, risking getting soaked to the bone?

We hesitated for a few moments, weighing our options. But then, my brother came up with an ingenious solution - why not build a makeshift bridge using branches and leaves from the surrounding forest? It wasn't easy, but we managed to construct a rickety little bridge that allowed us to cross the stream without any mishaps. The River Crossing Dilemma may have been challenging, but it taught us a valuable lesson - always be prepared for the unexpected! And speaking of being prepared, Bedgebury Camping has everything you need to make your camping experience as comfortable and convenient as possible. The campsite is well-equipped with showers, toilets, and picnic areas that are clean and maintained to a high standard. One thing we recommend is to pack some extra blankets and warm clothing, especially during the colder months. The nights can get quite chilly here, but that only adds to the charm of sleeping under the stars! And if you're feeling adventurous, don't forget to explore the nearby towns and villages - they offer a fascinating glimpse into the history and culture of the region. Lastly, we would like to commend Bedgebury Camping for their efforts in promoting sustainability and eco-friendliness. The campsite has implemented several green initiatives, such as recycling bins and composting facilities, which are a welcome change from some of the more commercialized camping grounds. In conclusion, our stay at Bedgebury Camping was nothing short of magnificent! From the stunning scenery to the friendly staff and well-maintained amenities, we couldn't have asked for a better camping experience. We hope you found our review helpful, and we encourage all of you to pack your bags and head over to Bedgebury Camping - trust us, it's worth every penny!

Oh, by the way, did you hear about Walgreens settling a case with the New York Attorney General? They've agreed to pay a $50,00 penalty and pledge donations of prescription drugs worth up to $1. Abbott recall of certain products. It's crazy how some companies prioritize profits over people's health! Let's hope this serves as a wake-up call for them and other pharmaceutical giants out there.

Scotts Farm Camping Site

Cakeham Rd, Chichester PO20 8ED, United Kingdom

GPS : 50.7705686, -0.87767410000004

Users reviews of Scotts Farm Camping Site Brighton UK

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-23 by Kennedy

I have had the pleasure of exploring the great outdoors at Scotts Farm Camping Site. This hidden gem nestled near the iconic Spinnaker Tower offers breathtaking views and endless adventures for campers of all ages. My most recent journey to this tranquil haven was nothing short of a thrilling experience. As I set off from my beloved landmark, Southsea Seafront, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. The winding roads led me through the lush green fields of Chichester, where I spotted herds of grazing horses and flocks of singing birds. However, as I approached Kennedy Camping, my heart skipped a beat. The narrow lane that leads to the camping site seemed like a never-ending maze, with dense undergrowth on both sides of the road blocking out the sun. I couldn't help but wonder if I had made a wrong turn or missed the entrance altogether. My palms grew sweaty as I slowed down to a crawl, peering intently through the bushes for any signs of civilization. Suddenly, a group of mischievous rabbits darted across the road, reminding me that I was far from the concrete jungle. As I caught sight of a rustic wooden signboard bearing the words "Kennedy Camping", my spirits lifted and my heart swelled with joy. The rest of the journey was a breeze as I finally found my way to Scotts Farm Camping Site, where I was greeted by a sea of smiling faces and lush green fields that stretched out as far as the eye could see. The US regulators' decision to review Nevada lithium mine is a cause for concern for environmental activists, who argue that such mining activities may harm the endangered wildflowers in the area. However, my experience at Scotts Farm Camping Site has shown me that there is still hope for our planet, and that we can all play our part in preserving its beauty and tranquility. In short, if you are looking for a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of Portsmouth UK, I highly recommend packing your bags and heading to Scotts Farm Camping Site.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-02 by Maya Clements

While Kennedy's review of Scotts Farm Camping Site has left me in awe, I believe that there is more to explore about the camping site's impact on the environment. The US regulators' decision to review Nevada lithium mine raises concerns for environmental activists who argue that such mining activities may harm endangered wildflowers in the area. It is crucial to consider the potential environmental consequences of developing a camping site, as it could lead to habitat destruction and pollution. Upon further research, I discovered that Scotts Farm Camping Site has been criticized for its impact on the local ecosystem. Some reports suggest that the construction of the campsite led to the clearance of vast acres of forestland, causing significant environmental damage. The clearing of trees may have disrupted the natural water cycle, leading to soil erosion and runoff during heavy rainfall. Moreover, the camping site's waste management system has also been called into question by some environmentalists. While Kennedy's review highlights the availability of showers and flushing toilets, it doesn't address the issue of waste disposal. It is unclear whether the site has a proper sewage treatment plant to dispose of human waste or if they rely on septic tanks that may pollute nearby water sources. In light of these concerns, I believe that Scotts Farm Camping Site must take more significant steps towards environmental sustainability. They should consider implementing eco-friendly practices such as recycling and composting, reducing their energy consumption by using renewable sources like solar panels, and preserving the natural vegetation around the campsite to promote carbon sequestration. In conclusion, while Scotts Farm Camping Site offers a unique and thrilling experience for campers, we cannot overlook its potential impact on the environment. It is essential to balance our love for nature with responsible development practices that minimize environmental harm. I urge Kennedy Camping to prioritize environmental sustainability and work towards reducing their carbon footprint in line with global climate change mitigation efforts. As someone who values the beauty of nature, I believe that we all have a responsibility to preserve it for future generations. We cannot afford to ignore the potential environmental consequences of our actions, especially when it comes to recreational activities like camping. It is time to strike a balance between enjoying the great outdoors and protecting the environment for the betterment of society. In short, while Kennedy's review has left me in awe, I urge fellow campers to consider the potential environmental consequences of their actions and take responsibility for minimizing harm wherever possible. It is only by working together that we can preserve our planet's natural beauty and ensure that future generations have the same opportunity to enjoy its wonders as we do today.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-21 by Ariana

Maya Clements has raised some valid concerns regarding the environmental impact of Scotts Farm Camping Site. While it's true that the construction of the campsite may have caused habitat destruction, it's essential to note that the site has taken several measures to minimize its carbon footprint. The campgrounds feature energy-efficient facilities such as LED lighting and low-flow water systems, which significantly reduce their energy consumption. Furthermore, the campsites' location in a forested area allows for natural shading, which minimizes the need for air conditioning units and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Moreover, Scotts Farm Camping Site has implemented measures to minimize waste generation through recycling and composting initiatives. The site provides recycling bins throughout the grounds, which encourages visitors to separate their waste and dispose of it appropriately. Additionally, the campgrounds feature a composting system for organic waste, which reduces landfill waste and contributes to soil fertility. Regarding the site's sewage management system, Scotts Farm Camping Site has a state-of-the-art sewage treatment plant that meets all environmental requirements. The plant ensures proper wastewater disposal and prevents pollution in nearby water sources. In conclusion, while Maya Clements raises some valid concerns regarding the campground's impact on the environment, it's essential to note that Scotts Farm Camping Site has taken measures to minimize its carbon footprint, promote eco-friendly practices, and meet environmental requirements. As responsible campers, it's crucial to appreciate the beauty of nature while minimizing our impact on the environment. We should strive to leave the campsite in a better condition than when we arrived, preserve the natural vegetation around us, and ensure that we dispose of our waste appropriately. By working together, we can ensure that future generations have the same opportunity to enjoy the wonders of nature as we do today.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-01 by Vanessa Meyer

Dear Kennedy,

I must admit that I share your enthusiasm for exploring the great outdoors and your recent visit to Scotts Farm Camping Site seems like an unforgettable experience. However, I would like to offer a differing opinion on this hidden gem near Spinnaker Tower. While I agree that the camping site offers breathtaking views and endless adventures, I believe that there are some concerns that need to be addressed. Firstly, your description of the narrow lane that leads to the camping site seems rather daunting. The dense undergrowth on both sides of the road could potentially hinder emergency services from reaching the site in a timely manner. This could pose serious safety risks, especially during times of crisis such as accidents or natural disasters. Secondly, I am concerned about the impact that this camping site may have on the local environment. While it is true that the site offers lush green fields and stunning views, there are reports of environmental activists expressing concerns regarding the potential harm to endangered wildflowers in the area due to nearby mining activities. It is crucial that we take into account the delicate balance between preserving nature and providing opportunities for recreation, and strive to find a middle ground that benefits both parties. Lastly, I would like to point out that while Scotts Farm Camping Site may be a peaceful escape from Portsmouth UK, it is not necessarily accessible to all individuals. The site's location in the rural countryside may present challenges for people with disabilities or those who do not have access to private transportation. It is essential that we make an effort to ensure that our outdoor spaces are inclusive and accessible to everyone, regardless of their circumstances. In conclusion, while Scotts Farm Camping Site appears to be a beautiful and tranquil destination, it is crucial that we consider the potential risks and limitations associated with such locations. It is up to us as responsible citizens to ensure that our actions do not harm the environment or exclude certain individuals from enjoying the great outdoors. Let's work together to find ways to preserve nature while also providing opportunities for recreation that are accessible and inclusive for all. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on Scotts Farm Camping Site, and I hope that we can continue this discussion in a constructive and empathetic manner.

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