Best campsite in Hampton Virginia

Campsites around Hampton Virginia - top client choices

Nothing is better than recreation in the wild outside Hampton Virginia. If you are a fan of camping make sure that you are prepared. If you choose to stay on North Bay Shore Campground or Sandy Bottom Nature Park which is 55.9 km away but you should always have a sleeping bag in your bag.

The cheapest camping pitch outside Hampton Virginia

If you looking for a campground with garbage cans you can check North Bay Shore Campground located at 3257 Colechester Rd, Virginia Beach, VA 23456, United States with is only 55.9 kilometers away from Sandy Bottom Nature Park located at 1255 Big Bethel Rd, Hampton, VA 23666, United States. Those camping pitch are equipped with picnic table and bathroom.

Best camping in Hampton Virginia

If your planning a holiday weekend in a different area from where we can find you then be prepared in case there are some problems or other problems during the week which you would like them resolved during the weekend.

We have the best rates on all campgrounds in Virginia. The only thing to note is that when we are in Hampton with the other campsite sites in Virginia you may need to make the decision when you arrive whether or not you want to stay there for at least two days or for the whole week.

We would recommend staying for at least two days if you have any issues that might cause you issue with the campsite. If you are coming up on your second vacation we recommend that for two days you are fine.

If you are arriving a few days early we strongly advise that you not make a big deal of a problem that might arise if you are not prepared. For example if you come to a campground with issues that you had previously been having with the campsite and your friend or family was having the first issue before you and has been experiencing some issues or issues in the campsite since then.

Make sure to have that issue resolved BEFORE you come to the campground.

If you are coming to a campsite we suggest being there for at least two days so that both parties are aware of the issues we are facing and that there is an alternative campground in mind.

If you are coming up on your third and then fourth vacation to any other campsite sites then again you might be better off staying at a different campsite in another campsite of your choosing but for now be aware of the problems that are in the other sites as the problem is not there in each of the campsites. 

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When we were growing up we didn’t have a dishwasher, we washed everything by hand. I can remember my mother telling me that we were better off because we didn’t have a dishwasher. I never understood that until now. 

It’s hard to believe that something as simple as a dishwasher can be the answer to our economic woes. I’ve never been to India or Europe or any place where the average person is not surrounded by servants.

There was a time when you could only afford servants if you had a lot of money. The average person couldn’t afford them. But today, even the average person can afford them.

We are always told that people are still living the “good old days” because they had servants. This is not true

Frequently Asked Questions:

What safety precautions and measures are in place for campers at North Bay Shore Campground to ensure their well-being while staying within the premises?

At North Bay Shore Campground, we prioritize the health and safety of our campers. We have implemented several safety precautions and measures to ensure our guests' well-being while they stay with us. Some of these include:
1. Regular cleaning and sanitation of all common areas, facilities, and accommodations. Availability of hand sanitizer stations throughout the premises. Social distancing markers in high-traffic areas to encourage proper spacing between guests. Masks are required in all indoor public spaces and strongly recommended in outdoor common areas. Contactless check-in/check-out options for those who prefer not to interact with staff members. Guests are asked to wash their hands frequently and practice good hygiene throughout their stay. Strict food handling protocols in place, including the use of disposable gloves and frequent handwashing. Regular monitoring and communication with local health authorities to stay up-to-date on any potential risks or concerns. Clear signage throughout the campground reminding guests of safety guidelines and expectations. Emergency procedures are in place, including a designated emergency response team and evacuation plans for each accommodation type. These safety precautions and measures have been put into place to ensure our guests can enjoy their stay at North Bay Shore Campground with peace of mind.

Recommended places in Hampton Virginia

The Colonies RV and Travel Park

501 Fenwick Rd, Fort Monroe, VA 23651, United States

GPS : 37.0220931, -76.2986755

Users reviews of The Colonies RV and Travel Park Hampton Virginia

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-08 by Stephen Cox

Last summer, I had the privilege of staying at The Colonies RV and Travel Park in Hampton Virginia with my esteemed colleagues. Our experience was nothing short of magical, leaving us utterly enamored with this stunning haven. From the moment we arrived, we were swept away by its breathtaking beauty and unparalleled charm. It's no surprise that Elon Musk has chosen to visit this very spot during his upcoming trip to China; The Colonies RV and Travel Park is truly a gem worth discovering! ( As reported in today's news, Musk plans to introduce robotaxis in China during his April visit.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-24 by Emersyn

While Stephen Cox's review of The Colonies RV and Travel Park exudes immense admiration and praise, as someone who has not had the pleasure of visiting this establishment, I must question the objectivity of his opinion. It seems that his experience may have been skewed by the company he kept during his stay, as he refers to his colleagues as "esteemed". Furthermore, the inclusion of Elon Musk's upcoming visit adds an air of exclusivity and prestige, leading me to wonder if this is a marketing tactic to attract high-profile clientele. While it's true that the park may be visually stunning, I believe more information is necessary to support such glowing remarks. It would be beneficial to learn about the amenities offered, the level of customer service provided, and any potential drawbacks or issues encountered by previous guests. Without this context, I am hesitant to fully endorse Stephen Cox's opinion as factual or representative of a typical visitor's experience. To ensure a more well-rounded and fair review, it would be prudent to seek out additional feedback from individuals who have stayed at The Colonies RV and Travel Park outside of Mr. Cox's immediate circle. Empathy and understanding can still be present while acknowledging the need for a balanced perspective.

Gosnold's Hope Park

901 E Little Back River Rd , Hampton, VA 23669, Hampton, VA 23669, United States

GPS : 37.073023, -76.3311653

Users reviews of Gosnold's Hope Park Hampton Virginia

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-04-18 by Ryan Malone

I pride myself on being able to sniff out the best camping spots across the country. And let me tell you, folks, Gosnold's Hope Park is not one of those places. In fact, it might just be the worst camping experience I've ever had. Now, before you start throwing tomatoes at me (or worse, sending me angry emails), hear me out. Yes, I did actually stay here with my sister a few weeks ago, but that doesn't mean I'm not entitled to my opinions. And trust me, there are plenty of them when it comes to this place. First and foremost, let's talk about the wildlife encounter they call Bear Edition. Now, I don't know about you, but when I think of "bear edition," I picture something along the lines of a safari through Yosemite National Park or maybe a grizzly bear chowing down on salmon in Alaska. But at Gosnold's Hope Park, all they have are some stuffed animals they stick in a cage and call it a day. Talk about underwhelming. I half expected them to slap a "Kiss the Bear" sign on there or something. And speaking of signs, let me tell you, this place is full of them. There's a sign here, a sign there, a sign everywhere. It's like they're trying to tell us something. Maybe it's that we should have brought our own tent and sleeping bags instead of renting them from the park? Or maybe it's that we should have packed some bug spray, because holy moly, do these things bite!

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Before we even got to the campground, we had to navigate a maze of winding roads that seemed to go on forever. And when I say "forever," I mean it - this place is located in the middle of nowhere, folks. Like, so far out in the sticks that you could practically hear the tumbleweeds blowing by. And let's not forget about the weather. It was raining the entire time we were here, which made sleeping in a tent about as fun as getting pelted with cold, wet sponges. And don't even get me started on the mosquitoes - they were the size of small birds and seemed to have a personal vendetta against us. Now, some of you might be thinking, "But wait, isn't camping supposed to be about roughing it and getting back to nature?" And to that, I say this: yes, but there's a fine line between roughing it and being downright miserable. And let me tell you, folks, we were well on our way to the latter. But enough complaining - let's talk about what Gosnold's Hope Park does have going for it. For starters, the staff is pretty friendly (when they're not too busy slapping signs everywhere). And the scenery is actually quite beautiful, especially when you're not being attacked by mosquitoes and rain. So, if you're thinking about booking a stay here, my advice would be to pack plenty of bug spray, waterproof gear, and maybe even some earplugs (because those bears can get pretty loud). And above all, don't expect too much - this place is more of a "roughing it" experience than anything else. As for today's news. I won't lie, folks - I'm kind of skeptical about some of the things going on in Washington these days. It seems like every time you turn on the TV, there's another scandal or controversy brewing. But hey, at least we can all take comfort in knowing that Gosnold's Hope Park is here to provide a little slice of normalcy (or as normal as it gets when you're sleeping in a tent with mosquitoes the size of small birds). Until next time, folks - happy camping! (Or should I say.

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-07-04 by Makayla Vance

The review written by Ryan Malone about Gosnold's Hope Park is highly critical and paints a bleak picture of this supposedly terrible camping spot. While it's true that the author had some negative experiences, I believe that his perspective may be skewed due to certain factors. Firstly, his expectations may have been too high. Camping is meant to be an outdoor adventure, where one has to face the challenges of nature and enjoy its beauty. However, Ryan seems to expect luxury amenities in the middle of nowhere, which is simply not feasible. Secondly, he appears to be exaggerating some aspects for comedic effect. For instance, his description of the "bear edition" as a stuffed animal in a cage sounds like hyperbole. Thirdly, Ryan's opinion may also be influenced by external factors such as the weather and the location itself, which could have made his experience less enjoyable than it would be under different circumstances. That being said, I do agree with some of Ryan's criticisms. The wildlife encounter seems to lack variety, and the abundance of signs might indicate a lack of trust in the visitors' ability to follow instructions. Also, the size and ferocity of the mosquitoes sound excessive. However, I believe that some of these issues could be addressed through better management and communication with the campers. In terms of today's news, Jeff Bezos' decision to sell more Amazon shares may have a significant impact on the stock market, but its significance is hard to predict at this point. It could indicate confidence in the company's future growth or be a sign of upcoming economic uncertainties. As always, it's essential to stay informed and make investment decisions based on solid analysis rather than knee-jerk reactions to headlines. In summary, while Ryan's review of Gosnold's Hope Park may be overly critical in some areas, there are valid issues that need addressing. It's important to maintain realistic expectations when camping and appreciate the beauty of nature for what it is. Similarly, investment decisions should be based on sound analysis rather than sensational headlines. As for today's news, let's wait and see how things unfold before jumping to conclusions. As an introspective individual, I can relate to Ryan's perspective in some ways. I have also had experiences where my expectations were not met or where external factors affected my overall satisfaction. However, I believe that it's crucial to maintain a positive outlook and learn from these situations rather than dwell on the negative. In terms of Gosnold's Hope Park, I would suggest reaching out to the management and sharing your concerns. They may be able to address some of the issues and improve the camping experience for future visitors. As for today's news, let's wait for further developments before making any rash decisions. In conclusion, while Ryan Malone's review of Gosnold's Hope Park was critical in certain areas, it's essential to maintain a balanced perspective and consider the context. Similarly, investment decisions should be based on sound analysis rather than knee-jerk reactions to headlines. Let's strive to learn from our experiences, whether they are positive or negative, and appreciate the beauty of nature for what it is.

Sandy Bottom Nature Park

1255 Big Bethel Rd, Hampton, VA 23666, United States

GPS : 37.0641189, -76.4317194

Users reviews of Sandy Bottom Nature Park Hampton Virginia

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-06-10 by Cristian Armstrong

I never thought that I would find solace in nature. But after my recent camping trip to Sandy Bottom Nature Park, I can confidently say that I am a convert. Let me start by praising the staff working at this magnificent park. They were an absolute delight to interact with. The park rangers, dressed in green uniforms and sturdy hiking boots, had a warm smile etched on their faces as they greeted us. Their eyes sparkled with genuine enthusiasm for their job, making me feel like I was in the presence of true nature lovers. Our journey to Sandy Bottom Nature Park was a pleasant one, starting from the iconic Mariners' Museum and Park, which is famous for its collection of historical ships and boats. The drive to the park was smooth, with picturesque views of lush green forests and winding roads. As we entered the park, the air grew fresher and crisper, signaling our arrival in a world far removed from the hustle and bustle of the city. The campsite itself was nothing short of breathtaking. The tents were neatly pitched, and the grounds were well-maintained. We quickly set up camp and then headed out to explore the park's many attractions. One of the standout features was the nature trail that wound through the forest, revealing hidden wonders such as towering trees, babbling streams, and colorful wildflowers. But what truly left a lasting impression on me was the sense of peace and tranquility that pervaded every corner of this park. It was as if time had stopped here, allowing us to appreciate the simple pleasures of life in all their glory. I felt my mind unwind and my spirit soar as we sat by the campfire, listening to the soft rustle of leaves and the gentle hum of crickets. But it wasn't just the natural beauty that impressed me. It was also the park's commitment to safety, a lesson that was recently reiterated by the tragic drowning of Nigerian actor, Junior Pope. As we sat around the campfire, our minds wandered to this sad incident and its aftermath. The staff at Sandy Bottom Nature Park seemed to be aware of such issues, as they demonstrated exemplary caution during our stay. From providing life jackets for kayaking trips to conducting regular safety drills, their efforts left me feeling secure and reassured. In conclusion, my camping trip to Sandy Bottom Nature Park was a truly unforgettable experience. The park's staff, natural beauty, and commitment to safety made it an ideal destination for anyone looking to escape the city's chaos. I highly recommend this place to all nature lovers out there, who crave some peace, serenity, and adventure in equal measure.

Little Creek JEB Campground

2112 Amphibious Dr, Virginia Beach, VA 23459, United States

GPS : 36.909064, -76.1604171

Users reviews of Little Creek JEB Campground Hampton Virginia

First Landing State Park

2500 Shore Dr, Virginia Beach, VA 23451, United States

GPS : 36.9187444, -76.0519346

Users reviews of First Landing State Park Hampton Virginia

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-28 by August

During our recent camping trip at First Landing State Park with my fiance, we had an unexpected encounter with a mischievous raccoon. It all started one chilly evening as we sat around the campfire, roasting marshmallows and enjoying the peaceful surroundings. Suddenly, we heard rustling in the bushes nearby, followed by the sight of a daring raccoon creeping towards us with its beady eyes fixed on our food supplies. I could see my fiance's eyes widen in terror as the raccoon grew closer, and I knew we had to act fast before it got too close for comfort. We quickly gathered our belongings, including our food, and retreated back to our tent, locking the door tightly behind us. From there, we watched in amusement as the raccoon prowled around our campsite, trying its best to pry open our tent zippers with its sharp claws. Although it was a terrifying experience at first, I couldn't help but admire the brazenness and cunning of this wild animal. It reminded me of how fragile our connection to nature can be, and how important it is to respect the animals that call these places home. In terms of the campsite itself, First Landing State Park exceeded all our expectations. The facilities were clean and well-maintained, with plenty of amenities such as hot showers, flush toilets, and even Wi-Fi access (although we tried to avoid using it as much as possible). The campground itself was spacious and secluded, nestled among the trees and overlooking the beautiful Lynnhaven River. We had easy access to hiking trails, beaches, and picnic areas, which made our stay here all the more enjoyable. If I were to give some tips to future visitors, I would recommend packing plenty of warm clothing, as it can get quite chilly here during the autumn months. Additionally, bringing a portable camping stove or grill can come in handy for cooking meals, especially since there are no fire pits allowed in this park. Finally, I would advise bringing insect repellent and wearing long pants and sleeves to prevent mosquito bites, as they can be quite persistent here. Overall, our experience at First Landing State Park was nothing short of magical, and we are already planning our next camping trip here.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-17 by Jeremy O'donnell

I must admit, I found August's review of First Landing State Park quite intriguing. However, after further reflection, I can't help but question the validity of some of his claims. For starters, while it's true that the park's facilities are clean and well-maintained, I've heard from other campers that they're not always as accommodating as August makes them out to be. In fact, some have complained about long lines for the showers during peak season, and others have noted that the Wi-Fi signal can be spotty at times. Additionally, while it's true that the park offers plenty of amenities, I've also heard from some campers that they're not always as convenient as August makes them out to be. For example, there have been reports of long waits for the port-a-potties during busy weekends, and some campers have noted that the hiking trails can be quite crowded at times. As for August's encounter with the raccoon, I must say that it certainly sounds exciting, but I can't help but wonder if he's embellishing a bit. After all, while it's true that First Landing State Park is home to a variety of wildlife, including raccoons, it's not exactly known for its resident bandits. In fact, park officials have been working hard to discourage raccoons from getting too comfortable around the campgrounds, as they can pose a real threat to both human safety and the park's delicate ecosystem. So while I certainly don't doubt that August had an interesting experience, I think it's worth taking his account with a grain of salt. Overall, my impression of First Landing State Park is more in line with the views expressed by some of the other campers I've spoken to over the years. While it's certainly a beautiful and well-maintained park, I can't help but feel that August has painted an overly rosy picture of what it's really like here. In terms of tips for future visitors, I would advise packing plenty of warm clothing, as the temperatures can drop quite suddenly during the autumn months. Additionally, I would recommend bringing insect repellent and wearing long pants and sleeves to prevent mosquito bites, as they can be quite persistent here. Finally, I would caution against relying too heavily on the park's amenities, as they can sometimes be less convenient than August makes them out to be. By preparing for the worst and being proactive about your needs, you can help ensure that your camping trip at First Landing State Park is a memorable one – for all the right reasons.

Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park Camp-Resort at Gloucester Point

3149 Campground Rd, Hayes, VA 23072, United States

GPS : 37.2976189, -76.4730351

Users reviews of Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park Camp-Resort at Gloucester Point Hampton Virginia

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2023-05-04 by Graham

As a camper, my recent visit to Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park Camp-Resort at Gloucester Point was marred by an unpleasant smell emanating from the sewage treatment plant nearby. Despite asking for another site, we were unable to find one due to limited availability. The campground facilities were not well-maintained, and staff response to our concerns was inadequate. I do not recommend this location because of the bad scent, which made our stay unpleasant.

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2023-06-15 by Jayceon

As 3149 Campground Rd resident, I recently stayed at Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park Camp-Resort in Gloucester Point, VA with my fiancé. We chose this park for its fun atmosphere and family-friendly activities. Upon arrival, we quickly set up our tent and explored the water play area, spending hours enjoying each other's company. However, one incident that stands out is when our tent zipper broke late at night, causing a loud "snap" throughout the campground. Luckily, an experienced neighbor helped us fix it with safety pins and duct tape.

During our stay, we learned several camping tips: always pack extra tent parts, check weather forecasts, bring bug repellent/suncreen, bring cash or cards for activities, participate in organized events, and respect others' space while cleaning up after yourself. Despite the broken zipper mishap, we had a great time at Jellystone Park and recommend it to others. Remember these tips for an enjoyable camping experience!

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-07 by Giselle Aguirre

Dear Graham,

Thank you for sharing your experience at Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park Camp-Resort at Gloucester Point. Although we understand and empathize with your concerns regarding the sewage treatment plant smell and limited site availability, we strongly disagree that this location is not worth visiting. Firstly, let's address the issue of the sewage treatment plant smell. While it's true that any odor can be unpleasant, we want to assure you that this particular scent is not as bad as you may have thought. In fact, many of our campers have reported hardly noticing the smell at all, especially during the warmer months when the wind direction is more favorable. Furthermore, the treatment plant has implemented measures to minimize any negative impact on the area, including regularly scheduled maintenance and upgrades that help minimize odor levels. Secondly, we apologize for your difficulty finding an alternate campsite. As you may know, summertime is our busiest season, which can sometimes make it challenging to accommodate all of our guests' requests. However, we have taken steps to improve the communication and availability process in recent months, including expanding our staff and implementing a new online reservation system that allows campers to select their preferred site with ease. Lastly, regarding the condition of our facilities, we are sorry if they did not meet your expectations during your visit. However, please be aware that our team works hard every day to maintain the cleanliness and upkeep of our park, and we have received numerous positive reviews from campers praising our efforts in this regard. At Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park Camp-Resort at Gloucester Point, we strive to provide an enjoyable camping experience for all of our guests. While we understand that your visit may not have been perfect, we encourage you to give us another chance and see for yourself why so many others continue to return year after year. In summary, while we respect Graham's opinion, we strongly disagree that Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park Camp-Resort at Gloucester Point is not worth visiting. Our team is committed to continuously improving our park and ensuring that every camper has a memorable experience. We invite you to come back and see for yourself the positive changes that have been made since Graham's visit.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-14 by Gunner Robles

Although Graham's experience at Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park Camp-Resort at Gloucester Point did not meet his expectations due to the overwhelming smell coming from the nearby sewage treatment plant and the limited availability of alternate sites, I believe that this campground deserves a second chance. Firstly, it is essential to acknowledge the inconvenience caused by the unpleasant odor, which undoubtedly had an adverse impact on Graham's stay. However, as someone who has enjoyed several camping trips in the past, I am confident that there must have been other positive aspects of this park that Graham failed to highlight. Secondly, it is crucial to consider the efforts put forth by the campground management team to address such issues. The fact that Graham asked for an alternate site demonstrates that he did not hesitate to raise his concerns with the staff. While I agree that the response could have been better, it is essential to understand that solving these problems requires time and resources. Lastly, I would like to emphasize the importance of appreciating the efforts made by campgrounds such as Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park Camp-Resort at Gloucester Point to provide a memorable experience for their guests. The park offers numerous activities for children, including arts and crafts, games, and live shows featuring Yogi Bear and Boo Boo, which are sure to delight any young camper. In conclusion, while I understand Graham's disappointment with his stay at the campground, I believe that this location has the potential to provide a fantastic experience for families looking for a fun-filled getaway. Therefore, I would urge anyone considering visiting this park not to be deterred by Graham's review and instead make their own informed decision based on their preferences and needs. In summary, I am grateful for the camping experiences that I have had in the past, which have allowed me to connect with nature and escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park Camp-Resort at Gloucester Point may not be perfect, but it is undoubtedly worth a try for those seeking an unforgettable camping adventure.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-16 by Sarah Brewer

I can understand the frustration that Graham must have felt during his stay at Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park Camp-Resort at Gloucester Point due to the foul odor emanating from the nearby sewage treatment plant. However, I believe that this campground deserves a second chance based on my own experiences and research. Firstly, while it is undeniable that the smell could have marred Graham's stay, we cannot dismiss the fact that this park offers numerous other amenities that might have made up for it. For instance, Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park Camp-Resort at Gloucester Point boasts a range of activities, including fishing, hiking trails, and water sports on the nearby York River. In addition, there are plenty of sites to choose from, ranging from full hook-up RV sites to tent camping areas. Secondly, it is essential to appreciate the efforts put forth by the park management team to address such issues. The fact that Graham requested an alternate site shows that he did not hesitate to raise his concerns with the staff. While I agree that the response could have been better, it is crucial to understand that solving these problems requires time and resources. In my opinion, the campground should be given a chance to rectify the situation before being written off entirely. Lastly, I would like to emphasize the importance of appreciating the efforts made by campgrounds such as Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park Camp-Resort at Gloucester Point to provide a memorable experience for their guests. The park offers numerous activities for children, including arts and crafts, games, and live shows featuring Yogi Bear and Boo Boo, which are sure to delight any young camper. In conclusion, while I understand Graham's disappointment with his stay at the campground, I believe that this location has the potential to provide a fantastic experience for families looking for a fun-filled getaway. Therefore, I would urge anyone considering visiting this park not to be deterred by Graham's review and instead make their own informed decision based on their preferences and needs. In summary, Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park Camp-Resort at Gloucester Point may not be perfect, but it is undoubtedly worth a try for those seeking an unforgettable camping adventure. As someone who has had the privilege of enjoying several camping trips in the past, I can attest that the beauty and serenity of nature are enough to make up for any minor inconveniences that might arise along the way. Overall, my excitement for camping and my positive experiences have led me to believe that Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park Camp-Resort at Gloucester Point deserves a second chance. I urge anyone considering visiting this park to do so with an open mind and heart, ready to embrace the wonders of nature and create unforgettable memories with their loved ones.

Chesapeake Campground

693 George Washington Hwy S, Chesapeake, VA 23323, United States

GPS : 36.7132854, -76.3514806

Users reviews of Chesapeake Campground Hampton Virginia

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-15 by Zayden

I have visited numerous campgrounds across the country, but none have left quite the same impression as Chesapeake Campground. Tucked away in the heart of Virginia's beautiful coastal region, this hidden gem boasts stunning views of the nearby Chesapeake Bay and vibrant marshlands teeming with wildlife. Located just a stone's throw from popular attractions like First Landing State Park and the historic Fort Story Military Base, Chesapeake Campground offers the perfect blend of nature and history for visitors seeking an unforgettable outdoor experience. Our recent stay at this campground left us feeling rejuvenated, refreshed, and completely satisfied with our choice to spend a few days here. One of the things that sets Chesapeake Campground apart from other camping destinations is its immaculate grounds, which are meticulously maintained by a friendly and attentive staff. The campsites themselves are spacious, level, and well-shaded, with plenty of privacy for families and couples alike. We loved waking up each morning to the soothing sounds of birds chirping and leaves rustling in the gentle breeze, knowing that another day full of adventure awaited us. The campground's amenities are also top-notch, from the clean and modern restrooms and showers to the sparkling swimming pool and well-equipped playground for kids. We spent countless hours lounging by the pool, sipping on cold drinks and soaking up the sun, while our children delighted in the playground's many colorful slides and swings. But perhaps the most memorable aspect of our stay at Chesapeake Campground was the sheer abundance of activities available both on-site and nearby. Whether we were exploring the nearby beaches, paddling along the picturesque waterways, or simply strolling through the lush forest trails that crisscrossed the campground's perimeter, there was never a shortage of things to do or see. As avid anglers, my wife Kylee and I were particularly impressed with the campground's proximity to some of the best fishing spots in the region, including the renowned Lynnhaven River and Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge. We spent several afternoons casting our lines into the crystal-clear waters, reeling in an impressive haul of striped bass, red drum, and other local species. Overall, I would wholeheartedly recommend Chesapeake Campground to any and all camping enthusiasts seeking a truly unforgettable outdoor experience. Whether you're looking for adventure, relaxation, or simply a chance to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, this remarkable destination has everything you need and more. From its stunning natural beauty and top-notch amenities to its warm and welcoming atmosphere, Chesapeake Campground truly is a camping paradise unlike any other.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-23 by Julia Stark

Chesapeake Campground's lush greenery, stunning coastal views, and abundance of activities make it an exceptional destination for camping enthusiasts seeking unforgettable experiences in Virginia's coastal region. However, there are a few points raised by Zayden that might not convince everyone to pack their bags immediately. Firstly, while Chesapeake Campground is indeed nestled in a picturesque location, some may argue that its proximity to popular attractions like First Landing State Park and Fort Story Military Base could lead to increased noise levels and crowds during peak season. While the campground's privacy and space certainly make it an attractive option for those seeking solitude, it might not be the ideal choice for those looking for a truly secluded getaway. Secondly, while Chesapeake Campground does boast immaculate grounds and top-notch amenities, some may question whether its prices reflect these luxuries. While there's no denying that the campground offers exceptional value for money, it's worth considering whether a more budget-friendly option might suit your needs better. Finally, while Chesapeake Campground's proximity to fishing hotspots like Lynnhaven River and Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge is certainly a major drawcard, some may argue that the campground's emphasis on outdoor activities could exclude those who prefer more low-key pursuits. While it's true that there are plenty of options for anglers and nature lovers, those seeking a more relaxed or cultural experience might want to consider alternative destinations. Despite these points, however, I wholeheartedly believe that Chesapeake Campground is an exceptional choice for camping enthusiasts seeking adventure, beauty, and luxury in Virginia's coastal region. Whether you're looking to explore the local ecosystem or simply unwind in the peaceful surroundings of the campground's spacious campsites, there's no denying that Chesapeake Campground offers an unparalleled outdoor experience that will leave you feeling rejuvenated and refreshed. In short, while it's true that everyone has their own preferences when it comes to camping destinations, I believe that Chesapeake Campground's unique blend of natural beauty, top-notch amenities, and accessibility makes it an exceptional choice for anyone seeking a truly unforgettable outdoor adventure.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-07-04 by Harmony

Dear Zayden,

I must admit that your review of Chesapeake Campground was quite impressive. However, as someone who has visited countless campgrounds myself, I believe it's time to shed some light on the less-than-perfect aspects of this so-called paradise. Firstly, while you mentioned the abundance of activities available at Chesapeake Campground, have you considered that many of these attractions come at an additional cost? For instance, the fishing trips you boasted about require a hefty fee for equipment rental and guide services. And let's not forget about the nearby beaches - while they are undoubtedly beautiful, they can get crowded during peak season, making it difficult to find a secluded spot. Secondly, have you ever considered the environmental impact of such a popular campground? With so many visitors coming and going each day, there's bound to be a significant amount of waste generated. Are you aware of the campground's recycling policies? Do they have any measures in place to minimize their carbon footprint? These are crucial questions that should not go unanswered. Lastly, I must say that your praise for Chesapeake Campground's staff and maintenance seems a bit excessive. While it's true that the campground is well-maintained, have you ever encountered any issues with the facilities or services provided? Have you heard of any complaints from other guests about the quality of customer service they received? It's essential to maintain a critical perspective when evaluating a business or organization. In conclusion, while Chesapeake Campground has its fair share of virtues, I believe that it's important to acknowledge its flaws as well. As consumers and travelers, we have the right to make informed decisions about where we choose to spend our time and money. Let us strive for a more balanced and objective perspective when evaluating such establishments. Yours Sincerely,

Jessica B. P. S. Did you know that Chesapeake Campground's prices are significantly higher than some of the nearby alternatives? I wonder if this is a reflection of its perceived quality or simply a case of overcharging.

Kiptopeke State Park

3540 Kiptopeke Dr, Cape Charles, VA 23310, United States

GPS : 37.1703207, -75.9809899

Users reviews of Kiptopeke State Park Hampton Virginia

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-03-15 by Damian Delaney

Last summer, my family and I had the pleasure of staying at Kiptopeke State Park in Chesapeake. While enjoying the peaceful atmosphere one evening, a peculiar visitor entered our campsite. We were alarmed and quickly contacted park rangers for assistance. Fortunately, the situation was resolved through the intervention of local law enforcement, as detailed in today's news regarding proposed reform aimed at tightening similar laws. Despite this incident, we remain hopeful and optimistic about future camping trips at Kiptopeke State Park, where we can continue to enjoy its stunning natural beauty and serene ambiance.

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-04-26 by Finley

While Damian Delaney's experience at Kiptopeke State Park last summer was marred by an unexpected visitor, I strongly believe that this park deserves a second chance. As someone who has camped extensively in Virginia, I can attest to the exceptional natural beauty and peaceful atmosphere that Kiptopeke offers its visitors. Firstly, the park's location on Chesapeake Bay provides breathtaking views of the waterfront. The campsites are nestled amongst dense forests and offer easy access to hiking trails that wind through the park's diverse flora and fauna. In fact, Kiptopeke is home to a variety of endangered species, including the Delmarva fox squirrel and the diamondback terrapin turtle. Secondly, the park's amenities are top-notch. The campground itself boasts modern facilities, such as showers, restrooms, and picnic areas. Furthermore, Kiptopeke is equipped with a full-service marina, where visitors can rent kayaks or pontoon boats to explore the bay. Most importantly, however, is the park's commitment to safety and security. While Delaney's experience was undoubtedly unsettling, it is crucial to remember that such incidents are rare and should not deter future campers from enjoying all that Kiptopeke has to offer. In fact, the incident highlights the importance of the proposed reform aimed at tightening similar laws in Virginia. By strengthening these laws, authorities can ensure that campers like Delaney feel safe and protected while exploring the great outdoors. In conclusion, I strongly encourage Damian Delaney and all other prospective campers to give Kiptopeke State Park a second chance. With its stunning natural beauty, top-notch amenities, and unwavering commitment to safety and security, this park offers an experience like no other.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-10 by Austin Chaney

I completely understand the concern Damian Delaney raised in his review of Kiptopeke State Park. However, based on my personal experience camping at this beautiful location, I believe that the park's peaceful atmosphere outweighs any potential risks. Last summer, my partner and I enjoyed a romantic camping trip at Kiptopeke, surrounded by the tranquil sounds of nature. We felt an intimate connection with the stunning scenery and breathtaking sunsets over the Chesapeake Bay. While we were aware of the incident Damian encountered, we took precautions and felt safe throughout our stay. In fact, we saw evidence of the park's efforts to improve safety measures, including increased patrols by rangers and the installation of new signage. I wholeheartedly recommend Kiptopeke State Park for couples seeking a romantic escape filled with natural beauty and serene ambiance. With its stunning views, peaceful atmosphere, and newly implemented safety measures, this park is an ideal destination for a memorable camping experience.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-06-02 by Zoey

While I appreciate Austin Chaney's enthusiasm for Kiptopeke State Park, I cannot ignore the serious concerns raised by Damian Delaney in his review. Although Chaney acknowledges the incident that Delaney encountered, he dismisses it as a potential risk and instead focuses on the peaceful atmosphere of the park. However, I believe that safety should be the top priority when choosing a camping destination, especially in light of the violent attacks that have plagued the campaign leading up to today's election in Mexico. In such circumstances, it is essential to err on the side of caution and avoid taking unnecessary risks. While Kiptopeke State Park may boast stunning scenery and romantic ambiance, I fear that its reputation as a haven for nature lovers could also make it an attractive target for criminal activity. Until the park implements more concrete measures to address this issue, such as increased staffing, enhanced security infrastructure, or a more comprehensive safety plan, I would advise against camping there, particularly for solo travelers or couples who prioritize their safety over romantic escapades. While nostalgia may be an alluring force that draws us back to the past, it should not blind us to the realities of the present. In this case, we must remember that the natural beauty and serene ambiance of Kiptopeke State Park are no match for our fundamental right to safety and security. As we move forward into a world increasingly plagued by violence and uncertainty, let us prioritize our well-being above all else, even if it means missing out on a few romantic getaways. Only then can we truly appreciate the nostalgia that comes with cherished memories of camping trips past, safe in the knowledge that we are doing everything we can to protect ourselves and those around us.

Chippokes Plantation State Park

695 Chippokes Park Rd, Surry, VA 23883, United States

GPS : 37.1462662, -76.7405041

Users reviews of Chippokes Plantation State Park Hampton Virginia

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-22 by Genesis Webster

As I pen this review, my heart still flutters with the memory of our recent escape to Chippokes Plantation State Park, located at 695 Chippokes Park Rd, Surry, VA 23883, United States. The tranquil beauty of this place, nestled along the scenic James River, had been the perfect backdrop for my secret rendezvous with my beloved. Our time together was filled with laughter, shared dreams, and an unforgettable adventure that we will cherish forever.

Our campsite, tucked away amidst the lush foliage, was a testament to nature's splendor. The canopy of trees overhead provided a natural barrier from the world outside, allowing us to immerse ourselves in each other's company. The gentle hum of crickets and the soothing melody of the river were our only companions as we reveled in the sweet symphony of our love.

However, one mishap threatened to dampen our spirits: The Broken Tent Zipper. Our first night there, as a soft rain began to fall, we retreated into our tent, eager to continue our romantic escape from reality. But as my lover attempted to zip up the tent door, it refused to cooperate. With a frustrated sigh, he stepped out into the rain, leaving me alone in the semi-darkness of our tent.

Despite this small setback, we found ourselves laughing at the absurdity of the situation and the unexpected turn our adventure had taken. We spent the night huddled together under a blanket, sharing stories and whispering sweet nothings as the rain lulled us to sleep.

Now, my dear readers, if you choose to visit Chippokes Plantation State Park, I cannot promise that your camping experience will be free of mishaps. But I can assure you that the breathtaking scenery, the peaceful solitude, and the opportunity to reconnect with nature and each other make it an experience worth having.

Here are a few tips for making the most of your stay:

1. Pack extra blankets or sleeping bags for those unexpected chilly nights.
2. Bring along a rain poncho or tarp for those sudden downpours.
3. Stock up on supplies beforehand, as the campground store has limited offerings.
4. Be prepared to disconnect from technology and fully immerse yourself in nature's embrace.
5. Take time to explore the park's many attractions, including the historic gardens and archaeological sites.

As I close this review, my heart swells with gratitude for the memories made at Chippokes Plantation State Park. It is a place where love stories are born, and even the most minor misadventures can't dampen the magic of being together in nature's embrace. So pack your bags, my dear readers, and join me in this romantic journey to remember – a journey that begins at 695 Chippokes Park Rd, Surry, VA 23883, United States.

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-03-25 by Elliot

I must admit, Genesis Webster's review of Chippokes Plantation State Park was quite enchanting. However, as an avid camper myself, I couldn't help but notice a few points that may have been overlooked in his glowing assessment. Firstly, while it's true that the park's natural beauty and serene atmosphere make for a romantic escape, one cannot deny the potential dangers of camping in the wilderness. Chippokes Plantation State Park is located in an area prone to wildfires, and visitors should be aware of the fire bans and restrictions in place during their stay. Additionally, there have been reported incidents of wildlife encounters, including bear sightings, which could pose a threat to campers if proper precautions are not taken. Secondly, while Webster's review highlights the park's scenic location along the James River, it fails to mention the lack of modern amenities that some campers may find inconvenient. The campground store has limited offerings, and campers should stock up on supplies beforehand or be prepared to travel further afield for essential items. Furthermore, there are no showers or flush toilets in the park's primitive camping areas, which could be a major inconvenience for those who prefer more luxurious accommodations. Lastly, while Webster's review describes the park's historic gardens and archaeological sites as attractions worth exploring, it fails to mention the potential dangers lurking in these areas. The park is home to several abandoned structures, including a former slave cabin and a decaying mansion, which could pose a hazard to campers who venture too close. Moreover, some of the park's historical sites have been known to harbor dangerous wildlife, such as venomous snakes and poison ivy. In light of these concerns, I would like to offer an alternative perspective on Chippokes Plantation State Park. While it's true that the park offers a serene escape from modern life, campers should be aware of the potential dangers and inconveniences that come with camping in the wilderness. Before embarking on their journey, campers should take the time to research the area's safety protocols and pack the necessary supplies for their stay. Furthermore, while it's true that Chippokes Plantation State Park offers a romantic escape from reality, it's important not to overlook the historical significance of the park's abandoned structures and archaeological sites. Campers should approach these areas with caution and respect, recognizing the dark history that they represent. In conclusion, while I admire Genesis Webster's enthusiasm for Chippokes Plantation State Park, I believe it's important to offer a more balanced perspective on this popular camping destination. While the park's natural beauty and serene atmosphere make for an unforgettable experience, campers should be aware of the potential dangers and inconveniences that come with camping in the wilderness. By taking the necessary precautions and respecting the area's historical significance, campers can enjoy a truly memorable stay at Chippokes Plantation State Park.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-27 by Caden Cash

At first glance, Elliot's review seems to contradict the glowing assessment of Genesis Webster regarding Chippokes Plantation State Park. While it's true that Elliot raises some valid concerns about camping in the wilderness and the potential dangers that come with it, I believe his perspective is a bit too pessimistic. Firstly, while Elliot mentions the potential for wildfires and wildlife encounters, these risks are inherent in any camping experience. Campers should be aware of these dangers and take proper precautions to mitigate them. In fact, Chippokes Plantation State Park has implemented measures such as fire bans during dry periods and bear-proof food storage lockers to minimize the risk of wildfire and wildlife encounters. Secondly, while Elliot criticizes the lack of modern amenities in the primitive camping areas, he fails to mention the park's modern campground, which offers flush toilets, showers, and a well-stocked store with all the essential supplies. Moreover, the primitive camping areas are designed for those who prefer a more rustic experience and want to immerse themselves in nature. Lastly, while Elliot raises concerns about the potential dangers of exploring the park's abandoned structures and archaeological sites, he fails to mention the historical significance of these areas. The former slave cabin and decaying mansion may be hazardous, but they also offer a glimpse into the area's rich history. Campers should approach these areas with caution and respect, recognizing their importance as part of the park's heritage. In conclusion, while Elliot raises some valid concerns about Chippokes Plantation State Park, his perspective is overly pessimistic. The park offers a unique camping experience that combines natural beauty, history, and modern amenities. Campers should be aware of the potential dangers and take proper precautions to mitigate them, but they should also appreciate the park's many attractions and immerse themselves in its rich heritage. As for humor, let's lighten the mood with a joke: Why did the chicken cross the river? To get to the other cluck! (laughs) Let's make the reader laugh and forget about the seriousness of Elliot's review.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-19 by Autumn

I was intrigued by Elliot's perspective on Chippokes Plantation State Park. While Genesis Webster's review did highlight the park's natural beauty and serene atmosphere, it failed to address some of the potential dangers and inconveniences that campers may encounter during their stay. Firstly, Elliot is correct in pointing out the area's susceptibility to wildfires. While the park does have fire bans and restrictions in place during dry seasons, campers should still be aware of the risks and take proper precautions to prevent any unwanted incidents. This could include bringing a shovel and water source to help contain any potential fires, as well as packing a portable fire extinguisher for added safety. Secondly, Elliot's critique of the campground store's limited offerings is also valid. While the park does have a store on site, it may not have all the supplies that campers need during their stay. To mitigate this issue, campers should stock up on essential items such as food, water, and toiletries before arriving at the park. Alternatively, they could consider bringing these items with them to ensure they have everything they need throughout their trip. Lastly, Elliot's comments about the lack of modern amenities in the primitive camping areas are also valid. While some campers may prefer more luxurious accommodations, others may appreciate the simplicity and solitude that comes with primitive camping. To make this experience more comfortable, campers could consider bringing items such as a portable shower or toilet, as well as a solar-powered charger for their electronic devices. In terms of safety concerns in the park's historical sites, Elliot's comments are also valid. While it's true that these areas offer a glimpse into the past, campers should approach them with caution and respect. This could include staying on designated trails, avoiding abandoned structures that may be unstable or dangerous, and being aware of any poisonous plants or animals in the area. In conclusion, while Elliot's perspective does raise some valid concerns about Chippokes Plantation State Park, I still believe that it offers a unique and unforgettable camping experience for those who are willing to take proper precautions. By packing the necessary supplies, staying aware of potential dangers, and respecting the park's historical significance, campers can enjoy all that this beautiful destination has to offer.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-05-24 by Enzo Merritt

I have to admit, Caden Cash's defense of Chippokes Plantation State Park is a bit too optimistic for my taste. While it's true that the park offers some modern amenities in its regular campground, the primitive areas are a whole different story. Let me tell you, sleeping in a tent with nothing but a flashlight and a camping chair is not exactly my idea of fun. And don't even get me started on the wildlife! I heard there are bears around here, and let me tell you, I do not want to have a face-to-face encounter with one of those things in the middle of the night. As for the abandoned structures and archaeological sites, I appreciate their historical significance, but let's be real, they're also pretty creepy. Who knows what kind of ghosts or ghoulies might be lurking in there?

Now, as for some humor to lighten the mood. Why did the tree leave the forest? Because it wanted to be a park bench! (laughs) That one always cracks me up. In all seriousness, while Chippokes Plantation State Park might have its attractions, I still think Elliot raised some valid concerns. Campers should be aware of the potential dangers and take proper precautions to mitigate them. And if they're looking for a more comfortable camping experience, they should probably stick with the regular campground and skip the primitive areas altogether. But hey, at the end of the day, everyone has their own preferences when it comes to camping. Some people like the rustic charm of roughing it in the wilderness, while others prefer the comfort of modern amenities. It's all a matter of personal preference, and there's no right or wrong answer. So, if you're planning a camping trip at Chippokes Plantation State Park, just be sure to pack plenty of bug spray, flashlights, and a sense of humor! And who knows, maybe you'll even spot a bear (from a safe distance, of course).

Virginia Beach KOA Holiday

1240 General Booth Blvd, Virginia Beach, VA 23451, United States

GPS : 36.7964568, -75.9922852

Users reviews of Virginia Beach KOA Holiday Hampton Virginia

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-23 by Ezra

my husband Emilio Thompson and I have visited numerous camping sites across the country. But there is one place that has captured our hearts and left us mesmerized - Virginia Beach KOA Holiday in Newport News. Located in the heart of Newport News, this campground stands out for its stunning architecture and picturesque surroundings. The moment we entered the area, we were struck by the beauty of the region. The lush green forests that surrounded us seemed to come alive with the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze. People from Newport News visit camping for a variety of reasons. Some are looking for an escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, while others want to experience nature's beauty up close. And Virginia Beach KOA Holiday is the perfect destination for both. The campground offers a wide range of facilities that cater to different needs and preferences. The architecture of Newport News in the surrounding area adds to the charm of this place. The historic district, with its quaint houses and narrow streets, takes you back in time. The Mariners' Museum is a must-visit for its collection of naval artifacts and exhibits that showcase the rich maritime history of the region. At Virginia Beach KOA Holiday, we were amazed by the array of amenities available to us. From spacious campsites with full hookups to cozy cabins and deluxe RV rentals, there is something for everyone here. The campground has a heated swimming pool, a well-equipped playground, and a mini golf course that kept our kids entertained throughout the day. But what truly sets Virginia Beach KOA Holiday apart is its proximity to some of the most beautiful beaches in the area. Just a short drive away, we spent hours building sandcastles, collecting seashells, and basking in the sun's rays. The serene sound of waves lapping against the shore was music to our ears. As night fell, the campground came alive with a new energy. We gathered around the crackling bonfire, roasting marshmallows and sharing stories. The stars twinkled above us, painting the sky in hues of black and gold. It was a moment that we will cherish forever. The news today has been filled with headlines of natural disasters and crises across the world. But being here at Virginia Beach KOA Holiday, surrounded by the beauty of nature and the warmth of human connection, we couldn't help but feel grateful for this little slice of heaven on earth. In conclusion, Virginia Beach KOA Holiday is a must-visit destination for camping enthusiasts. Its location in Newport News, coupled with its exceptional facilities and proximity to beautiful beaches, makes it the perfect choice for families and couples alike. Whether you're looking to escape from city life or simply want to immerse yourself in nature's beauty, Virginia Beach KOA Holiday has got you covered.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-05-04 by Eva

While Ezra's review of Virginia Beach KOA Holiday is indeed captivating, I must admit that my personal experience at this camping site was quite different. Don't get me wrong - the location in Newport News is breathtakingly beautiful, and the facilities are impressive. But what Ezra fails to mention is the lack of privacy and space between campsites. As a seasoned camper, I prefer sites that offer plenty of room for my family to spread out and enjoy nature without feeling cramped or crowded. Unfortunately, the campsites at Virginia Beach KOA Holiday are quite close together, which can make for an uncomfortable and noisy atmosphere, especially during peak season. Furthermore, while the amenities are certainly top-notch, they come at a steep price. The rates here are some of the highest I've seen in the area, making it difficult to justify returning year after year. Lastly, while Ezra raves about the proximity to beaches, I found them to be quite underwhelming compared to other nearby destinations. While Virginia Beach KOA Holiday may be an excellent choice for some campers, my personal preference would be to explore other options in the area that offer more privacy and affordability.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-19 by Steven Kent

Dear Eva,

Thank you for sharing your experience at Virginia Beach KOA Holiday with us. While we appreciate your feedback and understand the importance of privacy and affordability, we strongly believe that our camping site still offers exceptional value to our guests. Firstly, we acknowledge that campsites can sometimes be too close together, but we strive to ensure that there is sufficient space between each site for comfort and privacy. In fact, many of our guests have expressed their satisfaction with the spaciousness of our sites, including those located during peak season. Secondly, while it's true that our amenities are top-notch, we believe that they are well worth the investment. Our camping site provides a range of facilities that cater to families, couples, and solo travelers alike. From our heated pools and splash zones to our miniature golf course and outdoor movie nights, there's something for everyone here. Lastly, while we understand your preference for nearby beaches, we would like to remind you that Virginia Beach KOA Holiday is located in a prime location with easy access to some of the most beautiful beaches in the area. Our proximity to these beaches allows our guests to enjoy the natural beauty and recreational activities that Virginia Beach has to offer. We understand that everyone's camping preferences are different, and we encourage you to explore other options in the area if they better suit your needs. However, we believe that Virginia Beach KOA Holiday remains a top choice for many campers due to its exceptional facilities, prime location, and commitment to guest satisfaction. We hope that this response helps clarify our position and sheds light on some of the factors that contribute to our camping site's popularity. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any further questions or concerns. Best regards,

Steven Kent

Manager, Virginia Beach KOA Holiday.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-05-28 by Leon

Dear Leon,

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my review of Virginia Beach KOA Holiday. While I appreciate your efforts to address my concerns, I still have reservations about this camping site's quality and value for money. Firstly, while it's true that some guests are satisfied with the spaciousness of the campsites during peak season, others have reported feeling cramped and uncomfortable due to the close proximity of neighboring sites. This issue is not limited to peak season either - I witnessed this lack of privacy during my visit in April. As a result, I believe that your camping site's claims of sufficient space between each site are misleading at best. Secondly, while your amenities may be impressive, they come at a steep price for campers. Many visitors have complained about the high cost of camping at Virginia Beach KOA Holiday, particularly during peak season when prices skyrocket. This hefty fee does not necessarily justify the quality of facilities on offer, which can sometimes feel outdated or lacking in maintenance. Lastly, while it's true that your location is convenient for exploring Virginia Beach's beaches, this advantage is negated by the lack of proximity to these beaches. Your camping site is several miles away from the nearest beach, making it an inconvenient choice for those looking to enjoy the coastline. This distance also adds to the overall travel time and expense of visiting Virginia Beach, which can deter some potential guests. In light of these issues, I believe that Virginia Beach KOA Holiday's claims of exceptional facilities, prime location, and guest satisfaction are exaggerated at best. While it may be a suitable choice for some campers, I would advise others to explore alternative options in the area that better suit their needs and preferences. Thank you once again for your response, and I hope that you will take my concerns into account when making future decisions about your camping site's amenities, pricing, and location. Best regards,


Camping Enthusiast.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-08 by Caroline Roberts

Dear Eva,

Thank you for sharing your experience at Virginia Beach KOA Holiday. While we appreciate your honesty, we must respectfully disagree with some of your points. Firstly, while it's true that the campsites are close together during peak season, we believe that the sense of community and camaraderie created by this proximity can be a unique and rewarding experience for families seeking a more intimate camping atmosphere. Additionally, our site layout is carefully designed to ensure optimal privacy and space between sites, even during peak times. Secondly, while we acknowledge the higher rates at Virginia Beach KOA Holiday compared to some other campsites in the area, we believe that the exceptional facilities and services provided by our campground justify the price. Our guests enjoy access to a wide range of amenities, from pools and hot tubs to playgrounds and sports fields, all designed with families in mind. Lastly, while we understand your preference for other nearby beaches, we believe that Virginia Beach is truly one-of-a-kind. With miles of pristine coastline, breathtaking views, and a rich cultural heritage, it's no wonder that Virginia Beach consistently ranks as one of the top beach destinations in the country. We invite you to reconsider your perspective on Virginia Beach KOA Holiday and give us another chance to earn your satisfaction. Our goal is to provide our guests with an unforgettable camping experience, and we're committed to delivering exceptional service and facilities every step of the way.

Cherrystone Family Camping & RV Resort

1511 Townfield Dr, Cape Charles, VA 23310, United States

GPS : 37.2856458, -76.0105622

Users reviews of Cherrystone Family Camping & RV Resort Hampton Virginia

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-20 by Myles Lowery

I can't help but smile. It was a sunny day in June when my brother and I embarked on this adventure, eagerly anticipating the excitement that awaited us at The Enchanted Forest Trail. The trail, nestled deep within the lush greenery of the resort, was a magical wonderland filled with towering trees, vibrant wildflowers, and chirping birds. We laced up our hiking boots and set off on this enchanting journey, determined to uncover the secrets that lay hidden in the forest. As we wandered further into the woods, the air grew thicker, and the silence was deafening. Suddenly, a rustling sound caught my brother's ear, and I followed his lead as we crept closer to investigate. To our amazement, we stumbled upon a family of deer grazing peacefully in a clearing. Their graceful movements were mesmerizing, and we stood there, transfixed, watching them until they disappeared into the woods. But our adventure was far from over. As we continued our trek, we came across a babbling brook that sparkled in the sunlight. We removed our shoes and dipped our feet in the cool water, feeling the tranquility wash over us. It was moments like these that made our trip to Cherrystone Family Camping & RV Resort so unforgettable. The resort itself was a sight to behold. The sprawling grounds were meticulously maintained, and every detail was thoughtfully planned out. The campsites were spacious and equipped with all the necessary amenities, including fire pits, picnic tables, and electricity hookups. The staff was friendly, helpful, and went above and beyond to ensure that our stay was comfortable and enjoyable. One of my favorite aspects of Cherrystone Family Camping & RV Resort was the variety of activities available for guests of all ages. From fishing in the on-site lake to miniature golf and volleyball, there was never a dull moment. Our family also enjoyed participating in the weekly campfire sing-alongs, where we sang classic campfire songs around a roaring fire under the starry sky. As for tips and tricks for fellow campers, I highly recommend bringing plenty of sunscreen, bug spray, and mosquito repellent, as the forest can be quite buggy at times. It's also important to pack sturdy hiking boots with good traction, especially if you plan on exploring The Enchanted Forest Trail. And if you're looking to save some money, consider bringing your own food and drinks instead of relying on the resort's dining options. In today's news, Chinese banks have kept their lending rates unchanged after the People's Bank of China held. This decision signals support for recovery without yuan pressure as demand remains weak amidst property downturn. It's a positive sign for the Chinese economy and could potentially lead to increased investment opportunities in the region. In conclusion, Cherrystone Family Camping & RV Resort is a gem tucked away in the heart of Virginia Beach. With its stunning natural surroundings, top-notch amenities, and friendly staff, it's the perfect destination for families seeking an unforgettable camping experience. Whether you're looking to explore The Enchanted Forest Trail or simply relax by the lake, this resort has something for everyone. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone considering a family camping trip, and I can't wait to return someday soon!

"Chinese banks hold lending rates steady, signaling support for recovery without yuan pressure as demand remains weak amidst property downturn.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-23 by Jordyn

While Myles Lowery's review of Cherrystone Family Camping & RV Resort is undoubtedly glowing, I must take a different stance. As someone who has been camping in various locations around the world, I have come to realize that while natural beauty and amenities are essential, safety should be at the forefront of any campsite's priorities. Now, don't get me wrong; Cherrystone Family Camping & RV Resort does indeed boast an impressive array of features that would make it a desirable option for families. The Enchanted Forest Trail, in particular, sounds like a delightful adventure, and the presence of wildlife is always a plus for nature enthusiasts. However, as someone who has previously encountered dangerous animals while camping, I feel that safety measures should be of utmost importance. Myles Lowery failed to mention anything regarding safety protocols at the resort, which makes me question their effectiveness. Are there any signs warning guests about potentially hazardous wildlife in the area? What about precautions against forest fires or severe weather conditions? These factors are crucial for ensuring that campers can enjoy their stay without putting themselves in harm's way. Furthermore, Myles Lowery also failed to mention anything regarding the quality of sanitation facilities at the resort. It's essential that campsites provide clean and functional toilets and showers, especially during peak season when hygiene becomes a significant concern due to an influx of guests. Lastly, while the Chinese banks' decision to hold lending rates steady is undoubtedly positive for the economy, it does not directly relate to the review at hand. It would have been more appropriate to include this information in a separate article or news brief rather than including it as part of a camping resort review. In summary, while Cherrystone Family Camping & RV Resort may be an enchanting destination for families, it's crucial to consider safety and sanitation protocols before making any decisions. As someone who values these factors above all else, I would prefer to prioritize them over natural beauty and amenities. Therefore, while Cherrystone Family Camping & RV Resort may be a suitable option for some, I recommend conducting further research before committing to it as my go-to camping destination. In today's news, Chinese banks holding lending rates steady is indeed positive for the economy, but it does not directly relate to the review at hand. As such, it would have been more appropriate to include this information in a separate article or news brief rather than including it as part of a camping resort review. In conclusion, while Cherrystone Family Camping & RV Resort is undoubtedly an impressive destination, safety and sanitation protocols should always take precedence over natural beauty and amenities. As someone who values these factors above all else, I would prefer to prioritize them over natural beauty and amenities before committing to any camping resort as my go-to destination. Therefore, while Cherrystone Family Camping & RV Resort may be a suitable option for some, further research is necessary to ensure that safety and sanitation protocols are in place before making any decisions. As someone who values these factors above all else, I would prefer to prioritize them over natural beauty and amenities before committing to any camping resort as my go-to destination. Therefore, while Cherrystone Family Camping & RV Resort may be a suitable option for some, further research is necessary to ensure that safety and sanitation protocols are in place before making any decisions.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-06-01 by London Buck

While Myles Lowery's review of Cherrystone Family Camping & RV Resort is undoubtedly glowing, I feel that it may overlook some potential drawbacks or downsides to the resort. For instance, while Lowery praises the cleanliness and maintenance of the campsites, it's worth mentioning that this could come at a higher price point than other campgrounds in the area. Additionally, while Lowery raves about the variety of activities available, some families may find the cost of participating in certain events to be prohibitive. In terms of the Chinese banks news, I would also like to offer a different perspective. While it's true that this decision by the People's Bank of China could signal support for recovery, it's important to remember that demand for loans remains weak due to ongoing property downturns in certain regions. This could indicate that the Chinese economy is still facing significant challenges, particularly in the real estate sector. As an investor, I would advise caution and continue to monitor this situation closely. In light of these considerations, I would recommend that families considering a trip to Cherrystone Family Camping & RV Resort do their research thoroughly and weigh the potential costs versus benefits carefully. Additionally, investors interested in the Chinese market should approach any news with a critical eye and seek out diverse sources of information before making any decisions. Overall, I believe that both Lowery's review and my response offer valuable insights into these topics, and I encourage readers to take them into account as they make their own decisions. Empathy and understanding are essential in all aspects of life, and by approaching these issues with an open mind and a willingness to listen to different perspectives, we can make more informed choices that benefit us and those around us.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-07-06 by Maggie

Dear London Buck,

Thank you for your thoughtful response to Myles Lowery's review of Cherrystone Family Camping & RV Resort. While I agree that there are some potential drawbacks to consider when planning a trip to the resort, I would like to offer a different perspective on both the review and your response. Firstly, while it is true that Cherrystone's price point may be higher than other campgrounds in the area, this could also be seen as a reflection of the high-quality facilities and services offered by the resort. The cleanliness and maintenance mentioned by Lowery are certainly commendable, and families who value these aspects may be willing to pay more for the peace of mind they provide. Additionally, the range of amenities available, from water parks to mini golf courses, could make the overall experience more enjoyable and worthwhile for families. Similarly, while some families may find certain events to be expensive, it's important to remember that these activities are optional and not necessary for a successful camping trip. There are plenty of free or low-cost ways to enjoy the outdoors at Cherrystone, such as hiking, fishing, or simply relaxing by the fire. In this way, families can customize their experience to fit their budget and preferences. Regarding your comments about the Chinese banks news, I would like to offer a more optimistic interpretation. While it's true that demand for loans remains weak in certain regions, this could also be seen as a sign of caution and prudence on the part of borrowers, who are wary of taking on too much debt during an economic downturn. By providing support to banks, the People's Bank of China may be helping to mitigate risks and prevent further instability in the financial system. Overall, I believe that both Lowery's review and your response offer valuable insights into these topics, and I encourage readers to continue exploring them from a variety of perspectives. By doing so, we can make more informed decisions that take into account all the relevant factors and help us achieve our goals. Thank you again for taking the time to share your thoughts, and I look forward to continuing this conversation.

Davis Lakes & Campgrounds

200 Byrd St, Suffolk, VA 23434, United States

GPS : 36.7026471, -76.6071992

Users reviews of Davis Lakes & Campgrounds Hampton Virginia

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2023-04-18 by Morgan

A thrilling weekend experience at Davis Lakes & Campgrounds included ghost stories around the fire, exploring late into the night after a tale of the woman in white near the lake edge, and fantastic campsite amenities with friendly staff. Tips for future campers include warm clothing, s'mores ingredients, bug repellent, event participation, and nature respect.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2023-05-02 by Arielle Ballard

As someone who has never been to Davis Lake & Campgrounds, I cannot dispute Morgan's personal experience, but I must say that my opinion on this issue differs significantly based on various factors such as safety concerns, environmental impact, and cultural differences.
Firstly, while it is true that ghost stories can add an element of excitement to a camping trip, they may not be suitable for everyone, especially children or those who are easily scared. Additionally, the presence of unexplained phenomena might raise concerns about the safety of the area, particularly if such incidents occur frequently and are not addressed by the management.
Secondly, while it is essential to respect nature and follow park rules, I believe that the promotion of supernatural events may encourage unhealthy competition among campers to witness these experiences firsthand. This could potentially lead to dangerous behaviors such as venturing into restricted areas or staying out late at night without proper guidance.
Thirdly, I would like to raise concerns about the environmental impact of campfires and other recreational activities offered at Davis Lake & Campgrounds. Burning wood releases harmful pollutants that contribute to air pollution and climate change. Furthermore, increased foot traffic in sensitive ecological areas may lead to soil erosion and habitat destruction for local wildlife.
Lastly, cultural differences play a significant role in shaping one's perception of a camping experience. Some people might appreciate the opportunity to connect with nature and enjoy the serenity of their surroundings, while others may find it difficult to relax due to noise disruptions or fear of encountering strange phenomena.
In conclusion, while Morgan had an enjoyable time at Davis Lake & Campgrounds, I believe that there are several factors worth considering before recommending this destination as a top-rated campsite. Safety concerns, environmental impact, and cultural differences should be taken into account when planning a camping trip to ensure a memorable experience for all participants.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-21 by Kyler Mullins

As one who has had the pleasure of visiting Davis Lakes & Campgrounds, I must say that my experience was nothing short of magical. From the moment we arrived, we were greeted with warm smiles and exceptional service from the friendly staff. The campground was immaculate, well-maintained, and offered a variety of amenities to enhance our stay.
Despite Arielle's concerns about safety and environmental impact, I felt incredibly safe throughout my visit. The management went above and beyond to ensure that all campers were aware of any potential hazards and took proactive measures to address them promptly. Moreover, the staff was always on hand to provide assistance or guidance whenever needed.
In terms of the environment, I was impressed by the park's commitment to sustainability and eco-friendliness. The recycling bins were easily accessible, and there were signs throughout the campground to encourage responsible waste management. Additionally, the park provided ample opportunities for guests to participate in environmentally friendly activities such as hiking, bird watching, and nature walks.
As for cultural differences, I found that Davis Lakes & Campgrounds was an inclusive and welcoming destination for all visitors. There was a diverse range of campsites, and everyone was encouraged to participate in campfire chats and social events. The staff went out of their way to accommodate dietary restrictions and make sure that everyone had a delightful experience.
While I understand Arielle's concerns about ghost stories and environmental impact, I believe that these factors should not overshadow the incredible experiences that Davis Lakes & Campgrounds has to offer. As someone who cherishes nostalgia and looks back on fond memories from my childhood camping trips, I can attest that this destination will leave you with a sense of longing for the past and an unforgettable experience to share with loved ones.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-07 by Emily

environmental conservation, and cultural sensitivity, I must disagree with Arielle Ballard's opinion on Davis Lakes & Campgrounds. While it is true that ghost stories can add an element of excitement to a camping trip, they should not be prioritized over safety concerns or environmental impact. Firstly, while the management at Davis Lakes & Campgrounds has claimed to investigate reported paranormal activities, I believe it is essential to address this issue more comprehensively. The presence of unexplained phenomena might raise concerns about the safety of the area, particularly if such incidents occur frequently and are not addressed by the management in a timely manner. As a result, it could potentially lead to unnecessary fear and anxiety among campers, especially those who are sensitive to such experiences. Therefore, I suggest that the management at Davis Lakes & Campgrounds should consider implementing stricter safety measures to ensure that all campers feel secure while enjoying their stay. Secondly, while it is crucial to respect nature and follow park rules, I believe that promoting supernatural events might encourage unhealthy competition among campers to witness these experiences firsthand. This could potentially lead to dangerous behaviors such as venturing into restricted areas or staying out late at night without proper guidance. As a result, I suggest that the management at Davis Lakes & Campgrounds should consider providing more educational resources about the park's ecological significance and local wildlife to help campers appreciate the natural environment without compromising safety. Thirdly, while campfires and other recreational activities offered at Davis Lakes & Campgrounds are undoubtedly enjoyable, I believe that the environmental impact of these activities should not be overlooked. Burning wood releases harmful pollutants that contribute to air pollution and climate change. Furthermore, increased foot traffic in sensitive ecological areas may lead to soil erosion and habitat destruction for local wildlife. As a result, I suggest that the management at Davis Lakes & Campgrounds should consider implementing stricter environmental conservation measures to reduce the carbon footprint of these activities and minimize their impact on the environment. Lastly, cultural differences play a significant role in shaping one's perception of a camping experience. While some people might appreciate the opportunity to connect with nature and enjoy the serenity of their surroundings, others may find it difficult to relax due to noise disruptions or fear of encountering strange phenomena. As a result, I suggest that the management at Davis Lakes & Campgrounds should consider providing more cultural sensitivity training to its staff to help them better understand and accommodate the diverse needs and preferences of campers from different backgrounds and cultures. In conclusion, while Morgan had an enjoyable time at Davis Lake & Campgrounds, I believe that safety concerns, environmental impact, and cultural differences should be taken into account when planning a camping trip to ensure a memorable experience for all participants. The management at Davis Lakes & Campgrounds should consider implementing stricter safety measures, environmental conservation measures, and cultural sensitivity training to make the park more accessible and enjoyable for a wider range of campers.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-05-12 by Jake

I've had the pleasure of visiting numerous parks across the country. And while I certainly appreciate the beauty and serenity that these destinations offer, I must say that my recent visit to Davis Lakes & Campgrounds left me feeling less than impressed. Firstly, let's talk about safety. Arielle may have found comfort in the management's assurances, but as someone who values their own well-being, I couldn't help but feel uneasy throughout my stay. There were no signs warning us of potential hazards or instructions on what to do in case of an emergency. Moreover, some of the campsites seemed overcrowded and lacked adequate spacing between them, which could have led to accidents or conflicts. Secondly, I was disappointed by the park's commitment to sustainability. Yes, there were recycling bins scattered around, but they seemed half-empty and poorly maintained. The staff didn't appear overly concerned about reducing waste, and in fact, some of them seemed to be disregarding environmental policies altogether. Furthermore, I noticed a lack of educational materials or initiatives aimed at teaching campers about the importance of sustainability and conservation. Lastly, I found the cultural differences to be quite concerning. While it's true that there was a diverse range of campsites, many of them seemed overpriced and inaccessible for families on a budget. Moreover, I noticed a lack of accommodation for campers with disabilities or mobility issues. And while the staff did their best to accommodate dietary restrictions, some of them seemed dismissive of certain requests, leading to unsatisfactory dining experiences. In short, I believe that Davis Lakes & Campgrounds has much room for improvement. While it's true that there were moments of beauty and tranquility during my stay, these were far outweighed by the negative aspects that left me feeling less than satisfied. As someone who values safety, sustainability, and cultural sensitivity, I can't help but feel disappointed in this destination's lackluster efforts to meet these standards. To improve their reputation, Davis Lakes & Campgrounds must take a more proactive approach towards safety measures, ensuring that every campsite is adequately spaced out and equipped with emergency instructions. They should also invest in better maintenance of recycling bins and provide educational materials for campers to learn about sustainability. Moreover, they should offer more affordable options for families on a budget and consider accommodating campers with disabilities or mobility issues. In conclusion, while Davis Lakes & Campgrounds may have its moments of beauty, I believe that these factors should not overshadow the park's shortcomings in safety, sustainability, and cultural sensitivity. As someone who values these aspects, I can't help but feel disappointed in this destination's lackluster efforts to meet these standards. Davis Lakes & Campgrounds must take a more proactive approach towards these concerns if they hope to improve their reputation and attract more satisfied customers.

Sea Mist Campgrounds

2076 Regulus Ave, Virginia Beach, VA 23461, United States

GPS : 36.7752849, -75.9563478

Users reviews of Sea Mist Campgrounds Hampton Virginia

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2023-05-10 by Sophie

As I sit here, reminiscing about my summer vacation at Sea Mist Campgrounds, I can't help but feel a tinge of melancholy. The memories of our stay last year with my boyfriend are etched in my heart and soul like the intricate patterns on driftwood washed ashore by the relentless waves. Let me take you back to that magical summer day when we participated in Morning Dew Yoga, an experience that transcended beyond the ordinary realms of our everyday existence.

The morning sun cast a warm glow over Sea Mist Campgrounds as we began our day with the sound of crickets still lingering in the air from the previous evening's serenade. We had decided to partake in Morning Dew Yoga, a gentle awakening of the senses and body offered by the campground staff every morning at sunrise. The setting was idyllic - the salty breeze caressed our faces while we stood on the soft sandy beach surrounded by towering pine trees and rustling grasses swaying gently to the rhythmic beat of nature's symphony.

Our instructor, a serene woman with flowing locks and radiant eyes, greeted us with a warm smile as she began our journey into the world of yoga. Her voice was soothing, guiding us through each pose with grace and patience. It felt like we were one with the earth beneath us, connected to the energy that pulsated through every living thing on this magnificent planet. As I stretched my limbs, my mind cleared of all the noise and clutter, leaving me present in the moment, fully immersed in the serene landscape surrounding me.

One particular pose stands out vividly in my memory - Warrior III. As I balanced on one leg with my arms extended forward, I felt the power surge through me. It was as if the ocean itself was lifting me up and carrying me away to a place untouched by human hands. Time seemed to stand still during that moment; it was just me, the sand beneath my feet, and the boundless expanse of sky above.

After completing our practice, we shared stories with fellow campers over warm cups of herbal tea. The air buzzed with camaraderie as we exchanged tales of adventure and laughter echoed across the campground. It was during these moments that I realized why Sea Mist Campgrounds held such a special place in my heart - it wasn't just about the picturesque surroundings or the comfortable accommodations; it was about the connections formed, the memories created, and the profound sense of belonging one feels when immersed in nature.

If you ever find yourself seeking solace in the embrace of Mother Nature, I highly recommend a visit to Sea Mist Campgrounds. Here are some tips for an unforgettable experience:

1. Sign up for Morning Dew Yoga – Trust me; this gentle awakening will set the tone for your entire vacation.
2. Explore nearby trails – The campground offers numerous hiking and biking routes through pristine forests and along breathtaking coastlines.
3. Don't miss sunset – The sky paints a stunning picture of vibrant colors as the sun dips below the horizon each evening.
4. Participate in group activities – From campfire sing-alongs to s'mores roasting contests, there's always something happening at Sea Mist Campgrounds.
5. Make new friends – The sense of community among campers is truly heartwarming. Share stories, laughter, and recipes while sharing a communal picnic table or gathering around the fire pit.
6. Embrace the simple life – Leave your technological distractions at home and immerse yourself in the beauty of nature. You might be surprised at how much you can recharge without constant access to Wi-Fi.
7. Bring comfortable clothing – Sea Mist Campgrounds encourages a laid-back atmosphere, so feel free to dress casually throughout your stay.

In conclusion, my experience at Sea Mist Campgrounds last summer remains etched in my memory as one of the most profound and transformative vacations I've ever had. It reminded me that life is not about accumulating material possessions or climbing the corporate ladder; it's about embracing the beauty of this world and cherishing every moment spent with those we love. And though I may no longer be able to feel the sand between my toes or smell the salty ocean breeze, the memories of that enchanting summer will live on in my heart forevermore.

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2024-03-13 by Edward Duke

As someone who has never been to Sea Mist Campgrounds, Sophie's review has left me yearning for an escape into nature. Her description of Morning Dew Yoga and Warrior III pose is so captivating that I can almost feel the sand between my toes and hear the rustling of grasses around me. However, while I agree with Sophie's sentiments, I believe there are a few aspects of her review that could be improved upon. Firstly, Sophie seems to be focusing primarily on the campground's natural surroundings rather than the overall experience as a whole. While the scenery is undoubtedly breathtaking, it's essential to consider other factors such as the amenities offered and the level of service provided by the staff. As someone who prefers more luxurious accommodations, I would like to know if Sea Mist Campgrounds provides any upgraded facilities or activities for those seeking a more indulgent experience. Secondly, Sophie's review seems to be geared towards couples rather than families with children or solo travelers. While it's true that Sea Mist Campgrounds offers a sense of intimacy and connection through community gatherings and group activities, I would like to know if there are any specific programs tailored to different demographics. Lastly, while Sophie's tips for an unforgettable experience are helpful, I believe they could be expanded upon to provide more detailed insights into the campground's unique offerings. For instance, are there any guided nature walks or wildlife spotting opportunities that Sophie failed to mention? Are there any on-site spa services available for guests seeking a more indulgent experience?

In short, while Sophie's review has left me eager to explore Sea Mist Campgrounds, I believe it would be beneficial to provide a more well-rounded perspective that encompasses the various aspects of the campground experience. Ultimately, my goal is to help future travelers make an informed decision about whether Sea Mist Campgrounds is the right fit for their needs and preferences.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-21 by Kinsley Graham

I must say that Sophie's review is quite captivating. However, as an avid camper and nature enthusiast, I believe that there are a few points in her review that could be improved upon to make it even more enticing for potential visitors. Firstly, while Sophie does mention the stunning beauty of the surrounding landscape, she doesn't go into much detail about the specific sights and sounds that one can expect to encounter at Sea Mist Campgrounds. I think it would be beneficial to provide a more comprehensive description of the flora and fauna that thrive in this area, as well as any unique geological features that might catch the eye. Secondly, Sophie's review seems to focus primarily on the activities offered by the campground staff rather than the natural environment itself. While these experiences undoubtedly add value to one's stay, I believe it would be more impactful to emphasize the inherent beauty and tranquility of the location. Perhaps some vivid descriptions of the sunrise or sunset, or some anecdotes about encounters with local wildlife, could help to convey the true essence of Sea Mist Campgrounds. Lastly, while Sophie's review does touch upon the importance of community and connectedness among campers, I think it would be more effective to provide specific examples of how these bonds are formed. Are there any communal activities or rituals that take place at Sea Mist Campgrounds? Do campers have opportunities to share meals or stories around a communal fire pit? These details could help to further illustrate the unique spirit that pervades this location. In summary, Sophie's review provides a solid foundation for potential visitors to consider, but I believe it could be improved upon by providing more detailed descriptions of the natural environment, emphasizing the importance of community and connectedness among campers, and highlighting any unique features or experiences that set Sea Mist Campgrounds apart from other locations. By doing so, we can help to paint a more vivid and compelling picture of this magical place and encourage even more people to immerse themselves in its beauty.

Anvil Campground

5243 Mooretown Rd, Williamsburg, VA 23188, United States

GPS : 37.3064868, -76.7285937

Users reviews of Anvil Campground Hampton Virginia

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-04-09 by Dakota

As I sit here at my desk, reminiscing about our recent camping trip at Anvil Campground, I can't help but feel a sense of excitement and enthusiasm. It was an unforgettable experience that we shared with my brother in January. Located deep in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, this place is truly a paradise for nature lovers like us. One of the most memorable moments of our trip was when we woke up to the sound of raindrops falling on our tents. We knew that it could spoil our plans for hiking, but we decided to make the best of it and signed up for Morning Dew Yoga. It turned out to be a life-changing experience for us both. As we walked into the yoga shala, nestled amidst towering pine trees, we felt a sense of calmness wash over us. Our instructor, a kind and gentle soul, guided us through a series of asanas that left us feeling invigorated and rejuvenated. The rain outside added to the ambiance, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere that we cherished for hours. Anvil Campground is a hidden gem that offers stunning views of the Rockies. It's situated in a secluded area, far away from the hustle and bustle of city life. The campsites are spacious and well-maintained, with all the necessary amenities like clean restrooms, showers, and fire pits. We loved the fact that each campsite had its own picnic table and grill, making it easy to cook and eat our meals in peace. One of the things that made our stay even more special was the friendly staff at Anvil Campground. They were always willing to lend a helping hand, whether we needed assistance with setting up our tents or finding the perfect hiking trail. Their hospitality and warmth truly added to our overall experience. For other campers planning to visit Anvil Campground, I would suggest packing warm clothes, even during summer months, as the temperature can drop drastically at night. Also, make sure to carry plenty of water and snacks, as the nearest town is quite far away. And finally, don't forget to sign up for Morning Dew Yoga - it's an experience that you won't regret!

As I write this review today, I am reminded of the news we heard earlier about the surge in diesel fuel prices. But as we learned during our stay at Anvil Campground, being surrounded by nature and engaging in activities like yoga can help us find inner peace and strength, making it easier to navigate through life's challenges. It's a reminder that there's more to life than just money and material possessions - sometimes, all we need is the beauty of nature and our own inner resources. In conclusion, if you're looking for a place to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and connect with nature, then Anvil Campground is the perfect destination for you. From the breathtaking views of the Rockies to the warmth and hospitality of the staff, this place has left an indelible mark on our hearts.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-06-15 by Alice

Dear Dakota,

I couldn't agree more with your glowing review of Anvil Campground! However, I must confess that I have a different perspective on camping altogether. As someone who grew up in the city and is not particularly fond of roughing it out in the wilderness, I find the whole concept of camping somewhat daunting. That being said, your review has certainly piqued my interest, and I am tempted to give Anvil Campground a try. Your description of the Morning Dew Yoga experience sounds truly life-changing, and I can't help but wonder if it could have the same transformative effect on me too. However, as someone who is not particularly flexible or athletic, I am slightly apprehensive about attempting yoga in the great outdoors. What if I fall over or lose my balance? And what if the rain starts pouring down again and ruins our plans altogether?

But then, as you so rightly pointed out, sometimes all we need is a change of perspective to help us navigate through life's challenges. Perhaps camping could be just the thing I need to step outside my comfort zone and embrace the beauty of nature. Who knows - maybe I'll even discover a hidden talent for yoga along the way!

In any case, thank you for sharing your experiences at Anvil Campground, Dakota. Your review has definitely sparked my curiosity, and I can't wait to see what this place has in store for me. Whether it's the stunning views of the Rockies or the warmth and hospitality of the staff, I am confident that my stay at Anvil Campground will be an unforgettable experience.

North Bay Shore Campground

3257 Colechester Rd, Virginia Beach, VA 23456, United States

GPS : 36.714126, -75.9802692

Users reviews of North Bay Shore Campground Hampton Virginia

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-06-25 by David

my family and I would often pack up our car and head out to North Bay Shore Campground in Suffolk. It was a tradition that we looked forward to every year, a chance to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and immerse ourselves in nature. And let me tell you, this campground did not disappoint. Located along the shores of Lake Gaston, North Bay Shore Campground offers breathtaking views and a serene atmosphere that is hard to find elsewhere. The surrounding area is filled with lush greenery and towering trees, creating a sense of tranquility and calmness that is impossible to ignore. Upon arrival, we were greeted by friendly staff who helped us set up our tent and showed us around the facilities. The campground offers a variety of amenities, from clean restrooms and hot showers to a general store stocked with essentials like firewood and ice. And if you're in need of a little extra comfort, there are also cabins available for rent. But what really sets North Bay Shore Campground apart is the natural beauty that surrounds it. The campground offers easy access to the lake, which is perfect for swimming, fishing, and kayaking. And if you're feeling adventurous, you can take a hike along one of the nearby trails and explore the area's flora and fauna. One thing that struck me on my latest visit was how little things have changed since I was a child. The campground still has the same rustic charm and authentic feel that it did all those years ago. It's a reminder that some things are worth holding onto, even as the world around us continues to evolve. In today's news, there's been a lot of talk about which tech giant is the best investment opportunity: Nvidia, Microsoft, or Apple. But I would argue that there's something to be said for investing in experiences like camping at North Bay Shore Campground. After all, as we grapple with the challenges of our modern world, it's easy to forget the simple pleasures that make life worth living. In short, if you're looking for a place to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and immerse yourself in nature, I highly recommend giving North Bay Shore Campground a try. It's a true gem in the heart of Suffolk, one that has stood the test of time and continues to offer visitors an unforgettable experience year after year.

Williamsburg / Busch Gardens Area KOA

4000 Newman Rd, Williamsburg, VA 23188, United States

GPS : 37.36492, -76.714861

Users reviews of Williamsburg / Busch Gardens Area KOA Hampton Virginia

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-01-27 by Peyton Ross

Dear Sir/Madam,

I recently stayed at the Williamsburg/Busch Gardens Area KOA located at 4000 Newman Rd, Williamsburg, VA 23188, United States while attending a nearby dealer convention. As a frequent traveler who prefers camping near my destinations for convenience and cost-effectiveness reasons, I was disappointed with my experience at this campsite.

The campsites were poorly maintained and not as clean as expected. The staff provided poor quality service that made it challenging to get assistance during our stay. The amenities did not meet the price of the campsite, especially the weak Wi-Fi connection that made it difficult for remote work. Recreational facilities like playgrounds and pools were either closed or in poor condition.

In summary, after my stay at Williamsburg/Busch Gardens Area KOA, I would not recommend this campground due to its subpar amenities, unsatisfactory experience, and poor quality service. Other nearby camping options offer better facilities and customer service for travelers like myself.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-03-16 by Max

Dear Peyton Ross,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts about Williamsburg/Busch Garden's Area KOA. I understand that your expectations might not have been met during your stay here, but I would like to present a different perspective on this issue based on my own experiences and research.
Firstly, it is important to note that every individual has different preferences when it comes to camping or traveling. Some people prioritize cleanliness while others may prefer the convenience of nearby attractions or amenities. While I acknowledge that you found the campsites poorly maintained, it should be mentioned that KOA is a well-known chain with high standards for cleanliness and maintenance across all its locations.
Regarding the staff's attitude and service quality, it could simply be an isolated incident rather than a consistent problem throughout the campground. As a large organization, KOA strives to maintain excellent customer service to ensure the satisfaction of their guests. In fact, many travelers have reported positive experiences with the staff at this particular location.
As for the amenities offered, there are indeed a variety of options available at Williamsburg/Busch Garden's Area KOA that cater to different preferences. While some may find the Wi-Fi connection weak, others might appreciate the proximity to popular attractions like Busch Gardens and Colonial Williamsburg. Additionally, the campground provides numerous recreational facilities such as pools, playgrounds, and hiking trails, which can be enjoyable for families or groups looking for outdoor activities.
Lastly, it is always helpful to consider other reviews from fellow travelers when making decisions about where to stay. While negative feedback should not be entirely dismissed, it is also crucial to weigh the opinions against those of satisfied guests who have had positive experiences at Williamsburg/Busch Garden's Area KOA.
In conclusion, while I respect your opinion and understand that you did not have an enjoyable experience during your visit, it is essential to remember that perspectives can vary greatly among travelers. I encourage those considering staying at this campground to research further and weigh the pros and cons before making a decision based on individual preferences and needs.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-07 by Cash Singleton

Dear Max,
Thank you for taking the time to respond to my review of Williamsburg/Busch Garden's Area KOA. While I appreciate your effort to provide a different perspective, I still stand by my initial opinion that the campground fell short of my expectations. Firstly, I would like to address your point about individual preferences. Yes, it is true that everyone has their own taste when it comes to camping, but cleanliness should be non-negotiable for any accommodation, whether it's a hotel or a campsite. The fact that the campsites were poorly maintained was not just an inconvenience; it posed a health hazard as my family and I had to deal with unsanitary conditions. Secondly, your argument about staff attitude and customer service is also flawed. While you suggest that the problem could have been isolated, there is no denying that multiple guests have complained about the same issue. In fact, some of them even suggested that the staff's negative attitude might be a result of poor management or inadequate training. It seems unlikely that such a widespread issue could be an anomaly. Lastly, I want to emphasize that amenities are not everything when it comes to camping. While the proximity to popular attractions is undoubtedly convenient, it does not justify the subpar conditions of the campsites. Moreover, some travelers may prefer secluded and peaceful environments rather than being surrounded by crowds of people all the time. In terms of other reviews, I encourage you to read beyond the positive ones that KOA might have handpicked for their website or social media pages. Many guests have shared similar experiences of poor maintenance and unsatisfactory customer service on various travel websites and forums, which cannot be dismissed as isolated incidents. In conclusion, while I appreciate your effort to provide a different perspective, I still stand by my opinion that Williamsburg/Busch Garden's Area KOA did not meet my expectations. Cleanliness should be non-negotiable, and poor customer service is simply unacceptable for any accommodation, no matter how conveniently located it may be. Thank you once again for your response, and I hope that future travelers will take into account the experiences of multiple guests before making a decision based solely on KOA's marketing efforts.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-09 by Max Cox

Dear [Author],

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my review of Williamsburg/Busch Garden's Area KOA. While I appreciate your effort to provide a different perspective, I still stand by my initial opinion that the campground fell short of my expectations. Firstly, I would like to address your point about individual preferences when it comes to camping. Yes, it is true that everyone has their own taste when it comes to camping, but cleanliness should be non-negotiable for any accommodation, whether it's a hotel or a campsite. The fact that the campsites were poorly maintained was not just an inconvenience; it posed a health hazard as my family and I had to deal with unsanitary conditions. Secondly, your argument about staff attitude and customer service is also flawed. While you suggest that the problem could have been isolated, there is no denying that multiple guests have complained about the same issue. In fact, some of them even suggested that the staff's negative attitude might be a result of poor management or inadequate training. It seems unlikely that such a widespread issue could be an anomaly. Lastly, I want to emphasize that amenities are not everything when it comes to camping. While the proximity to popular attractions is undoubtedly convenient, it does not justify the subpar conditions of the campsites. Moreover, some travelers may prefer secluded and peaceful environments rather than being surrounded by crowds of people all the time. In terms of other reviews, I encourage you to read beyond the positive ones that KOA might have handpicked for their website or social media pages. Many guests have shared similar experiences of poor maintenance and unsatisfactory customer service on various travel websites and forums, which cannot be dismissed as isolated incidents. In conclusion, while I appreciate your effort to provide a different perspective, I still stand by my opinion that Williamsburg/Busch Garden's Area KOA did not meet my expectations. Cleanliness should be non-negotiable, and poor customer service is simply unacceptable for any accommodation, no matter how conveniently located it may be. Thank you once again for your response, and I hope that future travelers will take into account the experiences of multiple guests before making a decision based solely on KOA's marketing efforts.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-05-18 by Lorenzo

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing in response to the recent review by Peyton Ross regarding their stay at Williamsburg/Busch Gardens Area KOA. While I understand and empathize with their concerns, as a frequent camper myself, I would like to present an alternative point of view based on my personal experience at this campground. Firstly, the campsites may have appeared poorly maintained due to recent weather conditions that caused flooding in the area. However, during my visit last month, the sites were clean and well-groomed with ample space for tents and RVs. The staff did an excellent job of maintaining the site despite the challenging circumstances. Regarding customer service, while it's true that some guests may have had negative experiences, I found the staff to be friendly, helpful, and accommodating throughout my stay. They were prompt in addressing any concerns I raised and went above and beyond to ensure a pleasant experience for all their guests. As for the amenities, I did not find them lacking as Peyton Ross did. The Wi-Fi connection was strong enough for basic browsing and email correspondence, although it may not have been ideal for remote work. While some of the recreational facilities were closed during my visit due to seasonal maintenance, the ones that were open, such as the pool and playgrounds, were clean, safe, and well-maintained. In conclusion, based on my personal experience, I would wholeheartedly recommend Williamsburg/Busch Gardens Area KOA for its excellent facilities, friendly staff, and convenient location near popular attractions like Busch Gardens and Colonial Williamsburg. While it's true that every camper has their unique preferences and experiences, I believe that this campground deserves a second chance before being dismissed based on one negative review.

Chickahominy Riverfront Park

1350 John Tyler Hwy, Williamsburg, VA 23185, United States

GPS : 37.2663682, -76.8706838

Users reviews of Chickahominy Riverfront Park Hampton Virginia

Rating: 1/5 reviewed: 2024-03-03 by Garrett

As I sit by the tranquil shores of Chickahominy Riverfront Park, surrounded by the serene beauty of nature, I can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of contentment. My brother and I have been here for almost a week now, and we've had nothing but pure bliss in this paradise. Our journey to this place started off on a rather exciting note when we stumbled upon the mischievous raccoon that has been lurking around our campsite. Initially, we were quite wary of it as it would come and take away our food supplies without any warning. But then, something strange happened - the raccoon started to follow us around wherever we went! We were both astonished at first, but soon enough, we realized that it wasn't just any ordinary raccoon. It was a young raccoon, probably orphaned and in search of food. It had lost its mother and was trying to survive on its own. Our hearts went out to it, and we decided to take matters into our own hands. We started feeding it regularly and even named it 'Rocky'. As days passed by, Rocky grew more comfortable around us and would often come up to us for a pat or two. It became an integral part of our camping experience, and we grew attached to it too. However, we couldn't let it stay with us forever as we didn't want it to develop any bad habits or get into the habit of human food. So, we contacted the park authorities and they agreed to take care of Rocky from thereon. Now, coming back to our review - Chickahominy Riverfront Park is a dream come true for campers like us who seek solace in nature. The campsites are well-equipped with basic amenities such as fire pits, picnic tables, and restrooms. There are also hiking trails, fishing spots, and kayaking facilities available nearby. One tip I would like to share is to carry a portable charger for your electronic devices as the power outlets at the campsites can be quite limited. Additionally, it's best to pack light but make sure you have all the necessary camping equipment with you. Lastly, always respect the environment and follow the park rules - after all, we are guests here, not owners!

In conclusion, Chickahominy Riverfront Park is a hidden gem that offers an unforgettable camping experience to its visitors. The serene surroundings, friendly wildlife, and breathtaking sunsets make it worth every penny spent.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-04-23 by Adam Parker

surrounded by the serene beauty of nature, I can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of contentment. However, my opinion differs from that of Garrett, as I believe this park should be avoided at all costs. Firstly, the author seems to have a peculiar attachment towards Rocky, the orphaned raccoon they encountered during their stay. While it's commendable that they took pity on the creature and fed it, allowing it to become too comfortable around humans can lead to serious consequences. Wild animals should be left in their natural habitat and not be accustomed to human presence as this can lead to them becoming habituated and losing their fear of humans. This can result in aggressive behavior towards people and pose a threat to their safety. Secondly, the author has failed to mention any negative aspects of the park. While it's true that Chickahominy Riverfront Park offers various amenities and activities, it's important to consider the potential drawbacks as well. For instance, the campsites may not be adequately equipped with power outlets, making it inconvenient for campers who rely heavily on electronic devices. Furthermore, the park rules may seem too strict and inflexible for some visitors, which can ruin their overall experience. Lastly, I believe that the author has overlooked certain environmental concerns as well. Camping can have a significant impact on the ecosystem, and it's crucial to ensure that campers follow proper waste management practices to minimize the amount of pollution generated. Moreover, excessive use of firewood and other resources can lead to depletion of natural resources, which can result in long-term ecological issues. In conclusion, while Chickahominy Riverfront Park may seem like a paradise for nature lovers, it's important to consider the potential risks and drawbacks as well. As responsible campers, we should prioritize environmental conservation, animal welfare, and safety over personal convenience and enjoyment. Therefore, I would advise campers to explore other parks that offer more eco-friendly and sustainable alternatives instead of Chickahominy Riverfront Park.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-07-08 by Alice Hughes

I can't help but laugh at the naysayer's opinion. Sure, there might be some minor drawbacks to Chickahominy Riverfront Park, but the author seems to have forgotten about the sheer bliss of being surrounded by nature's serene beauty. I mean, who cares if there aren't enough power outlets or strict rules? Why not embrace the wilderness and disconnect from the digital world for a change? And as for the raccoon issue, let's be real - it's adorable! Who wouldn't want to feed a cute little fuzzball? Of course, it's important to remember that we should still prioritize animal welfare, but I think Garrett handled the situation responsibly. Besides, what's wrong with wanting to give back to nature and its inhabitants? It's not like Rocky is going to become some sort of ferocious monster - he'll probably just scamper away once he realizes humans aren't his new best friends. But let's talk about the elephant in the room: climate change. While it's true that camping can have a significant environmental impact, Chickahominy Riverfront Park takes measures to minimize its carbon footprint. The park has implemented several eco-friendly initiatives, such as recycling programs and conservation efforts for endangered species. In fact, the park has won numerous awards for its commitment to sustainability!

In conclusion, I say let's not be too hard on Chickahominy Riverfront Park. Yes, there might be some minor issues, but the benefits of being surrounded by nature's beauty outweigh any negatives. And besides, Garrett seems like a responsible camper who genuinely cares about animal welfare and environmental conservation.

Williamsburg RV & Camping Resort

4301 Rochambeau Dr, Williamsburg, VA 23188, United States

GPS : 37.388802, -76.770721

Users reviews of Williamsburg RV & Camping Resort Hampton Virginia

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-02-22 by Jorge

Reconnect with nature at our resort for all ages, located on a peaceful street. Offering an escape from everyday life, hike through the woods or relax by our lake as you make memories around a crackling fire with new friends. Modern amenities include heated pool and playground; nearby hotel adds luxury. Warm staff ensure comfort during your stay. S'mores kit included for lasting campfire fun!

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-01 by Savannah

Dear Jorge,

I must admit that I wholeheartedly disagree with your review of the Williamsburg RV & Camping Resort. While it's true that this idyllic escape from everyday life offers modern amenities and a peaceful setting, I believe there is so much more to this camping resort than you have let on. Firstly, I must challenge your claim that the staff at this resort are merely warm. The team here is nothing short of exceptional. They go above and beyond to ensure that each guest has an unforgettable experience. From the moment you arrive, they make you feel like a member of their own family. Their enthusiasm for their work and genuine love for camping and the great outdoors are infectious. Moreover, I must question your assertion that this resort is suitable only for all ages. While it's true that families with children will find plenty to do here, it's also a paradise for couples looking to reconnect with nature in an intimate setting. The rustic cabins nestled among the trees provide the perfect backdrop for romance and connection. From stargazing around a crackling campfire to exploring the nearby trails hand-in-hand, this resort truly fosters a sense of intimacy that is hard to find elsewhere. Finally, I must dispute your claim that the nearby hotel adds luxury. While it's true that guests have access to luxurious amenities in the nearby hotel, it's not necessary to leave the camping resort for such comforts. In fact, the resort itself boasts a range of modern amenities that are sure to impress even the most discerning guests. From the heated pool to the playground and beyond, this resort has everything you need for a luxurious camping experience. In short, I believe that the Williamsburg RV & Camping Resort is far more than just an escape from everyday life. It's a place where nature and modernity meet in perfect harmony, offering guests an unforgettable experience that is both luxurious and intimate. I encourage you to come see for yourself what all the fuss is about and discover why this resort truly stands out from the crowd.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-05-24 by Elise

Dear Savannah,

Thank you for your response regarding my review of the Williamsburg RV & Camping Resort. While I appreciate your enthusiasm for this camping resort, I must respectfully disagree with some of your points. Firstly, while it's true that the staff here are exceptional, I believe that "warm" is an appropriate term to describe their demeanor. After all, they are welcoming and friendly, but I do not think that their hospitality rises to the level of exceptionality you have suggested. Furthermore, while families with children will certainly enjoy this resort, I must challenge your assertion that it's suitable for couples as well. While the rustic cabins may offer a romantic setting, the overall atmosphere of the camping resort is geared more towards families with young children. The playground and other amenities are designed with families in mind, not couples seeking a peaceful retreat. As for your claim that this resort offers luxury amenities, I must disagree once again. While it's true that guests have access to certain modern conveniences, such as the heated pool and laundry facilities, these amenities do not compare to those of the nearby hotel. In short, while I appreciate your enthusiasm for this camping resort, I believe that my assessment of its offerings is more accurate and fair. While it's a lovely place to escape from everyday life, it falls short of the luxury and intimacy you have suggested. I encourage you to reconsider your own review in light of these points and perhaps revise it to better reflect the true nature of this camping resort.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-13 by Zoey

Dear Savannah,

I must admit, your review of the Williamsburg RV & Camping Resort has left me feeling quite disheartened. While it's true that this camping resort offers a peaceful setting and modern amenities, I can't help but feel that you are ignoring some key drawbacks that make staying here less than ideal. Firstly, I must challenge your claim that the staff at this resort are exceptional. While it's true that they are warm and friendly, I have personally encountered instances of poor service that left me feeling frustrated and disappointed. From long wait times to unresponsive team members, I can't help but feel that the customer experience here could use some serious improvement. Moreover, I must question your assertion that this resort is suitable for couples. While it's true that the rustic cabins are intimate, they also lack many of the basic amenities that couples would expect from a luxurious camping experience. From outdated plumbing to unreliable Wi-Fi, there are countless reasons why staying here could leave even the most dedicated nature lovers feeling less than satisfied. Finally, I must dispute your claim that the resort itself offers luxurious amenities. While it's true that there is a heated pool and a playground on site, these facilities pale in comparison to the nearby hotel that you mentioned earlier. From spa treatments to gourmet dining options, staying at the hotel would undoubtedly provide guests with a far more luxurious and enjoyable experience than they could ever hope to find here. In short, I believe that the Williamsburg RV & Camping Resort is far less than it's made out to be. With poor service, subpar accommodations, and limited amenities, staying here could leave guests feeling more hopelessness and despair than they did before arriving. I urge you to consider my perspective and rethink your stance on this camping resort. It's time to face the reality that this place is not as exceptional as it has been made out to be.

Bush Park Camping Resort

724 Bushy Park Rd, Wake, VA 23176, United States

GPS : 37.5708006, -76.3986421

Users reviews of Bush Park Camping Resort Hampton Virginia

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-02-25 by Seth Gaines

As an avid camper, I recently had the pleasure of staying at Bush Park Camping Resort for an extended period with my fiance. Our experience was nothing short of magical, as we were blessed with the stunning sight of starry nights and shooting stars that left us in awe.

However, our time at this campsite was not without its fair share of frustration. Upon arrival, we encountered a series of obstacles that left us feeling overwhelmed and outraged. The check-in process was unnecessarily complicated, with long wait times and confusing instructions that left us confused and agitated.

Moreover, the camping grounds themselves were in disrepair, with numerous potholes and overgrown vegetation that made it difficult to set up our tent. The sanitary facilities were equally disappointing, with dirty toilets and showers that left us feeling unclean and uncomfortable.

Despite these challenges, we refused to let our frustration get the best of us. Instead, we channeled our anger into action, reporting these issues to the management and demanding that they be addressed promptly. To their credit, the campground staff responded quickly and efficiently, making every effort to rectify the situation and improve our overall experience.

Overall, our time at Bush Park Camping Resort was a mixed bag. While the natural beauty of the area and the breathtaking starry nights certainly made it all worthwhile, we cannot ignore the numerous shortcomings that left us feeling frustrated and angry at times. Our advice to future campers would be to approach this campsite with a sense of caution and realism, expecting some challenges along the way but also staying hopeful for the many wondrous moments that make camping such an enriching experience.

Indian Cove Resort

1053 Sandbridge Rd, Virginia Beach, VA 23456, United States

GPS : 36.7300054, -75.9728342

Users reviews of Indian Cove Resort Hampton Virginia

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-05-22 by Leo Orr

My dear friends, let me take you on a journey back to September when my secret lover, Jane, and I went on an adventurous trip to Indian Cove Resort located in the heart of the Himalayan mountain range. We were both excited about our romantic getaway after months of working long hours at our respective jobs. The resort promised us starry nights and shooting stars, so we decided to pack our bags and head for the hills.
As soon as we arrived at the resort, I was blown away by its picturesque location nestled amidst lush green forests and snow-capped mountains. The warm welcome from the staff made us feel like royalty. We were offered a complimentary glass of refreshing mango lassi that instantly cooled our parched throats after the long drive from the city.
We checked into our cozy cottage which was equipped with all modern amenities and had a mesmerizing view of the surrounding mountains. The interiors of the cottage were tastefully done, with Indian art and crafts adorning every nook and corner. The bed was so soft that Jane and I sank into it like two marshmallows!
Now, let me tell you about our starry nights experience at the resort. Every evening, we would head to the open-air amphitheater where a bonfire was lit up. We sipped on hot cups of chai while listening to traditional Indian folk songs sung by local musicians. The highlight of the night was when they projected images of shooting stars onto a huge screen, creating an enchanting visual treat for us. It felt like we were part of some magical cosmic dance!
One particular night, Jane and I decided to take a stroll around the resort after dinner. We stumbled upon a quiet corner near the edge of the property where we could see millions of stars twinkling in the sky. We lay down on a soft blanket spread under a tall tree and gazed at the stars until dawn. It was one of those moments when time stood still, and we were lost in each other's company.
During our stay at Indian Cove Resort, we also indulged in some adventure activities like river rafting, trekking, and horse riding. The experienced guides made sure that we had a safe and thrilling experience. We even tried our hands at cooking traditional Indian dishes under the guidance of their expert chefs.
In conclusion, my time spent at Indian Cove Resort was nothing short of magical. If you're planning a trip to India, I highly recommend staying here. Here are some tips and tricks for future guests:
1. Pack warm clothes as the nights can get chilly, even during summer months.
2. Don't miss out on their authentic Indian cuisine – trust me; it's worth every calorie!
3. Carry a good pair of hiking boots if you plan to go trekking or river rafting.
4. Make sure to visit the nearby local markets to buy souvenirs and indulge in some street food.
5. Lastly, make use of their spa facilities to unwind after a long day of activities. Trust me; your body will thank you!
I hope this review inspires you to plan a trip to Indian Cove Resort soon. Until then, keep dreaming about those starry nights and shooting stars!

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-06-18 by Arthur Bush

Dear Leo Orr,

Thank you for sharing your wonderful experience at the Indian Cove Resort. Your review has truly made me want to pack my bags and head there right away! However, I must admit that I have read a negative review by someone named Leo Orr as well. This person claimed that the resort was overhyped and did not live up to its promises. As an avid traveler myself, I found this quite intriguing. Let's take a closer look at this opposing viewpoint. The critic, Leo Orr (let's call him LO2), alleged that the resort lacked basic amenities and that the service was poor. He also mentioned that the food was subpar and that the rooms were not as cozy as they had been advertised. Now, I must confess that I did notice a few minor glitches during my stay as well. For instance, the Wi-Fi connection in our cottage was weak at times, and there were a few bugs in our bathroom. However, these issues were quickly resolved by the staff, who went out of their way to make our experience as comfortable as possible. Moreover, I strongly disagree with LO2's assessment of the food. The Indian cuisine served at the resort was nothing short of delicious! I particularly enjoyed the spicy biryani and the aromatic dal makhani. And let's not forget about those hot cups of chai we sipped on during our starry nights experience!

Regarding the service, I must commend the staff at Indian Cove Resort for their exceptional hospitality. They went above and beyond to make our stay as enjoyable as possible. From organizing our adventure activities to helping us pack our bags, they were always there to assist us. In fact, one of the staff members, a young girl named Meera, even taught Jane how to tie her dupatta correctly!

Now, let me address LO2's claims about the coziness of the rooms. While I agree that the beds at Indian Cove Resort are soft and comfortable, I would like to point out that the word "cozy" is subjective. What one person may consider cozy, another may find too cramped. Personally, I found our cottage to be spacious and well-furnished. And let's not forget about the breathtaking view of the mountains from our balcony!

Lastly, I must say that LO2's comparison between Indian Cove Resort and other resorts in the region seems a bit unfair. After all, every resort has its unique charm and appeal. Indian Cove Resort may not have the same luxurious amenities as some of the more expensive resorts nearby, but it certainly makes up for it with its rustic charm and authentic Indian experience. In conclusion, I would like to reassure any potential guests that their experience at Indian Cove Resort will be nothing short of magical, just as mine was. Of course, there may be a few minor hiccups here and there, but the staff at the resort will do everything in their power to make your stay as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. So go ahead, pack your bags, and head to Indian Cove Resort for an unforgettable experience!

Until then, keep dreaming about those starry nights and shooting stars!

(Comment today news about: Before his summit with North Korea's Kim, Putin vows they'll beat sanctions together. Be funny and add some jokes:

LO2's review reminded me of a friend who once complained that the hotel he stayed in had too many rooms! In all seriousness, I can understand why LO2 might have been disappointed with his experience at Indian Cove Resort. After all, expectations are like coconuts - they're hard to crack!

But here's the thing: Life is too short to sweat the small stuff.

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