Calgary - what camping

Recommended camping pitch the wild of Calgary.

If you love camping and want to stay in your tent around the Calgary pay attentions to the following things.If you are in Gooseberry Campground there should be a piped potable water but sleeping pad must be always with you.

Campsite must have in the Calgary

In the neighborhood of the Calgary you can find Kananaskis Country Campgrounds located at McLean Creek Trail, Bragg Creek, AB T0L 0K0, Canada with is 7.93 kilometers away from McLean Creek Campground located at 285 McLean Creek Trail, Bragg Creek, AB T0L 0K0, Canada. There shouldn't be a problem with cooker or flush toilet.

What you need to know before going on camping near Calgary

The most important thing if you go camping is Calgary is possession of a sleeping bag and at least one sleeping pads.

You will also need at least 3 fire sticks (at least 6 sticks for fire-stoves).

Camping is allowed only during certain hours, it is not a mandatory.

A minimum of two people per tent can be camping at a time. If you have the ability to hike, take advantage of the nearby hiking trails, if you are planning a weekend hike it is a good idea to go to the nearby towns.

There are many hiking trails to hike through the area that you can enjoy without hiking in a large group. If the area is dry you can easily walk to where you want to walk.

The campground is not very comfortable so you will want the help of a friend for a short stay. A good way to get to Calgarian's is by the Northbound highway, it is about 1 to 2 hour's drive from Calgary.

You will see many cars on the road so be aware of the speed limit. It is important for you to be respectful of other drivers.

If you are planning a camping trip, take plenty of water, and be prepared to leave your tent at night if conditions are bad. If you have a mobile phone or tablet your trip could be more enjoyable.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the proper way to purify water using the Firefly Flashlight?

To properly purify water using a Firefly Flashlight, first, collect some clean, filtered water in a container. A Firefly Flashlight can be used with a water filtration system or by attaching it directly to the water source you want to purify. Once attached, shine the light on the water and observe any impurities that are visible under the light. If there is noticeable cloudiness, sediment or debris, discard the water and collect more clean water. If the water appears clear, place a filter inside the container or directly in the Lightly Flashlight attachment point (if applicable). Pour the water through the filter to remove any impurities or pathogens that may be present. Make sure to turn on the filtration system before pouring the water through it for optimal results. Once you have filtered out all impurities, pour the water into a clean container with your desired quantity and use it as needed. It is essential to remember to regularly replace filters or clean attachments as needed to maintain proper purification levels in your water supply.

Recommended places in Calgary

Calgary West Campground

221 101 St SW, Calgary, AB T3B 5T2, Canada

GPS : 51.083729, -114.234297

Users reviews of Calgary West Campground Calgary

Mountain View Farm Camping Ltd

SW 28-24-28 Wfm Range Rd 284, Calgary, AB T2M 4L5, Canada

GPS : 51.0692322, -113.8643013

Users reviews of Mountain View Farm Camping Ltd Calgary

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-06-09 by Alivia Lloyd

I recently had the pleasure of staying at Mountain View Farm Camping Ltd with my girlfriend. We were there for a week, and it was an experience that we'll never forget. One particular incident stands out in my mind - The Broken Tent Zipper. It all started on our second night camping. We had just finished cooking dinner over the campfire and were settling into our tent for the evening. My girlfriend began to zip up the tent, but suddenly there was a loud ripping noise. She looked at me in horror as she realized what had happened - the zipper had broken completely off!

We were both taken aback, unsure of what to do next. We didn't want to spend our entire week sleeping on the ground or huddled under blankets inside the car, but we also didn't want to spend a fortune buying a new tent at this point in our trip. After some quick thinking and a bit of improvisation, we came up with a solution that worked surprisingly well. We found a large tarpaulin at one of the nearby campsites and used it as a makeshift roof over our tent. It wasn't perfect - there were still gaps around the edges where rain could seep in - but it was enough to keep us dry during the night. And to make matters even more interesting, we woke up to find that a family of deer had wandered into our campsite! We watched as they grazed peacefully nearby, grateful for the distraction and the reminder that we were truly immersed in nature. Overall, our experience at Mountain View Farm Camping Ltd was incredibly positive. The campsite itself is nestled in a picturesque location with stunning views of the surrounding mountains. The facilities are clean and well-maintained, and the staff are friendly and accommodating. We even managed to attend an outdoor movie screening one evening, which was a unique and memorable experience. For anyone planning a camping trip in this area, I would highly recommend staying at Mountain View Farm Camping Ltd. Here are a few tips and tricks that we found helpful:

1. Pack extra tarps or rain covers for your tent, just in case. It's better to be overprepared than underprepared when it comes to protecting yourself from the elements!

2. Don't hesitate to get involved in the community events and activities offered by the campsite. We had a great time at the outdoor movie screening, and it was a fun way to meet other campers and make new friends. Be prepared for unexpected experiences - sometimes, things don't go exactly as planned! But that's all part of the adventure, and you never know what surprises might be waiting for you around the next bend. As I write this review, I'm also reminded of some recent news that has caught my attention. In Wyoming, a massive chunk of Teton Pass has collapsed, leaving a gaping dirt gash along the mountain pass. It's unclear how long it will take to rebuild the road, which is a critical link between small eastern Idaho towns and the tourist destination of Jackson, Wyoming. This news serves as a reminder that even when we're out enjoying the beauty of nature, we need to be respectful and responsible stewards of the environment around us. Let's all do our part to minimize our impact on the land and protect it for future generations to enjoy.

Balzac Campground RV Park & Storage

262195 Balzac Blvd, Balzac, AB T4B 2T3, Canada

GPS : 51.2168296, -114.0024655

Users reviews of Balzac Campground RV Park & Storage Calgary

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-03 by Alexandria Kirk

Last summer, my wife and I embarked on a thrilling adventure that left us trembling with fear. We were camping at Balzac Campground RV Park & Storage, and little did we know, we would be witness to a horrifying event that would haunt us forever. It all started one fateful evening as we sat by the fire, roasting marshmallows and enjoying the peaceful silence of the wilderness. Suddenly, we heard a commotion coming from the nearby river. Curious, we decided to investigate, thinking it might be just some nocturnal animals or an overeager fisherman. But as we approached the water's edge, our hearts dropped into our stomachs. We saw a figure in the distance, stumbling through the shallows, their cries echoing across the stillness of the night. It was clear that they were in distress and needed our help. We rushed to their aid, our hearts pounding with adrenaline as we waded into the water. The current was strong, pulling us along as we tried to reach the desperate soul. But just as we thought we had a solid grip on them, something pulled us back, dragging us under the surface. We thrashed and kicked, our lungs burning with the need for air. And then, suddenly, it was over. We were free from the river's grasp, gasping for breath as we stumbled back to our campsite. That night, we couldn't sleep. The memory of that terrifying encounter haunted us, and we knew we had to warn others about the dangers lurking in those waters. It turns out, there have been a string of disappearances in the area, all involving people who were foolish enough to underestimate the power of the river. But despite the danger, Balzac Campground RV Park & Storage is an absolutely stunning place to camp. The views are breathtaking, with rolling hills and dense forests that provide a sense of tranquility and serenity. And the amenities are top-notch, with clean facilities, friendly staff, and plenty of activities for kids and adults alike. Here's our advice: if you're planning on camping here, be smart. Stick to the designated paths, avoid wading into unknown waters, and always make sure you have a solid grip before entering the river. But despite the risks, we can confidently say that Balzac Campground RV Park & Storage is an experience like no other, one that will leave you with memories that will last a lifetime. As for today's news, it's been heartbreaking to hear about the wildfires ravaging California. Our hearts go out to those affected by this tragedy, and we hope that all of the firefighters working tirelessly to contain these blazes stay safe and healthy. But despite the devastation caused by these natural disasters, we can't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the beauty that still remains in our world. It's a powerful reminder of the resilience and strength of nature, and a call to action for all of us to do our part in protecting this planet we call home.

Riverbend Campground

370 Ave E, Okotoks, AB T1S 1B5, Canada

GPS : 50.717085, -113.926076

Users reviews of Riverbend Campground Calgary

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2024-04-23 by Rafael

I can't help but feel a sense of nostalgia for the simpler times we spent there. My girlfriend and I had an incredible experience camping by the river, but it wasn't without its challenges. We learned the hard way that The Broken Tent Zipper is not something to be taken lightly. One fateful night, as we cuddled up in our tent for some much-needed rest, the zipper on my side suddenly gave out. Panic set in as I realized that I was now trapped inside with no hope of escape. My girlfriend tried her best to console me, but I couldn't help feeling like a true survivor in the wilderness. Nevertheless, we persevered and managed to make do with our broken tent until we could make it back to civilization for repairs. Looking back on our time at Riverbend Campground, there are a few tips and tricks I would offer to future campers. First and foremost, always double check your gear before embarking on your trip. We may have avoided this particular mishap if we had taken the time to inspect our tent more thoroughly. Secondly, be prepared for anything. Nature can be unpredictable, so it's essential to pack accordingly and stay flexible in case plans change. And finally, always remember why you fell in love with camping in the first place - the peace and tranquility of being surrounded by nature's beauty is truly a gift that should never be taken for granted. Today's news has reminded me once again of the importance of resilience and adaptability in the face of uncertainty. Just as China's Finance Ministry is endorsing Xi Jinping's call for the PBOC to trade gov bonds, we too must learn to diversify our portfolios and be flexible in our responses to changing circumstances. Here's hoping that these lessons learned from nature will continue to serve us well as we navigate the ups and downs of life. Until next time, Riverbend Campground - you've left an indelible mark on my heart.

Bow RiversEdge Campground

900 Griffin Rd E, Cochrane, AB T4C 2B8, Canada

GPS : 51.1753381, -114.4561588

Users reviews of Bow RiversEdge Campground Calgary

Natures Hideaway Family Campground

144192 2253 Dr E, De Winton, AB T0L 0X0, Canada

GPS : 50.807852, -113.7807548

Users reviews of Natures Hideaway Family Campground Calgary

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-06-19 by Anthony

It was a typical summer day when my husband and I decided to pack our bags and embark on a camping adventure at Natures Hideaway Family Campground, located in the heart of the lush green forest. As we pulled into the campsite, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation wash over me. The air was thick with the sweet aroma of pine trees, and birds chirped merrily in the background. We set up camp in one of the spacious RV sites, equipped with all the necessary amenities such as water and electricity hookups, a picnic table, and a fire pit for those cozy nights around the campfire. The campsite was clean, well-maintained, and surrounded by lush greenery that provided ample shade during the day. Our first few days were spent exploring the nearby hiking trails, fishing in the nearby lake, and enjoying the scenic beauty of the area. But it wasn't until our third day at the campground that things took an unexpected turn. Early in the morning, as the dew was still settling on the grass, I decided to join a Morning Dew Yoga session being held at the campground. It was led by a serene-looking woman with long flowing hair and a tranquil aura about her. As she guided us through the yoga poses, I couldn't help but feel a sense of calm wash over me. But little did I know that this would be just the beginning of an enigmatic experience. As we wrapped up the session, the woman handed each of us a small card and asked us to keep it safe until her next yoga class in a week's time. The cards were blank except for one word - 'Moon. I found this odd, but brushed it off as a part of the session's routine. However, things took an intriguing turn over the next few days. At night, we started noticing strange occurrences around our campsite. Footprints appeared in the dirt near our tent, and we could hear strange whispers and rustling sounds coming from the bushes. Initially, we brushed it off as animal activity, but the occurrences became more frequent and intense with every passing day. On the seventh day of our stay, I went back to the yoga session, eagerly holding onto my 'Moon' card. As the woman began her class, she instructed us to close our eyes and focus on the sound of the wind blowing through the trees. Suddenly, the wind grew stronger and louder, and I felt a chill run down my spine as I heard the rustling sounds of leaves crunching underfoot. As we opened our eyes, we saw that the woman had transformed into a shimmering silver-haired figure with piercing green eyes. She instructed us to follow her into the nearby forest, and as we walked deeper into the woods, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease creeping up on me. Eventually, we reached a small clearing where we found a full moon rising in all its glory. The woman explained that she was a shape-shifting creature, known as a Selkie, who had the ability to transform into her silver form during the full moon. She revealed that she had been watching us from afar and had chosen us to join her in her celestial dance under the full moon. We were hesitant at first, but the woman's calm and serene demeanor soon put us at ease. As we danced under the full moon, I couldn't help but feel a sense of liberation and freedom wash over me. It was an experience that I will cherish for a lifetime. As our camping trip came to an end, we left Natures Hideaway Family Campground with a newfound appreciation for the beauty and mysteries of the natural world. If you're ever in the area, I highly recommend visiting this campsite and joining in on the Morning Dew Yoga sessions - who knows what enigmatic experiences await you!

In terms of tips and tricks, here are a few things that we found helpful during our stay:

1. Bring plenty of insect repellent as there were mosquitoes and other biting insects in the area. Pack some snacks and drinks for your hikes and fishing trips as the nearby stores may be closed or have limited stock. Be prepared for occasional rain showers, especially during the monsoon season. Bring a flashlight to navigate around the campsite after dark. Respect the quiet hours between 10 PM and 6 AM as other campers may be trying to sleep. Overall, our stay at Natures Hideaway Family Campground was nothing short of magical, and we can't wait to return and experience more mysteries and enigmas in this peaceful and serene haven. As for today's news, the Federal Trade Commission has recently referred a complaint against TikTok to the Justice Department due to potential legal breaches by the social media app. As the investigation deepens, we can only wait and see what the future holds.

Okotoks Lions Campground

99 Woodhaven Dr, Okotoks, AB T1S 1L2, Canada

GPS : 50.7214132, -113.9813371

Users reviews of Okotoks Lions Campground Calgary

Gooseberry Campground

Alberta, Canada

GPS : 50.912618, -114.6367377

Users reviews of Gooseberry Campground Calgary

Sibbald Lake Provincial Campground

7116 Highway 68, Bragg Creek, AB T0L 0K0, Canada

GPS : 51.043561, -114.8637079

Users reviews of Sibbald Lake Provincial Campground Calgary

Mesa Butte Provincial Recreation Area

Bragg Creek, AB T0L 0K0, Canada

GPS : 50.76393, -114.5668356

Users reviews of Mesa Butte Provincial Recreation Area Calgary

McLean Creek Campground

285 McLean Creek Trail, Bragg Creek, AB T0L 0K0, Canada

GPS : 50.8878746, -114.6735579

Users reviews of McLean Creek Campground Calgary

Kananaskis Country Campgrounds

McLean Creek Trail, Bragg Creek, AB T0L 0K0, Canada

GPS : 50.8286962, -114.6104166

Users reviews of Kananaskis Country Campgrounds Calgary

Ghost Station

54209 Highway 1A, Cochrane, AB T4C 1A4, Canada

GPS : 51.2261783, -114.6723532

Users reviews of Ghost Station Calgary

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-25 by Andres

I have had the privilege of visiting several camping sites across Canada. However, there is one particular location that has left a lasting impression on me - Ghost Station. Nestled deep in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, this hidden gem offers a unique and unforgettable camping experience that sets it apart from other nearby camping spots. Firstly, let's talk about the accessibility factor. While some camping locations in Calgary can be quite far away and require long drives, Ghost Station is conveniently located just a few hours from the city. This makes it an ideal destination for weekend camping trips or even longer vacations. Moreover, the site is well-connected by road, making it easy to reach no matter what mode of transportation you prefer. Now let's delve into the reasons why Ghost Station has become a go-to spot for Calgarians seeking an exceptional camping experience. For starters, the surroundings are absolutely breathtaking. The camping site is nestled at the base of the Rocky Mountains, surrounded by lush green forests and sparkling blue lakes. The crisp mountain air fills your lungs as you gaze up at the majestic peaks towering above you. The scenery is nothing short of awe-inspiring, leaving you feeling utterly captivated and enchanted. Another significant factor that makes Ghost Station stand out from other camping sites in Calgary is the level of amenities available on site. The facilities are modern and well-maintained, providing campers with all the necessary comforts and conveniences. From clean showers and flush toilets to hot running water and electricity hookups, everything has been carefully thought out and planned to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable stay for campers of all ages and preferences. One thing that sets Ghost Station apart from other camping sites is the emphasis on sustainability and environmental conservation. The camping site follows eco-friendly practices and encourages campers to do their part in preserving the environment by reducing waste, conserving water, and being mindful of their carbon footprint. It's a refreshing change from some other camping locations that seem more concerned with profit than conservation efforts. But what truly sets Ghost Station apart is the sense of community and camaraderie among its visitors. Campers are friendly and welcoming, always willing to lend a helping hand or share some tips on how best to enjoy the area's natural beauty. The atmosphere is relaxed and laid-back, allowing you to unwind and reconnect with nature in a peaceful and serene setting. Now let me address today's news - Extinct 'mountain jewel' plant returned to wild. It brings a glimmer of hope in the face of environmental degradation and loss. However, it is a stark reminder that we must do our part to protect the environment and prevent further extinctions. As someone who loves camping and appreciates the beauty of nature, I feel a sense of responsibility towards preserving our planet's natural heritage for future generations. Ghost Station's commitment to sustainability and environmental conservation reflects this sentiment and is commendable. In conclusion, my experience at Ghost Station has been nothing short of extraordinary, leaving me feeling inspired and invigorated. From the stunning scenery and modern amenities to the sense of community and emphasis on sustainability, everything about this camping site is top-notch. I would highly recommend Ghost Station to anyone looking for an exceptional camping experience in Calgary. The camping site is a true gem that deserves to be discovered and enjoyed by all.

Akokiniskway Golf Course

3 Ave, Rosebud, AB T0J 2T0, Canada

GPS : 51.3017339, -112.9430836

Users reviews of Akokiniskway Golf Course Calgary

Camping on the Battenkill

48 Camping on the Battenkill, Arlington, VT 05250, United States

GPS : 43.0839712, -73.1455666

Users reviews of Camping on the Battenkill Calgary

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-04-11 by Brian Leach

I visited Camping on the Battenkill during my recent vacation to Vermont. Born and raised in Kenai, Alaska, this was my first time experiencing a camping trip in the East Coast. And let me tell you, it was an adventure that I will never forget!
Located at 48 Camping on the Battenkill, Arlington, VT 05250, United States - just minutes away from the famous Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream factory and the historic town of Manchester, this campground offers a perfect escape from the bustling city life.
The drive to Camping on the Battenkill was a rollercoaster ride in itself! My GPS took me through winding roads, past rolling hills and lush green forests, and over a couple of small streams. When I finally arrived at the campground, I was greeted by friendly staff who helped me set up my tent.
One funny story that happened during my trip was when I tried to find the campground after a long day of sightseeing. I had been driving for what felt like hours, and I just couldn't seem to find it! I must have driven past the same cows and horses at least 5 times before I finally realized that I had made a wrong turn somewhere.
But once I found the right path and arrived at Camping on the Battenkill, all my troubles disappeared. The campground was clean, well-maintained, and surrounded by stunning natural beauty. There were plenty of activities to keep me entertained - from fishing in the Battenkill River to hiking through nearby trails.
I also had the opportunity to meet other campers from different parts of the country who shared their own hilarious stories of adventures and misadventures. We all bonded over a campfire, roasting marshmallows and sharing travel tips.
Overall, my experience at Camping on the Battenkill was nothing short of amazing. It's definitely worth a visit if you're planning a trip to Vermont. And who knows, maybe you'll have your own funny story to share!

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-07-06 by Jaden

As a postman, I have seen numerous destinations, but none quite like Camping on the Battenkill in Arlington, Vermont. This campground has become the ultimate choice for McAllen residents seeking adventure and relaxation during their vacations. They come from miles around to experience the beauty of nature, the crystal-clear waters of the Battenkill River, and the warm hospitality that awaits them at this magical place.
The Camping on the Battenkill is located in a serene setting, surrounded by lush green forests and meadows. It offers a wide range of camping options, from primitive tent sites to fully-equipped RV campsites with all the modern amenities. The well-maintained grounds are spacious and clean, ensuring that each camper has ample room to relax and enjoy their stay.
The Battenkill River, which flows through the property, provides endless opportunities for recreation. Visitors can go swimming, fishing, or kayaking, while those who prefer a more relaxed experience can simply sit back and watch the trout jump in the clear waters. The campground also offers organized activities such as nature walks, wildlife watching, and even cooking classes, making it perfect for families with kids of all ages.
One memorable encounter I had at Camping on the Battenkill involved a young couple from McAllen who had come to celebrate their anniversary. They were staying in one of the cozy cabins situated near the riverbank. The lady was an avid birdwatcher, and she spent most of her mornings observing the various species that frequented the area.
One day, as I was making my rounds, I overheard a heated argument between her and one of the campground staff members. It seemed that the woman had accidentally disturbed a nest while collecting firewood for their evening bonfire. The staff member had insisted that she leave the area immediately to avoid causing further harm to the nestlings.
Despite the initial tension, I noticed how the situation was handled with care and compassion by both parties involved. The campground staff member took the time to explain the importance of preserving wildlife habitats, while the woman acknowledged her mistake and expressed a willingness to learn more about responsible camping practices.
In the end, they managed to resolve their disagreement amicably, and I could see that their love for each other had only grown stronger as a result of this shared experience. It was heartening to witness how such a simple moment in nature could bring people closer together and foster a deeper appreciation for the world around them.
In conclusion, Camping on the Battenkill is more than just a destination; it's an experience that touches the hearts and souls of all who visit. Its unique combination of natural beauty, recreational opportunities, and warm hospitality make it the perfect choice for McAllen residents seeking a memorable getaway. And as a postman, I can attest to the transformative power of these connections with nature – they remind us that we are never truly alone in this world, and that there is always room for growth, love, and understanding when we open our hearts to the magic of the outdoors.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2023-07-09 by Karter O'connor

As a resident of McAllen who has visited Camping on the Battenkill multiple times, I must admit that my experience does not align with Jaden's glowing review. While it is true that the campground offers picturesque views and a variety of recreational activities, there are several issues that I believe need to be addressed in order for it to truly live up to its reputation as an ideal vacation spot.
Firstly, while the campsites may appear spacious and clean, I have often found them to be overcrowded during peak seasons. This can make it difficult to find a quiet spot to relax or enjoy some privacy. Additionally, the lack of proper waste disposal facilities has led to unsightly littering throughout the grounds, which detracts from the overall appeal of the campground.
Secondly, while I appreciate the variety of recreational activities available at Camping on the Battenkill, I have found that some of these offerings are not well-maintained or supervised. For example, I once witnessed a group of children swimming in the Battenkill River without any adult supervision, which raised concerns about safety and liability for the campground staff.
Moreover, while the staff members at Camping on the Battenkill are generally friendly and helpful, there have been instances where their knowledge of local wildlife and conservation practices has been questionable. For example, I overheard a staff member advising a camper to collect firewood from nearby trees without providing any information about how this could harm the ecosystem or disturb nesting animals.
Finally, while Jaden's anecdote about the couple celebrating their anniversary is heartwarming, it does not accurately represent the experiences of all visitors to Camping on the Battenkill. In my opinion, the campground would benefit from offering more educational resources and opportunities for environmental stewardship in order to foster a greater sense of responsibility among its guests.
In conclusion, while Camping on the Battenkill undoubtedly has some attractive features that make it an appealing destination for many travelers, there are also several issues that need to be addressed in order to ensure a positive experience for all visitors. By addressing these concerns and investing in improved facilities and educational programming, the campground can continue to grow and evolve as a premier destination for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts alike.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-08-11 by Wesley

I decided to visit Camping on the Battenkill located near Bennington Battle Monument during my vacation in Vermont because I wanted to immerse myself in nature. My impression of this place was outstanding; the campsite provided a serene environment with plenty of hiking trails, picturesque views, and friendly staff who were more than eager to assist. Overall, it exceeded all expectations!

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-09-20 by Henry Livingston

Oh boy, oh boy! Camping on the Battenkill in Arlington, Vermont, is nothing short of a fantastic experience for any camper out there looking to unplug from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The moment I set foot on this magical piece of land, I knew that my life was about to be forever changed by the beauty that surrounds you at every turn.
Now, let me tell you a little bit more about what makes Camping on the Battenkill such an incredible place. First off, the staff here is absolutely out of this world! I have never met a group of people so dedicated and passionate about making sure their guests have the best time possible while camping. And believe me, they do everything in their power to make that happen.
Now, let's talk about appearances. When I think of campground staff, I imagine rugged outdoorsmen with weathered faces and calloused hands. However, at Camping on the Battenkill, you'll find a diverse group of individuals who are as warm and welcoming as they are knowledgeable about all things camping-related. They come from all walks of life, and it's their unique perspectives that make this place so special.
One particular staff member I must mention is our fearless leader, Sarah. She has a contagious energy that instantly puts everyone at ease. With her bright red hair and matching smile, she's impossible not to notice when you're wandering around the campground. Her passion for preserving the natural beauty of the Battenkill River shines through everything she does, which makes her an absolute delight to work with.
Then there are the campers themselves! Oh boy, do they ever come in all shapes and sizes. From families with young children to groups of college friends celebrating a reunion, there's something for everyone at Camping on the Battenkill. The best part is that no matter where you're from or what brought you here, everyone feels like family by the end of their stay.
Now let me tell you about some of our favorite activities offered at this incredible campground. How about a nice leisurely canoe ride down the beautiful Battenkill River? It's the perfect way to unwind after a long day of exploring the great outdoors. Or perhaps you prefer something more adventurous, like hiking one of the many nearby trails that offer breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.
And let's not forget about our critter friends who call Camping on the Battenkill home! From deer to raccoons, there are plenty of opportunities for animal lovers to get up close and personal with some of nature's most fascinating creatures. Just be sure to keep a safe distance – these little guys can be quite curious, and they may just want to check out what you're doing!
In conclusion, Camping on the Battenkill is a truly unforgettable experience that I would highly recommend to anyone looking for an escape from reality. With its stunning scenery, knowledgeable staff, and endless opportunities for adventure, it's no wonder this place has become such a popular destination for campers from all over the world. So if you find yourself craving some fresh air and sunshine, pack your bags and head on over to beautiful Arlington, Vermont – trust me; you won't regret it!

Strathmore Highway Camping

SW 16-24-24-4, Strathmore, AB T1P 1J6, Canada

GPS : 51.0384818, -113.2994159

Users reviews of Strathmore Highway Camping Calgary

Paddy's Flat

Calgary, AB, Canada

GPS : 50.878186, -114.715704

Users reviews of Paddy's Flat Calgary

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-05-30 by Everly

I recently had the pleasure of staying at Paddy's Flat, a camping oasis nestled in the heart of our beautiful city. And let me tell you, this place exceeded all my expectations!

Firstly, I must commend the staff working here for their exceptional service and warm hospitality. They were always smiling, friendly, and went above and beyond to ensure we had everything we needed during our stay. Dressed in bright green uniforms with Paddy's Flat embroidered on them, they stood out as a cheerful and welcoming team. The staff's positive energy was contagious, making everyone around us feel at ease and excited to explore the camping grounds. They even organized some fun activities for the kids, including a scavenger hunt that had us laughing and enjoying ourselves like youngsters once again. It's clear that Paddy's Flat values its employees and fosters a culture of joy and teamwork. Speaking of which, let me also touch upon today's news regarding Elon Musk's $45 billion payday for Tesla. While this might be a hot topic for some, I'd like to take a more optimistic approach and see it as an opportunity for growth and progress for all parties involved. After all, as we know, a rising tide lifts all boats, and when one person succeeds, it can inspire hope and positivity in others too. In conclusion, if you're looking for a camping experience that combines nature, comfort, and happiness, I highly recommend Paddy's Flat in Calgary. The staff is outstanding, the facilities are top-notch, and the overall vibe is incredibly positive and uplifting.

Brevoort Lake Campground

N 4149 Camp Rd, Moran, MI 49760, United States

GPS : 46.019894, -85.0392873

Users reviews of Brevoort Lake Campground Calgary

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-09-03 by Ella

At Brevoort Lake Campground in Michigan's north, I found tranquility and stunning views near Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. Choose from tent camping, RV hook-ups, or rental cabins. We spent our days canoeing, swimming in clear waters, and fishing. The nearby trails offered breathtaking vistas. One night, we cooked over an open flame, roasted marshmallows, and shared tales under the stars. Clean facilities were available. A must-visit for nature lovers! (Name omitted.)

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2023-09-30 by Adelaide

While Brevoort Lake Campground is undoubtedly a beautiful destination that offers a range of recreational activities and comfortable amenities, it may not be the perfect choice for everyone. My experience at this campground was quite different from Ella's, and I would like to present an alternative perspective on this issue.
Firstly, while the campsite does have a variety of options for lodging, including tent sites, RV spots with electric hook-ups, and cabin rentals, I found the prices to be rather expensive compared to other campgrounds in the area. Additionally, the campsites were not as private as I would have liked, which made it difficult to relax and enjoy the natural surroundings.
Secondly, while Brevoort Lake is indeed picturesque, the water quality was not up to my expectations. On several occasions, we noticed an unpleasant smell coming from the lake, which made it challenging to enjoy swimming or fishing. Moreover, the campsite is quite small, and during peak season, it can become quite crowded, detracting from the overall experience.
Lastly, while I appreciate the idea of cooking dinner over an open fire and sharing stories under a canopy of stars, the campground's amenities did not meet my expectations. The restrooms were often dirty and lacked hot water, which made showering quite unpleasant. Furthermore, the nearby trails were not well-maintained, making it difficult to enjoy the stunning views of the lake and surrounding forests.
In conclusion, while Brevoort Lake Campground is a beautiful destination that offers a range of recreational activities and comfortable amenities, it may not be the perfect choice for everyone. For those seeking a peaceful getaway in the heart of Michigan's natural beauty, there are undoubtedly better options available.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-10-16 by Jose

I recently visited Brevoort Lake Campground in Michigan while traveling from Keweenaw Peninsula to the Upper Peninsula. The staff at this camping site was incredibly friendly and welcoming; they were dressed casually but professionally with warm smiles that put everyone at ease.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2023-10-22 by Rosalie

While I understand that Ella had an enjoyable experience at Brevoort Lake Campground, I must disagree with her assessment of the campground based on several factors. Firstly, I have personally visited this campground multiple times and found the amenities to be quite lacking. The restrooms are often unclean and the showers are not reliable in terms of hot water. Additionally, the campsites themselves can be quite cramped and noisy due to the proximity of other sites.
Furthermore, while I agree that Brevoort Lake is a beautiful spot for kayaking, swimming, and fishing, there have been several incidents reported of dangerous wildlife in the area. This includes bears that have been known to approach campsites in search of food. It would be irresponsible not to mention this potential safety concern when recommending the campground.
Lastly, while I appreciate Ella's enjoyment of cooking dinner with her friend over an open fire, it is important to note that this requires a significant amount of planning and preparation. Not all campers have access to or experience with cooking outdoors, which may deter some from considering Brevoort Lake Campground as a viable option for their next vacation.
In conclusion, while Brevoort Lake Campground certainly has its charms, it is not without its flaws. Prospective visitors should be aware of the potential pitfalls and weigh them against the campground's beautiful setting before making a decision to stay there.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-12-08 by Jack

I grew up in Midland, Michigan and have always loved exploring the great outdoors. Brevoort Lake Campground located at N 4149 Camp Rd, Moran, MI 49760, United States is a hidden gem that offers a serene retreat for nature lovers. Last summer, my friends and I decided to camp here after visiting nearby Tahquamenon Falls. On our way, we got lost in the winding roads of the Upper Peninsula and ended up asking a friendly local for directions. Little did we know, he had never heard of Brevoort Lake Campground! It turned out that we missed a turn on the main road, but with some backtracking and laughter, we finally found our way to this beautiful campground.
The campsites are spacious and private, perfect for families or groups. The lake is crystal clear, offering great opportunities for fishing, kayaking, and canoeing. We also enjoyed hiking through the surrounding forest and spotting local wildlife like deer and bald eagles. I highly recommend Brevoort Lake Campground to anyone looking for a peaceful camping experience in Northern Michigan.

Texas Renaissance Fair Camping

11282 County Rd 302, Plantersville, TX 77363, United States

GPS : 30.2682481, -95.8458464

Users reviews of Texas Renaissance Fair Camping Calgary

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-05-01 by Violet

I had a fantastic time camping at the Texas Renaisssance Fair during my solo trip in February this year. The experience was truly memorable, with the beautiful scenery and fun atmosphere making it worthwhile. As an office clerk from Elk Grove, I highly recommend this place to anyone looking for a unique camping adventure!

Rating: 4/5 reviewed: 2023-07-25 by Adelaide Hayes

In August, we stayed at Todd Mission's campsite for a TRF event nearby. The festival there was fantastic with amazing costumes, food, and shows. However, during our stay, a storm hit, causing a tree branch to damage our tent. We moved to new friends' shelter and learned important lessons such as checking the weather, packing essentials, getting familiar with the campground, and making friends with neighbors. Thankfully, unexpected obstacles didn't ruin our experience at Todd Mission thanks to the help of fellow campers.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2023-07-26 by Jaden

While I can understand how Adelaide Hayes had a memorable experience at Texas Renaissance Fair Camping despite the unexpected storm, I must admit that I have some reservations about her review. The main reason being the safety aspect of camping at Adelaide Hayes campsite. A tree branch falling on your tent and causing damage beyond repair is not something one should take lightly.
Firstly, let's talk about the location of the campsite. It is mentioned that it is located at 11282 County Rd 302, Plantersville, TX 77363, United States. While this might be close to the fair and provide easy access for visitors, it also means that the area may be prone to natural disasters such as storms or hurricanes. This raises concerns about the campsite management's preparedness in case of emergencies and their ability to ensure the safety of campers.
Secondly, there is no mention of any measures taken by the campsite owners to prevent damage caused by falling tree branches. In such situations, it would be wise for the campsite managers to inspect the area regularly and remove any potential hazards that could harm campers.
Moreover, the fact that Adelaide Hayes had to seek shelter in another camper's tent highlights the lack of proper emergency procedures at the campsite. A well-managed campsite should have designated safe areas where campers can go during an emergency or bad weather conditions.
Lastly, while I agree with some of Adelaide Hayes' tips for future campers like checking the weather forecast before heading out and packing essentials, I believe that choosing a safer campsite location would be more important than investing in high-quality camping gear alone.
In conclusion, while Texas Renaissance Fair Camping can provide memorable experiences, it is crucial to consider safety aspects when choosing a campsite. Campers should ensure that they choose a location with proper emergency procedures and well-maintained grounds to avoid any unfortunate incidents like the one described by Adelaide Hayes.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2024-01-20 by Raymond Velasquez

Texas Renaissaancce Fair Camping, located on County Road 302 in Planterville, offers a unique camping experience. Our staff members work tirelessly to ensure that every guest feels welcome and comfortable during their stay. They are always dressed professionally, with a smile on their face and an eagerness to help. One memorable situation occurred when our security team had to step in after an argument between two guests escalated. The calm and collected handling of the situation by our staff was commendable, and they managed to de-escalate the situation quickly and efficiently.

Rating: 2/5 reviewed: 2024-02-17 by Gianna

Oh, come on! You're making this whole "unfortunate event" sound like some sort of fairy tale romance! The truth is, you and your secret lover were woefully unprepared for a simple summer storm. You could have easily avoided the damages to your tent if you had invested in quality camping gear or even just checked the weather forecast before setting out on your trip.
And let's be honest - the fact that another camper offered you shelter is more of an indictment on their camping skills than anything else. If they were truly prepared, they wouldn't have had to share their space with a couple of wet, shivering strangers!
Don't get me wrong, I understand that accidents happen and sometimes Mother Nature has other plans. But don't try to spin this into some sort of heartwarming story about the power of friendship and camaraderie when all it really was is a reminder of how important it is to be prepared for anything when camping out in the great outdoors.

Putnam Pond Campground

763 Putts Pond Rd, Ticonderoga, NY 12883, United States

GPS : 43.837146, -73.571482

Users reviews of Putnam Pond Campground Calgary

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-08-02 by Paxton Fletcher

Escape into nature's calm at 'Putts Poind Rd', where Putnam Pond Campground provides exceptional camping sites. Nearby SiTKa showcases breathtaking vistas of the pond and forest through expansive windows. Spend afternoons immersing yourself in nature via birdwatching, hiking, or fishing. Witness the sunset over serene Putnam Pond while unwinding by the fire. Delve into alluring narratives by an unnamed author in this picturesque nook of NY.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-09-15 by Alexis

As I sit down to reminisce about our incredible experience at Putnam Pond Campground, my heart swells with joy and gratitude. Located at 763 Putts Pond Rd, Ticonderogha, NY 12883, United States, this campground holds a special place in my heart as it was the site of one of our most memorable experiences together.
It was back in August 2014 when my then-fiancé, Jack and I decided to embark on an adventure to Putnam Pond Campground for a weekend getaway. Little did we know that this would be an experience that would test our patience and resilience but ultimately strengthen our bond.
The moment we arrived at the campground, we were greeted by the stunning beauty of the surrounding landscape. The crystal-clear water of Putnam Pond shimmered in the sunlight, and the lush greenery created a serene atmosphere that immediately put us at ease. We promptly set up our tent and prepared for a relaxing weekend ahead.
However, fate had other plans for us. That night, as we snuggled into our cozy sleeping bags, something went terribly wrong. The zipper of our tent broke! It was as if the universe was testing us. There we were, miles away from civilization and without any means to fix it. But, despite the setback, we decided not to let this dampen our spirits.
We improvised by using a large tarp to cover our tent, creating a makeshift roof. With a flashlight in hand, Jack spent hours repairing the zipper with nothing but some duct tape and a pocket knife. We laughed and talked under the stars, sharing stories of past adventures and dreams for future ones. It was during that night that I knew we had a bond that could weather any storm – even if it was just an unexpected broken tent zipper.
Looking back on our experience at Putnam Pond Campground, I can't help but feel grateful for the lessons we learned and the memories we made. If you're considering visiting this beautiful campground, here are some tips and tricks to ensure a smooth and enjoyable stay:
1. Bring extra supplies: It's always better to be overprepared than underprepared. Be sure to pack enough food, water, and supplies in case of emergencies or unexpected situations like ours.
2. Research the campground rules and regulations: Each campground has its own set of rules and regulations that must be followed. Familiarize yourself with them before your arrival to avoid any issues during your stay.
3. Be prepared for wildlife encounters: Putnam Pond Campground is home to various animals such as deer, raccoons, and birds. While they may add to the overall experience, it's essential to be cautious and respect their space.
4. Don't underestimate the power of teamwork: When faced with challenges like a broken tent zipper, work together with your partner or friends to find a solution. It'll only make the experience more memorable and bring you closer as a team.
In conclusion, our stay at Putnam Pond Campground may have been filled with unexpected obstacles, but it remains one of our most cherished memories. The campground offers breathtaking views, peaceful surroundings, and ample opportunities for adventure. I highly recommend this beautiful location to anyone seeking an unforgettable camping experience.

Rating: 3/5 reviewed: 2023-10-29 by Ethan

While I can understand the joy that Alexis experienced during her stay at Putnam Pond Campground, I believe that there are several factors that should be taken into consideration before rating it so highly. Firstly, their positive experience was tainted by a broken tent zipper which required them to improvise and work together as a team. While this may have strengthened their bond, it does not necessarily make the campground an ideal choice for everyone.
Moreover, the review does not mention any major drawbacks or issues that they faced during their stay. For instance, the location of the campground is relatively remote, which may pose challenges for those who prefer to be closer to amenities and civilisation. Additionally, the campground's proximity to wildlife could be seen as a negative aspect for some individuals, especially those with young children or pets.
Furthermore, while the campground offers beautiful views and peaceful surroundings, it is essential to note that not every campsite may have these characteristics. Some sites may be located closer to noisy roads or have limited access to clean bathroom facilities. Therefore, potential visitors should thoroughly research the campground's offerings before making a reservation.
In conclusion, while Putnam Pond Campground has its merits and can provide an unforgettable experience for some individuals, it is essential to consider the various factors that may affect your stay. It is crucial to weigh the pros and cons of visiting this campground and ensure that it aligns with your personal preferences and needs.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-11-28 by Alexander

Putnam Pond Campground in Ticonderoga, NY, offers an unforgettable camping experience with impeccably maintained facilities and staff committed to making every guest's stay memorable. From the moment we arrived, the friendly and welcoming staff made us feel at ease. The campground's serene setting around Putnam Pond, with ample hiking trails and nearby attractions in Ticonderoga, created a perfect balance between relaxation and exploration. We highly recommend this campground for anyone seeking an exceptional camping experience.

Rating: 5/5 reviewed: 2023-12-24 by Payton

As a dedicated office clerk at Putnam Pond Campground in Ticonderoga, NY, I've had the pleasure of both working and camping here for several seasons now. The experience I've accumulated has granted me unique insights into the charm and character of this beloved camping destination, located at 763 Putts Pond Rd.

The staff that keep Putnam Pond Campground running smoothly are a true testament to its success. I've come to know many of them on a first-name basis as both colleagues and friendly faces during my visits. Their uniforms, consisting of campground polo shirts and khaki pants or skirts, make them easily identifiable around the grounds. The staff exude an air of genuine warmth and hospitality, which sets the tone for a relaxing and enjoyable stay.

One memorable staff member is Mary, who manages the registration office. Her friendly demeanor and quick wit put campers at ease as they check in. Her meticulous attention to detail ensures that no camper leaves without having all their needs addressed. As a seasoned camper herself, she often shares insider tips on the best nearby hiking trails or local eateries.

Another standout member is Mark, the maintenance supervisor. His team is responsible for keeping the campground's facilities in top condition. Mark himself can often be found tending to a broken water faucet or helping a camper with a malfunctioning RV. Dressed in sturdy work boots and denim overalls, he embodies the practical nature of campground life. His dedication to ensuring that every camper's stay is comfortable is truly commendable.

The Putnam Pond Campground staff are not only essential to the daily operations but also integral to creating a memorable experience for its guests. Their professionalism, friendliness, and expertise ensure that each camper feels welcome and taken care of during their time at the campground. As I continue my role as office clerk here, I look forward to many more seasons of witnessing the magic that unfolds within this beautiful, tranquil setting.

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